Spectral Alalysis of Stock Return Volatility Correlation and Beta PDF

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2015 IEEE Signal Processing and Signal Processing Education Workshop (SP/SPE)


A. Shomesh E. Chaudhuri B. Andrew W. Lo∗

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Sloan School of Management, CSAIL, EECS
Cambridge, MA Cambridge, MA

ABSTRACT frequency-domain measures offer surprisingly simple repre-

sentations of complex dynamics that are cyclical.
We apply spectral techniques to analyze the volatility and cor- In this article, we propose several new frequency-domain
relation of U.S. common-stock returns across multiple time measures of stock-market risk and expected return and show
horizons at the aggregate-market and individual-firm level. how they can complement traditional approaches to portfolio
Using the cross-periodogram to construct frequency band- management. We begin in Section 2 by reviewing the liter-
limited measures of variance, correlation and beta, we find ature on volatility, portfolio theory, and spectral analysis as
that volatilities and correlations change not only in magnitude applied to finance. In Section 3 we present the basic decom-
over time, but also in frequency. Factors that may be respon- position of variance, correlation, and beta into their frequency
sible for these trends are proposed and their implications for components, and in Section 4 we apply this framework to the
portfolio construction are explored. historical returns of U.S. stocks. We explore the applications
Index Terms— spectral analysis, volatility, correlation, of these measures to portfolio theory in Section 5, and con-
beta, portfolio theory, financial engineering clude in Section 6.


It has been observed that the volatility of securities and their There is an enormous literature on statistical models for cap-
correlation with the stock market are not constant, but change turing the time variation in volatility. Simple models such
over time. This variation in volatility and correlation has as the rolling standard deviation used by Officer [1] have
important implications for any theory of risk, return, and given way to sophisticated econometric techniques such as
portfolio construction. However, standard measures do not ARCH and GARCH models introduced by Engle [2] and
distinguish between the short- and long-term components other stochastic volatility models. Partial surveys of these
of risk and co-movement. The fact that economic shocks methods are given by Campbell, Lo, and MacKinlay [3],
produce distinct effects on stock return dynamics at different Broto and Ruiz [4], and Bauwens, Laurent and Rombouts [5].
time horizons suggests that frequency-specific measures of In this article, we focus on characterizing the time-horizon-
volatility and correlation may yield several new insights. dependent components of volatility and correlation; hence,
First, studying the frequency components of stock return our use of spectral analysis.
processes can reveal new features of the underlying economic Spectral analysis has a long history in econometrics [6],
structure driving these processes. Second, since the time hori- [7], with applications ranging from business cycle analy-
zon for investments can range from microseconds to decades, sis [8] to option valuation [9]. Often the analysis relies on
the risks specific to these time horizons can be gauged and the Fourier transform (e.g., [10], [11]), however recently
taken into consideration during portfolio construction. Third, wavelets (e.g., [12], [13], [14]) and the Hilbert-Huang trans-
as trading strategies become ever faster, the frequency domain form (e.g., [15]) have also been used to study financial data
provides a convenient framework for comparing investment in the time-frequency domain. In this article, the cross-
processes that operate on different timescales and, more im- periodogram—calculated using the short-time Fourier trans-
portantly, for diversifying across these timescales. Finally, form [16]—forms the basis of our spectral analysis. The
cross-periodogram, which is the decomposition of the inner
∗ The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors
product of two time series into their frequency components,
only and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of any other
organizations, any of their affiliates or employees, or any of the individuals
was introduced into the economic literature by Engle [17]
acknowledged above. Research support from the MIT Laboratory for Finan- as a component of band-spectrum regression. Using a sim-
cial Engineering is gratefully acknowledged. ilar insight, we use the frequency-band-limited adaptations

978-1-4673-9169-6/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE 232

2015 IEEE Signal Processing and Signal Processing Education Workshop (SP/SPE)

of variance, correlation, and beta, to study the statistical More generally, averaging over the cross-periodogram
properties of asset returns at multiple time horizons. This can be used decompose the sample covariance into its fre-
framework connects spectral analysis to the standard tools quency components:
of modern portfolio theory developed by Markowitz [18], al-
T −1
lowing us to analyze the time-horizon properties of portfolio 1 X ∗
cov(ri , rj ) = Ri,k Rj,k . (5)
construction. T2

This technique uses the DFT to express the returns in the fre-
3. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS quency domain and then analyzes their phase. When the re-
turns are in phase at a given frequency, the contribution that
We use the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to decompose frequency makes to the overall covariance is positive. When
the covariance of returns into its frequency components, from they are out of phase, then that particular frequency’s contri-
which we calculate time-horizon-specific correlations and be- bution will be negative. Values of k that are symmetric about
tas. T /2 (e.g., k = 1 and k = T −1) have the same frequency and
Let ri,t be the one-period return of stock i between dates their contributions to the sample variance are complex conju-
t−1 and t. The sample variance of returns over a interval from gates. Therefore, the contribution from a single frequency or
t = 0, . . . , T −1 can then be calculated as: subset of frequencies will always be real.
We can calculate the contribution of a subset of frequen-
T −1
1 X cies, K ⊆ {0, . . . , T−1}, to the sample covariance by limiting
var(ri ) = (ri,t − ri )2 , (1)
T t=0 the summation in (5) to the frequencies of interest:2 ,
1 X ∗
where ri is the sample mean of returns, covK (ri , rj ) = Ri,k Rj,k . (6)
T −1
1 X This corresponds to calculating the sample covariance of the
ri = ri,t . (2)
T t=0 inverse DFT reconstruction of returns, restricted to the speci-
fied frequency subset.
This calculation is exactly equivalent to the one formed by A few important implementation details still remain. Win-
averaging over the periodogram: dowing procedures (e.g., multiplication by a Hamming win-
dow) can be applied to the data before taking the Fourier
T −1 transform used to calculate the modified periodogram. This
1 X ∗
var(ri ) = Ri,k Ri,k (3) procedure will generally decrease spectral leakage at the ex-
k=1 pense of reducing spectral resolution. Moreover, averaging
cross-periodograms formed over overlapping time intervals
where Ri,k are the T -point DFT coefficients1 of ri,t : can reduce the variance of the spectral estimates at the ex-
pense of increased bias. This method is known as the Bartlett
T −1
X 2πkt method if no window other than a rectangular window is ap-
Ri,k = ri,t e−j T , 0 ≤ k ≤ T −1 . (4)
plied to the data sections, and as Welch’s method if a tapered
window is applied. We refer the reader to Oppenheim and
Note that k = 0, the zero frequency, is not involved in (3) Schafer [16, Chapter 10] for a more detailed discussion of
since adding or subtracting a constant to the time series ri,t these advanced implementation techniques.
does not change its sample variance. In this form, the con- This frequency-domain analysis can be extended to time-
tribution to the sample variance by the kth frequency, where horizon specific calculations of the beta and correlation co-
k ∈ {1, . . . , T − 1}, is real valued and clearly visible. The efficients. The frequency-restricted beta coefficient, βK , and
lowest non-zero frequency occurs at k = 1 and the highest correlation coefficient, ρK , can be calculated as:
frequency occurs at the value of k closest to T /2. Values of  1/2
k that are symmetric about T /2 (e.g., k = 1 and k = T − 1) varK (ri )
βK (ri , rj ) = ρK (ri , rj ) (7)
have the same frequency and their contributions to the sample varK (rj )
variance are the same. The relation h = T Ts /k, where Ts is
the time between samples and 0 ≤ k ≤ T /2, can be used to
convert the kth frequency to its corresponding time horizon. covK (ri , rj )
ρK (ri , rm ) = . (8)
[varK (ri )varK (rj )]1/2
1 These coefficients can easily be calculated using the algorithms pro-
vided by any standard statistical software program. For example, we used 2 Note that pairs of elements that correspond to the same frequency should

the “fft” function in MATLAB. be included together in K.

2015 IEEE Signal Processing and Signal Processing Education Workshop (SP/SPE)

Since returns are real-valued, −1 ≤ ρK (ri , rj ) ≤ 1, and (8) is 0.1

computationally equivalent to calculating the sample correla-

tion of the inverse DFT reconstructions of returns, restricted 0.05
to the frequencies specified by K. Engle [17] shows how the
band spectrum regression coefficient βK can be generalized 0
to the case of multiple factors. 70 80 90 00 10
2 0.01

Horizon [day]

Our empirical analysis focuses on all stocks in the University 70 80 90 00 10
of Chicago’s CRSP Database from May 10, 1963 to Decem- Year
ber 31, 2014. Specifically, we use only U.S. common stocks
with CRSP share code 10 and 11, which eliminates REIT’s, Fig. 1. The top panel shows the trailing 750-trading-day an-
ADR’s, and other non-common-stock securities. CRSP occa- nualized variance of the value-weighted market index pro-
sionally reports returns and prices that are based on bid-ask vided in the CRSP data set between May 10, 1963 and De-
quote midpoints (for infrequently traded securities); we elim- cember 31, 2014. The bottom panel shows the corresponding
inate a stock from our sample if more than 5% of its prices variance spectrum partitioned into 15 frequency bands.
are based on these values in any windowed time interval.
In Fig. 1 we show the trailing 750-trading-day annualized
variance and variance spectrum of the CRSP value-weighted provided various electronic platforms for both market mak-
market index. We compute the annualized variance based on ers and customers. The algorithmic trading strategies em-
daily data. The figure shows large spikes in volatility across ployed on these electronic platforms may have increased the
all frequencies during the oil shocks of the 1970s, the stock amount of noise at these shorter time horizons, while re-
market crash of 1987, the Tech Bubble, and the Financial Cri- maining uncorrelated with general market movements. These
sis of 2007–2008. Moreover, the variance spectra over the trends would have been particularly noticeable in stocks
past two decades show more high-frequency content than any with low baseline prices and small market capitalizations—
of the earlier periods, which is not surprising considering the such as those found predominantly on the NASDAQ stock
ever increasing speed and volume of trading. exchange—since high-frequency price dynamics on the order
Figs. 2 and 3 show the cross-sectional average of the of the bid-ask spread would have subsequently larger effects
trailing 750-trading-day annualized variance and correlation on returns.
spectra when applied to stocks sorted into NASDAQ and An interesting area for further research is to determine the
NYSE/AMEX subsets by their CRSP exchange code identi- underlying processes driving these volatility and correlation
fier. We find that, throughout the 1990s, the average variance measures, and, in particular, explaining the upward trend in
of NASDAQ securities trended upwards, especially at the high-frequency volatility in the 1990s.
shorter time horizons (between 1 day and 1 week). In con-
trast, there is no discernible trend in the average variance of 5. IMPLICATIONS FOR PORTFOLIO
stocks trading on the NYSE/AMEX during this period. Since CONSTRUCTION
this upward trend in short-run individual stock volatility did
not translate into increased market volatility, we see in Fig. 2 We have shown that individual stock volatility and correla-
that, as expected, the average correlation at these high fre- tions change over time and across frequencies. An implica-
quencies decrease. We also note that the correlation spectra in tion of this finding is that a portfolio can be designed to max-
both Figs. 2 and 3 show large increases in the average corre- imize expected returns while minimizing its risk over a given
lation with the market across all frequencies during the stock frequency band. Since investors have different time horizons,
market crash of 1987 and the Financial Crisis of 2007–2008. it is rational for them to seek to minimize the risk specific to
Moreover, correlations with the market have tended to trend a particular frequency band. For example, short-run volatil-
upward over the past two decades. ity, even if correlated with their portfolio, may not be impor-
It is natural to ask what might explain the increasing tant to their investment goals if their time horizon is much
volatility and decreasing market correlation observed in these longer. Similarly, low-frequency power in returns and corre-
NASDAQ securities during the 1990s. We speculate that lations may be insignificant to a high-frequency trader who
this trend may be partly explained by the high-frequency dy- does not operate on the same timescale. Our frequency de-
namics induced by the advent and proliferation of electronic compositions provide a systematic framework for performing
trading networks during this period. NASDAQ embraced such an analysis.
electronic trading much earlier than the NYSE/AMEX and In mean-variance portfolio theory, given a target value

2015 IEEE Signal Processing and Signal Processing Education Workshop (SP/SPE)

1 0.5 0.5 0.8



0.5 0.25 0.25 0.4

0 0 0 0
70 80 90 00 10 70 80 90 00 10
2 0.08 2 0.04

Horizon [day]
Horizon [day]

3 3
0.04 0.02
6 6
30 30
0 0
70 80 90 00 10 70 80 90 00 10
2 0.6 2 0.8

Horizon [day]
Horizon [day]

3 3
0.3 0.4
6 6
30 30
0 0
70 80 90 00 10 70 80 90 00 10
Year Year

Fig. 2. The top panel shows the cross-sectional average for Fig. 3. The top panel shows the cross-sectional average
NASDAQ securities of their trailing 750-trading-day return for NYSE/AMEX securities of their trailing 750-trading-day
annualized variance and correlation with the value-weighted return annualized variance and correlation with the value-
market index return between April 13, 1983 and December weighted market index return between May 10, 1963 and De-
31, 2014. The middle and bottom panels show the corre- cember 31, 2014. The middle and bottom panels show the
sponding average annualized variance and correlation spectra, corresponding average annualized variance and correlation
respectively, partitioned into 15 frequency bands. spectra, respectively, partitioned into 15 frequency bands.

(µ̃) for the expected portfolio return, the efficient portfolio

ratio of the variance of portfolio B to that of portfolio A is
weights (w̃) are those that minimize the portfolio variance for
all portfolios with expected return µ̃. Mathematically, the op-
timization problem can be written as,
var(rB )
≈ 1 + 2δ(β(ri , rA ) − 1) (11)
w̃ = arg min wT Σw (9) var(rA )

subject to the constraints which implies that if a small amount of security i is added
to portfolio A, the variance of the portfolio will increase if
wT µ = µ̃ and wT 1 = 1 (10) β(ri , rA ) > 1, and will decrease if β(ri , rA ) < 1. Taking
advantage of the linear properties of the Fourier transform,
where wi is the portfolio weight on the ith security, µi = we find that:
E[ri ] and Σi,j = cov(ri , rj ).
The inputs for the optimization problem are, therefore, varK (rB )
the expected returns and covariance matrix of these securi- ≈ 1 + 2δ(βK (ri , rA ) − 1) (12)
varK (rA )
ties. As a first-order approximation, sample estimates can be
used for these values. Accordingly, a time-horizon-specific
mean-variance optimization, restricted to the frequency band which provides a similarly intuitive interpretation, in terms of
K, can be developed by simply replacing the sample standard portfolio construction, for the restricted-frequency beta coef-
deviation and correlation matrix estimates with those based ficient, βK .
on (6) and (8), respectively. This framework has the attractive These simple examples highlight the versatility of covK ,
feature that the optimization techniques developed to solve ρK and βK . As the frequency band-limited counterparts to
for the efficient frontier are still valid since the form of inputs covariance, correlation, and beta, their applications are not
are not affected. limited to modern portfolio theory, but can be applied to al-
Now suppose that an investor currently holds portfolio A, most any theory of risk, reward, and portfolio construction.
and wishes to shift a small fraction of his portfolio weight, δ, An interesting area for future research is to investigate the the
to security i to create portfolio B. It can be shown that the practical advantages of such a framework.

2015 IEEE Signal Processing and Signal Processing Education Workshop (SP/SPE)

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