SC Evo X Valve Adjustment (v1.1)

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Intake Valves Desired Clearance =

Valve Number Current Bucket size (mm) Current clearance (in)

1 3.345 0.008
2 3.345 0.008
3 3.300 0.008
4 3.300 0.009
5 3.285 0.008
6 3.300 0.009
7 3.270 0.008
8 3.270 0.007

Exhaust Valves Desired Clearance =

Valve Number Current Bucket size (mm) Current clearance (in)

1 3.240 0.007
2 3.240 0.011
3 3.240 0.015
4 3.240 0.011
5 3.195 0.011
6 3.210 0.011
7 3.195 0.010
8 3.195 0.010

SpeedCircuit LLC is not responsible for any errors in this spreadsheet or consequences thereof. Use at your

How to use this spreadsheet:

1 - Fill in desired clearances for your intake (in cell E2) and for exhaust (in E15)
2 - List your currently installed buckets in Current Bucket Size (mm). The bucket sizes are etched on the und
3 - List your current clearances in inches
4 - The rest of the work is done for you. Look at Actual Bucket Size to find the bucket you need.
5 - After the new bucket is installed, verify clearances
Evo X Valve Clearance Calculator v1.1 - (
0.0118 inches

Current Clearance (mm) Desired clearance (in) Desired clearance (mm) Difference (mm)
0.2032 0.0118 0.29972 0.09652
0.2032 0.0118 0.29972 0.09652
0.2032 0.0118 0.29972 0.09652
0.2286 0.0118 0.29972 0.07112
0.2032 0.0118 0.29972 0.09652
0.2286 0.0118 0.29972 0.07112
0.2032 0.0118 0.29972 0.09652
0.1778 0.0118 0.29972 0.12192

0.0138 inches

Current Clearance (mm) Desired clearance (in) Desired clearance (mm) Difference (mm)
0.1778 0.0138 0.35052 0.17272
0.2794 0.0138 0.35052 0.07112
0.381 0.0138 0.35052 -0.03048
0.2794 0.0138 0.35052 0.07112
0.2794 0.0138 0.35052 0.07112
0.2794 0.0138 0.35052 0.07112
0.254 0.0138 0.35052 0.09652
0.254 0.0138 0.35052 0.09652

eadsheet or consequences thereof. Use at your own risk!

or exhaust (in E15)

e (mm). The bucket sizes are etched on the underside of each bucket

et Size to find the bucket you need.

Valve Clearance Calculator v1.1 - (C) SpeedCircuit LLC 2014

Difference (in) Theoretical Bucket size Actual Bucket Size

0.08472 3.248 3.240
0.08472 3.248 3.240
0.08472 3.203 3.195
0.05932 3.229 3.225
0.08472 3.188 3.180
0.05932 3.229 3.225
0.08472 3.173 3.165
0.11012 3.148 3.150

Difference (in) Theoretical Bucket size Actual Bucket Size

0.15892 3.067 3.060
0.05732 3.169 3.165
-0.04428 3.270 3.270
0.05732 3.169 3.165
0.05732 3.124 3.120
0.05732 3.139 3.135
0.08272 3.098 3.090
0.08272 3.098 3.090

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