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4-week carb cycling program
table of
FAQ 16

Aggressive Shred
Welcome to the Aggressive shred challenge! Congratulations on taking the first step to
discovering your new lean, mean, athletic body.

We created this 28-day program to help you fix your nutrition habits in an effective way that
is simple to implement in any lifestyle. There is no point following the perfect diet if you
can only maintain it for a few days then roll back to old habits leaving you no better off than
when you started.


There are many ways carb cycling can be achieved, but in this program, we are cycling your
carbs on alternate days of the week. Having higher carbs and calories on some days and
lower carbs and calorie intake on other days.
This approach to nutrition will allow you to unlock your genetic potential and either gain
maximal muscle mass without gaining fat or alternatively shred fat without losing your
hard-earned muscle.

This is not a quick fix or temporary diet that you throw away once the 28 days is over. The
whole idea is to create a new way of eating that you can implement easily long term and
continue to smash your limits of what you thought your body was capable of.

There is some reading throughout, but this program has everything you need to help you
learn this new way of eating and after a few days will easily become second nature.

This is the KICK START & UPGRADE you need to improve your health, performance and
shed the extra fat slowing you down.

Why this challenge
Carb cycling is known to have many benefits for fat loss and performance, some of which I
will expand on below.


We will be eliminating processed foods that slow your metabolism, cause inflammation and
are terrible for your gut health. This alone will cause an increase in energy, performance and
noticeably lower bodyfat levels.

Having a healthier gut reduces the hunger hormone, ghrelin that can cause you to store extra
fat. It also improves nutrient absorption and insulin sensitivity, so you not only reach your
desired physique faster, but you can also maintain it.


You will find on the following pages an easy-to-follow lifestyle nutrition plan that utilizes carb
cycling to manipulate your insulin levels. Depending on the high carb / low carb ratio you
choose, this program will help you either aggressively shred fat while maintaining muscle,
recomp (burn fat & build muscle simultaneously), or build maximum muscle without gaining
excess fat.

We are using carb cycling so you can eat a varied diet and gain the benefits of a high & low carb
diet without the negatives. You will have low carb days where you will be in a calorie deficit to
increase fat burning & improve your insulin sensitivity and high carb days where you will be in a
calorie surplus to build extra muscle and support the intense workouts you are following.


We have provided short HIIT (high intensity interval training) sessions to help supercharge
your progress and boost your metabolism. Research has shown HIIT training sessions turn
your body into a fat burning machine & increase your metabolism for a far greater period than
traditional cardio.

Getting Started
This program is all about changing your carb intake, so to get started we first must calculate your
macros. Working from your current bodyweight we will then calculate your carbs, protein and fat intake
for high carb and low carb days. Then we will add the 3 together to figure out your calorie intake.

We are not all math genius’, so I have made this super simple, all you must do is plug your numbers into
the macro calculator (on the next page) and then easily figure out what’s needed.

My Fitness Pal
We highly recommend downloading and using the My Fitness Pal app.
It is the best way to track your meals and make sure you are hitting your
macros. You can set your macro goals for specific days, so you always
remember if it is a high or low carb day.


Although this is called aggressive shred and is targeted at helping you shred fat and maintain muscle,
you can also change up your cycling schedule to suit your current goals more specifically. No matter
what goal you have your macros for high and low carb days will always be the same, the difference is
your low carb to high carb ratio.

We have 3 options in this program, choose the schedule that best suits your current lifestyle.

If you wish to lose fat and build lean muscle you will stick to the proven method of 2 low carb / 1 high
carb days.

If your goal is to get aggressively lean fast, then you will need to have more low carb days where you are
in a bigger calorie deficit. Your schedule will be 3 low carb / 1 high carb days.

If your aim is to primarily gain mass, you will need extra calories so you will be following the schedule of
1 low carb / 2 high carb days.

Your protein intake will be 1g of protein per lb of your weight x1 =
bodyweight for both high and low carb days.
YOUR weight (lbs) X 1 g of protein daily
NExample: If you weigh 200lbs, your intake will be
200g of protein.

High carb days

High carb days = On high carb days you will be your weight x 1.5 =
eating 1.5g of carbs per lb of bodyweight.
g of carbs
Low carb days = On low carb days you will be YOUR weight (lbs) X 1.5 on high carb days
eating 0.4g of carbs per lb of bodyweight.
NExample calculations: Subject weighs 200lbs. low carb days
High carb days = 1.5g x 200lbs = 300g Carbs. your weight
Low carb days = 0.4g x 200lbs = 80g Carbs.
x 0.4 =
g of carbs
YOUR weight (lbs) X 0.4 on low carb days

High carb days

High carb days = On high carb days you will be your weight x 0.35 =
eating 0.35g of fat per lb of bodyweight.
g of carbs
Low carbs days = On low carb days you will be YOUR weight (lbs) X 0.35 on high carb days
eating 0.65g of fat per lb of bodyweight.
NExample calculations: Subject weighs 200lbs. low carb days
High carb days = 0.35g x 200lbs = 70g fat. your weight
Low carb days = 0.65g x 200lbs = 130g fat.
x 0.65 =
g of carbs
YOUR weight (lbs) X 0.65 on low carb days

To work out your personal calorie intake for both high and low carb days we take the numbers you worked out above for
protein, carbs and fats and times it by the associated number then add them all together. If you have the My Fitness Pal
app then you won’t need to do this last step, but it is still important to know. Calories; 1g of Protein = 4 calories, 1g of
Carbs = 4 calories, 1g of Fats = 9 calories.

HIGH CARB DAYS: Protein = (   g x 4) + Carbs = (   g x 4) + Fats = (   g x 9) =       Calories

LOW CARB DAYS: Protein = (   g x 4) + Carbs = (   g x 4) + Fats = (   g x 9) =       Calories

Carb cycling basics
Low Carb day basics
1. Lower carbs = higher fats
On your low carb days, you will be eating a higher amount of healthy fats for energy. You will still be
focused mainly on protein & vegetables, but you can eat more nuts, butter & healthy oils on these days.

2. Eat your carbs pre & post workout

Your carb intake is very low on these days so to maximize your energy around your workouts and speed
up your recovery time, we advise eating the majority of your carbs before and after your workout.

3. Don’t starve yourself

Although your carb and calorie intake are lower on this day, don’t drastically reduce your calories and
starve yourself. Eat when you’re hungry but focus on the right foods and staying hydrated at all times. If
in doubt, have more green vegetables & protein.

High carb day basics

1. Higher carbs = lower fats
On your high carb days, your fat intake needs to be lower. This will allow you to stay within your calorie
needs. The easiest way to do this is by eating lean meats, cutting out nuts & using minimal oil when

2. Get your carbs in post workout

Don’t be afraid to eat more carbs than normal in your post workout meal to refill your glycogen stores and
speed up your recovery for future workouts. After your low carb days, your body will be primed to utilize
these carbs more effectively.

3. Higher calories = faster metabolism

You will be eating more calories on your higher carb days but fear not, this speeds up your metabolism as
your body processes the extra calories and means increased fat loss on your low carb days. By severely
restricting your calories day after day, you will notice a major drop in fat loss & metabolism speed.

4. Eat fruit
High carb days are when you can really focus on upping your fruit intake and hitting that sweet tooth.

High Carb Day
Meal Plan
On your High Carb days remember the focus is higher carbs, medium protein and lower fats. When in
doubt focus on healthy carb sources, leaner cuts of meat & green vegetables. Watch out for your fat
intake on these days as fats are so calorie dense and can quickly add up. Here are some meal options
below that you can choose from.

Note: there is only 1 option for the post workout meal. I strongly recommend this due to how simple &
effective it is & it will help you get the nutrients in to recover faster & build muscle.

Meal 1 Option 1: Oat’s w/ skim milk, honey & cinnamon, Protein shake
Option 2: Eggs on wholemeal toast & fruit
Breakfast Option 3: Granola w/ skim milk & frozen berries, Protein shake

Meal 2 Option 1: Almonds & banana

Option 2: Cashew nuts & orange
Snack Option 3: Protein bar & apple

Meal 3 Option 1: Skinless chicken breast, Brown rice & Broccoli

Option 2: Lean ground beef, Wholegrain pasta, pasta sauce & Spinach
Lunch Option 3: Cod Filet, Sweet potato mash & green beans

Meal 4 Protein powder w/ Orange or Cranberry juice

If this isn’t a workout day, repeat meal 2 here.
Post Workout

Meal 5 Option 1: Shrimp, wild rice & brussel sprouts

Option 2: Ground bison patties, Gluten free burger buns, lettuce, onion & gherkins
Dinner Option 3: Lean turkey meatballs, Wholegrain spaghetti, pasta sauce & asparagus

Meal 6 Option 1: Low fat Greek yoghurt, protein powder & dark chocolate
Option 2: Low fat cottage cheese & frozen berries
Snack Option 3: Protein shake w/ skim milk & peach

Sample High Carb Day
Macros/Calories included for a 200lb Male
Macro breakdown: 207g protein / 304g carbs / 63g fat.
Total daily calories: 2,611 calories

• 70g Oat’s w/ 1 cup skim milk

Meal 1 • 1 tsp honey & cinnamon

• 1/2 serve Protein powder in water.
NTotal = 556 calories, 91g carbs, 8g fat, 30g protein

• 30g Cashew nuts

Meal 2 • 1 large orange

Snack NTotal = 283 calories, 29g carbs, 15g fat, 8g protein

• 120g Skinless chicken breast

Meal 3 • 1.5 cups cooked Brown rice

• 1 cup Broccoli
NTotal = 450 calories, 54g carbs, 6g fat, 45g protein

Meal 4 • 1.5 serves Protein powder w/ 300ml Orange or Cranberry juice

Post Workout NTotal = 355 calories, 44g carbs, 3g fat, 38g protein

• 2 Ground bison patties

• 2 wholemeal burger buns

Meal 5 • 1/2 cup lettuce

• 1 onion
Dinner • 1 gherkin

NTotal = 724 calories, 63g carbs, 24g fat, 64g protein

• 100g Low fat Greek yoghurt

Meal 6 • 1/2 serve protein powder

• 20g dark chocolate
NTotal = 243 calories, 23g carbs, 7g fat, 22g protein

Low Carb Day
Meal Plan
On your Low Carb days remember the focus is lower carbs, medium protein and higher fats. When in
doubt focus on fattier cuts of meat, healthy fat sources, & green vegetables. You will still be having carbs
on these days, but most of your intake will come post workout to help with recovery and it is the best time
to replenish your muscles.

Here are some meal options below that you can choose from.

Meal 1 Option 1: Scrambled eggs w/ mushrooms & spinach

Option 2: Protein shake w/ coconut milk & almond butter
Breakfast Option 3: Omelette w/ onions, sliced bell peppers, tomato & avocado

Meal 2 Option 1: Tuna in olive oil & almonds

Option 2: Hard boiled eggs
Snack Option 3: Protein bar & cashew nuts

Meal 3 Option 1: New York strip steak, avocado, green beans & coconut oil
Option 2: Chicken thighs w/ skin on, mixed salad & olive oil
Lunch Option 3: Salmon & broccoli w/ melted butter

Meal 4 Protein powder w/ Orange or Cranberry juice

If this isn’t a workout day, repeat meal 2 here.
Post Workout

Meal 5 Option 1: Ribeye steak & asparagus w/ coconut oil

Option 2: Chicken drumsticks, brussel sprouts & avocado
Dinner Option 3: Beef brisket, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers & mushrooms

Meal 6 Option 1: Protein shake w/coconut milk

Option 2: Ricotta cheese & dark chocolate
Snack Option 3: Greek yoghurt w/ protein powder

Sample low Carb Day
Macros/Calories included for a 200lb Male
Macro breakdown: 201g protein / 86g carbs / 129g fat
Total daily calories: 2,309 calories

• 5 Scrambled eggs

Meal 1 • 1 cup spinach

• 1tsp butter
NTotal = 429 calories, 4g carbs, 29g fat, 38g protein

• 120g can of Tuna in olive oil

Meal 2 • 30g almonds

Snack NTotal = 352 calories, 2g carbs, 24g fat, 32g protein

• 6oz/170g New York strip steak

• 1/2 avocado
Meal 3 • 1 tsp coconut oil
• 1 cup green beans
NTotal = 447 calories, 16g carbs, 27g fat, 35g protein

Meal 4 • 1.5 serves Protein powder w/ 300ml Orange or Cranberry juice

Post Workout NTotal = 355 calories, 44g carbs, 3g fat, 38g protein

• 2x Chicken drumsticks

Meal 5 • 1/2 avocado

• 1 cup brussel sprouts
NTotal = 503 calories, 10g carbs, 31g fat, 46g protein

• 100g Ricotta cheese

Meal 6 • 10g dark chocolate

Snack NTotal = 223 calories, 10g carbs, 15g fat, 12g protein

shopping list
Proteins Treats Seasonings, Spices, &
• Free Range Chicken Breast • Sugar Free Jello Sweeteners
& Thighs • Dark Chocolate (70%+) • Pink Himalayan Salt
• Grass-Fed Steak • Cayenne Pepper
• Lean Ground Turkey (Natural Thermogenesis)
• Lean Ground Beef Fruits • Turmeric
• Bison Save these for high carb days
• Oregano
• Wild game • Bananas • Cinnamon
• Fish (Salmon, Cod Filet, Tuna, • Strawberries • Raw Sugar or Stevia
Sardines etc.) • Blueberries • Agave Nectar
• Eggs or egg whites • Pineapple • Honey
• Tofu • Kiwi • Balsamic Vinegar
• Raspberries • Apple Cider Vinegar
• Blackberries
Carbs • Grapes
• Sweet Potato • Honey Dew
• Squash • Watermelon
• Yams • Pear
• Oats (Rolled, Steel-Cut) • Oranges
• Quinoa • Mango
• Brown, Wild, or Black Rice • Grapefruit
• Legumes (Beans)
• Cous cous
• Pasta (Quinoa, Whole Grain) Vegetables
• Ezekiel or Wholemeal Bread • Spinach
• Asparagus
Fats • Zucchini
• Cauliflower
• Nuts (Almonds, Hazelnuts, • Broccoli
Cashews, Walnuts) • Lettuce
• Nut Butter (Almond, Cashew, • Brussels Sprouts
Peanut) • Cabbage
• Avocado • Green Beans
• Coconut Oil • Eggplant
• Olive Oil • Bok Choy
• Bell Peppers
• Onions
Dairy • Cucumber
• Light cottage cheese • Garlic
• Greek yoghurt • carrots
• Kefir

Tips for success
Eating Out Water Intake
When eating out, aim to stick to proteins & You must consume at least 3L of water each day.
vegetables and always ask for sauces to be served By staying hydrated you will feel less hunger along
on the side. For cooking style, grilled or steamed with having greater digestion.
is the preferred method and stay far away from
anything deep fried. Planning your workouts
Intermittent Fasting around your schedule
After you choose which goal you are aiming for;
It is optional to choose to follow intermittent you will find the schedule that is right for you.
fasting on your low carb days if you have For the first week you may notice you are lacking
experience doing so. This way you can fast (eat energy when doing intense workouts on low carb
zero food / calories) until lunch time then you can days, but you will soon adjust to the change. One
have larger meals in the afternoon. This can be thing I would take into consideration though is to
good to use also if you know you are going to be place your most intense workout / workouts on the
eating out later. higher carb days.

Drinking alcohol Every lifting or HIIT workout should be intense but

there are some that stand out more than others,
If you are going to drink alcohol, stick to spirits
such as a heavy lower body day.
such as vodka or whisky / bourbon and mix them
with soda water. Alcohol consumption will slow fat
loss, but this is a lifestyle plan and I’m not going to
tell you to never drink again.

Eyeballing portions
Use the following image to help you adjust your meals. This is especially helpful when eating out and
when you’re unable to track your macros.

Protein Vegetables Carbs Fat

A portion of protein A portion of vegetables A portion of carbs A portion of fat
is your palm. is your fist. is your cupped hand. is your thumb.

When it comes to supplementation its hard to know what you do, and don’t need to be taking.
To make it easier here are my basic supplements that I recommend for overall wellbeing and
performance. I have included my supplement stacks with recommended dosages.


Multi vitamins are a great way to ensure your body gets the essential vitamins
Multivitamin and minerals it needs to run efficiently.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) cannot be produced by the body and are massively
important to maintain healthy cells. A decrease in inflammation, improved mood,
Fish oils and brain function, along with a myriad of other benefits should be enough to
convince you that Fish oils are a great addition along with a healthy diet.

Vitamin D is often overlooked but many people are deficient in it and it has great
Vitamin D3 benefits for your health. These include improving mood, bone health, decreasing
blood pressure, preventing cancer and diabetes.

Vitamin C supports immunity, energy, collagen production, hormone balance and

Vitamin C helps you recover faster from your heavy workouts.

Magnesium is a vital mineral that helps relax your body & mind. It reduces
Magnesium muscle cramps, improves sleep, brings up your mood and lowers your blood

Apple cider Apple cider vinegar is a natural tonic for general health & wellness. It supports
the digestive system and promotes a healthy blood sugar balance.

Zinc is a trace element that plays a major role in supporting the health of the
Zinc immune and reproductive systems while also maintaining healthy hair, skin and


I highly recommend protein supplementation for recovery, muscle gain and

Protein preserving muscle when you are in a caloric deficit. Choose an option that works
for you (whey or plant protein).

Creatine is a natural chemical compound found in your muscle cells but can also
Creatine be taken as a supplement. There are many studies that have proven it to be safe
& effective for increases in strength and muscle growth.

L-Carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid that plays a vital role in the
production of energy, shuttling fatty cells into your body’s mitochondria.
L-Carnitine Mitochondria are like little engines in our cells that burn these fats and turn
them into useable energy.

The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of three essential amino
BCAAs acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are essential, meaning they can’t be
produced by your body and must be obtained from food.

Supplement Stacks
Stack #1 (First thing in the morning) Stack #3 (Post-workout)
Fish Oils.............................................1500–2500mg BCAAs.................................................................... 15–20g
Vitamin D3...........................................3000–5000IU Creatine................................................................... 5–10g
Vitamin C.............................................500–1000mg Protein powder (Whey or Vegan)................ 1–2 Servings

Stack #2 (After breakfast) Stack #4 (Before bed)

Apple cider vinegar............................................. 5ml Magnesium.....................................................200–400mg
Multi-Vitamin.........................................................x1 Zinc*....................................................................15–30mg

*Can take ZMA which is a combination of the two.

I’m struggling to stick to the schedule, what do I do?
It will take you 5–10 days to really get into a rhythm and get used to the schedule. Don’t let a
setback stop you from getting back on track.

What should I cook my food with?

We recommend cooking all food in small amounts of either coconut oil or grass fed butter.
You should not be using any vegetable or grain oils, these are terrible for inflammation, your
hormones and metabolism.

How long do I keep using the same macros?

If you have gained or lost 5lbs then it is time to recalculate your macros and calorie intake.

How do I hit my daily fat intake?

Fat should be the easiest macro to hit as they are so calorie dense. The simplest way to get
some extra fats is by drizzling olive oil over vegetables / salads or adding a tablespoon of peanut
butter here and there.

How do I hit my daily carb intake?

Carb dense foods such as rice, oats or sweet potato will be a staple on your high carb days to
bring up your carb intake. If you’re not used to eating this many carbs, you can ease into it by
adding extra each day until you are hitting your macros.

How do I hit my daily protein intake?

If you’re struggling to hit your protein macros, look into a high-quality protein powder supplement
that is low in carbs.

Forged Fat Loss
12 HIIT Fat loss workouts
Add these sessions to your workouts throughout your week for extra fat loss benefits.

Head out to the track or marked open space where you can run up to 100yd. Sprint to the 10yd line and
back, the 50yd line and back, the far 10yd line and back and finally the end of the field and back. Aim to
maintain a similar pace throughout and beat your previous sprint each time.

WORKOUT: 4 SPRINTS (1 sprint = 500yds)

10yds out & back
50yds out & back
90yds out & back
100yds out & back
Rest 2 minutes between sprints

BEAR CRAWLS (bear crawl 20s)
20 Yards of bear crawling 20 times through. Find an open area with at least 20 yards of open space.
Bear crawl for 20 yards as fast as possible. Once you hit the end, get up and jog back to the start.
Advanced: Wear a weighted vest / plate carrier for this session.

20yd bear crawl with a jog back to the start

A full bodyweight circuit do as many reps as possible for each exercise within the 30 second time frame.
Perform all three exercises resting only at the end for 30sec before you start the next round.
Advanced: If you’re up for an extra challenge hold a plank for 30 seconds instead of your rest time.


Push-ups x 30 sec
Pull-ups x 30 sec
Squats x 30 sec
Rest 30 sec

For this workout we recommend performing on a hill with a 20–30-degree incline with 35-50 yards of
open ground. Sprint to the top and slowly walk back down for your rest time.


Uphill sprint 30-50 yds with a walk back to the bottom for recovery

Stair sprints
To mix it up, use stairs instead of a hill! Sprint to the top and walk back down slowly for your rest time.
Stairs are so varying that we recommend going off a set time instead of a specific number of rounds. Set
a timer for 10-15 minutes and do as many as you can.
Advanced: To change it up, sprint one step at a time, 2 steps at a time, do two leg hops, single leg hops
(hop on your right leg 5 steps and then switch legs). This is great for variety but don’t rush and end up
hurting yourself.

Stair sprint x10–15 minutes

For this workout you will need a 35lb Kettlebell or Dumbbell. There are no strict rules other than to make
sure you aim to balance the work evenly on each arm. For example, 5 swings on your left arm, followed by
5 swings using the right arm and repeat. The rest period may seem long, but I want you to hit each Tabata
at maximum intensity. Advanced: Increase the weight of the Kettlebell.


Each Tabata = 20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest x 8 (4 minutes total)
Rest 2 minutes between each Tabata

Tire Sprints
Using a small car tire and either a rope or an upper body harness, you will sprint dragging this behind you
for 40yds. Focus on really leaning forward and driving the legs. At the end of each sprint, pick up the tire
and slowly walk back to the start placing the tire directly behind you ready for another sprint.


40yds with a small tire
Walk back for recovery

Grab a sandbag weighing between 25-45lbs, place it on the floor in front of you & you’re ready to go. For
each rep, you will rip the sandbag off the floor in a deadlift motion, muscle it up to your shoulders and press
it overhead until your arms are straight before reversing the motion and placing the bag back on the floor.
And repeat. Advanced: Alternatively do Sandbag thrusters or Sandbag burpees with a press overhead.


Each Tabata = 20 seconds work / 10 seconds rest x 8 (4 minutes total)
Rest 2 minutes between each Tabata

This is your typical shadow boxing with a twist. After every few combos your throw, you will drop to the
floor in a sprawl and get back up as fast as possible continuing with your shadow boxing. This can be
done in front of a mirror to monitor technique or anywhere you have some clear space.
Advanced: Sprawl after each combo.

WORKOUT: 4–6 Rounds

2 minutes shadow boxing with sprawls
30 second’s rest

You will need at least 25yds of clear space for this session along with 2 weighted implements (Dumbbells,
Kettlebells, Water Cans, Ammo tins) weighing approximately 20% of your bodyweight each. For example,
if you weigh 200lbs, each implement will weigh around 40lbs.

With 25yds marked out, each round you will perform a farmers carry for 25yds then turn and go back
to the start, drop the weights, then sprint 25yds out, 25yds back, then finally 25yds out again. Rest 90
seconds between rounds.


Farmers carry 50yds (25-25)
Sprint 75yds (25-25-25)
Rest 90 seconds

To add some variety into your HIIT sessions, try out this functional circuit. Start by jumping rope before
moving into mountain climbers. For mountain climbers you can choose to perform these with your hands
on the floor or alternatively on a medicine ball for extra core activation. From here move into standing med
ball slams, aiming for explosive reps making each one count. Finally battle ropes where you can choose to
alternate between single & double arm waves, as long as you don’t let yourself rest until the time is up.
Advanced: You can change up the exercises here for more variety as long as you stick to the same layout.
Other options are assault bike, stationary bike, sledgehammer swings, burpees, ski erg or rower.

Jump rope x 1 minute
Mountain climbers x 1 minute
Standing med ball slams x 1 minute
Battle ropes x 1 minute
Rest x 1 minute

Grab a rope and get to work. For this session you will be aiming to take it very easy utilizing as little energy
as possible for the first 90 seconds, followed by an all-out assault for the final 30 seconds of each round.
During the final 30 seconds you can ramp it up with alternate high knees or double unders. After the 30
seconds at max intensity, take 30 seconds’ rest.
Advanced: Take away the rest period altogether and purely alternate between the slow easy pace and the
all-out higher pace.


90 seconds slow easy pace / 30 seconds all out
30 seconds rest


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