The Ifugao Wooden Idol by Marilou M. Dancel

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The Ifugao Wooden Idol

by Marilou M. Dancel

Man is a worshipping indicated. Some of the figures have

being. He worships as easily as he holes on the ear lobes and human hair
purges himself. When the gods of his is planted on the head.
ancestors are taken away from him, On special occasions, such as
he looks for others elsewhere. harvest time, bulul figures are dressed
Believing in a supreme God and in Ifugao costumes. While the male
a patheon of at least 1,500 deities image is dressed in loincloth, the
(Roll 1974:21), the Ifugao of the female figure is dressed with a skirt.
Cordillera mountain range of They are also adorned with real
Northern Luzon, Philippines, have jewelry or colourful beads.
defined their hero ancestors, agricul- The Ifugao people are a distinct
ture, nature, technology, fears and ethnic group. Their language,
hopes through their deities. But des- architecture, agriculture and religion
pite the large pantheon, only the rice show a developed culture. Roginsky
gods were among those carved, show- and Barton (1914), using a fourfold
ing the importance of rice in their division of racial stocks say the
lhes. It'ugaos are the purest representative';
A bulul is a carved consecrated of the Indonesian race.
figure. It is either made from narra Traditional Ifugao men wear
(Fecus Moracea), ipil (Pterocarpus G-strings while the women wear
Indicus Wield), or molave (Curculigo wrapround skirts and short sleeveless
Recervata Dry). An effigy of a jackets. They adorn themselves with
deceased Ifugao ancestor, a bulul is brass or shell earrings, coiled bracelets,
usually created in pairs.
It is sometimes impossible to
tell a male from a female bulul figure.
The genital parts of the figures are The author is a museum research assistant
not clearly carved. Nipples are usually in the Anthropology Division of the Philip-
present on both the male and female pine National Museum.
figures but breasts are rarely

Created by the lfugao, the rice terraces of the Cordillera Mountains have become one of the world's greatest wonders.

boar tusk armlets and beaded head- for access. The hands are placed on the kneecap.
dresses. Bulul images are stored in the The position of a bulul indicates
The lf'ugao subsist mainly on granary. Once kepi in the granary, its origin. A standing bulul wich
rice, planted in their multipurpose they are adorned with rings and hands touching or covering the kneeb
mountain terraces. This is augmented necklaces made from rice stalks, usually comes from Western Ifugao
by their fishing, hunting, trapping sugar cane leaves, or dongla (Hapao-Hunduan). The seated and
and snaring. (Cordyline Terminalis). finely carved bulul, sometimes with
An Ifugao village consists of All bulul figures sit or stand on cowry eyes and mouth, comes from
several terraces upon which houses a base. This base is visibly divided, Northern Ifugao (Kambulu-Batad).
are built. An Ifugao's house is made into two horizontal sections made by A bulul with a mixed expression,
of four posts planted to the ground. artistic incisions. In the standing European facial features, and which
It has limited space. An important position, arms are hung loosely on may be sitting or standing comes from
accessory of the house is the granary: the sides. Hands either touch the Central Ifugao (Kababuyan, Banaue,
a flooring resting on the beam kneecap or are raised sidewards. A Hingyon, Mumpolya). A standing
supporting the roof. It is like an attic sitting figure, on the other hand, have bulul with stretched hands parallel to
with an opening near the front door arms folded across drawn up legs. the legs come from Southern Ifugao

(Kiangan). They are carved in a crude Humidhid took a cup of wine eight pairs of bulul out of the giant
manner (Bayer). and drank slowly. Then he picked up tree's main trunk. After they were
Various myths relate to the his adze and started cutting the tree. shaped, he gave them names and
origin of the carved wooden idols. When dusk came, Humidhid brought them home for finishing. He
One myth, according to Beyer, goes remembered it was taboo to fell trees gave a feast, sacrificing five pigs, in
as follows: at night. He promptly returned home. honour of the bulul figures.
A long, long time ago there The following morning That night there was dancing
lived a giant or overgrown narra tree Humidhid took breakfast early, and rejoicing. A fat hen was sacri-
known as Bongbong. It is a boundary fetched his adze and wine jar, and ficed and its blood was daubed by
marker located in the village of a proceeded to the giant narra tree. He hand on the bodies of the images. At
famous lfugao named Humidhid. continued cutting the tree. Then at the same time, they were consecrated.
This village is in the upstream region mid-morning, Humidhid, was about A priest recited the myth prayer-that
known as Daiya. to fell the tree. Finally he made a big the god Nabulul and his wife Bugan
Bongbong was either haunted swing and striked the tree with his possess or live in the images. May they
or given supernatural powers by the adze. forever guard the rice and make
"•kyworld. At any rate, it started giving harvest plentiful, he prayed.
off a loud winging sound. This scared Almost all well-to-do lfugao
the villagers. But it made Humidhid, families owning rice granaries keep
the village headman, feel disturbed the carved idols. They believe that
and angry. He was unable to sleep keeping bulul images in their granary
because of the sound. protects their rice from pests and
One day, Humidhid prepared a thieves. Rice is also protected from
small, black rice wine jar. He took being consumed too quickly.
this along with his adze to the giant Nevertheless, not all lfugao own
tree. While underneath Bongbong, bulul images. Only decendants of
Humidhid shouted, "Shall 1 cut the families owning properly installed
tree and make it into a house?" bulul figures can usually have a newly
The giant tree continued his carved bulul.
M range sound. Again, after a while, Installation of bulul images
Humidhid shouted, "Shall 1 make thee involves an elaborate and expensive
into a bench?" Still the tree kept on. ritual. First, the right type of wood
After some time, Humidhid looked up must be collected from the forest,
:o the tree and shouted, "Shall 1 make where the preliminary carving begins.
thee into a ceremonial box?" As soon as this is done, the owner
Bongbong was not intimidated. brings the wood carvings to his house
He went on with his strange sound. An lfugao wearing his traditional where he is welcomed with festivities.
Irritated but still keeping his patience, costume. The beginning of the final
Humidhid shouted his threats at carving is also marked by another
intervals. He mentioned different festivity. Carving is done during the
objects to construct but none of his The giant narra tree fell and day while the nights are spent on
threats ended the noise. emited a tremendous sound before it dancing and more feasting.
Afternoon came, and for the reached the ground. The sound was Another ritual marks the
last time, Humidhid shouted, "Shall heard by all the people in the region completion of the sculptures. During
1 cut you down and make you into an and as the tree hit the ground, the this ritual, the myth on the origin of
ancestral image to guard our crops earth trembled. This was felt by the the bulul is recited by a priest
and make our rice harvest plentiful?" underworld gods. (mumbaki). This is done so that the
The large narra tree suddenly hushed. Humidhid thereafter carved powers and benefits bestowed on the

bulul in the myth are transferred to the bulul or granary idols from all the As the invoked deities possess
newly carved bulul images. granaries of the village are collected the priest and the wooden bulul
Then the bulul images are bathed and placed on the mats where the images, one whole grain of rice is
with blood from a sacrificed pig. presiding priest sits. taken from each bundle of li-ub. They
Thereafter, the images are positioned At the center of the spread mats are attached as earrings to the pair of
in the granary until the rice harvest is a ritual chest. On top of the chest bulul images. Wine is thereafter offer-
season. After a month or so, another is a pile of clustered areca nuts and ed to the deities in the person of the
rite is held, marking the end of the buga, or hard stones. Near the priest possessed priest.
presiding priest's fasting. The are coconut cups; a wine bowl, and
presiding priest, during the a rice wine jar. The ritual ends when the priest
ceremonies, is not allowed to eat sips the wine from the cup and pours
The priest starts the rite by
certain foodstuffs and is prohibited the remaining wine on the heads of
calling upon their ancestors, and then
from sexual activity. the bulul images. Then the images are
their deities. After the upstream bulul
bathed with blood from sacrificial
Although the Ifugao raise two deities are invoked, two bundles of
animals, such as pig or chicken. In
crops a year, rituals are performed newly harvested rice are placed on the
some localities, the bulul images are
only on the first crop. To mark the two west side corners of the ritual
smeared with rice cakes. And then
start of the rice year and the ritual chest.
they are kept in the granaries, once
cycle, rice fields are weeded; the rice The downstream bulul deities again.
terraces are cleaned. are next called upon and another two
Rice is important in the lives of bundles of newly harvested rice are The bulul is adored, invoked,
the Ifugao. It therefore requires very placed on the two east side corners of and appeased. Man is absurd; he
elaborate rites. Lukat, the first rite the chest. The four bundles of cannot make a flea, and yet he makes
performed, is usually carried out in harvested rice are called li-ub. gods by the dozens. S
the month of October.
In this rite, a chicken is offered
to the ancestors and deities. Priests
implore the gods to strengthen the
dikes and fill the fields with water so
that the crops may come in abun- REFERENCES
Subsequently, every stage of rice Barton, Roy Franklin
planting until harvest time commences 1946 "The Religion of the I fugao", American Anthropologists.
with a ritual. Just when the rice is New Series 48 (4) Pan 2 Memoir Series No. 65. Monasha,
ready for stacking in the granary, Wisconsin.
another ritual is held. Beyer, Henry Otley
In this ritual everyone rests. 1913 "Origin Myths Among Mountain Peoples of the
Idleness is strictly observed for three Philippines". The Philippine Journal of Science, Vol.
days and everyone is prohibited from VIII, (April) No. 2.
leaving the village. Then on the last Casal, Gabriel, et al
day of the idleness period, the rice is 1980 The People and Art of the Philippines. Museum of Cultural
finally stacked in the granary. History, University of California, Los Angeles: 183-263.
The tagdog ritual marks the end Gomez, Garcia Pinky
of harvest. It is performed commu- 1983 "Northern Philippine Primitive Wooden Art." Arts of Asia,
nally at the house of the montonok July-August: 84-93.
or the first rice planter. Several atag
mats are spread in a shady place. The

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