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Universidad de Sta.

Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021

MODULE 2: Patterns of Development in Writing


All writers write for a purpose whether it’s on the Internet or on paper. You may write to
narrate, describe, define, classify, compare, contrast, persuade, or show cause and
effect or problem-solution relationships. Your purpose as a writer is revealed in your
focused presentation of a single unit of thought. Writers usually determine the patterns
of development that are most effective for their purposes and audience.

In our previous module, we have discussed the techniques in selecting and organizing
information wherein you have been taught on how to organize your thoughts using a
particular technique. In this module, patterns of development help us sort out
information and shape paragraphs or essays. They can help organize an outline or
depending on the purpose they can determine the form that a paper will take.
Remember that most papers will use a combination of methods, working together in
function of each other. A pattern of development in writing refers to the particular
strategy writers use to develop ideas. Whether you are aware of it or not, you already
use patterns of development to express yourself.


This is a self-directed module that needs to be accomplished from February 7-February

19, 2022. You may message me in my email or call/text at 0953-
4227-499 if you have inquiries about our lesson or activities. I will accommodate your
concerns during our asynchronous schedule.

February 11 and February 18, 2022, will serve as our PRIME days.



The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and organized to
achieve a particular purpose.

The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on
information selection, organization, and development.

The learner is able to appreciate the importance of using the patterns of development in
writing academic texts.

Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021


At the end of this module, you should be able to say, ‘I can…’

● differentiate the various types of patterns of development in writing across

● determine the purpose of the writer;
●   evaluate a text focusing on information selection, organization, and


● Read and understand the instructions carefully. 

● Keep in mind that I thoroughly read the answers of my students in every activity.
Do not attempt to copy your answers from the Internet and your classmates. I do
not tolerate dishonesty in my class, if caught, I will invalidate your work and you
will receive a grade of zero for this module. 
● I would really appreciate it if you will submit your answers on or before the due


Choose an article from a newspaper or magazine that covers an

event or story of local or national interest. Identify in the article the
purpose of each paragraph. For each paragraph, identify one
supporting detail that develops, explains, or describe the main idea.

Understand further the given topic by reading the given information

and to achieve leaning target number 1.

In each of the following paragraphs, state the writer’s purpose and

the pattern of development.

Write a short essay for each of the following writing prompts. Then
indicate which of the patterns you have used: narration, description,
definition, example, classification, comparison and contrast, cause
and effect, problem-solution and persuasion. Your essay will be
graded using the rubric attached.


Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021

Jose, L.S., Larioque, R.R. Ph.D. et al. (2016). Techniques in Selecting and Organizing
Information. Reading and Writing Skills (For Senior High School). (pp.51-66)

Menoy, J.Z., Constantino, G.F. (2016). Techniques in Organizing Information.

Reading and Writing Skills (pp.13-26)

Choose an article from a newspaper or magazine that covers an event or

story of local or national interest. Identify in the article the purpose of each
paragraph. For each paragraph, identify one supporting detail that develops, explains,
or describe the main idea. Then answer the questions that follow.

1.What have you noticed in your activity?

2. Did you observe that writers use different patterns in conveying their messages to the

Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021

To further understand our topic, read the given notes.

Patterns of development are methods of organization that writers use to organize their
ideas about a topic. The selection of patterns of development in writing is dependable
on the writer’s purpose. Based on the style of writing there are nine patterns of

1. A narrative paragraph or essay tells a story and explains how something


Sample Narrative Paragraph

My New Career

The morning of my big job interview started like any other. I awoke with a good
night’s sleep under my belt determined and confident in getting a new job as a
swamper for Williams Moving and Storage. The night before the interview, I practiced
moving the furniture from one of the house to the other. My roommates thought I was
crazy. Arising from bed, I felt stronger, like a rodeo bull waiting to get out of his cage.
Sitting at the kitchen table eating my Wheaties, I started looking at the furniture around
me in a new light. The hide-a-bed in the living room was a 300 pound finger-eating
monster opening and closing snapping at me. Looking into the covered patio, the
wicker furniture was floating, almost drifting by itself to the front door. Then, there I
knew that moving furniture was my calling. Walking to the front door, I gave the hide-a-
bed a good stiff kick

-Camosun College


I. Introduction
II. Body/Chronology of events
A. Main event 1
1.Sub-event 1

B. Main event 2

1.Sub-event 1

2.Sub-event 2

3.Sub-event 3

III. Conclusion/Summary of the main points

Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021
2. A classification paragraph or essay explains subject by dividing into
types or categories.

Sample Classification Paragraph

Tattoo You

Having worked in a tattoo studio for the past year, I have come to recognize
three types of annoying customers that invariably stroll through the door. The first is
the Time Waster. Generally, the Time Waster is not serious in getting a tattoo now, or
probably ever, but nevertheless is hell-bent on wasting the artist’s time with a barrage
of inane questions. They often talk big and have grandiose plans for the ultimate back
piece. But when it comes time to put down a deposit for the work, they suddenly say
something like, “That sounds great. I’ll be back in six months when my next student
loan comes in.” Meanwhile, the artist has started drawing the design while three
serious clients went to another less “busy” studio. The next type of annoying client is
the Know-it-all. These people usually have a friend with tattoo, or maybe even a small
one themselves, and therefore consider themselves to be experts on the subject. They
contradict the artist on everything, and insist on using words they’ve heard in a movie
because they think it makes them sound in the know. What they don’t realize,
however, is that those in the know would never use a word like “tatty” to describe the
art. Finishing up the list of types of annoying tattoo studio customers is the Bargain
Hunter. The Bargain Hunters clearly believe that when having a design committed to
their skin for life, getting the lowest price is the top priority. Bargain Hunters often have
a “buddy” from some disreputable source like their kitchen table who “would do it
much cheaper.” What all these people don’t seem to realize is that tattooing is a
serious art from those artists who dedicate their lives to learning and executing. A little
respect and some manners would be appreciated.

-Camosun College


I. Introduction
A. Definition of the things being classified
B. Basis of classification
C. Main groups of classification
II. Body/Group-by-group description
A. Main group 1
1.Subgroup 1
2.Subgroup 2

B. Main group 2

1. Subgroup 1

2. Subgroup 2

III. Conclusion/Summary of the main points

Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021
3. A comparison and contrast paragraph or essay explains how two
subjects are similar or different.

Sample Comparison and Contrast Paragraph

Transportation Choices

When faced with the choice of driving their own car or using the bus, the
majority of North Americans opt for cars. They are not put off by the fact that owning
and running a car is expensive when compared to the cost of monthly or annual transit
passes in most cities. In addition to initial cost of a car there is gas, repairs, insurance
and parking which add up to thousands a year while a typical bus pass is about $50 a
month. Yet most people are willing to pay this price for the convenience of owning a
car. They enjoy the freedom of coming and going according to their own whims. They
are simply not willing to put up with waiting for buses that stop far from their homes
and are often packed with unkempt strangers. Cars are comfortable with personal
spaces, in contrast to the grungy and impersonal feeling in many buses. But as they
motor happily along, few car owners even think about what their personal vehicle use
is doing to the environment. Do they know that a loaded bus creates much less
pollution per person than a car does? Unfortunately, until there is a huge change in the
attitude of car owners towards using public transit, cars will continue to rule the roads
and our environment and our citied will pay the price.



I. Introduction
II. Similarities between/among items compared
A. Similarity 1
B. Similarity 2
C. Similarity 3
III. Differences between/among items contrasted
A. Difference 1
B. Difference 2
C. Difference 3
IV. Conclusion/Summary of the main points

4. Cause and effect explain the reasons (causes) why something happened
and describes the results (effects) of an event, action, or condition.

Sample Cause and Effect Paragraph

How Drugs Can Destroy People’s Lives

Drug addiction is a serious issue that affects addicts, their families and society. First of
all, drug addiction has a severe physical effect on the addict’s body. Drug users can
experience many physical symptoms including sickness, fevers, sweats and shakes,

Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021
loss of appetite, and weight loss. They also face the danger of contracting serious
diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis, and other communicable diseases, not to mention the
risk of overdose. Families and friends of drug addicts are also inevitably affected by
their addiction. Addiction can lead to serious financial problems, loss of trust, and
eventually family breakup and divorce. Society as well pays a cost: crime rates go up,
and more security and hospital care is needed which are all paid by taxpayers. Drug
addiction is a destructive way to live. Maybe more would be done about it if were looked
at not just as a problem that addicts face alone, but as something that affects society as
a whole.

-Camosun College

I. Introduction
II. Body/Enumeration of factors (Outcomes)
A. Main Factor (Main Outcome) 1
1.Sub-factor (Sub-outcome)1
2. Sub-factor (Sub-outcome) 2
B. Main Factor (Main Outcome) 2
1. Sub-factor (Sub-outcome) 1
2. Sub-factor (Sub-outcome) 2
C. Main Factor (Main Outcome) 3
1. Sub-factor (Sub-outcome) 1
2. Sub-factor (Sub-outcome) 2
III. Conclusion/Summary of the main points

5. A descriptive paragraph or essay describes a person, thing, place or


Sample Descriptive Paragraph

My First Apartment

My first apartment was a third-floor walk-up on a busy street in downtown

Vancouver. The building was a faded brown characterless box. My apartment was
down a dimly-lit narrow hallway covered in worn fifties style dark green carpeting.
When I say apartment, I really mean a room, because there was just one small square
room with a tiny bathroom. The air was humid and musty. One small window provided
a perfect view of the brown stucco wall of the building next door. A small “avocado”
colored stove and fridge highlighted the kitchen which consisted a few shabby painted
cupboards that projected into the room. Along one wall was an older pale blue sofa,
which was also my bed. A small card table with two chairs served as my kitchen and
dining room table. A few feet away, several large cardboard moving boxes contained
all of my clothes and personal possessions. The one bright spot was a large poster of
a winter mountain scene which I had hung on the dull gray wall. It helped me survive
the eight months I called this dump home.

-Camosun College


Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021
I. Introduction
II. Body/Description of a person, things
A. External Qualities
1.Quality 1
2. Quality 2
3. Quality 3
4. Quality 4

B. Internal Qualities

1.Quality 1
2. Quality 2
3. Quality 3
4. Quality 4

III. Conclusion/Summary of the main points

6. A persuasive paragraph tries to persuade the reader to accept your point

of view or even to change his or her point of view.

Sample Persuasive Paragraph

Time to Get Tough with Drunk Drivers

It’s time for the courts to crack down on drunk drivers. Often even repeat
offenders get small fines when caught driving with alcohol levels above the legal limit.
But drunk driving is a serious crime and should be treated as such. Drunk drivers cause
most serious accidents, but all situations involving drunk drivers have the potential for
serious consequences. Drunk drivers threaten the safety of everyone on the road; cars
are weapons, and drunk driving is a form of assault. People should be responsible for
their actions, and if they choose to drink and drive then they should pay the price. Often
the victims of accidents caused by drunk drivers have “paid their debt to society”. The
law should be changed so that all cases of drinking and driving would result in jail time
and vehicles would be confiscated. Then perhaps more people would think twice about
drinking and driving.

-Camosun College


I. Introduction – Statement of the main points

II. Body – Enumeration of Arguments
A. Argument 1 for or against the proposition
1.Evidence 1
2. Evidence 2
3. Evidence 3
B. Argument 2 for or against the proposition
1.Evidence 1
2. Evidence 2

Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021
3. Evidence 3

III. Conclusion/Summary of the main points

7. An example paragraph or essay makes a point about a topic by providing

examples to support it.

Sample Illustration Paragraph

Plastic People

Today, men and women of all ages undergo surgery to achieve the looks they
desire. Cosmetic surgery is very common that to some it is a lifestyle. Some of the
most popular procedures are breast implants, liposuction, facelifts, and hair
transplants. Because many prefer fuller, bigger breasts, a good number of women
from all walks of life undergo the painful and costly procedure of breast implants.
Even the risks are well known, many still take their chances. And what goes better
with bigger breasts than a flat abdomen? Liposuction is a quick fix for those who find
good diet and exercise ineffective and time consuming. Another popular procedure
for both men and women is the surgical facelift. This process promises men and
women a younger and fresher look. For men who are worried about baldness, there
is hair replacement. Thanks to medical advances, men can avoid the harsh reality of
balding by undergoing a long-lasting hair transplant procedure. Many values plastic
surgery even though it’s costly and can have a number of negative side effects. In
spite of the many plastic surgery disasters, those obsessed with having the perfect
face and body will keep the business alive and well.

-Camosun College


I. Introduction
II. Body
A. Example 1
B. Example 2
C. Example 3
III. Conclusion

8. A definition paragraph or essay explains what something is in comparison

to other members of its class, along with any limitations.

Sample Defintion Paragraph


Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021
Questions can be many different things. A question can be an inquiring sentence
which asks for reply, as in “I have a question for you.” The word can also refer to
whatever subject matter is at hand, as in the sentence, “The question of ethics is
a hot topic nowadays.” A question can refer to some sort of doubt or uncertainty,
as in “There is no question I’m the best man for the job.” Use as a verb, to
question can mean the instance or act of questioning, such as “Police questioned
the suspect.” You can question whether something is right or question a celebrity
for an interview. If you “pop the question,” you are proposing to your sweetheart!
Therefore, a question can mean many things to people.

-Camosun College


I. Introduction
II. Body/Statement of any of the following about the term defined
A. Function
B. Location
C. Physical Description
D. Further Definition
E. Causation
F. Comparison
G. Contrast
H. Exemplification
I. Etymology/Word Derivation
J. Analysis
III. Conclusion

9. A problem-solution paragraph or essay identifies a problem and proposes

one or more solutions.

Sample Problem-Solution Paragraph

Kitty Door

Last week we installed our kitty door so that our cat could come and go as she
pleases. Unfortunately, we ran into a problem. Our cat was afraid to use the kitty
door. We tried pushing her through, and that caused her to be even more afraid. The
kitty door was dark, and she couldn’t see what was on the other side. The first step
we took in solving this problem was taping the kitty door open. After a couple of
days, she was confidently coming and going through the open door. However, when
we removed the tape and closed the door, once again, she would not go through.
They say you catch more bees with honey, so we decided to use food as bait. We
would sit next to the kitty door with a can of wet food and click the top of the can.
When kitty came through the closed door, we would open the can and feed her. It
took five days of doing this to make her unafraid of using the kitty door. Now we just
have one last problem; our kitty controls our lives!

-Camosun College

Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021

I. Introduction -Statement of the Problem

II. Body/Enumeration of Solutions
A. Main Solution 1
1.Sub-solution 1
2. Sub-solution 2

B. Main Solution 2

1.Sub-solution 1
2. Sub-solution 2

III. Conclusion/Summary of the main points

Instructions: In each of the following paragraphs, state the writer’s purpose

and the pattern of development.

1.As Maria hurriedly left for church last Sunday, she threw a twenty-dollar bill into the
trash can, thinking she was discarding a wad of tissue. You can imagine her surprise
when the garbage man rang the doorbell that Monday morning and handed Maria her
twenty-dollar bill. The honesty of Shorewood’s garbage men has restored Maria’s faith
in mankind.


Pattern of Development:

2. After Mary Jane’s birthday party, this place was a mess! Unclaimed jackets and sticky
hair ribbons were among the rubble everywhere. Broken balloons and cracked balsa
planes were jammed in with ripped envelopes among the birthday cards on the shelves.
All over the sofa were lardy smudges of whipped frosting. The clutter of peanut shells
and shreds of Holly Bobbie wrappings crackled as I stepped toward the door.


Pattern of Development:

Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021

Instructions:  Instructions: Read the article below and write the

appropriate outline for the article read. Refer to the guide questions as
you craft your outline.


By: Jesus Z. Menoy
            Jesus Christ the Redeemer cannot save us from the destruction of natural
forces as what was depicted in the film “2012”, in which the tall and sturdy sculpture
“Christ the Redeemer” in Brazil was incredibly destroyed by the elements of wind and
water. The film is a wake up call for us to stop molesting the Earth and to start
preserving it.
            Only recently, a number of people died from the flooding during the onslaught of
Ondoy and Rolly; moreover, a big number of families were rendered homeless.
According to some experts, such destructions was a result of climate change brought
about by polluting the government. Others claimed it was a result of the lack of
discipline of Filipinos who do not properly dispose garbage. Whatever the reason is, we
have no other resolve but to protect the Earth from further harm.
            We are heading for the worse. The water coming from the different water body
sources is no longer safe to drink that people have to buy mineral, distilled, or bottled
water. Similarly, the air is unsafe to breathe; consequently, many people die of air-borne
diseases. Additionally, we produce daily tons and tons of solid wastes that can no
longer be accommodated in our limited landfills. According to Ma. Glaiza Lee in her
article “Give Mother Earth a Break this Christmas” (2009), In 2003, the Philippines
produced 27,3967 tons of garbage in a day. One third came from Metro Manila, with
2.41 million tons of hazardous materials generated by more than 100,000 companies.
But during the holiday season, the solid waste generation shoots up from 3,000 to 4,000
tons to 5,000 to 7,000 tons per day. Worse the garbage that remains uncollected
becomes a breeding ground for pests.
            What shall we do? Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
            Reduce waste. Waste reduction is easily done by purchasing only those goods
that we need to use. For example, when buying cooked food, we buy the quantity of
food just enough for us to consume. More often than not, the left-over food goes to
waste. This holds true to non-food items.
            Reuse items, for example, plastic materials. Plastic bags are usually used once.
Using plastic bags not only once, but twice, thrice, or even more is both cost-saving and
earth-saving. Items no longer useful such as used clothes, old books and toys, can be
given to people who need them or donated to charitable institutions and Jollibee, which
sponsors annually “Maaga ang Pasko”. Cooking oil, soy sauce, fish sauce, vinegar and
ketchup bottles can be used to contain other liquid materials; if not, they can be sold to
junk shop owners who, in return, sell them to prospective consumers.
            Recycle items. Food items, whether solid or liquid, are biodegradable because
they are organic. They can be readily converted into compost fertilizer. Newspapers and
other paper products can be transformed into “paper mache” décor and similar
artworks. Plastic soft drink bottles can be turned into different shapes for decorative

Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

Universidad de Sta. Isabel -Basic Education Department - SHS SY 2020-2021
purposes. Non-biodegradable materials such as styro products can be turned into
Christmas decors and similar stuffs.
            With consistent application of three Rs in our respective environments, we can
help protect the earth from further degradation. That is the least that we can do. We can
even go to the extent of planting trees in denuded forests, joining pro-environment
cause-oriented groups (for example, Greenpeace), patronizing environment-friendly
establishments, using products with no CFC’s and other pollutants, campaigning for
anti-smoking, anti-smoke-belching, and anti-littering.
            God has endowed mankind with only one habitable planet-Earth. If we will not
protect it now, not preserve it now, not save it now from destruction, human kind will be
annihilated. We will experience the same tragedy shown in the film “2012” in the year
2025, or earlier or later. And we have nobody to blame but us.
Guide Questions:
1.    What’s the most important point/idea of the given text?
2.    Do you agree with the main ideas in the text?
3.    Was evidence used correctly? Did the writer used
appropriate sources for support?
4.    Did you find any errors in reasoning? Any gaps in the
5.    What worked well in the text? What was lacking or failed

Module 2 Reading and Writing Skills

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