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TVL-ICT (Computer System Servicing)

Activity Sheet Quarter 2 – LO 3
Set Router / WiFi / Wireless Access Point /
Repeater Configuration
(Network Connectivity Testing, Device System
Settings Configuration, LAN Port Configuration
and WAN Port Configuration)


TVL 12 – ICT (Computer System Servicing)
Activity Sheet No. 2
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government
agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such
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the payment of royalties.

This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of TVL 12- ICT (Computer System Servicing)

Activity Sheet

Writer : Allan B. Montenegro

Content/Language Validator: Edward E. Baña
Layout Artist:
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Schubert Anthony C. Sialongo
Edward E. Baña
Allan B. Montenegto
Michelle P. Jordan
Division of Antique Management Team:
Felisa B. Beriong, CESO VI
Corazon C. Tingson
Gaudencio C. Riego, PhD
Schubert Anthony C. Sialongo
Edward E. Baña
Regional Management Team
Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma,
Dr. Josilyn S. Solana,
Dr. Elena P. Gonzaga,
Mr. Donald T. Genine,
April C. Velez
Abraham P. Imas

ii | P a g e
Introductory Message
Welcome to TVL 12- ICT (Computer System Servicing)!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Antique and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas through
the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is developed to
guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible adults) in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The Computer System Servicing NC II Activity Sheet will help you facilitate
the leaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency
(MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will
be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent

For the learner:

The Computer System Servicing NC II Activity Sheet is developed to help

you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides
you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and
answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed

iii | P a g e
Quarter 2, Week 2
Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. 2

Name of Learner:________________________________________________________
Grade and Section:___________________________________ Date: ______________


Network Connectivity Testing, Device System Settings Configuration, LAN Port
Configuration and WAN Port Configuration

I. Learning Competency with Code

✓ Configure client device systems settings in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions and end user preference
✓ Configure LAN in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and network design
✓ Configure WAN in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and network
✓ Configure wireless settings in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions,
network design and end-user preferences

II. Background Information for Learners

Wireless networking is both pervasive and getting more complicated behind the
scenes. For end users, Wi-Fi is the invisible network resource that they connect
to. For wireless network administrators -- who design, deploy and support the
wireless LAN -- the Wi-Fi network is a fairly complicated beast with many
moving pieces that are part of the bigger networking environment.
Because of the use of radio waves, it is important to fully test a wireless LAN
(WLAN) before letting users start using it. Be certain to perform testing after
installing a WLAN to ensure that the WLAN system satisfies requirements. In
some cases, during operations and maintenance, it might be necessary to
perform testing when troubleshooting problems.


Many scenarios require you to test things locally on your computer using the
command line. For example, if you are trying to test the connection between your
computer and a remote host, a web-based tool cannot provide this information. It
only tests the connection from its own server to the remote host.

The exact steps to use the ping tools from the command line depend on your
computer's operating system. The basic ping test is one of the easiest things
you can do to verify connectivity between your computer and a remote host. This
test is easy to run from the command line.

Using ping test on Microsoft Windows

1. On your keyboard press Windows Key + R, type CMD the Enter key
2. On command line window type ping + google.com or any domain that you want
to test. Or ping + or any IP address of a device that you want to
Example: C:\>ping google.com

Interpret the output from ping:

If the remote host is active and

configured to respond to ping
requests, responses appear.

Alternatively, if the remote host is

down, or not configured to respond
to ping requests, you do not see any

▪ Reply from: By default, windows will send four ping messages (one on each line)
and then shows you the outcome of each of the four messages.
▪ Bytes: Each ping message request is 32 bytes in size. This is a default setting.
▪ Time: This shows the round trip amount of time in milliseconds (8ms =
0.008seconds). Round trip is the time from when the ping message was sent and
how long it took before the reply came back.
▪ TTL (Time-to-Live): The TTL value represents the maximum number of IP routers
that the packet can go through before being thrown away. Currently each router
that the packet travels/hops through will decrement the TTL field by exactly one.
Windows default TTL is 64 therefore if you ping a device on your local home
wireless/network then the ping will not cross any routers and the TTL should remain

at the default. As you can see from the google.com ping example (above) the TTL
went down to 113 so the packet had to hop across a few routers before it got to
▪ Request Timeout: The destination IP/hostname or website did not respond. They
could be due to a number of reasons such as; the device does not exist, is not
powered on or is configure not to reply to ping requests. You can create a rule in
windows firewall to stop you PC/Laptop from replying to Pings. Some websites or
online resources do this via a commercial firewall so that hacker cannot target their
systems. If a device does not respond to ping then a hack may pressure that the IP
address / hostname they are pinging does not exist and they may move on till they
find something that does so that they can then start targeting attacks to that IP


It is important to conduct wireless LAN (WLAN) testing to ensure your system meets security
and performance requirements. Since there are various factors at play when it comes to
WLAN testing, careful planning and documentation of a WLAN test are as important as
the testing itself.

Wireless LAN Testing Considerations

✓ Signal coverage testing: Signal coverage testing determines where client
devices are able to satisfy coverage requirements. This testing may be part of
performing a WLAN site survey or done after the network is installed to
determine the as-installed signal coverage.
✓ Performance testing: Performance testing determines whether the WLAN can
satisfy user needs for using specific applications over the WLAN.
✓ In-motion testing: In-motion testing determines whether users can continue to
make use of applications while roaming throughout the coverage areas,
especially when the roaming requires handoffs between access points.
✓ Security vulnerability testing: Security vulnerability testing ensures that the
WLAN implements required security mechanisms and offers sufficient protection
to unauthorized access and passive monitoring.
✓ Acceptance/verification testing: After installing a WLAN, it is important to run a
series of acceptance/verification tests to ensure that the WLAN satisfies all
requirements. This is especially important if the organization is having a
contractor install the WLAN.
✓ Simulation testing: In some cases, such as when implementing a very large
WLAN, it may be beneficial to simulate the behavior of the WLAN before actually
installing it. This can provide helpful feedback when designing the system,
especially if the WLAN will have critical performance requirements.
✓ Prototype testing: Prototype testing involves implementing an individual
function of the WLAN that is not well understood before deploying the complete

system. For example, an organization may not be very familiar with 802.1X
authentication systems and may benefit by implementing the 802.1X
authentication in a lab environment with a limited number of test client devices.

✓ Pilot testing: Before installing the WLAN across the entire organization, which
may include numerous buildings and different applications, it is strongly
advisable to install the system in a limited number of facilities (ideally one) and
make that one work effectively first. After you work out all the problems, you can
install the WLAN at the remaining location without the need for extensive rework
because the problems will likely have been solved during the pilot testing.


Important: Please note that all network devices are different and as such may require
different configuration steps. This document contains a step-by-step process for
configuring TP-Link wireless device. If you have a new, in-the-box TP-Link device, this
guide is for you.

Please connect a computer to TP-Link router by cable or through wireless network. It’s
recommended to
configure it by a wired

Log into the router’s

web-based utility
To get some help,
please refer to your
previous topic
on “How to log into
the web-based
Utility (Management
Page) of TP-Link wireless router”.
When you login for tplink WiFi Device, you can easily manage some
wireless settings for your devices. Using “System Tools”
configurations for tplink router devices, you can manage some
advance settings like time settings, diagnostics, firmware upgrade,
factory default, backup and restore, reboot, password and system log
settings for tplink router devices.

TIME Settings
This page allows you to set the time manually or to configure automatic time
synchronization. The Router can automatically update the time from an NTP
server via the Internet.

Time Zone - Select your local time zone from this
pull-down list.
To set time manually:
1. Select your local time zone.
2. Enter the Date.
3. Enter the Time.
4. Click Save.
For automatic time synchronization:
1. Enter the address or domain of the NTP
Server 1 or NTP Server 2.
2. Click the Get GMT button to get GMT
from the Internet.
To set up daylight saving:
1. Select the Enable Daylight
Saving checkbox to enable daylight
saving function.
2. Select the correct Start time and End time of daylight saving range.
3. Click Save.

The diagnostic tools (Ping and
Traceroute) allow you to check the
connections of your network components.
• Ping - This diagnostic tool troubleshoots
connectivity, reachability, and name
resolution to a given host or gateway by
using the Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) protocol's mandatory
Echo Request datagram to elicit an
ICMP Echo Response from a host or
• Traceroute - This diagnostic tool
determines the path taken to a given
host by sending Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo Request messages with varying Time to Live (TTL) values to
the destination

Firmware Upgrade - To upgrade the device's firmware.
Firmware Version - Displays the current firmware version.
Hardware Version - Displays the current hardware version. The hardware version of the
upgrade file must accord with the current hardware version.
Factory Defaults
Click the Restore button to reset all configuration settings to their default values.
Note: All changed settings will be lost when defaults are restored.

Backup & Restore

Click the Backup button to save all configuration settings to your local computer as a file.
Click the Reboot button to reboot the device. Some settings of the device will take effect
only after rebooting.

It is strongly recommended that you change the factory default user name and password
of the device. All users who try to access the device's web-based utility will be prompted
for the device's user name and password.
System Log
Log Type - By selecting the log type, only logs of this type will be shown.
Log Level - By selecting the log level, only logs of this level will be shown.
Refresh - Refresh the page to show the latest log list.
Clear Log - All the logs will be deleted from the device permanently, not just from the page.
Save Log - Click to save all the logs in a txt file.
Log Settings - Click to set the logs in the screen.
• Save Locally - If Save Locally is selected, events will be recorded in the local
• Minimum Level - Select the Minimum level in the drop-down list, for the Minimum
Level, all logged events above or equal to the selected level will
be displayed.
• Save Remotely - If Save Remotely is selected, events will be sent to the specified
IP address and UDP port of the remote system log server.

Statistics Help - The Statistics page shows the network traffic of each PC on the LAN, including
total traffic and the value of the last Packets Statistic interval in seconds.


Configuring the IP parameters of Local Area Network (LAN) port.

• MAC Address - The physical address of the LAN ports, as seen from the LAN.
The value cannot be changed.
• IP Address - Enter the IP address of your Device in dotted-decimal notation
(factory default -
• Subnet Mask - An address code that determines the size of the network. Usually
it is

1. If you change the IP address, you must use the new IP address to login to the Device.
2. If the new LAN IP address you set is not in the same subnet with the previous one, the IP
Address pool in the DHCP server will be configured automatically, but the Virtual Server
and DMZ Host will not take effect until they are re-configured

Connection Type

Static IP Setting


WAN Connection Type:

✓ If your ISP is running a DHCP server, select the Dynamic IP option.
✓ If your ISP provides a static or fixed IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and
DNS setting, select the Static IP option.
✓ If your ISP provides a PPPoE connection, select PPPoE option.
✓ If your ISP provides BigPond Cable (or Heart Beat Signal) connection,
please select BigPond Cable option.
✓ If your ISP provides L2TP connection, please select L2TP option.
✓ If your ISP provides PPTP connection, please select PPTP option.

If you don't know how to choose the appropriate connection type, click the Detect button
to allow the Router to automatically search your Internet connection for servers and
protocols. The connection type will be reported when an active Internet service is
successfully detected by the Router. This report is for your reference only. To make sure
the connection type your ISP provides, please refer to the ISP. The various types of
Internet connections that the Router can detect are as follows:

o PPPoE - Connections which use PPPoE that requires a user name and password.
o Dynamic IP - Connections which use dynamic IP address assignment.
o Static IP - Connections which use static IP address assignment.

IP Address - The IP address assigned by your ISP dynamically.

Subnet Mask - The subnet mask assigned by your ISP dynamically.
Default Gateway - The default gateway assigned dynamically by your ISP.
Click the Renew button to renew the IP parameters from your ISP.
Click the Release button to release the IP parameters from your ISP.

MTU Size (in bytes) - The normal MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) value for most Ethernet
networks is 1500 Bytes. For some ISPs you need to modify the MTU. But this is
rarely required, and should not be done unless you are sure it is necessary for your
ISP connection.
If your ISP gives you one or two DNS IP addresses, select Set DNS server manually and enter
the DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server into the correct fields. Otherwise,
the DNS servers will be assigned from ISP dynamically.
Primary DNS - Enter the DNS IP address in dotted-decimal notation provided by your ISP.
Secondary DNS - Enter another DNS IP address in dotted-decimal notation provided by your
Note: If you get Address not found error when you access a Web site, it is likely that your DNS
servers are set up improperly. You should contact your ISP to get DNS server
Host Name - This option specifies the Host Name of the Router.

Get IP with Unicast - A few ISPs' DHCP servers do not support the broadcast applications. If
you can't get the IP Address normally, you can choose Unicast. (You generally
need not to check this option).
Click the Save button to save your settings.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites (With Possible

Materials for experiments/activities)
James T. Geier. Designing and Deploying 802.11n Wireless Networks, Cisco Press networking
technology series, Networking Technology Series; , Retrieved on October 15, 2020, 1:05 PM
network-connectivity-with-ping-and-traceroute, Retrieved on October 15, 2020, 2:12 PM
https://checkmybroadbandspeed.online/how-to-read-understand-ping-results/, Retrieved on
October 15, 2020, 3:15 PM
https://www.tp-link.com/ph/support/faq/78/, Retrieved on October 15, 2020, 3:20 PM
Retrieved on October 15, 2020, 3:25 PM

IV. Activity Proper

1. Multiple Choice. Encircle the correct answer from the given choices below.

1) What is the correct sequence in opening command line or DOS interface so

that you can run a network connectivity testing tool?
a. Press Ctrl key + R, type CMD then press enter key
b. Press Windows key + E, type CMD then press enter key
c. Press Windows key + R, type CALC then press enter key
d. Press Windows Key + R, type CMD then press enter key
2) The correct syntax for ping tool command is _________.
a. c:\>ping google
b. c:\>ping yahoo
c. c:\>ping
d. c:\>none of the above
3) Testing that determines where client devices are able to satisfy coverage
requirements is __________.
a. In-motion testing c. Simulation Testing
b. Signal Coverage Testing d. Pilot Testing
4) It is strongly advisable to install the system in a limited number of facilities and make
that one work effectively first.
a. In-motion testing c. Simulation Testing
b. Signal Coverage Testing d. Pilot Testing
5) Determines whether users can continue to make use of applications while moving
throughout the coverage areas.
a. In-motion testing c. Simulation Testing
b. Signal Coverage Testing d. Pilot Testing

6) This can provide helpful feedback when designing the system, especially if the WLAN
will have critical performance requirements
a. In-motion testing c. Simulation Testing
b. Signal Coverage Testing d. Pilot Testing
7) Which part of system tools allows you to check the connections of your network
a. Factory Defaults c. Diagnostic
b. Back-up and Restore d. Firmware upgrade
8) Which type of WAN Connection that requires a username and password?
a. Dynamic IP c. Static IP
b. PPPoE d. L2TP
9) The diagnostic tool which troubleshoots connectivity, reachability and name resolution
to a given host or gateway by using the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
protocol's mandatory Echo Request datagram to elicit an ICMP Echo Response from a
host or gateway.
a. Traceroute c. ipconfig
b. NSLookup d. ping
10) An address code that determines the size of the network.
a. Subnet Mask c. MAC Address
b. IP Address d. None of the above.

2. Using your Mobile Phone or Computer (if available), open the browser (Mozilla
Firefox or google chrome) and open the link provided. Watch the YouTube video of
configuring LAN and WAN ports of a wireless device.

2.1 Using the same procedure above, open the link provided below and practice
configuring LAN and WAN of a wireless device.

Guide Questions
a. Based on activities 2.2 and 2.3, differentiate LAN port configuration from
WAN port configuration.

b. Network connectivity testing is one of the important things to consider in

network design implementation.
i. What is the name of network connectivity testing tool previously

ii. Which portion of a router / network device can this tool also be found?

10 | P a g e
iii. What if the result of connectivity testing is 100% Loss? Explain.

Scoring Rubric
Needs Approaching Good Excellent
Improvement standards
3Pt 5Pts 7Pts 10Pts
You put
thought into
this, but
What you are writing What you are writing
there is no
There is no about is clear. You about is clear and
real evidence
clear or answered the question. well-expressed,
Ideas and of learning.
specific Some support may be including specific
Content More specific
explanation lacking, or your examples to
in answer to sentences may be a bit demonstrate what
is needed or
the question. awkward. Overall, a you learned. Well
you need to
decent job. done!
follow the
more closely.
Your answer
Only one
included all the
term from
Your answer included terms from the
No terms the lesson is
Use of several terms from the lesson that applied
from the used in the
terms lesson, demonstrating to the question
lesson are answer. Try
adequate understanding asked. All terms are
used. for a few
of the material. fully defined and
more, next
used in the proper
Sentences Sentences are
are complete and they
are complete
Sentence incomplete or Sentences are complete connect to one
and easy to
Fluency too long. It and able to be another easily when
makes understood. they are read out
reading them loud. Your writing
require some
difficult. 'flows.'
Few end Mistakes Use of punctuation No punctuation or
marks or using end marks and capitals, as structural mistakes.
capital marks or well as spelling, is mostly No spelling errors.
letters. capitals as correct. Few errors exist Your writing shows
Answers well as in your answer. full awareness of the
contain spelling rules of English use.
numerous mistakes

11 | P a g e
spelling or make the
structural writing hard
errors. to read.

V. Reflection
Latency and ping are often used interchangeably, although they are subtly
different. While ping refers to the signal sent from the device to the server,
latency is the time it takes for the ping to return to the device. The unit used to
measure latency is milliseconds or ms.
In online gaming, lag is a noticeable delay (latency) between the action
of players (input) and the reaction of the server supporting the game( like LoL,
ML, Dota 2), which has to be sent back to the client.
In your personal use of computer or mobile phones while connecting to the
internet or playing online games, did you experience high latency or Lag? (You
may use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.
What do you think are the causes of that lag?
What did you do?

12 | P a g e

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