Tiempos Verbales Examen Repaso - 210204 - 104212

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PRESENT SIMPLE: Routines , preferences, daily life , timetables ... INFINITIVE OR -S,-ES,IES (He, she, it) CLAVES : frequency adverbs (usually, sometimes... ) Ex: | watch TV everyday./ | don't watch TV everyday She watchES TV everyday. (Yo veo la tele cada dia) PRESENT CONTINUOUS : What you are doing now, plans for the future. CLAVES : now, right now, at the moment ... Ex: | am watching TV now . You are watching... (TO BE + ING ) (Yo estoy viendo la tele ahora . PAST SIMPLE: Completed actions in the past. CLAVES: yesterday, last week/ month/ year, ago , in 2010, when | was... Ex: | watched TV yesterday. (Yo vi la tele ayer) PAST CONTINUOUS: Long actions in specific moments in the past . CLAVES : at 3 O'clock , While , during 5 hours , all day. E x: | was watching TV all yesterday afternoon / you were Watching... / She was watching..) WAS/ WERE + ING PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE : A state that started in the past and continuos in the present . Recently actions, experiences ... HAVE /HAS + PAST PART (3rd column irregular verbs ) NON ACTION VERBS: START, KNOW FIND, LOSE, BREAK / WANT ... CLAVES : For, since,already , just yet, have you ever ...? | have watched a film this morning (yo he visto una pelicula esta majfiana ) PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: An activity that started in the past and continues in the present. HAVE / HAS + BEEN + ING.CLAVES: Action verbs : learn, rain , play, try, how long...? Ex: | have been learning English for 4 years.(Yo llevo estudiando ingles durante 4 afios ) Exercises The PRESENT (Continuous or simple) T A-Complete it with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 1-Phil (WRITE) ......................... to his parents now . He (WRITE) to them every weekend. 2-1 ( LIVE ) -in a very nice flat in London, but now I( STAY) seesesessseeeeeeeeWith my aunt in Liverpool 3-The Earth (GO ) . . round the Sun. 4-It (SNOW ) outside now. It (COME ) lown quite hard, look. 5- The train to Manchester (LEAVE) .. 6-Tom usually (START ) aa at 7 this week : ceases Oe 7-0 « ... work at 8 o'clock, but he (START) we're very busy now. POWE (BUD acc cicsesiecssassct a garage next to our house. We (WANT ) ............-..Somewhere to put the car. 8-Sheila usually (DRIVE ) car at the moment, so she (GO) .. to work on the bus this week. to work., but she hasn't got a 9-We ( GO) .. ...camping every year. It’s a good cheap holiday .Hotels (COST ) too much. 10-... «she (WRITE. another novel? | bet she is: DOLVIRITE ) asesererveccesnsees: one every year. 1. My granny (break) her leg last week. 24 {not watch) the match on TV at 9 o'clock. a (hear) a noise, while 1 (do) my homework. 4. What time your parents (get) home last night? 5. What you (do) this time last Friday? 6. My mum (prepare) lunch while my brother and | (do) the homework. 7. My father (water) the plants in the garden last weekend. 8. 1 (have) a shower, when someone (knock) on the door, 9. We (go) to the cinema last weekend, 10.How many birthday presents you (get) last year? Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous Exercise 2 aT (not / do) the housework yet. . They (study) very hard recently. . She (promise) to help many times. . He (clean) the kitchen. Everything is sparkling clean. . She (write) her essay and (send) it to her professor. . He (see) the film ‘The King’s Speech’ about six times . We (paint) our living room. | think it looks a lot better . She (take) French lessons lately. . It (not / rain) for three hours! Only about one hour. 10. Lucy (already / leave).

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