Culture Care Modes

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Culture Care Modes





Culture Care Modes

Leininger outlined three methods for achieving and sustaining culturally appropriate

treatment. The three hypothesized methods are culture care preservation and maintenance,

cultural adaptation and negotiation, and cultural reorganization and patterning (Parker, 2015).

Notably, the Mode of Preservation/Maintenance focuses on preserving or maintaining a

client's cultural values, beliefs, and practices and protecting a person's cultural heritage and

values. In bedside nursing, this mode of care can involve listening to a patient's stories and

experiences to understand their cultural background and beliefs better (McFarland, & Wehbe-

Alamah, 2019). For example, a nurse may provide a patient with prayer beads or a rosary to help

them maintain their spiritual or religious beliefs.

The Mode of Accommodation or negotiation involves negotiating and accommodating a

compromise between the client's cultural values, beliefs, and practices and the professional's

assessment of the client's needs. For example, a nurse may compromise a patient's cultural values

and the need for a particular treatment. The nurse might explain the necessity of the treatment

and suggest a culturally appropriate alternative that meets the patient's needs (Smith, 2019).

Re-patterning and restructuring involve restructuring a client's cultural values, beliefs,

and practices based on a professional assessment of the client's needs. This may include

providing culturally appropriate alternatives to care and treatment plans in bedside nursing. For

instance, a nurse may give a patient a culturally appropriate option for a prescribed treatment if it

is incompatible with their beliefs or values (Parker, 2015). The nurse may also offer a culturally

relevant variation on a treatment to fit the patient's needs better.


In conclusion, the three models differed notably from conventional nursing procedures,

routines, and interventions. They are concerned with using theoretical facts creatively to promote

congruent treatment that meets the specific cultural demands of clients. To provide culturally

appropriate treatment, the nurse must draw on recent research on cultural care and empirical and

theoretical data results. The care is individualized for each patient.



McFarland, M. R., & Wehbe-Alamah, H. B. (2019). Leininger's theory of culture care diversity

and universality: An overview with a historical retrospective and a view toward the

future. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 30(6), 540-557.

Parker, M.E (2015) “Nursing theories and nursing practice”. (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A.

Davis Company.


Smith, M. C. (2019). Nursing theories and nursing practice. FA Davis.

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