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Exercise: Answer the following questions!

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2)  

Andy : What's the matter with you?
Bryan : I've got stomachache
Andy : You should go to the sickbay
Bryan : You are right, but where? Can you tell me where it is?
Andy : Sure. It's next to the principal's office
Bryan : Thanks?

1. The underlined word is showing …

A. Asking help
B. Asking opinion
C. Asking attention
D. Responding of certainty
E. Asking Information

2. Where is the sickbay?

A. It is in front of principal's office
B. It behind of principal's office
C. It is next to the principal's office
D. It is across of principal's office
E. It is next to the hospital

Complete the dialogue below (for question number 3) 

Lukman : Excuse me. _______________________ ?
Ikhsan : Sure. It's in front of the language laboratory.
3. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....
A. Can you tell me where the library is
B. Can you play the guitar
C. Can you show me your car
D. Can you read the book for me
E. Can I borrow your book

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 4 and 5)

A : I’d like some information about the trains.
B : Yes?
A : Could you tell me what time the train to Miami leaves?
B : Yes, the next train leaves at 11.00am.
A : _______________ how long it takes?
B : Let me see. It takes 28 hours.
4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. It sound nice
B. Buy a new one
C. I am really happy to hear that
D. Do you know
E. You can do it

5. The underlined expression expresses ....

A. Expressing satisfaction
B. Making an appointment
C. Giving information
D. Giving attention
E. Declining attention
Complete this dialog using asking and giving information expression
6. Nadia: Excuse me, ___________
  Man: Yes, it's at 2.30 PM
a. Where is the cinema is?
b. What are you doing here?
c. Could you tell me when the next train leaves?
d. Can you tell me why are you here?
7. Pam: Hi, Andra can you tell me where the bookshop is?
   Andra: Sure, _____________
a. It's at 5 o'clock
b. You are here.
c. It's next to the cinema.
d. I'm fine, thank you.
8. Ben: Mr. Hadi, could you tell me when the next project will begin?
   Mr. Hadi: Yes Ben,_____________
a. I believe it would be next month.
b. Don't worry about it.
c. It's on the second floor.
d. It's finished last year.
Write the question using when, where, who, what
9.Q: ______________ 
  A: The concert is on Saturday
  A: My favorite TV show is Oprah Winfrey Show.
11. Q:______________ 
   A: Mrs. Anne is my Math teacher
Answer the following questions!
Read the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2)
Andrea: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the city hospital?
Grace: Sure, the hospital is on Tenth Street, about 20 minutes away by foot. Go
south on this street two blocks until you come to the stop light.
Andrea: Go south two blocks to the stop light.
Grace: Correct, then, turn left and goes three more blocks, until you come to the end
of the road. A park will be in front of you.
Andrea: Turn left and goes for three blocks to the park.
Grace: Right, then turn right again and go seven blocks, to Lipton Avenue.
Andrea: Turn right and go seven blocks to Lipton Avenue.
Grace: Next, turn left on Lipton Avenue and go two blocks. The hospital is on your
left, across from the baseball stadium.
Andrea: OK, let me see if I’ve got this straight. Go south on this street for two blocks
to the stop light. Turn left at the light and go three blocks to the park. Turn right at the
park and go seven blocks to Lipton Avenue. At Lipton Avenue turns right and…
Grace: No, ________ on Lipton Avenue.
Andrea: OK, turn left on Lipton Avenue, the hospital is two blocks down, on my left.
Grace: You got it.
Andrea: Thanks.

12.The underlined expression expresses ....

A. Asking direction
B. Giving direction
C. Agreement
D. Asking opinion
E. Advice

13. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. Turn right
B. Turn left
C. Go straight
D. Go ahead
E. One block

Stranger :Excuse me _______ where the nearest post office?

Carly : Follow this way until second traffict light. It is on your left beside Padang
Stranger : Thank you
14The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Can I help you find
B. Could I tell you the way
C. Could you come with me
D. Could you show me
E. Could I show you

Hendry : Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant?

Nadine : _____ may be you can ask the policeman over there.
15.The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Yes, there is one across the street
B. Next to library
C. It's this way
D. Behind the hotel
E. I’m sorry. I don’t live here

Juno : Can you tell me where Dony’s house is?

Kate : Just go along Sudirman street.
16. From the dialogue we know that …
A. Nanda knows where Doni’s house is
B. Nanda doesn't know where Doni's house is
C. They will go to Doni’s house
C. Fino knows where Doni’s house
D. Nanda doesn’t know where Doni’s house

Text 1

“How to Make Cheesecake”


1. ½ cup of sugar
2. 2 eggs
3. ½ teaspoon of vanilla
4. 2 packages of cream cheese


1. Beat and blend sugar, cream cheese, and vanilla at medium speed.
2. Blend in the eggs, then stir.
3. Bake at 35 celsius for 40 minutes or until it is almost set.
4. Cool.
5. To get the best result, put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
6. Yield: 6 servings
7. Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 40 minutes

1.For how many people can the cake be served?






2. The text above is called …




3. The goal of the text above is to tell about … to blend vanilla dan sugar to make cheesecake to bake a cake to beat cream cheese to mix eggs with cream cheese

Text 2

“How to Make Easy French Toast”

To make French Toast, you need:

1. 1 spoon of sugar
2. 2 eggs
3. 4 pcs of bread
4. ¼ cup of milk
5. Butter
6. Pan
7. Fork
8. Plate
9. Bowl


1. Break the eggs, then pour the milk in the bowl.

2. Add a spoon of sugar.
3. Mix the sugar, milk, and eggs.
4. Next, put 1 piece of bread in the bowl with eggs, milk, and sugar. Then, turn it over.
5. Put butter on the pan and heat.
6. After the pan is hot, take out the bread from the bowl and put it in the pan.
7. Flip the bread after you cook one side, to the other side.
8. After finishing the bread, cook the other 3 pieces of bread with the same steps.
9. Now, serve the bread on the plate.

4. What is the purpose of the text about french toast?

a.describing french toast

b.entertaining the reader with french toast

c.persuading the reader to cook french toast

d.explaining about french toast

e.telling the reader how to make french toast

5. “To make French Toast, you need:”

The expression in the text above belongs to …




6. The text above is better addressed to …

a.a girl who is good at cooking

b.a chef

c.a mother at home

d.a student learning at home

e.a husband alone at home

7. “Then, boil the noodles on low heat …”

The best adverb to complete instruction is….

a.when finish

b.when serving

c.until blended

d.over the whole oven 

e.for ten minutes

8. The following instruction is to be found in instruction manuals …

a.Bake the cookies on 100 degrees

b.Glue each side of the flannel

c.Stir the dough slowly

d.Place the Bluetooth device within one meter of this unit 

e.Add a spoonful of sugar into the dough we made earlier

Baca Juga :

7 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya Pilihan Ganda

9. “You would need a spoonful of chocolate powder to make chocolate brownies.”

The word “spoonful” has a similar use with the following, except …







 Buttermilk

 Plain flour

 Egg whites
 Chocolate powder

We can find the ingredients above in the …

a.Lemon tea recipe

b.Chocolate cake recipe

c.Strawberry pudding recipe

d.Pudding recipe

e.Bolognese pasta recipe

Contoh Soal Procedure Text Essay

Text 1

“Instruction Burning CD with two CD trays”

1. Insert the CD, from which you want to burn the file, into the computer’s CD tray.
2. Insert a blank CD you want to copy the files to, into the second CD tray on your computer.
3. Open “Windows Media Player” and wait for it to read the CD.
4. At the top of Windows Media Player, click “Burn”.
5. Drag the files you want to burn into the area on the right side called “Burn List”.
6. Choose the blank CD that you want to burn your files onto from the top of the “Burn List”
7. After you choose all the files you want to burn, click “Start Burn”. Wait for the computer
to finish and then take out both of your CDs.

1.What is the topic of the text?

2. What should we do after we click the “Burn”?

3. What is the purpose of the text?

Text 2

“How to Make Brownies”


1. Butter: 150 grams

2. Chocolate powder: 150 grams
3. Eggs: 4
4. Flour: 300 grams
5. Sugar: 600 grams
6. Vanilla extract: 1 tablespoon


1. First, melt the chocolate with butter.

2. Then, mix the eggs with sugar and the vanilla extract. Stir.
3. Preheat the oven at low temperature
4. Next, you have to combine the mixes you made. Add the flour and stir.
5. Grease a brownie tin. Add a little flour to cover the container.
6. Add the brownie dough.
7. Bake for 10-30 minutes.
8. You can put a knife in the mix to check the brownies. The knife must be moist if the mix
was right.
9. Take out the brownies from the oven, and eat them after 15 minutes for a better eating

1.What should we do before we combine the mix?.

2. How much chocolate powder do we need to make brownies?

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