Bic Sky Courier

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BIC Business


Your Instant Delivery

Rizal Ardana - Clarissa Tania

I. Executive Summary
SkyCourier is a proposed shipping company that aims to introduce the use of drone
technology in the courier services market of Jakarta. With the help of cutting-edge drone
technology, SkyCourier seeks to transform the delivery of small packages and documents in
Jakarta, providing a faster, more efficient, and cost-effective courier service. The courier
services market in Indonesia is predicted to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate
(CAGR) of 14.6% from 2020 to 2025, which presents a significant opportunity for
SkyCourier to leverage the burgeoning demand for courier services. The following business
proposal provides a detailed plan for the launch of SkyCourier in Jakarta, including a market
analysis, competitive analysis, services offered, financial planning, marketing strategy, and
future outlook.

II. Market Analysis

The Indonesian courier services market is a highly competitive space with numerous
players vying for market share. Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, represents one of the most
significant markets in the country, with a population of over 10 million and a thriving
business community. According to Research and Markets, the courier services market in
Indonesia is set to grow at a CAGR of 14.6% from 2020 to 2025, driven primarily by the rise
in e-commerce and the increased demand for delivery services. Furthermore, the traditional
courier services sector is experiencing a shift towards the use of technology to enhance their
operations, which has resulted in increased efficiency and reduced delivery times.

III. Competitive Analysis

The courier services market in Jakarta is dominated by several established players,
including JNE, Tiki, and J&T. However, none of these players are currently using drone
technology, which provides an opportunity for SkyCourier to differentiate itself and become
a first-mover in the market. The major players in the market provide similar services,
including express delivery, courier services, freight forwarding, and logistics solutions.
SkyCourier's focus on using drone technology for small packages and documents represents a
unique selling proposition that can set it apart from its competitors.

IV. Services Offered

SkyCourier aims to provide a fast, efficient, and cost-effective courier service that
leverages drone technology. The company will focus on the delivery of small packages and
documents, providing an innovative solution to a critical problem that most courier
companies face: traffic congestion. With drone technology, SkyCourier will be able to deliver
packages quickly and efficiently, reducing the delivery time significantly. SkyCourier's
services will be available 24/7, and customers can place their orders through the company's
website or mobile application. The company will also provide real-time tracking of packages,
ensuring that customers are always informed of their delivery status.

V. Revenue Streams
SkyCourier's revenue streams will primarily come from delivery fees charged to
customers based on the weight of the package and the distance to be covered. Additionally,
the company plans to generate revenue from advertising and sponsorships. SkyCourier will
use its drones as advertising platforms, and businesses can sponsor the drones to display their
logos or messages. The company will also offer additional services, such as express delivery
and same-day delivery, which will provide an additional revenue stream.

VI. Cost Structure

The primary costs associated with SkyCourier's operations will be the cost of drones and
salaries of employees. The cost of drones will depend on the type of drones the company
chooses to use. SkyCourier plans to use high-quality drones capable of carrying packages
weighing up to 5 kg. The cost of drones will be approximately USD 3,000 each, and the
company plans to start with ten drones, which will cost approximately USD 30,000.
Additionally, SkyCourier will incur costs related to the maintenance and repair of the drones.
The company will also need to hire pilots to operate the drones, and the company plans to
pay them a salary of around USD 1,000 per month. Furthermore, the company will also incur
costs related to website and mobile application development, marketing, insurance, and office

VII. Revenue Projections

SkyCourier projects to generate revenue of USD 500,000 in the first year of operations,
increasing to USD 3.5 million by the fifth year. The company aims to capture a significant
market share within the first two years of operations, leveraging its unique selling proposition
of using drone technology for small package and document delivery. The revenue projections
are based on a conservative estimate of delivering 10 packages per day per drone, with an
average delivery fee of USD 5 per package. Additionally, the company expects to generate
revenue from advertising and sponsorships, which can add to the overall revenue stream.

VIII. Break-Even Analysis

SkyCourier's break-even point is estimated to be at approximately 500 deliveries per
month. The company aims to achieve this target within the first six months of operations. The
break-even point is calculated based on the total costs associated with the company's
operations, including drone costs, salaries, maintenance and repair costs, website and
application development costs, marketing costs, insurance costs, and office rent.

IX. Marketing Strategy

SkyCourier will leverage a multi-channel marketing approach, which includes digital
marketing, social media marketing, and offline marketing. The company plans to launch a

comprehensive digital marketing campaign, including search engine optimization, pay-per-
click advertising, and email marketing. Additionally, the company plans to utilize social
media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to create brand awareness and
engage with potential customers. Offline marketing efforts will include flyer distribution,
billboard advertising, and participating in trade shows and exhibitions.
SkyCourier's marketing strategy aims to create brand awareness, engage with potential
customers, and establish itself as a leading player in the courier services market of Jakarta
and Indonesia.

X. Future Outlook
SkyCourier aims to establish itself as a leading player in the courier services market of
Jakarta, leveraging its unique selling proposition of using drone technology for small package
and document delivery. The company plans to expand its services to other major cities in
Indonesia and eventually to other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. SkyCourier aims to
continuously invest in research and development to enhance its drone technology and
services, ensuring that the company remains at the forefront of innovation in the courier
services market.

XI. Financial Plan

SkyCourier's financial plan includes an initial investment of USD 500,000, which will
cover the costs of purchasing the initial fleet of drones, salaries, website and application
development costs, marketing costs, insurance costs, and office rent. The company aims to
generate revenue of USD 500,000 in the first year of operations, increasing to USD 3.5
million by the fifth year.
In terms of funding, SkyCourier plans to seek investment from venture capitalists and
angel investors. The company will also explore the option of crowdfunding, which has gained
popularity in Indonesia in recent years. The company aims to secure funding of USD 2
million in the first round of funding, which will be used to expand the fleet of drones and
marketing efforts.
The company's financial plan includes cost-cutting measures, such as outsourcing certain
functions, which will help in reducing overhead costs. Additionally, the company aims to
continuously review and optimize its operations to ensure cost-effectiveness and efficiency.

XII. Risk Assessment

SkyCourier recognizes the potential risks associated with operating in a highly regulated
industry such as aviation. The company aims to adhere to all regulatory requirements and
obtain necessary licenses and permits before commencing operations. The company also
recognizes the potential risks associated with using drone technology, such as accidents and
technical malfunctions. SkyCourier plans to implement strict safety protocols and conduct
regular maintenance checks to ensure the safety of its employees, customers, and equipment.

Furthermore, the company recognizes the potential competition from established courier
services providers in Jakarta. To counter this, SkyCourier plans to differentiate itself by
offering a faster and more efficient delivery service using drone technology. The company
also plans to continuously invest in research and development to enhance its drone
technology and services, ensuring that it remains at the forefront of innovation in the courier
services market.

XIII. Human Resource Plan

SkyCourier's human resource plan is crucial to the success of the company. The company
plans to hire a team of skilled professionals who are knowledgeable about drone technology,
courier services, and customer service. The team will consist of drone operators, technicians,
customer service representatives, and marketing and sales personnel.
The company will offer competitive salaries and benefits packages to attract and retain
top talent in the industry. SkyCourier will also invest in the training and development of its
employees, ensuring that they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to carry
out their roles effectively.
SkyCourier also recognizes the importance of creating a positive work culture that fosters
innovation, creativity, and collaboration. The company plans to promote a work-life balance
and encourage its employees to share their ideas and suggestions for improving the
company's operations.

XIV. Implementation Plan

SkyCourier's implementation plan includes several key steps:
1. Legal and regulatory compliance: The company will obtain all necessary licenses and
permits required to operate drones for commercial purposes in Jakarta. This will
include obtaining approval from the Indonesian Directorate General of Civil Aviation
(DGCA) and the Ministry of Communication and Information (KOMINFO).
2. Fleet acquisition and maintenance: SkyCourier will purchase a fleet of drones and
ensure that they are regularly maintained and repaired to ensure their safety and
3. Website and application development: The company will develop a user-friendly
website and mobile application that allows customers to place orders, track deliveries,
and provide feedback on the services received.
4. Marketing and sales: SkyCourier will launch a comprehensive marketing and sales
campaign to create brand awareness and attract potential customers. This will include
digital marketing, social media marketing, and offline marketing efforts.
5. Hiring and training: The company will hire a team of skilled professionals and
provide them with the necessary training and development to carry out their roles
6. Operations and logistics: SkyCourier will establish operational procedures and
logistics to ensure timely and reliable deliveries. This will include developing a
delivery schedule, managing inventory, and monitoring drone performance.

7. Monitoring and evaluation: The company will continuously monitor and evaluate its
operations to identify areas for improvement and ensure that it remains at the
forefront of innovation in the courier services market.

XV. Social and Environmental Impact

SkyCourier recognizes the potential social and environmental impact of its operations.
The company aims to promote sustainable development by using drone technology, which
reduces carbon emissions and decreases traffic congestion on Jakarta's busy streets.
Furthermore, the company aims to create job opportunities for skilled professionals in the
drone technology and courier services industry. This will contribute to the economic
development of Jakarta and Indonesia as a whole.
SkyCourier also plans to support local communities by partnering with local businesses
and organizations. The company will prioritize the hiring of local talent and sourcing of
materials from local suppliers, promoting local economic growth and development.
The company also recognizes the importance of corporate social responsibility and plans
to contribute to social and environmental causes. SkyCourier will partner with local NGOs
and charities to support causes such as education, health, and environmental conservation.

XVI. Future Plans

SkyCourier's long-term strategy is to expand its drone-based courier service to other
cities in Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific region. The company aims to establish itself as a
leading player in the drone delivery market, leveraging its unique selling proposition and
continuously investing in research and development to enhance its drone technology and
SkyCourier plans to develop its drone technology to enable it to carry larger packages
and expand its range to cover longer distances. The company will also invest in the
development of autonomous drone technology, which will enable it to operate 24/7,
providing an even more efficient and reliable courier service.
The company also plans to explore opportunities to collaborate with other businesses and
organizations in the logistics and delivery industry. SkyCourier recognizes the potential for
partnerships with e-commerce platforms, food delivery companies, and medical supplies
SkyCourier's vision is to revolutionize the courier services industry by providing a faster,
more efficient, and cost-effective service using drone technology. The company is committed
to providing excellent customer service, ensuring timely and reliable deliveries, and
contributing to sustainable development and social causes.

XVII. Financial Plan

SkyCourier's financial plan indicates significant potential for growth, with estimated
revenues of IDR 750 billion in the first year of operation, increasing to IDR 2.6 trillion in the
third year of operation. The company's revenue streams will include delivery fees,
subscription fees, and advertising revenue.
The company estimates its initial investment costs to be IDR 250 billion, which will be
used to purchase its fleet of drones, develop its website and mobile application, and launch its
marketing and sales campaign. The company plans to finance its initial investment costs
through a combination of equity and debt financing.
The company's operating expenses will include drone maintenance and repair, salaries
and benefits for its employees, website and application development costs, marketing and
sales expenses, and regulatory compliance costs. The company expects its operating expenses
to increase as it expands its operations to cover more areas.
SkyCourier aims to achieve profitability in the second year of operation, with an
estimated net income of IDR 100 billion. The company's financial plan indicates a healthy
return on investment for its shareholders, with a projected return on equity of 30% in the third
year of operation.

XVIII. Risk Assessment

SkyCourier's operations are subject to various risks, including regulatory, technological,
operational, and financial risks.
1. Regulatory Risk
SkyCourier's operations are subject to the regulations and policies of the Indonesian
government, particularly the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of
Communication and Information Technology. The company must obtain the
necessary licenses and permits to operate its drone-based courier service legally.
Failure to comply with regulatory requirements may result in fines, legal action, and
reputational damage.
To mitigate regulatory risk, SkyCourier will engage legal experts to advise on the
relevant regulations and policies and ensure compliance. The company will also
maintain close relationships with the relevant government agencies and industry
associations to stay updated on regulatory changes.
2. Technological Risk
SkyCourier's operations are reliant on drone technology, which is still in the early
stages of development. The technology may be subject to malfunctions, accidents,
and hacking, which may result in property damage, injuries, and loss of data.
To mitigate technological risk, SkyCourier has invested in high-quality drone
technology and engaged experienced drone pilots to operate the drones. The
company will also implement rigorous maintenance and testing procedures to ensure
the drones are in excellent working condition. SkyCourier will also implement
cybersecurity measures to protect its data and systems from potential cyber threats.

3. Operational Risk
SkyCourier's operations are subject to operational risks, including unforeseen
circumstances such as adverse weather conditions, air traffic congestion, and
operational failures. These risks may result in delays, disruptions, and reputational
To mitigate operational risk, SkyCourier will implement contingency plans to
address potential disruptions and delays. The company will also maintain close
relationships with its customers and communicate proactively in case of any issues or
4. Financial Risk
SkyCourier's operations are subject to financial risks, including fluctuations in
currency exchange rates, changes in interest rates, and unexpected costs associated
with drone maintenance and repair.
To mitigate financial risk, SkyCourier has engaged financial experts to advise on
currency exchange and interest rate risks. The company will also maintain a financial
reserve to address unexpected costs associated with drone maintenance and repair.

XIX. Brand Awareness

SkyCourier will develop a strong brand identity that reflects its mission, values, and
unique selling proposition. The company will create a logo and visual identity that is modern,
sleek, and easily recognizable. The company will also establish a strong online presence
through its website and social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

XX. Engagement with Potential Customers

SkyCourier will engage with potential customers through targeted digital marketing
campaigns, including search engine optimization, social media advertising, and email
marketing. The company will also participate in relevant industry events and conferences to
establish its presence in the courier services market.

XXI. Establishing Itself as a Leading Player

SkyCourier will differentiate itself from its competitors by emphasizing its unique selling
proposition, including faster, more efficient, and cost-effective courier service using drone
technology. The company will also prioritize customer service, ensuring timely and reliable
deliveries, and providing excellent customer support. SkyCourier will also establish
partnerships with local businesses and organizations to expand its reach and increase brand

XXII. Pricing Strategy

SkyCourier's pricing strategy aims to provide customers with a cost-effective and
efficient courier service while ensuring profitability for the company. The company will offer
competitive pricing compared to traditional courier services while providing faster and more
efficient delivery times.
SkyCourier will offer two pricing plans to its customers: a standard plan and an express
plan. The standard plan will offer delivery within 24 hours of pickup, while the express plan
will offer delivery within 12 hours of pickup. The company will charge a flat fee for each
plan, based on the distance between pickup and delivery locations. The pricing will also vary
based on the weight and size of the package.
SkyCourier's pricing will be competitive compared to traditional courier services, with
the added benefit of faster and more efficient delivery times. The company's use of drone
technology will enable it to offer lower prices while maintaining profitability, as the
operating costs of drones are lower than those of traditional courier services.

XXIII. Financial Planning

SkyCourier's financial planning includes the company's revenue projections, cost
projections, and cash flow projections for the first five years of operations. The projections
are based on market research, industry trends, and operational costs.

XXIV. Revenue Projections

SkyCourier's revenue projections are based on the company's pricing strategy and market
demand for courier services in Jakarta and Indonesia. The company expects to generate
revenue of IDR 20 billion in the first year of operations, with revenue increasing to IDR 100
billion in the fifth year of operations.

XXV. Cost Projections

SkyCourier's cost projections include the operational costs of drone technology,
employee salaries, marketing expenses, and other administrative expenses. The company
expects to incur operational costs of IDR 8 billion in the first year of operations, increasing to
IDR 60 billion in the fifth year of operations.
Employee salaries are expected to be the company's largest expense, accounting for
approximately 40% of total expenses. The company will hire experienced drone pilots and
support staff, with salaries and benefits that are competitive with the industry standard.
Marketing expenses are expected to be the company's second-largest expense, accounting
for approximately 20% of total expenses. The company will invest in targeted digital
marketing campaigns and participate in relevant industry events and conferences to establish
its presence in the market.

XXVI. Cash Flow Projections

SkyCourier's cash flow projections show the company's expected cash inflows and
outflows over the first five years of operations. The company expects to have a negative cash
flow in the first year of operations due to start-up costs and initial investments in drone
technology and marketing. However, the company expects to break even in the second year
of operations and generate positive cash flow in the third year of operations.
The company's cash flow projections show that the company will have sufficient cash
reserves to cover unexpected costs and maintain operations. The company will also maintain
a financial reserve to address unexpected costs associated with drone maintenance and repair.

XXVII. Conclusion
SkyCourier's business proposal presents an innovative and disruptive solution to the
traditional courier services market in Jakarta. The use of drone technology for small package
and document delivery presents a unique opportunity to provide a faster, more efficient, and
cost-effective courier service. The company's financial plan indicates significant potential for
growth, and the marketing strategy is comprehensive, creating brand awareness and engaging
with potential customers. The risk assessment shows that the company is aware of potential
risks associated with operating in a highly regulated industry and using drone technology and
has measures in place to mitigate these risks. SkyCourier aims to establish itself as a leading
player in the courier services market of Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific region, leveraging its
unique selling proposition and continuously investing in research and development to
enhance its drone technology and services. The company also aims to create a positive social
and environmental impact through its operations, contributing to sustainable development,
job creation, and local economic growth and development.
SkyCourier's financial plan indicates significant potential for growth, with estimated
revenues of IDR 750 billion in the first year of operation, increasing to IDR 2.6 trillion in the
third year of operation. The company's revenue streams will include delivery fees,
subscription fees, and advertising revenue. The company plans to finance its initial
investment costs through a combination of equity and debt financing, with the aim of
achieving profitability in the second year of operation. SkyCourier's long-term strategy is to
expand its drone-based courier service to other cities in Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific region,
establishing itself as a leading player in the drone delivery market. The company is
committed to providing excellent customer service, ensuring timely and reliable deliveries,
and contributing to sustainable development and social cause.
SkyCourier's risk assessment shows that the company is aware of potential risks
associated with operating in a highly regulated industry and using drone technology and has
measures in place to mitigate these risks. The company will maintain close relationships with
the relevant government agencies, industry associations, and customers to stay updated on
regulatory changes and address potential disruptions and delays. SkyCourier will also invest
in high-quality drone technology and implement rigorous maintenance and testing procedures
to ensure the drones are in excellent working condition. The company will maintain a
financial reserve to address unexpected costs associated with drone maintenance and repair
and engage financial experts to advise on currency exchange and interest rate risks.
SkyCourier's business proposal shows that the company has a solid plan for operating a
drone-based courier service in Jakarta and Indonesia. The company has identified market

demand for faster and more efficient courier services, and its use of drone technology will
enable it to offer lower prices while maintaining profitability.
SkyCourier's marketing strategy aims to create brand awareness, engage with potential
customers, and establish itself as a leading player in the courier services market of Jakarta
and Indonesia. The company's pricing strategy aims to provide customers with a cost-
effective and efficient courier service while ensuring profitability for the company.
SkyCourier's financial planning includes revenue projections, cost projections, and cash
flow projections for the first five years of operations. The projections are based on market
research, industry trends, and operational costs, and show that the company has sufficient
cash reserves to maintain operations and address unexpected costs.
As the courier services market continues to grow in Jakarta and Indonesia, SkyCourier is
well-positioned to capture a significant share of the market. The company's use of drone
technology offers a unique value proposition to customers, and its marketing strategy aims to
create strong brand recognition and customer loyalty.
In conclusion, SkyCourier's business proposal is a comprehensive plan for success in the
courier services market of Jakarta and Indonesia. The company's use of drone technology
offers a unique value proposition to customers, and its marketing strategy aims to establish
SkyCourier as a leading player in the market. With strong financial planning, the company is
well-positioned to achieve its goals and generate strong returns for investors.


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