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Assignment of biodiversity and


Status of Local Species of Tropical Mangrove Region

Submitted to:

Ma’am Ghazala Usman

Submitted by:
Seher Ajmal (roll no 01)

Muntaha Siddique (roll no 03 )

Ayesha Bibi (roll no 05 )

Faria Nazir (roll no 08 )

Sadaf Idrees (roll no 09 )

Irum Mushtaq (roll no 10 )

Tazmeen Ismaeel (roll no 11)

Class :

Semester :


Session :


Government Sadiq Egerton Graduate College

Content Table
1-Status of Local Species of Tropical Mangrove Region……………………..

1.1- Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………..

2-Flora ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


4-Soil topography………………………………………………………………………………………………

5-List of rare species…………………………………………………………………………………………

5.1- Lumnitzera racemosa……………………………………………………………………

5.2- Acanthus ilicifolius…………………………………………………………………

5.3- Bruguiera cylindrica …………………………………………………………………

5.4 Perameles gunni ………………………………………………………………………..

6. List of endangered species ………………………………………………………………

6.1- Heritiera fomes ……………………………………..…………………………………

6.2- Excoecaria agallocha ………………………………………………………………

6.3- Bruguiera sexangula …………………………………………………………………

6.4- Panthera tigris ……………………………………………………………………………

7. List of Extinct Species …………………………………………………………………………………

7.1- Sonneratia alba ………………………………………………………………………

7.2- Avicennia alba ……………………………………………………………….……………

7.3- Rhizophora mucronata ………………………………………………………………

7.4- Nyctibatrachus robinmoorei …………………………………………………………

8. Reference ………………………….………………………………………………………………………
Status of Local Species of Tropical
Mangrove Region

Mangroves are a salt tolerant bush type trees which grow in inter-

tidal zones of tropical and sub- tropical areas,rivers,deltas and along coasts.

They are of great importance.

There are about 80 different species of mangroves trees. All these

grow in areas allow sediments to accumulates. Mangroves forests protects

coasts from dangerous cyclons and hurricanes


Mangroves, any of certain shrubs and trees that belong primarily to the

families rhizotaceae and arecaceae that grow in dense or thick forest along

tidal estuaries.


Pythons are attracted by large group of flying foxes. The estuarine crocodile
(crocodylus porous) is also found in mangrove forest in the north. Mangroves
also provide protected areas for the species like fish , crab etc. They contribute
to the mangrove food web and provide a rich environment for many marine

Soil topography:
Mangrove soils are of marine alluvium, transported as sediment and

deposited by rivers and sea. Soils are made up of sand, silt and clay in different

Temperature range:
They need average temperatures of the coldest month higher then 20 degree.
The seasonal temperature range should not exceed 5 degree Celsius. They can
tolerate 5 degree temperature but the development will be affected. They are
not resistant to breeding.

Common plant species:

Botanical name Common name

Conocarpus Button grass
Nypa Mangrove palm
Rhizophora Red mangrove
Sonneratia Mangrove apple

Common animal species:

Scientific name Common name
Limulus polyphemus Horse shoe crab

Procyon lotor Taccoon

Apogon griffin Hookfin cardinal fish
List of Rare Species

RarE flora
Lumnitzera racemosa (Black mangrove):
❖ Scientific position
• Kingdom: plantae
• Order: Myrtales
• Family: Combretaceae
• Genus: lumnitzera
• Species: Lumnitzera racemosa

❖ Status: Rare

Reason of Rareness:
➢ Over urbanization.
➢ Deforestation.
➢ Habitat destruction.
Acanthus ilicifolius (Mangrove Holly):

❖ Scientific position
• Kingdom: Plantae
• Order: Lamiales
• Family: Acanthaceae
• Genus: Acanthus
• Species: Acanthus ilicifolius

❖ Status: Rare

Reason of Rareness:
➢ Over use as medicines
➢ Traditional uses
➢ Cutting of trees for curing various allergies i.e asthma,
rheumatism etc.
Bruguiera cylindrica (white Burma mangrove):
❖ Scientific position:

• Kingdom: Plantae
• Order: Malpoghiales
• Family: Rhizophoraceae
• Genus: Bruguiera
• Species: Bruguiera cylindrica

❖ Status: Rare
Reason of Rareness:
➢ Habitat destruction.
➢ Over exploitation.
➢ Slow growth.
Rare Fauna
Perameles gunni (eastern rabbit):
❖ Scientific position
• Kingdom: Animilia
• phylum: Chordata
• Class: Mammalia
• Order: Peramelemorphiales
• Family : Peramelidae
• Genus: Perameles
• Species: Perameles gunni

❖ Status: Rare
Reason of rareness:
➢ Due to important ecological role by the ability of digging.
➢ Due to predation from introduced foxes, cats and
dogs, and compition.
List of Endangered Species

Heritiera fomes (sunder):

❖ Scientific position:
• Kingdom: plantae
• Order: Malvales
• Family: Malvaceae
• Genus: Heriterira
• Species: Heritiera fomes
❖ Status: Endangered
Reason of Endangerment:
➢ Cutting of trees for ‘’ coastal development ‘’
➢ Over use of wood trees
➢ Salinity fluctuations
➢ Over harvesting.
➢ Fungal attack.
Bruguiera sexangula (upriver orange mangrove):
❖ Scintific position:
• Kingdom: Plantae
• Order: Malpighiales
• Family: Rhizophoraceae
• Genus: Bruguiera
• Species: Bruguiera sexangula

❖ Status: Endangered

Reason of Endangerment:
➢ Due to over use for food.
➢ Due to over harvesting.
➢ Juice of fruit is used to cure eye sore.
➢ For making poles and fire wood.
Excoecaria agallocha (milky mangrove/poison fish tree):

❖ Scientific position
• Kingdom Plantae
• Order Palpighiales
• Family Euphorbiaceae
• Genus Exocoecaria
• Species Excoecaria agallocha

❖ Status: Endangered
Reason of endangerment:
➢ Trees are cleared to make room for agricultural land
human settlement and infrastructure.

➢ Trees are used for firewood, construction wood, chips of

wood and charcoal production.
➢ They are also used for animal fodder.
Panthera tigris (tiger): (Fauna)

❖ Scientific position
• Kingdom Animalia
• Class: Mammalia
• Family Felidae
• Genus Panthera
• Species Panthera tigris

❖ Status: Endangered
Reason of endangerment:
➢ They are endangered due to poaching.
➢ Many parts of their body especially bones, skin and meat are
used in market to prepare various useful medicines.
➢ Loss of habitat.
➢ Transformation of forest to land.
➢ Climate changes.
List of Extinct Species

Extinct flora
Sonneratia alba (mangrove apple):
❖ Scientific position
• Kingdom: Plantae
• Order: Myrtales
• Family: Lythraceae
• Genus: Sonneratia
• Species: Sonneratia alba

❖ Status: Extinct

Reason of extinction:
➢ Due to excess harvesting.
➢ Diversions of water and salinity fluctuations.
➢ Due overuse of wood in construction and firewood.
Avicennia alba (Api-Api putih/ solitary mangrove tree):
❖ Scientific position:
• Kingdom: Plantae
• Order: Llamiales
• Family: Acanthaceae
• Genus: Avicenia
• Species: A. alba
❖ Status: Extinct
Reason of Extinction:
➢ Habitat loss
➢ Climate change
➢ Deforestation
➢ Trees cleared to make room for agricultural land
➢ Trees wood are used for charcoal production and animal
Rhizophora mucronata (Red mangrove/ Asiatic mangrove):
❖ Scientific position:
• Kingdom: Plantae
• Order: Malpoghiales
• Family: Rhizophoraceae
• Genus: Rhizophora
• Species: Rhizophora mucronata
❖ Status: Extinct
Reason of Extinction:
➢ Land clearing.
➢ Urban expansion.
➢ Agriculture expansion.
➢ Habitat loss
➢ Climate change
➢ Excess harvesting
➢ Over use of wood
➢ Trees are used for firewood
Nyctibatrachus robinmoorei (frog): (Fauna)
❖ Scientific Position
• Kingdom: Animalia
• Phylum: Chordata
• Class: Amphibia
• Order: Anura
• Family: Nyctibatrachidae
• Genus: Nyctibatrachus
• Species: Nyctibatrachus robinmoorei

❖ Status: Extinct
Reason of Extinction:
• Habitat loss.
• Food storage.
• Climate change.
• Habitat destruction.
• Over exploitation.


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