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Expressing enthusiasm
Wow! That’s great/wonderful/fantastic news!
I am/was glad/happy/pleased to hear that…
I couldn’t believe when I read that…

Accepting an invitation
Sounds brilliant/perfect! Sure!
Thanks for inviting me to…/asking me to join you.
How could I say no?
Count me in.

Refusing an invitation
I am sorry but I have to… Maybe some other time.
I’m afraid I can’t make it because…
It was nice of you to invite me, but I’ve already made
other plans.
Unfortunately, I’ll have to let you down.

Giving news
Well, here’s the latest.
Let me fill you in.
You won’t believe what happened to me the other day!
You asked me to tell you about… so here goes.
Here’s an update of what’s happening in my life.
II. Informal letter/e-mail writing

1. Greeting
 Hello Frank!
 Hi Mum,
 Dearest Jane,
 Dear Uncle Greg,

2. Opening paragraph
 How are you (keeping)
 How are things? I hope everything is OK.
 Thanks for your letter/email.
 Sorry I haven’t written for so long, but…
 It’s taken me ages to reply, but…
 I’ve been meaning to get back to you, but…
 It was great to hear from you again.
 I’m writing to tell you/ let you know…

3. Main paragraph
 2-3 paragraphs

4. Closing paragraph
 I must go now.
 Well, that’s all for now.
 Write back soon.
 Waiting for your letter/reply.
 I’m looking forward to hearing from you again.
 Say hello to…
 Give my regards/love to everyone.
 Keep in touch.

5. Signing off
 Yours,
 Hugs and kisses,
 All the best,
 Bye for now,
 Love,
 Best wishes,
 Take care,

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