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Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose meaning is as

“Those who take full measure when they buy from people”.

The following is the English translation of an ayah in the Holy

Qur’an. Please read the ayah:
“His home will be the hell of Hawiyah”.

Please mention the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears the
following English translation:
“Let them worship the Lord of this sacred House”

Read a portion of the Holy Qur’an whose English translation

reads as follows:
“Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High”.

What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose English translation is

as follows:
“And We created you in pairs”.

Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which has the following
English translation:
“Who taught by the pen”.

Please read properly the ayah of the Holy Qur’an with the
following English translation:
“In it will be a running spring”

Mention correctly the ayah of the Holy Qur’an with the following
“The night of Glory is better than a thousand months”

The following is the translation of an ayah of the Holy Qur’an.

Please read the ayah:
“Those who ara unmindful of the prayers”

What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which has the following
“Successful indeed is the one who purifies their soul”

Read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose translation is as

“And the next life is certainly much better than this one”

The following is the translation of what an ayah in the Holy

“From the evil of the lurking whisperer”

Please read a portion of the ayat of the Holy Qur’an whose

translation is as follows:
“Condemned are the makers of the ditch”

Please mention the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears the
following translation:
“So whoever does an atom’s weight will see it”
Read correctly the ayah of the Holy Qur’an that has the following
“Around her neck will be a rope of palm-fibre”

What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an with the following

“Indeed We have created humans in the best form”

The following is the translation of what ayah in the Holy Qur’an:

“Return to your Lord, well pleased with Him, and well pleasing to

Read properly the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears the
following translation:
“Surely with that hardship comes an ease”

Properly read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which has the
following translation:
“It is all peace until the break of the dawn”

Please read for us the ayah of the Holy Qur’an that carries the
following translation:
“They used to be prideful among the people”

Listen to the following translation, and be pleased to read its

“And even their spouse and children”

Listen carefully to this translation, and please read its ayah:

“And totally rejected Our signs”

This translation comes from an ayah in the Holy Qur’an. Please

read it correctly:
“And elevated your renown for you”

Please be kind to read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which has the
following translation:
“Indeed the righteous will have salvation”

Kindly read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an that bears the following
“Consider the day when the quaking blast will come to past”

What ayah of the Holy Qur’an that carries the following

“He does not beget nor is He begotten”.

What ayah of the Holy Qur’an that has the following translation:
“Only the one who hates you is trully cut off from any goodness”

Carefully read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears the
following translation:
“When the earth is shaken in its ultimate quaking”
Listen carefully to this translation, and kindly read its ayah:
“In fact, this is the glorious Qur’an”.

The following is the translation of what ayah in the Holy Qur’an:

“It is the Day people will be like the scattered moths”

Please be kind to read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose

translation is as follows:
“Then (on that Day) you will certainly be asked about your
worldly pleasures”
Simply read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which has the following
“From among the jinn and humankind”

What ayah of the Holy Qur’an that carries the following

“And when the records (of deeds) are laid open”

Kindly recite the ayah of the Holy Qur’an with the following
“And by the One who created male and female”

Read correctly the ayah of the Holy Qur’an that has the following
“But no! In fact you deny the final judgment”

The following translation belongs to what ayah in the Holy

“Surely humankind are not grateful to their Lord”

The following translation stems from what ayah in the Holy

“Does he not know that Allah sees all”

The following translation is originated from what ayah in the Holy

“They will have no food except a foul, thorny shrub”

The following is translation of an ayah in the Holy Qur’an.

Mention the ayah please:
“And what do you know of the Day of Judgment”

What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an associated with the following
“Where they will not live nor die”.
Please mention the ayah of the Holy Qur’an for the following
“Have you not seen (O Prophet) how your Lord dealt with the
army of the elephant”?
Listen the following translation and please identify the ayah
associated with it:
“They said: then such a return would be a total loss for us”
Carefully listen to this translation and properly identify the ayah
associated with it:
“And the Pharaoh of the mighty structures”
Please identify the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose translation
reads as follows:
“Who has fed them against hunger and made them secure
against fear”
Kindly identify the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose translation
reads as follows:
“In it will be a running spring”

Listen to this translation and identity the ayah of the Holy Qur’an
associated with it:
“It is all peace until the break of the dawn”

What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose translation reads as

“Then He makes the way easy for them”

Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose translation reads
as follows:
“And when the baby girls (buried alove) were asked”

Kindly read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears the
following translation:
“Then We will send them to the lowest of the low (in hell)”
Please recite the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose translation
reads as follows:
“And when they saw the faithful, they said, these people are truly
Kindly identity the ayah of the Holy Qur’an associated with the
following translation:
“Surely their Lord is All-Aware of them on that Day”

Listen attentively the following translation and read the ayah to

which it belongs:
“Then We will facilitate for them the way of ease”
To what ayah of the Holy Qur’an, the following translation
“And you (O Prophet) saw the people embracing the religion of
Allah in crowds”

Listen to the following translation, and mention to what ayah it

belongs: “It is all peace until the break of the dawn”

Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose translation reads
as follows:“And from the evil of the envier when they envy”

Kindly listen to the following translation and read there-after the

ayah it is associated with:“And does not encourage the feeding
of the poor”
What is the ayah of the Holy Qur’an associated with the following
“It is the day people will be like scattered moths”

Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an to which the following
translation belongs:
“Woe to every backbiter, slanderer”

Kindly recite the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose translation is as

“He has no fear of consequences”
Can you please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which has the
following translation:
“Indeed, if you were to know (your fate) for certain, (you would
have acted differently)”
Please identify the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose translation
reads as follows:
“And proclaim the blessing of your Lord”
Please be kind to read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose
translation is as follows:
“And when the Qur’an is recited to them, they do not bow down
in submission”
The following is the translation of an ayah in the Holy Qur’an.
Please identiy it:
“And from the evil of an envier when they envy”

Please listen to the following translation, and kindly read the

ayah to which it belongs:
“And this Qur’an is not the word of an outcast devil”

Please state and read, the following is the translation of what

“As for the earth, He spread it out as well”

Please read carefully the ayah of the Holy Qur’an whose

translation reads as follows:
“And We sent down from rainclouds pouring water”

Listen to the following translation, then read the ayah of the Holy
Qur’an it belongs:
“This is certainly mentioned in the earlier scriptures”

Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears the
following translation:
“Is Allah not the most just of all judges”?

Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears the
following translation:
And his wife [as well] - the carrier of firewood.

Please read the ayah of the Holy Qur’an which bears the
following translation:
And he has failed who instills it [with corruption].
‫)‪(Q.S. Al Muthaffifin:2‬‬
‫ال َّ ِذيْ َن اِذَا اكْتَال ُْوا َ‬
‫عل َى الن ّ َِاس يَ ْستَ ْوف ُْو َنۖ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Qari’ah:9‬‬
‫َفا ُ ُّم ُه َها ِويَ ٌة‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Quraisy:3‬‬
‫ب ٰه َذا ال ْبَيْ ِ‬
‫تۙ‬ ‫َفل ْيَ ْعبُ ُد ْوا َر َّ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al A’la:1‬‬
‫اس َم َربّ َِك الْا َْعلَىۙ‬
‫َسبّ ِِح ْ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. An Naba:8‬‬
‫خل َ ْقنٰك ُْم ا َ ْز َو ً‬
‫اجاۙ‬ ‫َّو َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Alaq:4‬‬
‫عل َّ َم بِالْقَل َ ِمۙ‬
‫ال َّ ِذ ْي َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Ghasyiyah:12‬‬
‫ۘ ِفيْ َها َ‬
‫عيْ ٌن َج ِاريَ ٌة‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Qadr:3‬‬
‫ل َيْل َ ُة الْقَ ْد ِر ەۙ َخيْ ٌر ِّم ْن اَل ِْف َش ْه ٍرۗ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Ma’un:5‬‬
‫ال َّ ِذيْ َن ُه ْم َ‬
‫ع ْن َصل َا ِت ِه ْم َس ُ‬
‫اه ْو َنۙ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Asy Syams:9‬‬

‫ق َْد ا َ ْفل ََح َم ْن َزك ّ ٰ َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Ad Dhuha:4‬‬
‫خيْ ٌر ل َّ َك ِم َن الْا ُ ْولٰىۗ‬
‫َولَلْا ٰ ِخ َر ُة َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. An Nas:4‬‬
‫خن ّ َِاسۖ‬ ‫ِم ْن َش ِ ّر ال َْو ْس َو ِ‬
‫اس ەۙ ال ْ َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Buruj:4‬‬
‫خ ُد ْو ِدۙ‬
‫ب الْا ُ ْ‬ ‫ُق ِت َل ا َْص ٰ‬
‫ح ُ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Zalzalah:7‬‬
‫ف ََم ْن يَّ ْع َم ْل ِمثْقَ َ‬
‫ال ذ ََّر ٍة َخيْ ًرا يَّ َر ٗهۚ‬
‫)‪(Q.S. Al Lahab:5‬‬
‫ِف ْي جِ يْ ِد َها َحبْ ٌل ِّم ْن َّم َس ٍد‬

‫)‪(Q.S. At Tin:4‬‬
‫خلَقْنَا الْاِن ْ َس َ‬
‫ان ِف ْيٓ ا َ ْح َس ِن تَقْ ِويْ ٍمۖ‬ ‫لَقَ ْد َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al-Fajr:28‬‬
‫ْارجِ ِع ْيٓ اِل ٰى َربّ ِِك َر ِ‬
‫اضيَ ًة َّم ْر ِضيَّة‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Insyirah:6‬‬
‫اِ ّ َن َم َع ال ُْع ْس ِر يُ ْس ًراۗ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Qadr:5‬‬
‫َسل ٰمٌ ِۛه َي َحتّ ٰى َم ْطل َِع ال ْ َف ْ‬
‫ج ِر‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Insyiqaq:13‬‬
‫اِن ّ َٗه ك َ‬
‫َان ِف ْيٓ ا َ ْهلِ ٖه َم ْس ُر ْو ًراۗ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. ‘Abasa:36‬‬
‫احبَ ِت ٖه َوبَ ِنيْ ِهۗ‬
‫َو َص ِ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. An Naba:28‬‬
‫َّوك َ ّ َذبُ ْوا ِباٰيٰ ِتنَا ِك ّ َذابًاۗ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Insyirah:4‬‬
‫َو َرف َْعنَا ل ََك ِذك َْر َكۗ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. An Naba’:31‬‬
‫اِ ّ َن لِل ُْمتَّ ِقيْ َن َمفَا ًزاۙ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. An Nazi’at:6‬‬
‫الراجِ فَ ُةۙ‬
‫يَ ْو َم تَ ْر ُج ُف َّ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Ikhlas:3‬‬
‫ل َْم يَلِ ْد َول َْم يُ ْول َْدۙ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Kautsar:3‬‬
‫اِ ّ َن َشا ِنَئ َك ُه َو الْا َبْتَ ُر‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Zalzalah:1‬‬
‫اِذَا ُزل ِْزل ِ‬
‫َت الْا َْر ُض ِزل ْ َزال ََهاۙ‬
‫)‪(Q.S. Al Buruj:21‬‬
‫بَ ْل ُه َو ق ُْرا ٰ ٌن َّمجِ يْ ٌدۙ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al-Qari’ah:4‬‬
‫َاس ك َالْفَ َر ِاش ال َْمبْث ُْو ِثۙ‬
‫يَ ْو َم يَك ُْو ُن الن ّ ُ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. At Takasur:8‬‬
‫ع ِن الن ّ َِعيْ ِم‬
‫ث ُّمَ لَتُ ْسـَٔل ّ َُن يَ ْو َمىِٕذٍ َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. An Nas:6‬‬
‫ِم َن ال ْجِ ن ّ َِة َوالن ّ َِاس‬

‫)‪(Q.S. At Takwir:10‬‬
‫ح ُف ن ُ ِش َر ْ‬
‫تۖ‬ ‫َواِذَا ُّ‬
‫الص ُ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Lail:3‬‬
‫َو َما َخل ََق ال ّ َذك ََر َوالْاُنْثٰىٓ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Infitar:9‬‬
‫كَلَّا بَ ْل تُك َ ِ ّذبُ ْو َن ب ِ ّ‬
‫ِالديْ ِنۙ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al ‘Adiyat:6‬‬
‫اِ ّ َن الْاِن ْ َس َ‬
‫ان لِ َر ِبّ ٖه لَكَن ُ ْودٌ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Alaq:14‬‬
‫اَل َْم يَ ْعل َْم ِبا ّ ََن الل ّ ٰ َه يَ ٰرىۗ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Ghasyiyah:6‬‬
‫ل َيْ َس ل َُه ْم َط َعا ٌم اِلَّا ِم ْن َض ِريْ ٍعۙ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Infitar:17‬‬
‫ىك َما يَ ْو ُم ِ ّ‬
‫الديْ ِنۙ‬ ‫َو َمٓا ا َْد ٰر َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al A’la:13‬‬
‫ت ِفيْ َها َول َا يَ ْ‬
‫حيٰىۗ‬ ‫ث ُّمَ ل َا يَ ُم ْو ُ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Fil:1‬‬
‫ح ِب ال ْ ِفيْ ِلۗ‬
‫اَل َْم تَ َر ك َيْ َف ف ََع َل َربُّ َك ِبا َْص ٰ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. An Nazi’at:12‬‬
‫قَال ُْوا ِتل َْك اِذًا ك ََّرةٌ َخ ِ‬
‫اس َرةٌ‬
‫)‪(Q.S. Al Fajr:10‬‬
‫ع ْو َن ِذى الْا َْوتَا ِدۖ‬
‫َو ِف ْر َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Quraisy:4‬‬
‫ف‬‫ال َّ ِذ ْيٓ ا َ ْط َع َم ُه ْم ِّم ْن ُج ْو ٍع ەۙ َّوا ٰ َمن َ ُه ْم ِّم ْن َخ ْو ٍ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Ghasyiyah:12‬‬
‫ِفيْ َها َ‬
‫عيْ ٌن َج ِاريَ ٌة‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Qadr:5‬‬
‫َسل ٰمٌ ِۛه َي َحتّ ٰى َم ْطل َِع الْفَ ْ‬
‫ج ِر‬

‫)‪(Q.S. ‘Abasa:20‬‬
‫السبِيْ َل يَ ّ َس َر ٗهۙ‬
‫ث ُّمَ ّ َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. At Takwir:8‬‬
‫َواِذَا ال َْم ْو ٗء َد ُة ُسىِٕل ْ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. At Tin:5‬‬
‫ث ُّمَ َر َد ْدن ٰ ُه ا َ ْسفَ َل َسا ِفلِيْ َنۙ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al-Muthaffifin:32‬‬
‫َواِذَا َرا َ ْو ُه ْم قَال ُْوٓا اِ ّ َن هُٰٓؤ ل َاۤ ِء ل ََضاۤل ُّ ْو َنۙ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al ‘Adiyat:11‬‬
‫اِ ّ َن َربَّ ُه ْم ب ِِه ْم يَ ْو َمىِٕ ٍذ ل َّ َ‬
‫خبِيْ ٌر‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Lail:7‬‬
‫ف ََسنُيَ ِ ّس ُر ٗه لِل ْيُ ْس ٰرىۗ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. An Nasr:2‬‬
‫َاس يَ ْد ُخل ُْو َن ِف ْي ِديْ ِن الل ّ ٰ ِه اَف َْو ً‬
‫اجاۙ‬ ‫ت الن ّ َ‬
‫َو َرا َيْ َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Qadr:5‬‬
‫َسل ٰمٌ ِۛه َي َحتّ ٰى َم ْطل َِع الْفَ ْ‬
‫ج ِر‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Falaq:5‬‬
‫اس ٍد اِذَا َح َس َد‬
‫َو ِم ْن َش ِ ّر َح ِ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Ma’un:3‬‬
‫عل ٰى َط َعا ِم ال ِْم ْس ِكيْ ِنۗ‬
‫ح ُّض َ‬
‫َول َا يَ ُ‬
‫)‪(Q.S. Al Qari’ah:4‬‬
‫َاس ك َالْفَ َر ِاش ال َْمبْث ُْو ِث‬
‫يَ ْو َم يَك ُْو ُن الن ّ ُ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Humazah:1‬‬
‫َويْ ٌل لِ ّك ّ ُِل ُه َم َز ٍة ل ُّ َم َز ٍةۙ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Asy Syams:15‬‬

‫عقْبٰ َها‬
‫اف ُ‬
‫خ ُ‬
‫َول َا يَ َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. At Takasur:5‬‬
‫كَلَّا ل َْو تَ ْعل َُم ْو َن ِعل َْم ال ْيَ ِقيْ ِنۗ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Ad Dhuha:11‬‬
‫ث‬‫َح ِ ّد ْ‬
‫َوا ََّما ِب ِن ْع َم ِة َربّ َِك ف َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Insyiqaq:21‬‬
‫َواِذَا ق ُِرَئ َ‬
‫عل َيْ ِه ُم الْقُ ْرا ٰ ُن ل َا يَ ْس ُ‬
‫ج ُد ْو َن‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Falaq:5‬‬
‫اس ٍد اِذَا َح َس َد‬
‫َو ِم ْن َش ِ ّر َح ِ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. At Takwir:25‬‬
‫َو َما ُه َو ِبقَ ْو ِل َشيْ ٰط ٍن َّرجِ يْ ٍمۚ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. An Nazi’at:30‬‬
‫َوالْا َْر َض بَ ْع َد ٰذلِ َك َد ٰح َ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. An Naba’:14‬‬
‫َج ً‬ ‫َّواَن ْ َزلْنَا ِم َن ال ُْم ْع ِص ٰر ِت َم ً‬
‫اۤء ث َّ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al A’la:18‬‬
‫ح ِف الْا ُ ْولٰىۙ‬ ‫اِ ّ َن ٰه َذا ل َ ِفى ُّ‬
‫الص ُ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. At-Tin: 8‬‬

‫اَل َيْ َس الل ّ ٰ ُه ِبا َْحك َ ِم ال ْٰح ِك ِميْ َن‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Lahab: 4‬‬

‫ام َراَتُ ٗه َۗح َّمال َ َة ال َْح َط ِبۚ‬
‫َّو ْ‬

‫)‪(Q.S. Al Lahab: 4‬‬

‫اب َم ْن َد ّ ٰس َ‬
‫َوق َْد َخ َ‬

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