Exam 2-2

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Also known as geoscience, geology is the focus of the structure and the evolution of the

Earth's structure. To many, geology is a very tough area to consider and one that probably they

never imagine to apply in their own lives. However, nothing could be more untrue since geology

ideas and concepts form the core centerpiece of the human life. Addressing how geology is part

of my daily life as well as my major, this paper proves the idea that geology is a very fascinating

area of study that should be probably be given more credit and consideration.

The first are where geology directly applies of my life is energy. In my daily life, I do use

electricity. Form charging my laptops, phone to watching TV, energy is a key part of human life.

Apparently, most of the energy that an average American consumes comes from geological

courses including fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the decomposed plant and animal waste and over a

million years, geological forces have turned it in to fuels. Much more, another source of power is

the hydroelectric power which comes from hot steam from the earth’s crust. This steam is

important in powering turbines that produce energy that I used in my daily life.

Another key area where geology applies in my life is in food and drinks. In this, the

vegetables I used normally grow from the soil. Also, the meat products that I do take are fed

from plants that grow on the soil. Unknown to many, the key player in the growth of plants is

geological processes. To be precise, geology helps to explain the source of plant nutrients and

how these changes over time, in the bid to ensure optimal productivity. In other words, geology

plays a key role in the production of food that is key in my daily life.

To stay healthy, I do drink a lot of water. Apparently, when I get stream water, I love it

more because it is not only tasty, but also has key minerals for stronger and healthier bones. All

these would not have been possible without g

Nothing is more imperative to our ability to survive than the availability of drinkable water.

Our water comes from lakes, rivers and underground aquifers that can easily become contaminated

if not monitored and protected. Geologists perform essential work mapping out the configuration of

bodies of water both above and underground and identifying potential sources of pollution and

contamination that would affect our ability to drink it, swim in it and bathe with it.

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