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Hydraulic Engineer's Department

Policy for storage tank on loft

As per prevailing policy, every premises to be supplied with municipal water, are
insisted to provide suction tank for storing municipal water supply as well as overhead
tank for ensuring adequate storage and supply of water with pressure through internal
system in individual tenements. Accordingly every new building being constructed with
due permission from Planning Authority such as Building Proposal, S.R.A., etc, are
being provided with suction tank and overhead tank.
However, there are old existing buildings constructed prior to 1962 wherein such
storage tank facility may be absent. In such cases, M.C.G.M. always encourages for
providing common storage tanks to ensure adequate supply. In view of above, wherever
municipal water supply has been provided and still such facility of common suction
tank and overhead tank does not exist, it has been decided to allow storage tank on
existing lofts in individual tenements, subject to the certain conditions as prescribed
1. Applicant shall submit an application in written form, in the office of Assistant
Engineer Water Works pertaining to their ward, for providing storage tank on
existing loft in their tenement.
2. Applicant will have to submit documents showing authenticity of their premises.
Every application will be scrutinized on merits and accordingly permission will
be granted by the office of Assistant Engineer Water.
3. As per provision under section 287B of M.M.C. Act, after obtaining such
permission from M.C.G.M., applicant shall appoint Licensed Plumber to ensure
that all the necessary works are carried out as per various provisions in M.M.C.
Act and Water Bye Laws.
4. As per provisions of section 274 (1) of M.M.C. Act, owner is allowed to provide
storage tank in his premises. The facility will also be extended to the tenant/
occupant with consent of the owner of the premises. In such cases Applicant shall
also submit supporting documents with respect to tenancy/ occupancy. However,
this facility shall not be given in slums.
5. As per provision of Water Bye Law no. 23, the storage tank location shall be such
that it should be easily accessible for inspection and cleaning purpose.  
6. As per provision of Water Bye Law no. 23, storage tank shall have clear space of
not less than 0.6 m between its top and any ceiling, rafter or roof.

7. No storage tank shall be fixed in any water closet, latrine or urinal or in any
place in which injurious gases are likely to be produced and as far as practicable
shall not be placed immediately over any water closet, latrine or urinal.

8. As per provisions of Water Bye Law no. 24, storage tank shall be provided with
an efficient and mosquito proof warning pipe and such warning pipe shall project
outside the premises.
9. The storage tank as well as corresponding fitting material shall be ISI branded.
10. Structural stability certificate for providing storage tank, shall be submitted by the
Structural Engineer registered with M.C.G.M.
11. In order to control the mosquito breeding problems, N.O.C. from Pest Control
Officer of concerned ward is required. 

12. Installation of booster pump on service connection from Municipal water main
tapping to storage tank is prohibited.

13. This permission granted will not prohibit any other department of MCGM to
initiate action for violation of any other rules or regulation of respective

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