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EverEdge Global 1/10

How Data

EverEdge Global 1/10

Qantas, the well-known

Australian airline, was on the
brink of bankruptcy in the
late 2000s.

EverEdge Global 1/10

Post the GFC and with

customer revenue down, it
realised that it needed to
look for new ways to create
margins and drive
profitability beyond cutting

EverEdge Global

The pressure to look beyond

its traditional revenue
streams led to Qantas
identifying its data as a
potential untapped and
under-valued resource.

EverEdge Global

Since Qantas knew where

customers were traveling, it had
the ability to suggest hotels,
restaurants, events and other
ancillary products at their

Qantas identified that this data

and the insights that could be
gleaned from it would be
incredibly valuable to other
companies, if the airline was able
to find ways to monetise its data.
EverEdge Global 1/10

Qantas opened its eyes to the value of

its data and unlocked its potential.
Since then

Qantas has
been able to
make 4x the
margin on
compared to its international

EverEdge Global 1/10

And since the 2000's, its

data margins have been
growing at a rate

seven times
faster than
the rest of
the business.

EverEdge Global

Companies in every
e-commerce, you name
it–are sitting on vast
reserves of potentially
valuable information. Left
on its own, it’s utterly
valueless. If recognised and
utilised effectively, it can be
the difference between
long-term profitability and
outright failure.
EverEdge Global

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