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Bangus St., North Bay Boulevard South, Navotas City

MODULE 5- Communication for Academic Purposes -----MANUSCRIPT FOR TED TALK

Elleonor Frias

Background of the Problem: Describe the Rice Tariffication Law and the state of the national
agriculture during its implementation.
CLAIM: The state of national agriculture during the implementation of the Rice Tariffication
law does not meet the majority of the expected objectives of the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals 
WARRANT: State the effects of Rice Tariffication Law of 2019 to the Filipino farmers from
when it was implemented in the country
2.  DESCRIPTION OF THE PROBLEM: The results of RTL implementation were diametrically
opposed to what RTL advocates had promised.
1. Results after implementing the Rice Tariffication Law or Republic Act no. 11203
1. Unachieved goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals according to the
National Food Authority on May 24, 2022
2. Continuous rise of inflation in the Philippines
3. Little to no benefits of the Rice Tariffication Law
3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED SOLUTION: One possible solution for the Rice
Tariffication Law to become effective is the transparency of government performance.
1. Government transparency
1. How will it be done?
 Propose it to the Philippine government and ask for moral support from our fellow
2. Who will support it?
 The Filipinos, farmers, and those who want to reduce the rice prices in our country
3. What are the benefits?
 It will prevent corrupt politicians from stealing the funds allocated for the farmers and the
farmers will receive what the RTL advocates had promised.
1. Evidence of the effectiveness in Singapore
1. Restate the problem and thesis statement
  The RTL isn’t beneficial so I believe that in order for it to be effective, we must promote
government transparency.
2. Summarize proposed solution
 Promote government transparency
3. Provide some of the benefits of the solution to inspire the audience.
 Understanding the unsolved problems of the RTL, providing the promised benefits of the
law, and receiving the farmer’s basic needs.
Good morning everyone. So as we all know, farmers have a significant role in society. To support local

farmers, the government has implemented the Rice Tariffication Law of 2019 (RTL). Rice import tariffs

are directed to the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF). Overpayments in excess of P10

billion goes to the Rice Farmer Financial Assistance (RFFA) for six years starting from 2019-2024. Rice

tariffication is a win-win situation for rice farmers since they will have access to low-cost, high-quality

rice while receiving government assistance to increase productivity. However, the state of national

agriculture during the implementation of the RTL does not meet the majority of the expected objectives

of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are most likely to be providing adequate assistance to

the farmers involved. This is because (1) inflation is continuously rising and (2) many corrupt public

officials steal the budget allocated for the farmers.

The results of RTL implementation were opposed to what RTL advocates had promised according to the

National Food Authority. We have only recently returned to rice prices that prevailed when quantitative

restrictions on rice imports were still in place. So, where are the benefits of RTL?

People are concerned about the lack of government regulation. The rice sector remains weak, and

inflation is a significant burden on taxpayers and all Filipinos because there is no transparency in data and

funds allocated for the RCEF. We keep importing rice and the farmers have little to no benefits from it.

Raul Montemayor, national manager of the Federation of Free Farmers Cooperative Inc., stated that Rice

price reductions promised by the RTL supporters in the past had not been fully achieved. It only made

many promises but did not benefit farmers.

As one of the consumers, we must help those farmers. Furthermore, we need to achieve the 17 goals of

the UN SDG by helping each other. One possible solution for the RTL to become effective is the

transparency of government performance. If we know where the government spends the budget from the

RCEF, we can monitor where the money from the paid taxes goes. It will also prevent corrupt politicians
from stealing the funds allocated for the farmers. Everyone has the right to know the truth, especially now

that there is a pandemic making life even more difficult.

This has been effective in Singapore. In this country, they inform the citizens where they spend the

budget of their country from their paid taxes. Moreover, this country is widely known for good

governance and their contribution to globalization. They are also well-developed and have a good

relationship with other countries.

In conclusion, the RTL isn’t beneficial for the farmers so I believe that in order for it to be effective, we

must promote government transparency. This will help us, especially farmers, to understand why they

still don’t benefit from the RTL and finally receive what the government has promised to them in

providing an adequate amount of money for their tools, equipment, seeds, and personal needs. That’s all,

thank you for listening.

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