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a CHAPTER | r-(5)¢ ELECTRIC CHARGES AND FIELDS ; 02-2210 x04 10 x00 Brought to you by EDUSUMIT} * a ae = 12107 m= 0.12m Pp RE FACE After contact, q, = q,= 4 ~(252)-(%) 1002x109 This PDE Contains TER ono sas numenicals bxom2b1U-a\. P= 25X10" N =0.025N. AM Monday Soa ten * q,=~-3qC locat ¥ Tune [Sut (Supplemertas) * EQ Excepted Weston "Detailed Solution £0 toch] Qpestion fs gwen . Ans: (a) Ey- Eye eg AuWove iy 5,2 2510 x8x10% 27x10? “4 to?) 100x107 RT EM E,=Bg@27 x 10° N/C Resultant electric field E, = E, +E, = (27 +27) «105 E, = 54 10° N/c (along AB) (b)_ Force on negative 4, = + 3nC and apart in vacuum, field at the mid joining the two test charge ) F=qE ci : = 1.5 x 10° x 54x 105 ins: Given, 9, = F f 7 F=8.1* 10N 4p = -0.8C = -0.8x10°C;F =0.2N bi From Coulomb's law, = js, Three charges each equal to +4nC are placed at the three corners of a Square of side 2 cm. Find the electric field at the fourth corner. (M18) jos: Diagonal BD = (2) (Side) ie, BD =2N2 x 107m We know that, E =|— Ge 0. Hence, E, = 36 «10° 4 = 90" Vinialong AD E — DEO x 4 x10" _ 36x10" . 8 (v2 x 10 445 x 10'Vim"' along BD = 2% 10" x 4 x 10? (2x 107)! 12.726 x 10° Vm" along E; Hence resultant field at D=£'4 B, = (12 = 17.226) 10 = 1.726 x 108% *ab4s° along E, 45. ABCisaneq' teral triangle ofside 0.1m. Charges of 4 nC and -8 nCare placed atthe corners A and B respectively. Calculate the resultant electric intensity at the corner C. 4 Ans: Intensity at C due to q, 1 4 1 ane) rc 9x 10" x 4x JO 0.01 L 4x10" agen Amey (0.1) = 3600236x10°NC along AC Electric intensity at C due to q, 1 @ _-— 2 4ney Ite 1 8x10 —x AEG. (0.1) 9 18x 10 0.01 = 22 £5500 299% 192 NC* long CB 0.01 EQ= VE; 4B? +2E\E, cos COS 120 = -1/2 (oxi0"} +(r2x1o%)'+2(36x10")(r2x10?(-4) 2) 1 2 ? = V +2(36x107)(7210? 3 £_= 106) Ex = 1296x108 +5184% 10" — 259210" = 3888x108 = 6235.38 NC" Parallel to AB. ER x10" +(72)’ x10" -36x 72x10" Vv 46. ABCD is a square of side /2 m charges of 2 nC, 3 nC, 4 nC and 5 nC placed at the corners A, B, C and D respectively. Calculate the resultant electric intensity . at the centre of the square where the 2 diagonals meet? Ans: In triangle DBC, DB? = BC? +DC? DB= 4 =2m :.4O = BO =CO= DQ = q=2x10°C =3*10°C A a B bl G 510°C q=4x10°C | Intensity at 0 due to q, Lai ney rey E, =9x 10" x2 Jee Intensity at 0 due to qy B= = 18NC* = 27NC* Ey =9x 0" x3x 10%, Intensity at 0 due to q, 1 4% Gre, Es = 9X10" 4x WY =36NC! Intensity at 0 due to q, By = 9X1 «5x 10% = =45NC1 5; Hpi da Be 4” amey ry Ans: Oe0e000 Since E, and E, are acting in same line and opp, direction :. E,=E,~B,=36 - 18=18NC? Since E, and E, are acting in same line and opp. direction - E =E,-E, =45-27, E,=18NC" Ep = VER + EG E, and E, are perpendicular to each other = 90°, +(I8)', E,= 25.45 NC". Parallel £,= (sy to CB es q, = 5uC and q, =-5pC erienced by the test charge. ~ (20) ah 4ne, + Magnitude of electric field at O due to each charge is (a) Blectriefield at 0 due to q, : 45x 10°NC* Net electricfieldatO is E=E,+E,=90 x 10° NC" ORO « 10°NC* Magnitude of force experienced by the test F=2x10" x90x 10° = 180 10*N 18x10°N E, *4,—t- ta, 0.2m —> ELECTRIC POTENTIAL AND so ela hols PROBLEMS 29, Two charges 3 x 10° C and -2 x 10°°C are located 15 cm apart. At what point on the. line joining the two charges is the electric potential zero? Take the potential at infinity to be zero. (EQ) Ans: Let the neutral point in between the two charges be P, the net potential zero Potential atPidte to chargeig,+ Potential at P due tochargeat q,=0 LGV GV fh, ! a. " Ane) AP ATE, BP ig 4.=3108C Pp qe 2*10°C <>. 3 5 — 0.15mn >. 8 9 8 x 9x 1072 x 10 9x 10% OE = x (0. Re 3(0.15 - x) = 2x, 0.45) 3x= 2x 0.45 = 2x + 3x 0.45 = Sx ee = =0.09m, (b) If point p outside the charge 3 x 10°C Vip t Vap = 0 910? x3%10" ® 9x10" x2x10" _ 4 15+x x O.15+x x 0.15+Xx 3x= 0.3 + 2x 3x- 2x =0.3 X= 0.3m |30. Two point charges +4 nC and ~4 nC are 1 ___™ apart in air. Find the positions along | the line joining the two charges at which resultant potential is zero. (M-15) Ans: Two point charges + | nC and -4 nC-are 1 m apart in air. Find the positions along the line joining the two charges at which resultant potential is zero. a 1 (q El Peele lectric potential ane, (2 ) +1nc nc At point P, V/AV,£0 ae Pe) oS) ie bad x =x) ) Position between the charges: 4x=1-x; 5x3 Position beyond the charges» 4x10% lex Lixo? ot 4mey x ARE, oe x Tee 4x = Lex, xx =1,3x= 1x2 4=0333m, 31. ABCD is a square of side 2 m. Charges of 5nC, + 10nC and -5nC are placed at corners A, B and C respectively. What is the work done in transferring a charge of 5 uC from D to the point of intersection of the diagonals. (-15) Ans: q,=+5nC, q,=+10nC, q,=-5nC AB = BC=CD = DA=2m —- ey us 5nC 2m =10NC & 8 2m : lam, eS 2m qe=SnC AC = BD =V4+4 =2V2m Ac AO = BO=CO= DO=\2m = } 1 | a, , % Ss 4ney| 40 BO CO 5x10" 10x10 sx10 mag fsa] = 63.65V 1 us Vp=—— ae 7 || B ioxite 9 L-[23 |, 10%10) Yew pe =3182V Ww =(V,-VJq Workdone = pid. x charge = (63.64. 31,82) 5 x 10-6 W = 4.59 10-4). 32, When two capacitérs are connected it ) series'and connected across 4kV line, "energy stored in the system is 8}. same capacitors, if connected in paral ¢ line, the energy stored 36). e individual capacitances. (Mt Ans: V= 4x 10°V, U,=8}, U,=36} es u=tcr 2 We know that U;=Loy?, cj=-& s=aCh, C= TG I Gc 3\2 (2s (4x10°) 1(_GC, 0) = 16 CG =| 1 = y$ (e& (tsx10 16.” "4G C,C,=(C,+C,) 1x10 = jw 1 zor" 1 2 36= 3G +Cz)(4x10°) G+, 45x10 =C,+Cy =54(2} Substituting (2) in (1) C,C, = (4.5 x 10-4) 10° CC, = 4.5 x 10-2 - (3) fromexp ¢,-c, = \(C, +6, -4G,Gy C.-C, =10° Ais — 4045 = 10 2025218 = 10° 2.25 C.-C, = 1.5 xd0"* from eqn. (2) and (4) IC, +C, = 45x10" C 15x10 co =bx108F] =(4.5-3)x10~ 33. Charges 2, 4nC and 6yC are placed at the three corners A, B and C respectively of a square ABCD of side X metre! Find, what charge must be placed at the fourth corner so that the total potential at the centre of the square is Zero. -16) ae 4ne, AZkC B4pc D ¥ ‘COC AC=BD= 2x, 40=80=CO=DO=~2 x= 2 2 1 [4,4 , 4 ~ ne | AO” Be —_ 0 Paes 7 = Gatdgtactqp=0 2. UC + 4UC + 6UC + gy =0 4 =-12UC 34, ABC Disa square of side 1m. Cha +3nc, —-5ne and + 3nc are placed: ee Ans: 3nc -5ne A im B 1m 1m oO D c ie 3nc q, = +3ne,g, = —Sne,q, = +3ne AB =BC=CD = AD=\m VAC? el AB? + BC? AC =P +P ‘AGy eps/2m = BD AcgVuy 1 Ao © = AGE | n= Bo =co= Pa 5” CO = DC Y, Pl da 5 ey Ge. ee) 9x 10° x 10" = x10" 543] v2 Y = 92 =12.7V = 9[3- 3536 +3] V, =22.17V w = (Yo -V)q = (22.17 -12.7)5x 10% W = 47.35x10%7 capacitors of capacitance 600 pF and 900 pF are connected in series across 200 'V supply. Calculate (i) the effective Capacitance of the combination, (ii) the Pd across each capacitor and (iii) the total charge stored in the'system. (MQP2) Ans: Given C, = 600 pF, C, = 900 pF, V = 200) (@) The effective capacitancélis given by, = Gir _ 600X900 Oe 600 + 900 C00 i ) LF 200V (ii) The total charge stored in the system is ‘V = 360 x 10"? 200 = 72,000 x G c 2360 pF C.-600pF 10" Capacitors are connected in series, then 9, = 9, == 72 nC p.d. across, is, V, _ a Rx? _ ~C, 600x107 (iii) p.d. across C, is, V, i 10% _ go) 900 x10. between the plates, e: area of 6 x 107 m? ani between the plates is 3 mm. Cal the capacitance of the capacitor. If this capacitor is connected to a 100 V supply, then what is the charge on:each plate of the capacitor? [Absolute permittivity of free space = 8.85 x 107? Fm] (MQP3) Ans: Given parameters: =8.85 x 10°? Nm; A =6 «103m, d=3*10%m yd d 85x10"? x6: 3x A C=17.7x 10°F Charge on each plate is Q=CxV 7.7 x 10° x 100 7.7 x 10°C or Q= 1.77nC. 37. In a parallel plate capacitor with aij between the plates, each plate has an areq 8 x 107 m? and distance between the is2mm. capacitance of the capacitor. connected to a 50 V supply, on each plate of the permittivity of free ) 0-17), thi what is capacitor? space = 8.85 x 103? Ans: Given A=8x 109m d= 2mm 2* 10° m c=? VSo5ov, £9 =8.85x 10°"? Fm VeSOV, Q=?, wkt ~ e=fo4 ? _ C= 885x107 8X 107 " 2x10 ie, C= 35.41 10% F(farad) ChargeQ =CV Q 335.41 107? x 50 = 1770.8 x 10°C Q$1.77 x 10-°C (coulomb) be lates of a parallel plate capacitot have an area of 100 cm? each and art separated by 3 mm. The capacitor i charged by connecting it to a 400 V suppl} (a) Calculate the electrostatic energ) stored in the capacitor. Ifa dielectric of dielectricconstant2 isintroducedbetweentheplatesofth! capacitor, then find the electrostati ) energy stored and also change in tht energy stored. (j-18) he Given 2100cm? = 10? x 10% = 107m? ‘i gm = 3X 107m; y y? = AV 2d eee ee 8.854 x 10"? x 107 x (400) 2x3x 107 jie, E=2361x10%7 (E'=6E =25x2361x10% 903 x 10% AE = (5.908 2.361) 107 Difference in the energy stored AE, (AE = 3.542 x 10°°/| capacitance ane ‘it is charged by * _ 200V (given <, = ‘ns: Given: r = 5 cm\ * 30 mf 2 x 10° my V=200V, ¢, 38.854 « 107? Fm Area of circle, Ay = mr* = 3.44 x (5 x 107)? A= 78.5 x10 mi? 2 cn fet _ S854x10 X78.55%10™ 2x10" 16 995 eed i C= 347.5x10 YF) Energy stored in a capacitor U= ; cy = 3x 347.510" x(200)° = 6950390 x 10° IU = 695x107 Ans: C, = 400 x 10-"F, C, 400 x 10°" F, V,=100V, V, U,= 50M =F x400x10" x(100)" = 200 x 10" x 10* = 200 x10°*J TotalGharge when two capacitor is connected together willbe q,+4, ea, Fay= CV, + CV, = 400)x 10+? «100 + 400 x 10°? x 0 = 40,000 10°” Q=4x 10°, Gy=C, #C, = 400 + 400 C, = 800 x 10°?F total charge Totabpotential = total capaeitance .005 x 10° C,V2 = Ay 800510" x (50)? 27 4%, = 400 x 107? x 2,500 = 10,00,000 = 10-2 U, =100 x 10-4) loss in enérgy =U, - U, =(200 -400)10-° a AU.=400 * 10°] “G1. Two capacitors 1uF and 3).F are él individually to voltages of 100.Va ___ Vrespectively. These ines Ans: Given: Q,=C,V,=1« 10% 100 = 10+, Q=C,V,=3 10%« 200 =6x 10*C Total energy before they are connected in parallel, 1 2_1 U,=5CVE = 5x10 * x (100) = 5x10 x10" =0.5 x10? =5x 109] Similarly, i 1 Uz = SON? = >x3%10% x(200)° 1 = yX3x10% x4x10° =6x107J = 60x10" J Hence, Total energy before connecting(inl parallel U=U, +U, = (5 + 60)1039 65,110"). Total energy after parallel combination, {+ Of= (1 #3) d 098 x 10°F CV AGH, Common potential ¥ = “Ce where, C, C= P k y — (1x 100+3%200)10% _ ~ 4x10 7 hence, U' = N6,/? = jdxdOSe1 75.2175 = 61250 10 61.25 x 10°] Loss in the energy, AU = (65 - 61.25) x 10°] AU = 3.75 x 10°J C=1pF C=4uF +4) -G, : v +t V=175V VWi5200V EXPECTED PROBLEMS 42. acitors uF and 6 pF are parall ss 60 V battery. ) Eq’ capacitance mbination, (b) The total charge the combination and (c) red by each capacitor. (EQ) Ans: 12, 720pC, charges on each capacitor are : 1207C!240 1C, 360 HC. 0200000 PROBLEMS 44, 100 mg mass ofnichrome metal is drawn into a wire of*area of:cross-section 0.05 mm. Calculate the resistanceiof this wire. Given density of nichrome 8.410? kgm? and resistivity ofthe material as 1.2 x 10° Qm. | = ‘eile (M-18) Ans: Given mass = 100 mg = 10? x 10° = 10* kg Area of cross section A=5 x 107 x (10°)? m?. i.e, A=)5 x 10°? m2, Density D=84x 10 kgm, p = 1.2% 10 Om but sy = ass Dense volume a ie, volume: Por a 0.119 x 10-7? V,=1R,=2*1=2V, V,=IR,=2*2=4¥, oF f ™ =2x3=6V. Loup, i V,= IR, =2*3=6V. 47 SxcioF 7 = 000238 x 10'm ie, length = 0.238 m = 12x 10% x 0.238 5x10" = 0.05712 x 100 we know that , R= a or d R=5.712Q q e Resistance of the wire = 5.712. Ans: (a) R, =2Q, RJ=3Q, R, = 42 Total resistance of the combination is 2° 3, 40 AVN >» a tov Rye R, +R, +R, -Omm = 1.0 x 10m, p=11963 R=243+4 svg 10 a R=90. WET (b) If this combination is connected to a battery of emf 10W/ and negligible dip, | 4x2x1°968%10 internal resistance, the potential drop 7a Maxioxic7y across each resistors given by My (0x10) €=10Vyr = R290 R= 4,998 *10*Q= 5 x 10°. The main current,l, is Current ;._& T=111A, The potential drop across R, is V, = IR, = 111% 2=222V, The pd. across R, is V, = IR, = 111 x3 =3,33V, The p.d. across R, is V,=1R,= 1.11% 4=4.44V, i visits B oF 2 _ {a) Calculate the equivalent resistance of the network. ~ (b) Obtain current in 12 © and / resistors. RR _ ge Ans: (a) Ry = 4Q (b) 49. (a) Threer combin total re: Inter! resis' then determine the current ugh each resistor . EDS ans: Given R, = 40; R,= 6M5R,=80; (a) for parallel combination, 24 R, == 1.84, B p Main current () ie, 1 846 ie, 1=13.54A Total current drawn from the battery is 13.543 A. Branch current [, = Ans: Given R, = 69. R, 222. F=3V,R30,2402 30 30 WW Pd across internal resistance V, = It =1% 0.24 =0.24V _ — « Pd across each resistors =3-0.24=2.76V , 2.16 2. Current in9Q = == 0.314 = 034 Hence [Current in 9Q= 034] a) Compute the equivalent resi the network a ate the total currentin the creult RR, (i) Effective resista & 20 are in =Ryt Ry +R +14+4=70 (R-Ry =(R, +R? -4R,R, = (2.5% -4%15 =6.25-6 -R, = 025 R,-R, =0.5 Solve (1) and (2) R+R,=25 a R- Rf =05 Given: R, =?,R, ee 2R,=3 1=2A, In series: ! en if 2V and ni In parallel: i R, rent of =A the resistors a the main current Ba R stances, (M1 Ans. When resistors in series Re= RUF, When resistors in parallel =e PRR, Current = eS oR = for equation (1) y RaRtyat RR eee He BER, from (1) iu R,+R,=50 Rr O5 for equation (2), R, = fs. au 0.6 * 2.5=R,R, +R, R,R, = 1.50 using formula (R, ~R,)?=(R, +R? aR,R,. 25'- 4(6) = 25 ~ 24, R,-Rat solving equations (3) and 6 R,+R,=5 R,-R,=1 2R, =6 = 0.33 + 0.25 + 010833 Ret 0.6633 ; ) == oS ke SN =15Q;|R, =1.5Q Rr 154052 V=E-Ir=6-(30.5) = 65 = 4.5V) IV =4.5V) 3Q =2r Er Er osa}T R40 (dividedby 2 on both side) -—-@ or_2e= (ii) Cells in parallel: = 148428 —-@) Solving (1) and (2) 2e-r=2 e=37] Sub in (2) r=4e-8=4%3-8=12-8=40 * Eachcell has emfof3V and internal resistance 40. 10019 Chosgts g sno numerals acted fillnow!n bral Sian Sos 42, W straight wire of length 1/2 m is bem Into a circular shape. 0 is the center axis which is at a distance 3 ti radius from 0. A current of 1 A. through it. Calculate the magnetic field at the points Ans: Given: 1= 14, Also given Radius ofthe loop, r= 0.25m Magnetic field at the centre ofthe current loo, x2%3.1441 025 iy )2ro _ 1 an) B=25x10°T Magnetic field at a point P ap the\axis of « current loop is (ey 77 263,14 1 (02 ‘ 107 2.5 14e11(025)_ 565,19 [102 (025 B= 0.089» 10° dn electron eam passes through 4% Trossed magnetic field 4 bers and electric eld 2 10%V/mn, The path on nd electron remain undeviate caloae the speed of the electron. Ifthe wn » Beteceey cea he dear Stay — fie’ B= 4x 1997 siftee the path of the electron is IF = [Fal ‘When the clectriefeld is femovedhonly the ‘magnetic force acts, my 94h 10°85 10 16% 10" Baio = 7.11 4fl0%m, AOA CCRT cof Of wire consisting Or 100 turns, each of radius Bem carries a current of 0.44, What is the magnitude of the magnetic field. at the centre of the: coil, Angt.N 2100; t=Beng 1 0.44; 8 NI an R 3.14 1002044 B=107 x aoe 8x10" B= 3140x10°T. 45, Awire of length 0.2m is bent into the arc of a circle of radius 0.2m, Calculate the ‘magnetic field at the centre of the circle Whenitcarriesacurrentof1A. (AQ) Ans: Length of wire PQ =.= 0.2m, Magnetic field at O due to current element He 1asn0} Neue ons B= te (ath It acts perpendicular to the axle] plane ofthe col. Field at 0 due to PQ = B = Sal Stianeeas 46, An clectron is moving with a speed of 3x10'ms* perpendicular to magnetic field 6 x 104 T. Calculate the radius of the circular path, period and its Kinetic ‘energy. Ans; 0.28 m, 5.88 108%, 2.5 kev. flows through a cireular coil of 500 turns and of radius 5 cm. Caleulate|the magnetic field at (I) the centre of the coil, (ii) a point 12cm away (fromthe centre ofthe coll along its axis. ‘Ans: 314% 10 1.8m. Jong and parallel straight wires 4 and B carrying current of 8A and 5A respectively in the same direction are separated by the distance of 4em, Estimate the force on a 10 cm section of wire A. Ans: F, = 200 « 107N ELECTRO Wen INDUCTION a A ‘ee of length 3m moving in a uniform magnetic field of strength 100 T. It covers a distance of 70 m in 5 sec, Its plane of motion makes an angle of 30° with direction of magnetic field. Calculate the emf induced in it. (March 19) PYQ Ans. Given: | = 3m, B = 100T, d = 70 m, t= 5 sec., 0=30%c= e=BlVsind V =<-* 2 <14m/s = 100813 x 14. sin30" Sixt Zz, & = 2100V 29 A circular coil of radius 10cm Ans: Given, r = 10 cm = 0.1m N = 257a)=)40 rads B= 5x0: Re 15Q,e= BT We know. that ¢,,, = BAN@, A = m1” = 5.x Wrzx 3.14 (Om) 25 x 40 e; 157 = 157x107 = = “= 11 v2 V2 &, Hence maximum current induced = /,,, = a = 157 _ 9.1054 15 bm, _ ll ar = fm ell mp, as 1,,, = 0.074A PROBLEMS Ans: Given, V,,,, = 120V, f= 100Hz, @ =35°, R = 10, X,+X,=170 We have, tan@, X, 2X_=R xtang X- Xp= 10 x tan 35" X,9K,=7 We have, X,+X,=17 X,-X.=7 2K, = 24 Inductive reactance, X, = 1 We have, X, = 2nfL 12=2%3.14« 1001 L=0.019H L=19 mH size 36. A series LCR circuit is connected V ac source of eae freqi = 220V, L = 5H, C= 5 x 10°F Ans: Given: V,,, R=40Q The reasonant frequency is 1 Wea JEC 1 Bc 3 Mx 5x 5x10 {,=31.88Hz Theeurrent through the circuit is mo | 40 Inductive reactance is X, = 2nfL22x 3.14 x 31.85 x 5 = 10000 Ais: Given R = 30, L = 25.48 x 10H, C = 786 x 10“F £=50Hz, V,.. We know that X, = 2nfL = 2x 3.142 « 50 x 25.48 x 1050. ie =X, = 8.0009=8Q and y,=__ i Q 2nfC 23.142 50x 78610 = 283V ie X,=4.049 2-40 Hence X, -X,=8-4=40 (a) We know that impedance of the circuit, Z=\R+(X, de Zay3+4? =5Q + @=53.1° or 53°6" (©) Power factor cos @ Hence reactance of the circuit = 40, impedance of the circuit = 50, phase angleybetween Vand 1 is 53°6’ and power factonofthe ciréuit = 0.6. tang = AeA R La eee ‘a =" tS Ba 10 X, = 2nfL= 157 X,-X,=57.73 X,= 57.73 +157 X,= 214.70. 1 1 Kenya Wz ic I 1 2nfX- 67415.8 = 14.8 x 10°F = 14.80F FF 39 Calculate the resonant frequency a Q-factor (Quality factor) of a series L-C. circuit containing a pure inductor. « inductance 4H, capacitor of capacitang 274F and resistor of resistance 8.42. (M-1g Ans: L = 4H, C = 27 pF = 27 x 10°F, R= 8.42 Resonant frequency is l . weal VIC 4%27x10° W, = 0.0962 x 10° = 96.22 rad s* Q-factor is, 9 = L _96.22x4 8a Q= 45.8 : ‘ 40. An inductor and a)bulb are connects in series to an AG source of 220V, 50% A current of 11A flows)in the circuit ani phase angle between voltage and curren is J radians. Calculate the impedanq “ andinductance of the circuit. G-16 Ans: V.,,,=220V, f250Hz, 1,,=11A, 9== radia 222, L=2 iu The impedance in the cireuitis z = me = 200 Ls x, R tang = ~LJeosg= & ae az & Xps Rian = R ZR? — x? =\2R = J2R = 5-9 -14.140 vz v2 = 2; x, bee al i source of altetnating emp pizis connected in series wi wae v-50 of 2002 an inductance of i100 pega capacitance of 30nF, Do 1H and a es jead or lag the voltage ang Wee fe w. (M-17) = 100mH 220V, f = SOHz, R = 2009, 230pF : X,22mfl=2* 3.14 x 50x 100x193 23.14 x 100 x 100 x 19 ¥,23.4 *10'= 31.4.0 1 2nfC Ans: 1 2x3.14x50x30R10° Hee Celis al 3.14x 100 300° l © 3.14x 30x10? 410° i 1 a 1 3.14x30x10" x10 3.14830%10 1 942x107 Xe X,= 106.1 Xo-Xz (1061-314 tang = Xe=%z 3061-31 RE, mea R 200 e g=tan*0.3734) p= 20.5° Since @ is positive, current leads the voltage. 42, A sinusoidal vo is applied toa se resistor of resistan of Inductance 28.5 ml (a) Find the resonant frequency. if (b) Calculate the impedance, current and power dissipated at the resonance, 6-47) Ans:Given Vv, = 285V; R= 59% L=28.5mH; C=800 uF 1 (@)_ Resonant frequency fo= 57 Ipc be fale 23.142 28.5% 10 x 800%1 SEES EEE ie, f,= 33.3 Hz (b) Atresonance X, = X, and impedance = Z=R Hence Z= 50; 1, =! Zz 285 ie, Current |, = TB ast Power dissipated = P = I, V, = 57 x 285 = 16245 w. 43. Aseries LCR circuit with R= 200, L =1.5H and C = 35uF is connected to a variable frequency of 200V AC supply. When the of the supply is equal to the ency of the circuit, what Ans: When the frequency of supply equals the natural frequency of the circuit, resonance occurs, ‘Average power / cycle = p =V,.,1,q,, COs0° = 200% 10x P= 2,000 W A 202 r, 1.5H/inductor and 35pF paci conn in series with a , 50 Hz AC . Calculate the impedance of the nd also find the | @ qeurrent thro it. -18) Ans: Given R= 200,L= 5H, C = 35 x 10°E, Ving = 220Vif = SOHE whi Xi On fl 2x 3.142 x 50x 1.5 471.3 1 = Pape 2X32 X50X35x10° (X%,-%-) = 4713-91 80.30 wht Z=\R+(X,—X,) = V400-+ 144704 Impedance, z = 3810) “Ig, = Yom. = 220 5784 m Z 381 = rms value of current = 0.578A = 0.64} () Calculate the quali of the circuit, sé (©) What is the j Fife at resonant (M-2020) condition? fo =n 1 ww Qix10 628x104 | 6.28 100 So = Fog = 159 =16H2 [fo _ Ook _ 2nty (b) Q R R Q=12.5 (c) at resonance X, = X, Z=R___ impedance [Z= 400) SE ee a 12nd) Tey 46. Acoilhas resistance 1000 and inductan, 200 1H is connected in series with a 4 pF capacitor The circuit is connect ith a 10 V variable frequency sour; te :(1) Resonant frequency and (| resonance. (& 1.125 *10°Hz (b) 0.14 resistor, 0.3H induct and a capacitor of 4 series with a 220 culate (a) Inductiy Capacitive reactan ) The rms currer Ans: (a) 47, Acircuithi of resistanct (EQ) Ans: (a) 94.250, (b) 79.582, (©) 54.030, (a) 4.074, (e),0.962) 48. Aresistance , an inductor of 0.4} al pacitor Of 0.01 \F are connecte MESS im AC source of variabl requer ind the frequency of A soureéfor,Which the current in the circul mum. Also calculate the bani and quality factor for the circuit, (eq esonant frequency = 2.51 kHz, Quality factc 0.54, Band width = 238.8 Hz) .. RAY OPTICSAND OPTICAL _ INSTRUMENTS > CI ean(2) | je 18cm contain : F ‘viewed normally | 945)’ smail\ bulb at the bottom g eanee a tank containin| r to a depth q ; f criti le for water ah : 0 calc e diameter q right patch of light forme 4/3). | (MP), An: : Let x be the distance of the bubble from the second face. Then the distanee of the bubble form the firstiface is (18 - x). For the first face AD, real depth = 18 - x Apparent depth = 8cem teal depth | Refractive index n =— ‘2! depth apparent depth 1B © 1 z (1) For the second face BC, real depth=.x Apparent depth = 4cm real depth _ x 2) apparent dept From eqns (1) and (2) 18x _ x n= a + Critical angle, C = 48°35! In figure, tanc =f r=hxtanC ans: n= 1 50). The radii of curvature Ans: Given R, = 0.2m, R, rei%1134 134m =2%1134=2.268m 9, At what angle should a Tay of 9 vacident on the face of an eee prism, so that it just suffers bie reflection at the other face? The Sead index of the material of the prism is 1.5 Radius, . Diameter, (M-2020) sinC = sinc 20.66 GE sin (0.66) ie=ai- A .+C =A-C= 60° From shell’s law sini ms -41°= 19° sar 7, ni, sinf=, isin sin i> sin r Bin 19% 4.5 «0.3255 488 in (0:488) of two surfaces fe the convex lens is 0.2 m and 0.22m. Find focal length of the e lens if refractive oe of the material of lens is 1.5. Also ee he change in focal length, ifit ie) ae water of refractive index 1.33. (-18) = -0.22m n= 15) P= 133 Ans: of lensin water=0817 i] [Focal length 0 e ra + two faces of bicor if ns a and 0.25m ectively. Find the\focal length of the of material ofthe eek: = 1.6, Also ao or of the = 0.2m, Boas: n=16, f=? 3) 52, An equiconvex lens of glass of n, = 1.5 is immersed ina liquid of n, 1.6. Ifthe radius of curvature of each surface is 0.1m, find the nature and focal length of the lens. (EQ) , R=01m, R,=-0.1m Ans:n.= 15, n= rer =o9375-1( 5 As fis -ve, it is a Concave lens Note: Magnification mis +ve virtual image and -ve for real image. ngth 21 53, An object of 3cm is place of a concave) |. of focal Find the Po: ion, Nature and Size of the Image forme a (-19),. Ans: f, = 3cm,u = —l4empf 1 1 u =2Icm,V =2 Sle Sie < OR Images is erect, virtual and at -8.4cm form the ens on the same side of object. Size of image ,h, 54. Two lenses of focal lengths 0.20 m ang 0.30 m are kept in contact. Find the foca) length of the combination. Calculatg powers of the individual lenses and that of the combination. (Eq) Ans; Given parameters: f, = 0.20 m, f, = 0.30 m,f=2, p=? 1 1 1 da SKA 0.20%0.30 = 0.12 p= 0200.30 out f=0. ’ m ; ‘— 2m = BE sp f 0.20 mi |= 3.333p F030 a f O12 .333D. =8,333) or P=P,+P,= 55. )A prism of angle 60° produces angle of minimum deviation of 40°. What is its refractive index? Calculate the angle of incidence, 4g Ans: A= 60%,D, = 40° sn(at ry vin( 240) 2 2 og rl Pa 2 nr) = 2 0.7660 = 1.532. sin30° Angle of incidence 0000080

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