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Shop No. 16, 17, Ground Floor, Dariyalal Plaza, Ph. : 02822 244049, Mo. : 98252 62649, 96622 97005, 98257 99418
Nr. Argil Ceramic, 8-A, N/H, Morbi - 363 642 (Guj.) lNDlA. E-mail :

As per all Gountries Export report of Wall, Floor, Vitrified Tiles E Sanita ry Wares
Ref. No. Date :

Report no NCUGlazed Vitrified fb tSt12/313t2022-23 Issue date af report Dec. 06. 2022
Page 1 of 2
Company Address Old Ghuntu Road, Morbi, Gujarat, lndia

Name and ldentity of test sample Glazed Vitrlfied riles/ NCL/2022-2023lNoN/o6o

Receive Date 30th Nov. 2022

Date of Test 3Ol 1 1 12022 to 05 I 1 21 2022 (dd/mm/yy)

Type Dry Press Ceramic Tiles with low water absorption E < O.Oe% Group Bl a
Nominal size(N) 1200X600 mm ( Rectified )
Work Size ( Sw ) 1200x600 mm ( Rectified )
Nature of surface Glazed ( GL )
Party Given descriprtion PGVT LIOSATUROIO 600x1200 mm
Received Box

Quantity of sample 05 Pieces.

Reference Test standard lS 15622i20'17 - Table 9 , Dry Press Ceramic Tiles with water absorption (E s 0.09%) Group
Bl a
No of pages of the report 2 Page r

Test Standard ls 15622:2017 ceramic tiles - Definitions , classification , characteristic and marking
Table 9, Dry pressed ceramic tiles E < 0.08% Group Bl a



Test Name Standard No. for test method

1 Thermal Shock Resistance lS 13630 -5:2019
2 )razing Resistance 1S13630-9:2019
Resistance to Stain lS 13630 - 8:2019
4 Resistance to house chemical lS 13630 - 8:2019
5 Resistance to swimming pool salt lS 13630 - 8:20'19
Resistance to Acid & AIkali lS'13630- 8:2019

6v J |6,Yr'z'n- TxJ lCarcrr=l-

Tested by Checked & Verified By Reviewed & Approved By

Aritra Bera (Testing Eng.. Nimesh J. Kavar( OM/TM )
) Nimesh J. Kavar( OM/TM )
Shop No. 16, 17, Ground Floor, DariyalalPlaza, Ph. t 02822244049, Mo. : 98252 62649,96622 97005, 98257 994'tB
Nr. Argil Ceramic, 8-A, N/H, Morbi - 363 642 (Guj.) lNDlA. E-mail :

As per all Gountnies Expol+ neport of Wall, Floor, Vitrified Tiles I Sanitany Wanes
Ref. No. Date:

Report no NCL/Glazed Vitrifled Tile ttSt12l313t2Oz2-23 lssue date of report Dec. 06. 2022

TEST REPORT Page 2 of 2

Kind Of Test Test Method Requirements Result

1 Thermal Shock Resistance lS 13630 - 5:2019 10 cycle, Min Fully resistance

2 Crazing Resistance lS 13630 - 9 : 2019 4 Cycle at 7.5 bar, Min

Fully resistance

J Resistance to staining
a) Methylene Blue 10 g/l lS 13630 - 8:2019 Class-'l ,Min Class 1

b) Potassium Permaganate Class - 1, Min Class 1

4 House hold chemical resistance lS 13630 - 8 : 2019

Ammonium chloride solution 1 00gm/L CIaSS AA Min GAA

5 Swimming pool salt: lS 13630 - 8 : 2019

Sodium Hypochorite solution 2AmglL Class AA Min GAA

Resistance to Low Concentration of Acid & Alkali

Hydrochloric Acid solution 3% v/v lS 13630 - B:2019 Required, if agreed according to the GLAA
b Citric Acid Soln. 1OOgmll chemical resistance class indicated GLAA
Potassium Hydroxide Soln. 2009m/L by the manufacturer. GLAA

Notes -
"l All inspection are carried out conscientiously to the best of our knowledge and ability
2 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full , without the prior writeen approval from the issuing laboratory
3 The result in this to the 0n

End of the Test Report

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