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2022 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Medical Sciences (ICETEMS)

GIS based Asset Management in Electrical

Distribution Utilities
2022 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Medical Sciences (ICETEMS) | 978-1-6654-6112-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICETEMS56252.2022.10093288

Foolchand Ahirwar Ravindra Moharil

Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Yeshwantrao Chavan College of
Engineering Nagpur, India-441110 Engineering Nagpur, India -441110 :0000-0002-1440-6744.

Abstract—Geographical Information System (GIS) is the system growth, the Demand side Energy Management (DEM) in the
through which all the information can be gathered about the distribution utilities gets very complex and congested. It is very
distribution system. Reformation information can be gathered difficult for the utility field officials and even the lineman to
from remote place about distribution network using geo identify the particular network from consumer details for O&M
coordinates. Asset management and consumer indexing are the related works.
main functionality of the distribution utilities. Currently
M. V. Krishna Rao et al. in their paper explained about the
distribution system faced challenges about the revenue collection,
monitoring and controlling the distribution due to limited access
process of power flow and load flow analysis by using GIS in
during CORONA-19 pandemic. IT based infrastructure of all electrical distribution utilities [1]. X.Li et al. explained about
electrical equipment’s and other assets through GIS helps to the graphical designing of network using GIS [2]. C.W. Ten et
organize the workflow with less human resource requirement. This al. explained the different topologies and integration of GIS
paper represents the effective implementation of GIS in the data with Common Information Model (CIM) and Supervisory
distribution utility for developing the strategical road map for Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software [3]. X. Li et
fixing the accountability and achieve the analytical targets. It can al. mentioned about the operation of distribution transfer in
be inferred that implementation of GIS in distribution system plays different states of loads with the help of GIS [4]. Editors
a vital role in planning, improvement in billing, revenue collection, referred ESRI products and their applications in electrical
proper asset management. GIS also helps in curtailing power loss domain, customization and interpretation of GIS architecture
by restructuring the distribution network in optimal manner. feasibility in electrical Domain [5]. DIgSILENT powerfactory
software is used for Power system monitoring and their
Keywords- Accelerated Power Development and Reform Program integration with GIS for power management [6]. Billinton and
(APDRP), Demand-side Energy Management (DEM), Distribution Singh, have explained about the power system reliability
company (DISCOM), Geographic Coordinate System (GCS), parameters to calculate the reliability indices [7]. V.Casteren, et
Geographical Information System (GIS), Global Positioning Satellite al. explained the distribution power system reliability
(GPS). parameters to calculate the various distribution level (HL-III)
reliability indices for both frequency and duration such as
described how to use GIS for indexing of consumers and their
Now a days, after Electricity Act 2003 implementation from implementation in distribution utilities [9]. Ministry of Power
2003 onwards, electric power is provided to the consumers (MoP), Government of India has announced various schemes
mainly by the utilities known as Distribution company for improvement of distribution network such as Accelerated
(DISCOM). DISCOM is responsible to supply the power to the Power Development and Reform Program (APDRP),
consumers within their predefined territory in a safe and Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reform
efficient manner. In most of the DISCOMs, proper mechanism Program (R-APDRP), Infra, Deendayal Upadhyay Gramin
is not available to locate all the assets and consumers under the Jyoti Yojna (DDUGJY), Ujjwal DISCOM Assurance Yojna
Supply Division in the proper manner. For proper asset (UDAY)[10]. Phoenix IT Solution-utility Service/Consumer
management it is necessary to define and tagged all the assets. Indexing Services referred the asset management using IT
Adopting the technique of Geographical Information System enable services in electrical Distribution utilities [11]. S. Vahedi
(GIS) in the respective Supply Division is the easier et al. presented approach for analyzing a raster map in GIS to
methodology to access and analyze the total asset and consumer perform substation expansion planning on large scale [12]. M.
database to supply the power to the particular distributor Mehrtash et al. used GIS for feeder route problem using graph-
division. based model for the resilient feeder [13]. J. Fang et al. in their
Normally, the transmission utility grid substation will paper gave GIS based application in Distribution Management
supply the electric power at 132 or 66 kV to the distribution System (DMS) and automatic mapping is presented [14]. I.
utility. Distribution utility then reduce the voltage level to 33 Suryawati et al. obtained solution for smart grid on the power
kV through their Distribution or switching substation. The same flow management. Authors presented load flow algorithm and
power will be further drop down by the distribution or switching GIS for online management [15].
substation to 11 kV and 11 kV Supply will be then forwarded Current electrical distribution utility has limited monitoring
through the feeders/distributors via Distribution transformers to and maintenance planning. This paper explains the
the consumer supply point through the Corresponding LT methodology to overcome these limitations like updating
network. However due to rapid urbanization and population customer details, maintaining database of consumers, hundred

978-1-6654-6112-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 337

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percent billing and better collecting efficiency. Use of GIS for The primary survey gets started along with the back-end
maintaining customer data further helps in reducing losses, activity of Land base creation so that the Land base data get
maintain the parameters within limits. ready for the network survey as the Land base is the reference
data for the network and consumer survey through GPS
SYSTEM Further the network and consumer survey get started at the
selected town as describe in the process, the methodology of
Ministry of Power (MoP), Govt. of India has already introduced survey and creation of there respective digitized design as per
the technique of GIS to be implement in all electrical utilities in pre-defined scheme get migrated in the GIS system for the
India. In their first program of APDRP program, ministry has results and conclusion. And the final data will deliver to the
announced several new IT enable services in the year 2005. utility for verification and approval so that the utility officers
Initially it was adopted in some limited areas (Town can furnish further analysis. Selection of AOI (area of interest)
demarcation under urban areas) only. In this program based on the administrative boundary of subdivision to be
distribution utilities made the distribution sector IT enable and covered by the utility so that all the assets get covered.
accessible, but due to lack of technology awareness and skilled Fig. 1, presents the steps to be followed while implementing
resources the program gets failed and not able to obtain the the GIS.
expected outputs from APDRP program. All major, streets/ roads, buildings, water bodies, vegetation
In year 2009, MoP has revamped the scheme under R- etc are captured at this stage. Satellite Picture: High Resolution
APDRP. Several changes were made in the scheme so as in GIS Satellite pictures are procured for the utility license area.
also and same were implemented by the utilities till date. After • GPS Survey: Global Positioning System is used for
go-live, the data was uploaded in their production server till taking ground control points required for geo
2015 or 2016 in some utilities and still under process in referencing and ortho- rectification.
remaining utilities also. Regular updates and modifications in • Digitization: Geo-referenced image then digitized for
the data is necessary otherwise the the becomes old and will not extracting land base features as per data model.
be useful for future planning due to rapid urbanization and • Field Survey: Extensive field survey is then
population growth. conducted for capturing left over features and
respective attributes.
III. METHODOLOGY • Quality Assurance: At every step the quality checks
To start the GIS implementation first it is required to make the and respective assurance parameters are established
arrangement of satellite image. This satellite image will be for ensuring data quality.
helpful for further process. Geo referencing based on the
satellite image can be panned for the ground collection point IV. APPRAISAL OF DISTRIBUTION NETWORK
(GCP), after collection of sample points through Differential IN PROJECT AREA
Global Positioning System (DGPS) survey. Once reception of
satellite imagery the image get process through image Considering a pilot area for project demarcation is keeping in
processing so that the unwanted errors can remove, and image view for implementing the GIS based Asset Management we
gets cleaned. consider Chakradharpur Town under Jharkhand territory in
India for implementing GIS. The DISCOM, Jharkhand Bijlee
Vitaran Nigam Limited (JBVNL) is distributing the power in
the Chakradharpur. Table I represents the details of distribution
division under consideration for case study.

Table I Details of GIS based station for Case Study

Town Sub- Substation Feeder DTC
Name Division
Chakradhar Chakradhar Chakradhar Railway 22
pur pur pur
Town 69

Fig. 1. Steps in implementation of GIS

Fig. 2. Raster Satellite Image


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Fig. 2, shows the Raster Satellite image of Chakradharpur. The aborting the analysis during asset management. Fig. 5, is
primary input Data was collected from the Utility officers and representing the digitization of network survey data for
same has been surveyed through GPS Device to incorporate in Chakradharpur, mentioning all the details of the actual
GIS system for asset management. electrical network.

A. Land base Digitization.

Fig. 3, represents the conversion of raster satellite image into

vector form for the Digitized Geo data. Digitization can be
done by considering all the parameters to be captured by
converting the raster image into the vector form all the features
under consideration. When the digitization gets completed, the
attribute of same get incorporated into the feature class.
Fig. 2 represents the Raster satellite image of the case study site
Chakradharpur. Fig. 3 shows the land base digitization. Object
oriented vector data model is helpful for showing the features of
the real-world object. This database in GIS is known as spatial
database or sometimes it is recognized as geodatabase. This
database is useful for obtaining the model of real world objects
and their interrelationships.
Arc map environment and arc catalog are used to enter
the data in the corresponding tables. Before doing the further
analysis data entry done is to be saved as arc map for data enter
into the geodatabase. Now the layers are to be digitized, later on Fig. 4. Network Survey Methodology
non-spatial data attributes are added for digitized data. Spatial
themes which contains geographic information is linked with the
attribute table for future usage.

Fig. 5. Digitization of Network Survey Data (Outer view)

Fig. 3. Screenshot of Land-base Digitization through GIS tool
C. Processing of Survey data Into GIS System
B. Survey of Electrical Network. There are many applications and software available in market
to process the GPS Survey data into the GIS system like Arc
Survey data will contain all information related to the network GIS, GE Small world and Q GIS. The data can be customized
starting from the grid substation to the supply connected to as per the need and requirements of analysis, having both the
consumer, starting from the 66 or 33 kV Grid substation to the application to work into the open-source mode or intra source
Distribution substation connected through overhead line or mode.
underground cable all the technical details get captured by There are 3 Main Features which are used in the GIS system
using the high accuracy GPS device to avoid the coordinate are Polygon, line and point through which we will digitize our
fluctuation. Fig. 4 represents the network survey topology. data, A Feature is a single entity in GIS that has Both geometry
Feeders Originated from Distribution substation was and attribute. Fig. 6 represents the location of each customer in
also survey in the same manner so that all the details of pole, the distribution network with the representation of features in
towers, line, cable and connected DTC over the particular the distribution network.
feeder get captured and incorporated in the GIS Database. All Finally, the Digitized Survey data will merge with the
technical attributes of Poles, Line, Cable and DTC will be Digitized Network data so that Network analysis get easier to
captured in such a way that so the analysis can be furnished access the Land base along with the network.
without any error, variation in field data and survey data may

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Fig. 9. Attribution of Electrical features available on click on an asset


All the asset details gathered during the survey and same
will migrated in the GIS system can onboarded for remote
Fig. 6. Digitization of Network Data (Inner View) & (symbols used) access by the utility, the technical information collected
through the survey will helps the utility for asset management
as the technical information of substation, HT, LT network and
transformers details are available with the utility can identify
the network and associated network condition.

OBJECTID * Ancil ary Role Location Code X Location Code Y Capacity HighVoltageSideVolts(KV) HT Protection LowVoltageSideVolts(KV) LT Protection Transformer Mounting PhaseDesignation
Fig. 7. Interlaid of Network and Land base 3442None 357959.8474 2508403.415200 KVA 11 KV Isolator+Fuse 0.433 KV Fuse Tri pole RYB
Fig. 7, represents the combination of land base and electrical
3448None 357958.8278 2508402.32200 KVA 11 KV Isolator+Fuse 0.433 KV Fuse Tri pole RYB
network. Integrating the network survey data into the GIS 3460None 357935.2363 2508444.435100 KVA 11 KV Isolator+Fuse 0.433 KV Fuse Double Pole RYB
system resulting to provide not only the read only access as
well as the editable feature, so that in future if the infrastructure Fig. 10. Screenshot of Asset Management using GIS tool
changes under repair and maintenance or augmentations made
in the electrical network by the utility it can be easily editable Fig. 10, represents the asset management using GIS for the
as per changes done in the field network and access to get Chakradharpur. After this assessment, if the fault occurs in the
updated details of all the assets to the viewer. Fig. 8 and 9, feeder, then it is easier for the utility officer to trace the
represents the current scenario of electrification and how the network configuration with the other feeder using Fig. 9, to
attribution of electrical features are represented in the software. operate the sectionalizing switches so that affected customer
may have the supply available through another route.
Similarly, the maintenance and operational works get
easier as the utility have the information about the condition of
the assets like Distribution Transformers, Potential
Transformers, Current Transformers, Vacuum Circuit Breaker
and control panels. Performance analysis helps for future
planning to either upgrade or abolished the assets to overcome
the technical losses, by replacing the aged devices with the new
device to improve on the performance and reliability of the
distribution network.


There is a need of Implementing GIS in all the

DISCOMs to make their functionality and working culture in an
upgrading mode. GIS tool provide the digital access to the
Fig. 8. Current scenario of electrified area
utility for monitoring and accessing the information remotely.


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DISCOMs can easily approach to the consumer and network by
following the path of land base.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 12. Phoenix IT Solution-utility Service/Consumer Indexing Services.
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13. S. Vahedi, M. Banejad, M. Assili,“GIS-Based Substation
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Ceinsys Tech Ltd., Nagpur and Yeshwantrao Chavan College 14. M. Mehrtash, A. Kargarian, A. Conejo, “Graph-Based Second-
Order Cone Programming Model for Resilient Feeder Routing
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