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BANSAL. Fy = 250 Nieme Fu = Wo Neer Ying s 1.25 [Sige —epecnve lenges sy SONK2A+ 95D 7B mm J Throat tin'ceness (Hz 16g [P76 J cto. to -¢.9-1) + $=) ly x $i = Sioa nr OGoign Brrenge of bolt Void! (fy: FY 2 qed ; Va Neng Pies Cluen oe. er : 4 ee OL ya bb Os kN VEAL OS ; Saas hen He Weldisy wdme alt around Neld a how) tish' ng moment bo _Gnotrer Plore by CTy. 84 — Vibes = sq. bat Con be, Ancreane. Won = Grode vt boll = 4b Fur Ubon (mer, Fys 250 H| tar Gisset Plore ~ 9 1b may Cay, tytn Nine Ameo) = 270%. = WeS tens ghOo-r Netrareda teqiuvred om ahe, Gas eq ney Sana practure. Gross er en CQ) ~Inercane th feb Ohh aren, j howe xX ESAS SPU Wy me ag = BANSAL Let aomm dva-ef bolt + doz o2mm 7 [sreors Deorqn Stearn etreyin Folk (Wasig) Lieto 10.3.9, e 16) Vaab_= a PS Yio ~> Lon: Ars + D3 Ace) fe Wity i No Gf bolt Eequired | 7 | Posey US! 24 Provide, 1D- 20mm dia, ab loolk Qt a Phen OF 5D mm dnd Cdze, distance «f, UG Mhe Lor us Proyide 6 bolt por Coneontirg sbemarn Plore, +0 he Yuet Plate Cod Y bola, for Gnoethy bg Aye itn he Juror prope. } j = Ler, tn bolt) Are Provided Mn gteqgedad P WV Showy tm pg-- BANSAL, to—_tergth of Qumel Plare ce4. tt SxXSod Deus = 3uo © SS dee ok ' —— [ OTe, ay ' Oe Net epniern arog ding 1-9-3 _ Cam) An = tnig-ayxip = 1980 son et ert hat (eyeo-g (Ang Aas targ-acart tx (2502 [apy uKas = tyabuy met > 03 914s ote, P— WM frase strerptn A He Sech'on (Tam) {9s ern =— br Br 5 we ;. Oy Box Fy 0°44 (1 ab-Ub Auro Mont hoe ——20F. 6eKN Tew OS 2 cares oF ourgrandig Gye mainanpe ; Ls Gre = tas- 12 |xto = am men os BANSAL, ie Chto. Yo te 2 ree ~ New } (ap fer denen alae Giy CENT HS BG eM os iS eee Boa = TX fen 150+93x+09 x bos SS SS A ode by 04 X Geo = SSbs Olmert Tey OSH Tex rex 6 Wim Tsomm Ty Gmecded do He Faqgar Pures A yan - 2 Cm) E. fo eee tty t-e-u-Ss {fina i Too-8 +05 2 Uy Mu Net certs, aimg (-2-u (Any) Uriyetxnajyxa = PS tora Mek Serb, aly ( Bina) S many & fgs55 Ve B= 1346-845 GMa) Mo. 0 24 A Pep et to, mon aes a he Ug Be 218 BK Bes Os] Netamine He bod Carrying Cap actly Hoa Comd eund Column, Consisting treme 4 _@ one note oe, Ser plare MY 8s x0 mm wm 820 Yimge baotay ft Sm of Clin % jyned ad Pinned raro. Py eS se By 2 2 6p wren sok cs 1Smeh wm © bib kay tadth pf plate (to\ = (pe dia CUNMA ef Plare = Ro wn fare eats = *” in ew step —r Seterdemney tbo Cet) [pts wait} 0 BX Som = UND ™ BANSAL, Orrer ero R60 YM] mer, eee! (bas Fe —_ il a in Sty of tomk UD Eyy ft plore xo — B = Brea et toma Gu +hreg -fpliwe hog Fao toe Duy Pe Plare xu cs QorX sy Tuy of Buithup Det hto - Sart tet t Fa S 4b nme bob oe ee St tt weenie ese NOIR eae £ = Ter 2h a erties 691 bt te fp _fa-= nex sea = TI BULK Tt ORG aa - gee tod eo Bou _earrary OP) ERY Taba =

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