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Philosophy comes from two Greek words: Philos (love) and Sophia (wisdom) which were

used by Ancient Greeks to refer to “love of wisdom”.

❖ mathematician and scientist, credited with formulating the Pythagorean Theorem

❖ established a community of learners devoted to the study of religion and philosophy.

❖ proposed that everything that exists is based on higher order or plan which he called
❖ Change is a permanent aspect of the human condition; “No Man never steps in the
same river twice”.
❖ Study the causes of natural phenomena

❖ Was among the first to propose that matter is composed of tiny particles called
Diogenes of Sinope
❖ A known advocate of living a simple and virtuous life.

❖ One should not only talk of virtue but should show it in words and actions.

❖ His emphasis on austerity and simplicity often went to the extreme and was said to
have lived like a beggar.
❖ Philosophy could enable man to live a life of happiness

❖ His views gave rise to Epicureanism- a school of philosophy that believes that
wisdom and simple living will result in a life free of fear and pain.
❖ Considered the foremost philosopher of ancient times

❖ He did not claim to be “wise” and merely considered himself a “mid-wife” that helped
inquiring minds achieve wisdom.
❖ Believed that philosophy could enable a man to live a life of virtue

❖ Formulated the Socratic Method- means of examining a topic by devising a series of

questions that let the learner examine and analyze his knowledge.
❖ A student of Socrates, he wrote down his mentor’s teachings and incorporated some
of his own ideas.
❖ His teachings and writings were considered the foundation of Western Philosophy.
❖ Dialectic- method of inquiry where two opposing ideas are discussed in an attempt to
arrive at new knowledge.
❖ Founded the Academy- an institution of higher learning.

Aristotle(Father of Philosophy)
❖ He attended the academy and prominent student of Plato.

❖ All ideas and views are based on perception and our reality is based on what we can
sense and perceive.
❖ Deductive Reasoning- the process of which specific statements are analyze to reach a
conclusion of generalization.

Aesthetics- deals with beauty and what makes things “beautiful”

Logic- the branch of Philosophy which deals with correct reasoning

Epistemology- discusses the nature of knowledge and knowing

Ethics- the branch which deals with moral questions and dilemmas


*Philosophy originated in the Greek city states along the coast of Asia Minor around 600 BC.

● Believed that the universe originally an undifferentiated mass until it was worked
upon by mind (souls), a spiritual moment. He believed there were no pure stuffs in the
universe but that everything shared a part of everything else:
● “There is a portion of everything in everything.”
● Thought the principle of all things was infinity. Also said the moon borrowed its light
from the sun, which was made up of fire. Made a globe and, according to Diogenes
Laertes was the first to draw a map of the inhabited world. Credited to Gnomon
(pointer) on the sundial.
Empedocles of Acragas
● Poet, statesman, and physician, as well as philosopher. Encouraged people to look
upon him as a Miracle Worker. He believed in the four elements.
● First philosopher known to use the word kosmos for world order, which he says
“never was and ever will be, not created by god or man.”
● Greek Philosopher, He argued against the existence of a void, a theory used by later
philosophers in the expression “nature abhors a vacuum”.
● Change and motion are only delusions.
Socratic Method=Dialectic Method

*Sophist= professional teachers.

Philosopher Ideas
Pythagoras All relationships can be expressed in
numbers; Pythagorean Theorem
Socrates Absolute truth exists within everyone;
Socratic Method
Plato Government should be divided into three
groups, ruled by Philosopher-Kings; men and
women should have equal education and
Aristotle “Golden Mean”; use senses to make
observations like a scientist; analyzed
governments and decided that the best was a
mixture of government by a few and

Three Triumvirate in Ancient Philosophy

*Aristotle (Father of Philosophy)

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