Kyla Jedryhowski - Act 1, Scene 3-5

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1. Juliet is 13. She does not want to get married. She seems her age. She says how she
feels but doesn’t fight with her Mum in this scenario.
2. “I will look at him and try to like him.” She doesn’t want to seek marriage but is open
to it to please her family. She does not understand the more complex side of love.
3. Juliet has a closer relationship with the Nurse. The way that the Nurse speaks about
Juliet is more detailed and intimate than her mother.
4. She wants Juliet to marry Paris for wealth. She says that he is wealthy and clearly
doesn’t care about a romantic connection.
5. At the moment, yes. Juliet is a typical Elizabethan woman as she is willing to please
her family.


1. Romeo is hesitant to attend the party because he had a dream. “I fear too early, for
my mind misgives some consequence yet hanging in the stars shall bitterly begin his
fearful date.” (foreshadowing)
2. Mercutio does not believe in dreams.
3. The party shows a rebellion of the Montague family who is entering the home of their
4. Fate was an important idea in the Elizabethan era. This scene hints/foreshadows
Romeo’s downfall as part of his fate.


1. Tybalt recognises Romeo by his voice.

2. “This is a heavy price to pay. My life is in the hands of my enemy.” It implies that
Romeo is going to chase/pursue Juliet despite her being a Capulet.
3. Patriarchal society: men are on top of society and women are below. Capulet is in
charge. Tybalt shows that men were expected to be protectors and as a result, they
often acted quickly and with violence.

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