Hematologic Management

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Hematologic Management

The client with digoxin toxicity

Hematologic Problems The client with viral pneumonia
1. You are reviewing the complete blood count (CBC) for a The client with shingles
client who has been admitted for knee arthroscopy. Which The client with cellulitis
value is most important to report to the physician prior to 7. A client admitted to the hospital with a sickle cell crisis
surgery? complains of severe abdominal, hip, and knee pain. You
observe an LPN accomplishing these client care tasks. Which
White blood cell count 16,000/mm3 one requires that you, as charge nurse, intervene
Hematocrit 33% immediately?
Platelet count 426,000/ mm3
Hemoglobin 10.9 g/dL The LPN encourages the client to use the ordered PCA.
2. A new RN is preparing to administer packed red blood cells The LPN positions cold packs on the client’s knees.
(PRBCs) to a client whose anemia was caused by blood loss The LPN places a “No Visitors” sign on the client’s door.
after surgery. Which action by the new RN requires that you, The LPN checks the client’s temperature every 2 hours.
as charge nurse, intervene immediately? 8. A 67-year-old client who is receiving chemotherapy for
lung cancer is admitted to the hospital with
The new RN waits 20 minutes after obtaining the PRBCs thrombocytopenia. While you are taking the admission
before starting the infusion. history, the client makes these statements. Which statement
The new RN starts an intravenous line for the transfusion is of most concern?
using a 22-gauge catheter.
The new RN primes the transfusion set using 5% dextrose in “I’ve noticed that I bruise more easily since the
lactated Ringer’s solution. chemotherapy started.”
The new RN tells the client that the PRBCs may cause a “My bowel movements are soft and dark brown in color.”
serious transfusion reaction. “I take one aspirin every morning because of my history of
3. A 32-year-old client with a history of sickle cell anemia is angina.”
admitted to the hospital during a sickle cell crisis. The “My appetite has decreased since the chemotherapy
physician orders all of these interventions. Which order will strated.”
you implement first? 9. Following a car accident, a client with a Medic-Alert
bracelet indicating hemophilia A is admitted to the
Give morphine sulfate 4-8 mg IV every hour as needed. emergency department (ED). Which physician order should
Start a large-gauge IV line and infuse normal saline at 200 you implement first?
Immunize with Pneumovax and Haemophilus influenzae Transport to radiology for C-spine x-rays.
vaccines. Transfuse Factor VII concentrate.
Administer oxygen at an F102 of 100% per non-rebreather Type and cross-match for 4 units RBCs.
mask. Infuse normal saline at 250 mL/hour.
4. A 78-year-old client admitted to the hospital with chronic 10.As home health nurse, you are taking an admission history
anemia caused by possible gastrointestinal bleeding has all of for a client who has a deep vein thrombosis and is taking
these activities included in the care plan. Which activity is warfarin (Coumadin) 2 mg daily. Which statement by the
best delegated to an experienced nursing assistant (NA)? client is the best indicator that additional teaching about
warfarin may be needed?
Use Hemoccult slides to obtain stool specimens.
Have the client sign a colonoscopy consent form. “I have started to eat more healthy foods like green salads
Administer PEG-ES (GoLYTELY) bowel preparation. and fruit.”
Check for allergies to contrast dye or shellfish. “The doctor said that it is important to avoid becoming
5. As charge nurse, you are making the daily assignments on constipated.”
the medical-surgical unit. Which client is best assigned to a “Coumadin makes me feel a little nauseated unless I take it
nurse who has floated from the post-anesthesia care unit with food.”
(PACU)? “I will need to have some blood testing done once or twice a
A 30-year-old client with thalassemia major who has an order 11.A client is admitted to the intensive car unit (ICU) with
for subcutaneous infusion of deferoxamine (Desferal) disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) associated with
A 43-year-old client with multiple myeloma who needs a gram-negative infection. Which assessment information has
discharge teaching the most immediate implications for the client’s care?
A 52-year-old client with chronic gastrointestinal bleeding
who has returned to the unit after a colonoscopy There is no palpable radial or pedal pulse.
A 65-year-old client with pernicious anemia who has just The client complains of chest pain.
been admitted to the unit The client’s oxygen saturation is 87%
6. You are making a room assignment for a newly arrived There is mottling of the hands and feet.
client whose laboratory testing indicates pancytopenia. All of 12.A 22-year-old with stage I Hodgkin’s disease is admitted to
these clients are already on the nursing unit. Which one will the oncology unit for radiation therapy. During the initial
be the best roommate for the new client?
assessment, the client tells you, “Sometimes I am afraid of vehicle accident. Which information obtained during the
dying.” Which response is most appropriate at this time? assessment will be of most immediate concern to the nurse?

“Many individuals with this diagnosis have some fears.” The client engages in unprotected sex.
“Perhaps you should ask the doctor about medication.” The client has an oral temperature of 99.7o F
“Tell me a little bit more about your fear of dying.” The client has abdominal pain with light palpation.
“Most people with stage I Hodgkin’s disease survive.” The client admits to occasional marijuana use.
13.After receiving change-of-shift report about all of these 19.A client with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after a
clients, which one will you assess first? bone marrow transplant is being cared for on the medical
unit. Which of these nursing activities is best delegated to a
A 26-year-old with thalassemia major who has a short-stay newly graduated RN who has had a 6-week orientation to the
admission for a blood transfusion unit?
A 44-year-old who was admitted 3 days previously with a
sickle cell crisis and has orders for a CT scan Administration of methotrexate and cyclosporine to the
A 50-year-old with newly diagnosed stage IV non-Hodgskin’s client
lymphoma who is crying and stating “I’m not ready to die.” Assessment of the client for signs of infection caused by
A 69-year-old with chemotherapy-induced neutropenia who GVHD
has an elevated oral temperature Infusion of D5.45% normal saline at 125 mL/hour to the client
14.A long-term-care client with chronic lymphocytic leukemia Education of the client about ways to prevent infection
has a nursing diagnosis of Activity Intolerance related to 20.You are the charge nurse in an oncology unit. A client with
weakness and anemia. Which of these nursing activities is an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of 300/mm3 is placed in
most appropriate for you, as the charge nurse, to delegate to protective isolation. Which staff member should you assign
a nursing assistant? to provide care for this client, under the supervision of an
experienced oncology RN?
Evaluate the client’s response to normal activities of daily
living. An LPN who has floated from the same-day-surgery unit
Check the client’s blood pressure and pulse rate after An RN from the float pool who usually works on the surgical
ambulation. unit
Determine which self-care activities the client can do An LPN with 2 years of experience on the oncology unit
independently. An RN who transferred recently from the ED
Assist the client in choosing a diet that will improve strength. 21.You are transferring a client with newly diagnosed chronic
15.A transfusion of PRBCs has been infusing for 5 minutes myeloid leukemia to a long-term-care (LTC) facility. Which
when the client becomes flushed and tachypneic and says, “I information is most important to the LTC charge nurse prior
am having chills. Please get me a blanket.” Which action to transferring the client?
should you take first?
The Philadelphia chromosome is present in the blood smear
Obtain a warm blanket for the client. Glucose is elevated as a result of prednisone therapy
Check the client’s oral temperature. There has been a 20-pound weight loss over the past year
Stop the medication. The client’s chemotherapy has resulted in neutropenia
Administer oxygen. 22.A client with acute myelogenous leukemia is receiving
16.A group of clients is assigned to an RN-LPN/LVN team. The induction phase chemotherapy. Which assessment
LPN/LVN is most likely to be assigned to provide client care information is of most concern?
and administer medications to which of these clients?
Serum potassium level of 7.8 mEq/L
A 36-year-old client with chronic renal failure who will need a Urine output less than intake by 400 mL
subcutaneous injection of epoetin (Procrit) Inflammation and redness of oral mucosa
A 39-year-old client with hemophilia B who has been Ecchymoses present on anterior trunk
admitted for a blood transfusion 23.A client who has been receiving cyclosporine following an
A 50-year-old client with newly diagnosed polycythemia vera organ transplant is experiencing these symptoms. Which one
who is scheduled for phlebotomy is of most concern?
A 55-year-old client with a history of stem cell
transplantation who will have a bone marrow aspiration Bleeding of the gums while brushing the teeth
17.You obtain the following data about a client admitted with Non-tender swelling in the right groin
multiple myeloma. Which information has the most Occasional nausea after taking the medication
immediate implications for the client’s care? Numbness and tingling of the feet
24.You have developed the nursing diagnosis Risk for
The client complains of chronic bone pain. Impaired Tissue Integrity related to effects of radiation for a
The blood uric acid level is very elevated. client with Hodgkin’s lymphoma who is receiving radiation to
The 24 hour urine shows Bence-Jones protein. the groin area. Which nursing activity is best delegated to a
The client is unable to plantarflex the feet. nursing assistant caring for the client?
18.The nurse in the outpatient clinic is assessing a 22-year-
old with a history of a recent splenectomy after a motor Check the skin for signs of redness or peeling.
Apply alcohol-free lotion to the area after cleaning.
Explain good skin care to the client and family. 32. A vegetarian client was referred to a dietician for
Clean the skin over daily with a mild soap. nutritional counseling for anemia. Which client outcome
25.After receiving the change-of-shift report, which client will indicates that the client does not understand nutritional
you assess first? counseling? The client:

A 20-year-old with possible acute myelogenous leukemia Adds dried fruit to cereal and baked goods
who has just arrived on the medical unit Cooks tomato-based foods in iron pots
A 38-year-old with aplastic anemia who needs teaching about Drinks coffee or tea with meals
decreasing infection risk prior to discharge Adds vitamin C to all meals
A 40-year-old with lymphedema who requests help to put on 33. A client was admitted with iron deficiency anemia and
compression stockings before getting out of bed blood-streaked emesis. Which question is most appropriate
A 60-year-old with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma who is refusing for the nurse to ask in determining the extent of the client’s
the ordered chemotherapy regimen activity intolerance?
26. The nurse is preparing to teach a client with microcytic
hypochromic anemia about the diet to follow after discharge. “What activities were you able to do 6 months ago compared
Which of the following foods should be included in the diet? with the present?”
“How long have you had this problem?”
Eggs “Have you been able to keep up with all your usual
Lettuce activities?”
Citrus fruits “Are you more tired now than you used to be?”
Cheese 34.The primary purpose of the Schilling test is to measure the
27. The nurse would instruct the client to eat which of the client’s ability to:
following foods to obtain the best supply of vitamin B12?
Store vitamin B12
Whole grains Digest vitamin B12
Green leafy vegetables Absorb vitamin B12
Meats and dairy products Produce vitamin B12
Broccoli and Brussels sprouts 35. The nurse implements which of the following for the
28. The nurse has just admitted a 35-year-old female client client who is starting a Schilling test?
who has a serum B12 concentration of 800 pg/ml. Which of
the following laboratory findings would cue the nurse to Administering methylcellulose (Citrucel)
focus the client history on specific drug or alcohol abuse? Starting a 24- to 48 hour urine specimen collection
Maintaining NPO status
Total bilirubin, 0.3 mg/dL Starting a 72 hour stool specimen collection
Serum creatinine, 0.5 mg/dL 36. A client with pernicious anemia asks why she must take
Hemoglobin, 16 g/dL vitamin B12 injections for the rest of her life. What is the
Folate, 1.5 ng/mL nurse’s best response?
29. The nurse understands that the client with pernicious
anemia will have which distinguishing laboratory findings? “The reason for your vitamin deficiency is an inability to
absorb the vitamin because the stomach is not producing
Schilling’s test, elevated sufficient acid.”
Intrinsic factor, absent. “The reason for your vitamin deficiency is an inability to
Sedimentation rate, 16 mm/hour absorb the vitamin because the stomach is not producing
RBCs 5.0 million sufficient intrinsic factor.”
30. The nurse devises a teaching plan for the patient with “The reason for your vitamin deficiency is an excessive
aplastic anemia. Which of the following is the most important excretion of the vitamin because of kidney dysfunction.”
concept to teach for health maintenance? “The reason for your vitamin deficiency is an increased
requirement for the vitamin because of rapid red blood cell
Eat animal protein and dark leafy vegetables each day production.”
Avoid exposure to others with acute infection 37. The nurse is assessing a client’s activity intolerance by
Practice yoga and meditation to decrease stress and anxiety having the client walk on a treadmill for 5 minutes. Which of
Get 8 hours of sleep at night and take naps during the day the following indicates an abnormal response?
31. A client comes into the health clinic 3 years after
undergoing a resection of the terminal ileum complaining of Pulse rate increased by 20 bpm immediately after the activity
weakness, shortness of breath, and a sore tongue. Which Respiratory rate decreased by 5 breaths/minute
client statement indicates a need for intervention and client Diastolic blood pressure increased by 7 mm Hg
teaching? Pulse rate within 6 bpm of resting phase after 3 minutes of
“I have been drinking plenty of fluids.” 38. When comparing the hematocrit levels of a post-op
“I have been gargling with warm salt water for my sore client, the nurse notes that the hematocrit decreased from
tongue.” 36% to 34% on the third day even though the RBC and
“I have 3 to 4 loose stools per day.” hemoglobin values remained stable at 4.5 million and 11.9
“I take a vitamin B12 tablet every day.”
g/dL, respectively. Which nursing intervention is most
appropriate? Bleeding tendencies
Intake and output
Check the dressing and drains for frank bleeding Peripheral sensation
Call the physician Bowel function
Continue to monitor vital signs 46. Which of the following blood components is decreased in
Start oxygen at 2L/min per NC anemia?
39. A client is to receive epoetin (Epogen) injections. What
laboratory value should the nurse assess before giving the Erythrocytes
injection? Granulocytes
Hematocrit Platelets
Partial thromboplastin time 47. A client with anemia may be tired due to a tissue
Hemoglobin concentration deficiency of which of the following substances?
Prothrombin time
40. A client states that she is afraid of receiving vitamin B12 Carbon dioxide
injections because of the potential toxic reactions. What is Factor VIII
the nurse’s best response to relieve these fears? Oxygen
T-cell antibodies
“Vitamin B12 will cause ringing in the eats before a toxic level 48. Which of the following cells is the precursor to the red
is reached.” blood cell (RBC)?
“Vitamin B12 may cause a very mild skin rash initially.”
“Vitamin B12 may cause mild nausea but nothing toxic.” B cell
“Vitamin B12 is generally free of toxicity because it is water Macrophage
soluble.” Stem cell
41. A client with microcytic anemia is having trouble T cell
selecting food items from the hospital menu. Which food is 49. Which of the following symptoms is expected with
best for the nurse to suggest for satisfying the client’s hemoglobin of 10 g/dl?
nutritional needs and personal preferences?
Egg yolks Pallor
Brown rice Palpitations
Vegetables Shortness of breath
Tea 50. Which of the following diagnostic findings are most likely
42. A client with macrocytic anemia has a burn on her foot for a client with aplastic anemia?
and states that she had been watching television while lying
on a heating pad. What is the nurse’s first response? Decreased production of T-helper cells
Decreased levels of white blood cells, red blood cells, and
Assess for potential abuse platelets
Check for diminished sensations Increased levels of WBCs, RBCs, and platelets
Document the findings Reed-Sternberg cells and lymph node enlargement
Clean and dress the area 51. A client with iron deficiency anemia is scheduled for
43. Which of the following nursing assessments is a late discharge. Which instruction about prescribed ferrous
symptom of polycythemia vera? gluconate therapy should the nurse include in the teaching
Dizziness “Take the medication with an antacid.”
Pruritus “Take the medication with a glass of milk.”
Shortness of breath “Take the medication with cereal.”
44. The nurse is teaching a client with polycythemia vera “Take the medication on an empty stomach.”
about potential complications from this disease. Which 52. Which of the following disorders results from a
manifestations would the nurse include in the client’s deficiency of factor VIII?
teaching plan? Select all that apply.
Sickle cell disease
Hearing loss Christmas disease
Visual disturbance Hemophilia A
Headache Hemophilia B
Orthopnea 53. The nurse explains to the parents of a 1-year-old child
Gout admitted to the hospital in a sickle cell crisis that the local
Weight loss tissue damage the child has on admission is caused by which
45. When a client is diagnosed with aplastic anemia, the of the following?
nurse monitors for changes in which of the following
physiological functions? Autoimmune reaction complicated by hypoxia
Lack of oxygen in the red blood cells Clot retraction test
Obstruction to circulation Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Elevated serum bilirubin concentration. 60. Which of the following assessments in a child with
54. The mothers asks the nurse why her child’s hemoglobin hemophilia would lead the nurse to suspect early
was normal at birth but now the child has S hemoglobin. hemarthrosis?
Which of the following responses by the nurse is most
appropriate? Child’s reluctance to move a body part
Cool, pale, clammy extremity
“The placenta bars passage of the hemoglobin S from the Eccymosis formation around a joint
mother to the fetus.” Instability of a long bone in passive movement
“The red bone marrow does not begin to produce 61. Because of the risks associated with administration of
hemoglobin S until several months after birth.” factor VIII concentrate, the nurse would teach the client’s
“Antibodies transmitted from you to the fetus provide the family to recognize and report which of the following?
newborn with temporary immunity.”
“The newborn has a high concentration of fetal hemoglobin Yellowing of the skin
in the blood for some time after birth.” Constipation
55. Which of the following would the nurse identify as the Abdominal distention
priority nursing diagnosis during a toddler’s vasoocclusive Puffiness around the eyes
sickle cell crisis? 62. A child suspected of having sickle cell disease is seen in a
clinic, and laboratory studies are performed. A nurse checks
Ineffective coping related to the presence of a life- the lab results, knowing that which of the following would be
threatening disease increased in this disease?
Decreased cardiac output related to abnormal hemoglobin
formation Platelet count
Pain related to tissue anoxia Hematocrit level
Excess fluid volume related to infection Reticulocyte count
56. A mother asks the nurse if her child’s iron deficiency Hemoglobin level
anemia is related to the child’s frequent infections. The nurse 63. A clinic nurse instructs the mother of a child with sickle
responds based on the understanding of which of the cell disease about the precipitating factors related to pain
following? crisis. Which of the following, if identified by the mother as a
precipitating factor, indicates the need for further
Little is known about iron-deficiency anemia and its instructions?
relationship to infection in children.
Children with iron deficiency anemia are more susceptible to Infection
infection than are other children. Trauma
Children with iron-deficiency anemia are less susceptible to Fluid overload
infection than are other children. Stress
Children with iron-deficient anemia are equally as susceptible 64. Laboratory studies are performed for a child suspected of
to infection as are other children. having iron deficiency anemia. The nurse reviews the
57. Which statements by the mother of a toddler would lead laboratory results, knowing that which of the following
the nurse to suspect that the child has iron-deficiency results would indicate this type of anemia?
anemia? Select all that apply.
An elevated hemoglobin level
“He drinks over 3 cups of milk per day.” A decreased reticulocyte count
“I can’t keep enough apple juice in the house; he must drink An elevated RBC count
over 10 ounces per day.” Red blood cells that are microcytic and hypochromic
“He refuses to eat more than 2 different kinds of vegetables.” 65. A pediatric nurse health educator provides a teaching
“He doesn’t like meat, but he will eat small amounts of it.” session to the nursing staff regarding hemophilia. Which of
“He sleeps 12 hours every night and take a 2-hour nap.” the following information regarding this disorder would the
58. Which of the following foods would the nurse encourage nurse plan to include in the discussion?
the mother to offer to her child with iron deficiency anemia?
Hemophilia is a Y linked hereditary disorder
Rice cereal, whole milk, and yellow vegetables Males inherit hemophilia from their fathers
Potato, peas, and chicken Females inherit hemophilia from their mothers
Macaroni, cheese, and ham Hemophilia A results from a deficiency of factor VIII
Pudding, green vegetables, and rice
59. The physician has ordered several laboratory tests to Answers and Rationales
help diagnose an infant’s bleeding disorder. Which of the 1. ANSWER A – An elevation in white blood cells may
following tests, if abnormal, would the nurse interpret as indicate that the client has an infection, which would
most likely to indicate hemophilia? likely require rescheduling of the surgical procedure.
The other values are slightly abnormal, but would not
Bleeding time be likely to cause post-operative problems for a knee
Tourniquet test arthroscopy. Focus: Prioritization
2. ANSWER C – Normal saline, an isotonic solution, accident, the priority intervention is to maximize the
should be used when priming the IV line to avoid availability of clotting factors. The other orders also
causing hemolysis of RBCs. Ideally, blood products should be implemented rapidly, but do not have as
should be infused as soon as possible after they are high a priority. Focus: Prioritization
obtained; however, a 20-minute delay would not be 10. ANSWER A – Clients taking warfarin are advised to
unsafe. Large-gauge IV catheters are preferable for avoid making sudden diet changes, because changing
blood administration; if a smaller catheter must be the oral intake of foods high in vitamin K (such as
used, normal saline may be used to dilute the RBCs. green leafy vegetables and some fruits) will have an
Although it is appropriate to instruct clients to notify impact on the effectiveness of the medication. The
the nurse if symptoms of a transfusion reaction such as other statements suggest that further teaching may be
shortness of breath or chest pain occur, it will cause indicated, but more assessment for teaching needs is
unnecessary anxiety to indicate that a serious reaction indicated first. Focus: Prioritization
is likely to occur. Focus: Prioritization 11. ANSWER C – Because the decrease in oxygen
3. ANSWER D – Hypoxia and deoxygenation of the red saturation will have the greatest immediate effect on
blood cells are the most common cause of sickling, so all body systems, improvement in oxygenation should
administration of oxygen is the priority intervention be the priority goal of care. The other data also
here. Pain control and hydration are also important indicate the need for rapid intervention, but
interventions for this client and should be improvement of oxygenation is the most urgent need.
accomplished rapidly. Vaccination may help prevent Focus: Prioritization
future sickling episodes by decreasing the risk of 12. ANSWER C – Most assessment about what the client
infection, but it will not help with the current sickling means is needed before any interventions can be
crisis. Focus: Prioritization planned or implemented. All of the other statements
4. ANSWER A – An experienced nursing assistant would indicate a conclusion that the client is afraid of dying of
have been taught how to obtain a stool specimen for Hodgkin’s disease. Focus: Prioritization
the Hematoccult slide test, because this is a common 13. ANSWER D – Any temperature elevation in a
screening test for hospitalized clients. Having the client neutropenic client may indicate the presence of a life-
sign an informed consent should be done by the threatening infection, so actions such as blood cultures
physician who will be doing the colonoscopy. and antibiotic administration should be initiated
Administration of medications and checking for quickly. The other clients need to e assessed as soon as
allergies are within the scope of practice for licensed possible, but are not critically ill. Focus: Prioritization
nursing staff. Focus: Delegation 14. ANSWER B – Nursing assistant education include
5. ANSWER C – A nurse who works in the PACU will be routine nursing skills such as assessment of vital signs.
familiar with the monitoring needed for a client who Evaluation, baseline assessment of client abilities, and
has just returned from a procedure like a colonoscopy, nutrition planning are roles appropriate to RN practice.
which requires conscious sedation. The other clients 15. ANSWER C – The client’s symptoms indicate that a
require more experience with various types of transfusion reaction may be occurring so the first
hematologic disorders and would be better to assign to action should be to stop the transfusion. Chills are an
nursing staff who regularly work on the medical – indication of a febrile reaction, so warming the client is
surgical unit. Focus: Prioritization not appropriate. Checking the client’s temperature and
6. ANSWER A – Clients with pancytopenia are at higher administration of oxygen are also appropriate actions
risk for infection. The client with digoxin toxicity if a transfusion reaction is suspected; however,
presents the least risk of infecting the new client. Viral stopping the transfusion is the priority. Focus:
pneumonia, shingles, and cellulites are infectious Prioritization
processes. Focus: Prioritization 16. ANSWER A – Subcutaneous administration of epoetin
7. ANSWER B – The joint pain that occurs in sickle cell is within the LPN/LVN scope of practice. The other
crisis is caused by obstruction to blood flow by the clients require skills (blood transfusion and client
sickled red blood cells. The appropriate therapy for this teaching about phlebotomy and bone marrow
client would be application of moist heat to the joints aspiration) that are more appropriate to RN-level
to cause vasodilation and improve circulation. Because practice. Focus: Assignment
control of pain is a priority during sickle cell crisis, 17. ANSWER D – The lack of plantar flexion may indicate
there is no need to restrict all visitors or to check the spinal cord compression, which should be evaluated
temperature every 2 hours. Focus: Prioritization and treated immediately by the physician to prevent
8. ANSWER C – Because aspiring will decrease platelet further loss of function. While chronic bone pain,
aggregation, clients with thrombocytopenia should not hyperuricemia, and the presence of Bence-Jones
use aspirin routinely. Client teaching about his should protein in the urine all are typical Focus: Prioritization
be included in the care plan. Bruising is consistent with 18. ANSWER B – Because the spleen has an important role
the client’s admission problem of thrombocytopenia. in the phagocytosis of microorganisms, the client is at
Soft, dark brown stools indicate that there is no frank higher risk for severe infection after a splenectomy.
blood in the bowel movements. A decrease in appetite Medical therapy, such as antibiotic administration, is
is common with chemotherapy, and more assessment usually indicated for any symptoms of infection. The
is indicated. Focus: Prioritization other information also indicates the need for more
9. ANSWER B – When a hemophiliac client is at high risk assessment and intervention, but prevention and
for bleeding, for example, after a motor vehicle
treatment of infection are the highest priorities for this 27. ANSWER C. Good sources of vitamin B12 include meats
client. Focus: Prioritization and dairy products. Whole grains are a good source of
19. ANSWER C – Infusion of IV fluids is indicated in RN thiamine. Green leafy vegetables are good sources of
education, and the new RN would also have had niacin, folate, and carotenoids (precursors of vitamin
experience with this as part of an orientation to the A). Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are good sources of
medical unit. Administration of potent ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
immunosuppressive medications, assessment for 28. ANSWER D. The normal range of folic acid is 1.8 to 9
subtle indications of infection, and client teaching are ng/mL, and the normal range of vitamin B12 is 200 to
more complex tasks that should be delegated to more 900 pg/mL. A low folic acid level in the presence of a
experienced RN staff members. Focus:Delegation normal vitamin B12 level is indicative of a primary folic
20. ANSWER C – Because many aspects of nursing care acid-deficiency anemia. Factors that affect the
need to be modified to prevent infection when a client absorption of folic acid are drugs such as
has a low ANC, care should be provided by the staff methotrexate, oral contraceptives, antiseizure drugs,
member with the most experience with neutropenic and alcohol. The total bilirubin, serum creatinine, and
clients. The other staff members have the education hemoglobin values are within normal limits.
required to care for this client, but are not as clinically 29. ANSWER B. The defining characteristic of pernicious
experienced. When making acute care client anemia, a megaloblastic anemia, is lack of the intrinsic
assignments for LPN staff members, they must work factor, which results from atrophy of the stomach wall.
under the supervision of an RN. The LPN in this case Without the intrinsic factor, vitamin B12 cannot be
would report to the RN assigned to the client. Focus: absorbed in the small intestines, and folic acid needs
Assignment vitamin B12 for DNA synthesis of RBCs. The gastric
21. ANSWER D – The neutropenic client is at increased risk analysis was done to determine the primary cause of
for infection, so the LTC charge nurse needs to know the anemia. An elevated excretion of the injected
this in order to make decisions about the client room radioactive vitamin B12, which is protocol for the first
assignment and to plan care. The other information and second stage of the Schilling test, indicates that
also will impact on planning for client care, but the the client has the intrinsic factor and can absorb
charge nurse needs the information about neutropenia vitamin B12 into the intestinal tract. A sedimentation
before the client is transferred. Focus: Prioritization rate of 16 mm/hour is normal for both men and
22. ANSWER A – Fatal hyperkalemia may be caused by women and is a nonspecific test to detect the presence
tumor lysis syndrome, a potentially serious of inflammation. It is not specific to anemias. An RBC
consequence of chemotherapy in acute leukemia. The value of 5.0 million is a normal value for both men and
other symptoms also indicate a need for further women and does not indicate anemia.
assessment or intervention, but are not as critical as 30. ANSWER B. Clients with aplastic anemia are severely
the elevated potassium level. Focus: Prioritization immunocompromised and at risk for infection and
23. ANSWER B – A non-tender swelling in this area (or near possible death related to bone marrow suppression
any lymph node) may indicate that he client has and pancytopenia. Strict aseptic technique and reverse
developed lymphoma, a possible adverse effect of isolation are important measures to prevent infection.
immunosuppressive therapy. The client should receive Although diet, reduced stress, and rest are valued in
further evaluation immediately. The other symptoms supporting health, the potentially fatal consequence of
may also indicate side effects of cyclosporine (gingival an acute infection places it as a priority for teaching
hyperplasia, nausea, paresthesia) but do not indicate the client about health maintenance. Animal meat and
the need for immediate action. Focus: Prioritization dark green leafy vegetables, good sources of vitamin
24. ANSWER D – Skin care is included in nursing assistant B12 and folic acid, should be included in the daily diet.
education and job description. Assessment and client Yoga and meditation are good complimentary
teaching are more complex tasks that should be therapies to reduce stress. Eight hours of rest and naps
delegated to registered nurses. Use of lotions to the are good for spacing and pacing activity and rest.
irradiated area is usually avoided during radiation 31. ANSWER D. Vitamin B12 combines with intrinsic factor
therapy. Focus: Delegation in the stomach and is then carried to the ileum, where
25. ANSWER A – The newly admitted client should be it is absorbed in the bloodstream. In this situation,
assessed first, because the baseline assessment and vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed regardless of the
plan of care need to be completed. The other clients amount of oral intake of sources of vitamin B12 such
also need assessments or interventions, but do not as animal protein or vitamin B12 tablets. Vitamin B12
need immediate nursing care. Focus: Prioritization needw to be injected every month, because the ileum
26. ANSWER A. One of the microcytic, hypochromic has been surgically removed. Replacement of fluids
anemias is iron-deficiency amenia. A rich source of iron and electrolytes is important when the client has
is needed in the diet, and eggs are high in iron. Other continuous multiple loose stools on a daily basis.
foods high in iron include organ and muscle (dark) Warm salt water is used to soothe sore mucous
meats; shellfish, shrimp, and tuna; enriched, whole- membranes. Crohn’s disease and small bowel
grain, and fortified cereals and breads; legumes, nuts, resection may cause several loose stools a day.
dried fruits, and beans; oatmeal; and sweet potatoes. 32. ANSWER C. Coffee and tea increase gastrointestinal
Dark green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits are good mobility and inhibit the absorption of nonheme iron.
sources of vitamin C. Cheese is a good source of Clients are instructed to add dried fruits to dishes at
calcium. every meal because dried fruits are a nonheme or
nonanimal iron source. Cooking in iron cookware, pulse returns to within 6 bpm of the resting pulse after
especially acid-based foods such as tomatoes, adds 3 minutes of rest.
iron to the diet. Clients are instructed to add a rich 38. ANSWER C. The nurse should continue to monitor the
supply of vitamin C to every meal because the client, because this value reflects a normal physiologic
absorption of iron is increased when food with vitamin response. The physician does not need to be called,
C or ascorbic acid is consumed. and oxygen does not need to be started based on
33. ANSWER A. It is difficult to determine activity these laboratory findings. Immediately after surgery,
intolerance without objectively comparing activities the client’s hematocrit reflects a falsely high value
from one time frame to another. Because iron related to the body’s compensatory response to the
deficiency anemia can occur gradually and individual stress of sudden loss of fluids and blood. Activation of
endurance varies, the nurse can best assess the client’s the intrinsic pathway and the renin-angiotensin cycle
activity tolerance by asking the client to compare via antidiuretic hormone produces vasoconstriction
activities 6 months ago and at the present. Asking a and retention of fluid for the first 1 to 2 day post-op.
client how long a problem has existed is a very open- By the second to third day, this response decreases
ended question that allows for too much subjectivity and the client’s hematocrit level is more reflective of
for any definition of the client’s activity tolerance. the amount of RBCs in the plasma. Fresh bleeding is a
Also, the client may not even identify that a “problem” less likely occurrence on the third post-op day but is
exists. Asking the client whether he is staying abreast not impossible; however, the nurse would have
of usual activities addresses whether the tasks were expected to see a decrease in the RBC and hemoglobin
completed, not the tolerance of the client while the values accompanying the hematocrit.
tasks were being completed or the resulting condition 39. ANSWER A. Epogen is a recombinant DNA form of
of the client after the tasks were completed. Asking erythropoietin, which stimulates the production of
the client if he is more tired now than usual does not RBCs and therefore causes the hematocrit to rise. The
address his activity tolerance. Tiredness is a subjective elevation in hematocrit causes an elevation in blood
evaluation and again can be distorted by factors such pressure; therefore, the blood pressure is a vital sign
as the gradual onset of the anemia or the endurance of that should be checked. The PTT, hemoglobin level,
the individual. and PT are not monitored for this drug.
34. ANSWER C. Pernicious anemia is caused by the body’s 40. ANSWER D. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin.
inability to absorb vitamin B12. This results in a lack of When water-soluble vitamins are taken in excess of
intrinsic factor in the gastric juices. Schilling’s test the body’s needs, they are filtered through the kidneys
helps diagnose pernicious anemia by determining the and excreted. Vitamin B12 is considered to be
client’s ability to absorb vitamin B12. nontoxic. Adverse reactions that have occurred are
35. ANSWER B. Urinary vitamin B12 levels are measured believed to be related to impurities or to the
after the ingestion of radioactive vitamin B12. A 24-to preservative in B12 preparations. Ringing in the ears,
48- hour urine specimen is collected after skin rash, and nausea are not considered to be related
administration of an oral dose of radioactively tagged to vitamin B12 administration.
vitamin B12 and an injection of nonradioactive vitamin 41. ANSWER B. Brown rice is a source of iron from plant
B12. In a healthy state of absorption, excess vitamin sources (nonheme iron). Other sources of nonheme
B12 is excreted in the urine; in a malabsorption state iron are whole-grain cereals and breads, dark green
or when the intrinsic factor is missing, vitamin B12 is vegetables, legumes, nuts, dried fruits (apricots,
excreted in the feces. Citrucel is a bulk-forming agent. raisins, dates), oatmeal, and sweet potatoes. Egg yolks
Laxatives interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12. have iron but it is not as well absorbed as iron from
The client is NPO 8 to 12 hours before the test but is other sources. Vegetables are a good source of
not NPO during the test. A stool collection is not part vitamins that may facilitate iron absorption. Tea
of the Schilling test. If stool contaminates the urine contains tannin, which combines with nonheme iron,
collection, the results will be altered. preventing its absorption.
36. ANSWER B. Most clients with pernicious anemia have 42. ANSWER B. Macrocytic anemias can result from
deficient production of intrinsic factor in the stomach. deficiencies in vitamin B12 or ascorbic acid. Only
Intrinsic factor attaches to the vitamin in the stomach vitamin B12 deficiency causes diminished sensations of
and forms a complex that allows the vitamin to be peripheral nerve endings. The nurse should assess for
absorbed in the small intestine. The stomach is peripheral neuropathy and instruct the client in self-
producing enough acid, there is not an excessive care activities for her diminished sensation to heat and
excretion of the vitamin, and there is not a rapid pain. The burn could be related to abuse, but this
production of RBCs in this condition. conclusion would require more supporting data. The
37. ANSWER B. The normal physiologic response to activity findings should be documented, but the nurse would
is an increased metabolic rate over the resting basal want to address the client’s sensations first. The
rate. The decrease in respiratory rate indicates that the decision of how to treat the burn should be
client is not strong enough to complete the mechanical determined by the physician.
cycle of respiration needed for gas exchange. The 43. ANSWER C. Pruritus is a late symptom that results
postactivity pulse is expected to increase immediately from abnormal histamine metabolism. Headache and
after activity but by no more than 50 bpm if it is dizziness are early symptoms from engorged veins.
strenuous activity. The diastolic blood pressure is Shortness of breath is an early symptom from
expected to rise but by no more than 15 mm Hg. The
congested mucous membrane and ineffective gas Elevated serum bilirubin concentrations are associated
exchange. with jaundice, not sickle cell disease.
44. ANSWER B, C, D, E. Polycythemia vera, a condition in 54. ANSWER D. Sickle cell disease is an inherited disease
which too many RBCs are produced in the blood that is present at birth. However, 60% to 80% of a
serum, can lead to an increase in the hematocrit and newborns hemoglobin is fetal hemoglobin, which has a
hypervolemia, hyperviscosity, and hypertension. structure different from that of hemoglobin S or
Subsequently, the client can experience dizziness, hemoglobin A. Sickle cell symptoms usually occur
tinnitus, visual disturbances, headaches, or a feeling of about 4 months after birth, when hemoglobin S begins
fullness in the head. The client may also experience to replace the fetal hemoglobin. The gene for sickle cell
cardiovascular symptoms such as heart failure disease is transmitted at the time of conception, not
(shortness of breath and orthopnea) and increased passed through the placenta. Some hemoglobin S is
clotting time or symptoms of an increased uric acid produced by the fetus near term. The fetus produces
level such as painful swollen joints (usually the big all its own hemoglobin from the earliest production in
toe). Hearing loss and weight loss are not the first trimester. Passive immunity conferred by
manifestations associated with polycythemia vera. maternal antibodies is not related to sickle cell disease,
45. ANSWER A. Aplastic anemia decreases the bone but this transmission of antibodies is important to
marrow production of RBCs, WBCs, and platelets. The protect the infant from various infections during early
client is at risk for bruising and bleeding tendencies. A infancy.
change in the intake and output is important, but 55. ANSWER C. For the child in a sickle cell crisis, pain is
assessment for the potential for bleeding takes the priority nursing diagnosis because the sickled cells
priority. Change in the peripheral nervous system is a clump and obstruct the blood vessels, leading to
priority problem specific to clients with vitamin B12 occlusive and subsequent tissue ischemia. Although
deficiency. Change in bowel function is not associated ineffective coping may be important, it is not the
with aplastic anemia. priority. Decreased cardiac output is not a problem
46. ANSWER A. Anemia is defined as a decreased number with this type of vasoocclusive crisis. Typically, a sickle
of erythrocytes (red blood cells). Leukopenia is a cell crisis can be precipitated by a fluid volume deficit
decreased number of leukocytes (white blood cells). or dehydration.
Thrombocytopenia is a decreased number of platelets. 56. ANSWER B. Children with iron-deficiency anemia are
Lastly, granulocytopenia is a decreased number of more susceptible to infection because of marked
granulocytes (a type of white blood cells). decreases in bone marrow functioning with
47. ANSWER C. Anemia stems from a decreased number of microcytosis.
red blood cells and the resulting deficiency in oxygen 57. ANSWER A, B. Toddlers should have between 2 and 3
and body tissues. Clotting factors, such as factor VIII, cups of milk per day and 8 ounces of juice per day. If
relate to the body’s ability to form blood clots and they have more than that, then they are probably not
aren’t related to anemia, not is carbon dioxide of T eating enough other foods, including iron-rich foods
antibodies. that have the needed nutrients.
48. ANSWER C. The precursor to the RBC is the stem cell. B 58. ANSWER B. Potato, peas, chicken, green vegetables,
cells, macrophages, and T cells and lymphocytes, not and rice cereal contain significant amounts of iron and
RBC precursors. therefore would be recommended. Milk and yellow
49. ANSWER A. Mild anemia usually has no clinical signs. vegetables are not good iron sources. Rice by itself also
Palpitations, SOB, and pallor are all associated with is not a good source of iron.
severe anemia. 59. ANSWER D. PTT measures the activity of
50. ANSWER B. In aplastic anemia, the most likely thromboplastin, which is dependent on intrinsic
diagnostic findings are decreased levels of all the clotting factors. In hemophilia, the intrinsic clotting
cellular elements of the blood (pancytopenia). T-helper factor VIII (antihemiphilic factor) is deficient, resulting
cell production doesn’t decrease in aplastic anemia. in a prolonged PTT. Bleeding time reflects platelet
Reed-Sternberg cells and lymph node enlargement function; the tourniquet test measures
occur with Hodgkin’s disease. vasoconstriction and platelet function; and the clot
51. ANSWER D. Preferably, ferrous gluconate should be retraction test measures capillary fragility. All of these
taken on an empty stomach. Ferrous gluconae should are unaffected in people with hemophilia.
not be taken with antacids, milk, or whole-grain 60. ANSWER A. Bleeding into the joints in the child with
cereals because these foods reduce iron absorption. hemophilia leads to pain and tenderness, resulting in
52. ANSWER C. Hemophilia A results from a deficiency of restricted movement. Therefore, an early sign of
factor VIII. Sickle cell disease is caused by a defective hemarthrosis would be the child’s reluctance to move
hemoglobin molecule. Christmas disease, also called a body part. If the bleeding into the joint continues,
hemophilia B, results in a factor IX deficiency. the area becomes hot, swollen, and immobile—not
53. ANSWER C. Characteristic sickle cells tend to cause “log cool, pale, and clammy. Ecchymosis formation around
jams” in capillaries. This results in poor circulation to a joint would be difficult to assess. Instability of a long
local tissues, leading to ischemia and necrosis. The bone on passive movement is not associated with joint
basic defect in sickle cell disease is an abnormality in hemarthrosis.
the structure of RBCs. The erythrocytes are sickle- 61. ANSWER A. Because factor VIII concentrate is derived
shaped, rough in texture, and rigid. Sickle cell disease from large pools of human plasma, the risk of hepatitis
is an inherited disease, not an autoimmune reaction. is always present. Clinical manifestations of hepatitis
include yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes, and 5. Which of the following occurs during ventricular systole?
sclera. Use of factor VIII concentrate is not associated
with constipation, abdominal distention, or puffiness Increased aortic pressure
around the eyes. Increased ventricular volume
62. ANSWER C. A diagnosis is established based on a Dup heart sound
complete blood count, examination for sickled red P wave
blood cells in the peripheral smear, and hemoglobin 6. Which of the following occurs during ventricular diastole?
electrophoresis. Laboratory studies will show
decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit levels and a Increased aortic pressure
decreased platelet count, and increased reticulocyte Increased ventricular volume
count, and the presence of nucleated red blood cells. Lub heart sound
Increased reticulocyte counts occur in children with T wave
sickle cell disease because the life span of their sickled 7. The innermost layer of a blood vessel is lined with _______
red blood cells is shortened. ______ cells
63. ANSWER C. Pain crisis may be precipitated by
infection, dehydration, hypoxia, trauma, or physical or Simple squamous
emotional stress. The mother of a child with sickle cell Stratified squamous
disease should encourage fluid intake of 1 ½ to 2 times Simple cuboidal epithelium
the daily requirement to prevent dehydration. Stratified cuboidal epithelium
64. ANSWER D. The results of a CBC in children with iron 8. Angiotension can directly cause the release of ____ from
deficiency anemia will show decreased hemoglobin the adrenal cortex.
levels and microcytic and hypochromic red blood cells.
The red blood cell count is decreased. The reticulocyte Renin
count is usually normal or slightly elevated. Aldosterone
65. ANSWER D. Males inherit hemophilia from their Calcitonin
mothers, and females inherit the carrier status from Thyroxine
their fathers. Hemophilia is inherited in a recessive 9. Cardiac output is the product of ____ and ____.
manner via a genetic defect on the X-chromosome.
Hemophilia A results from a deficiency of factor VIII. HR and Disastolic pressure
Hemophilia B (Christmas disease) is a deficiency of HR and Stroke Volume
factor IX. HR and EF
Diastolic and Systolic pressure
Hematologic System 10. Pulmonary edema is most like associated with a failing
1. Prothrombin is a ____ globulin and is produced by the _____ _____.
Right atrium
Alpha, Kidney Left atrium
Alpha, Liver Right ventricle
Beta, Kidney Left ventricle
Beta, Liver 11. Which of the following is the first branch off the aortic
2. The right coronary artery divides to form the posterior arch?
interventricular artery and the ___ artery.
Common carotid
Marginal Brachiocephalic
LVC Right Subclavian
RVC Thoracic
LAD 12. The brachiocephalic artery divides to form the right
3. Blood flowing into the cardiac veins enters the _______ common carotid and the ____ ____ artery.
Left subclavian
Coronary Sinus Right subclavian
Left Ventricle Left common carotid
Right Ventricle Right thoracic artery
Left Atrium 13. Which of the following arteries creates the left spenic,
4. If you are using a stethoscope and trying to detect the hepatic and gastric arteries?
tricuspid valve which of the following would be the best
location? Left sacral artery
Celiac artery
Within 2 inches of the xyphoid process Suprarenal artery
On the right side of the sternum Phrenic artery
On the left side of the sternum near the midpoint 14. Which of the following is not considered a major branch
On the left side of the sternum near the midpoint of the sixth off of the descending thoracic aorta?
Mediastinal artery 17. D. Subclavian vein
Renal artery 18. A. Basilar
Bronchial artery 19. A. Difference between the systolic and diastolic
Posterior intercostals artery pressure
15. Which of the following is not considered a major branch 20. A. Accelerator
off of the abdominal aorta?
Phrenic artery 1. Anticoagulants are indicated for an indefinite period in
Common iliac artery patients with:
Gonadal artery
Mediastinal artery Atrial fibrillation
16. Which of the following is not considered a major branch Venous thromboembolism
off of the femoral artery? High risk of myocardial infarction
All of the above
Superficial pudendal arteries 2. Which of the following sentence is true with regard to
Deep external pudendal arteries warfarin?
Superficial circumflex iliac artery
Deep circumflex iliac artery Is a vitamin K antagonist
17. Which of the following is not considered a tributary of the Is a thrombin inhibitor
portal vein? Activates fibrinolysis
Binds to antithrombin III
Inferior mesenteric vein 3. Which of the following is not an approved indication for
Splenic vein warfarin therapy?
Left gastric vein
Subclavian vein Atrial fibrillation
18. Inside the cranial cavity the vertebral arteries form the Heart valve replacement
____ artery. Deep vein thrombosis
Peripheral artery disease
Basilar 4. Time taken for observable anticoagulant effect of warfarin
Common Carotid is:
PCA 6-12 hours
19. Pulse pressure (pp) is considered the _____. 24-36 hours
2-7 days
Difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure 8-10days
The sum of the systolic and diastolic pressure 5. Which of the following is the recommended test to
The inverse of the blood pressure monitor the effect of oral anticoagulant therapy?
Half of the systolic pressure
20. _____ nerves can be found joining the SA and AV nodes in Thrombin time
the heart. International normalized ratio (INR)
Bleeding time
Accelerator Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Phrenic 6. What is the most acceptable frequency of INR monitoring
Thoracic in a patient taking warfarin?
Initially thrice daily, then twice daily, then daily, then weekly,
Answers and then monthly
1. B. Alpha, Liver Initially twice daily, then daily, then weekly, and then
2. A. Marginal monthly
3. A. Coronary Sinus Initially daily, then weekly, and then monthly
4. A. Within 2 inches of the xyphoid process Initially twice per week, then weekly, then every two or three
5. A. Increased aortic pressure weeks, and then monthly
6. B. Increased ventricular volume 7. What is the value of International normalized ratio (INR)
7. A. Simple squamous above which warfarin does not provide any additional
8. B. Aldosterone therapeutic benefit in most patients, but is associated with a
9. B. HR and Stroke Volume higher risk of bleeding?
10. D. Left ventricle
11. B. Brachiocephalic 4.0
12. B. Right subclavian 3.5
13. B. Celiac artery 3.0
14. B. Renal artery 2.5
15. D. Mediastinal artery 8. Which of the following is used for reversal of anticoagulant
16. D. Deep circumflex iliac artery effect of warfarin in case of life-threatening bleeding?
Restart regular warfarin therapy after surgery once adequate
Platelets haemostasis is achieved
Protamine All of the above
Vitamin K or Vitamin K dependant coagulation factors Answers
Any of the above 1. A. Atrial fibrillation
9. Which of the following statement(s) concerning heparin 2. A. Is a vitamin K antagonist
is/are true? 3. D. Peripheral artery disease
4. C. 2-7 days
It binds to antithrombin III leading to anticoagulant effect 5. B. International normalized ratio (INR)
It exhibits varying anticoagulant response 6. D. Initially twice per week, then weekly, then every
Heparin therapy is monitored with activated partial two or three weeks, and then monthly
thromboplastin time (APTT) 7. A. 4.0
All of the above 8. C. Vitamin K or Vitamin K dependant coagulation
10. Which of the following is an advantage of low molecular factors
weight heparin (LMWH) over unfractionated heparin? 9. D. All of the above
10. D. All of the above
Does not require monitoring of activated partial 11. A. Anti-factor Xa level
thromboplastin time 12. A. Protamine
Has a greater bioavailibility 13. A. Warfarin
Given subcutaneously therefore can be administered in “out 14. A. Do not stop warfarin but check INR prior to surgery
of hospital setting” 15. D. All of the above
All of the above
11. Low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) do not require Hodgkin’s Disease
monitoring, but when necessary, which of the following is 1) A 22-year-old with stage I Hodgkin’s disease is admitted to
measured? the oncology unit for radiation therapy. During the initial
assessment, the client tells you, “Sometimes I am afraid of
Anti-factor Xa level dying.” Which response is most appropriate at this time?
Thrombin time
Prothrombin time “Many individuals with this diagnosis have some fears.”
Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) “Perhaps you should ask the doctor about medication.”
12. The anticoagulant effect of heparin is rapidly reversed “Tell me a little bit more about your fear of dying.”
with: “Most people with stage I Hodgkin’s disease survive.”
2) After receiving the change-of-shift report, which client will
Protamine you assess first?
Infusion of vitamin K dependant coagulation factors
Packed red blood cells A 20-year-old with possible acute myelogenous leukemia
Platelets who has just arrived on the medical unit
13. Which of the following anticoagulant should not be given A 38-year-old with aplastic anemia who needs teaching about
during pregnancy? decreasing infection risk prior to discharge
A 40-year-old with lymphedema who requests help to put on
Warfarin compression stockings before getting out of bed
Low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) A 60-year-old with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma who is refusing
Unfractionated heparin the ordered chemotherapy regimen
All of the above 3) The Hodgkin’s disease patient described in the question
14. Which of the following is correct with regard to patients above undergoes a lymph node biopsy for definitive
taking warfarin undergoing surgery with minimal risk of diagnosis. If the diagnosis of Hodgkin’s disease were correct,
bleeding? which of the following cells would the pathologist expect to
Do not stop warfarin but check INR prior to surgery
Switch over to heparin two days prior to surgery and restart Reed-Sternberg cells.
warfarin after surgery Lymphoblastic cells.
Switch over to heparin five days prior to surgery and restart Gaucher’s cells.
warfarin after surgery Rieder’s cells
Switch over to heparin seven days prior to surgery and 4) A male client is admitted to the hospital with a suspected
restart warfarin after surgery diagnosis of Hodgkin’s disease. Which assessment findings
15. Anticoagulation in warfarin users at high risk of would the nurse expect to note specifically in the client?
thromboembolism, undergoing surgery associated with high
risk of bleeding involves: Fatigue
Stop warfarin 4-5 days prior to surgery Weight gain
Start with full dose unfractionated heparin or LMWH 2-3 days Enlarged lymph nodes
preoperatively 5) A newly admitted client is diagnosed with Hodgkin’s
disease undergoes an excisional cervical lymph node biopsy
under local anesthesia. What does the nurse assess first after Headache
the procedure? 14) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma can spread to almost any part of
the body, including the liver, bone marrow, and spleen.
Vital signs
Incision site True
Airway False
Level of consciousness 15) Hodgkin lymphoma only occurs in a group of lymph
6) Hodgkin lymphoma, named for Thomas Hodgkin, is an nodes, not in a single lymph node or in other parts of the
American physician who identified it in 1832. lymphatic system, such as the bone marrow and spleen.

True True
False False
7) Hodgkin lymphoma may be cured with chemotherapy with 16) A patient is admitted to the oncology unit for diagnosis of
almost no incidence of secondary acute nonlymphocytic suspected Hodgkin’s disease. Which of the following
leukemia within 10 years. symptoms is typical of Hodgkin’s disease?

True Painful cervical lymph nodes.

False Night sweats and fatigue.
Q.8) The nurse is aware that the following symptoms is most Nausea and vomiting.
commonly an early indication of stage 1 Hodgkin’s disease? Weight gain.
17) Sex is one of the risk factors for developing NHL, but race
Pericarditis is not.
Night sweat
Splenomegaly True
Persistent hypothermia False
9) You have developed the nursing diagnosis Risk for 18) A 21-year-old male with Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a senior
Impaired Tissue Integrity related to effects of radiation for a at the local university. He is engaged to be married and is to
client with Hodgkin’s lymphoma who is receiving radiation to begin a new job upon graduation. Which of the following
the groin area. Which nursing activity is best delegated to a diagnoses would be a priority for this client?
nursing assistant caring for the client?
Sexual dysfunction related to radiation therapy
Check the skin for signs of redness or peeling. Anticipatory grieving related to terminal illness
Apply alcohol-free lotion to the area after cleaning. Tissue integrity related to prolonged bed rest
Explain good skin care to the client and family. Fatigue related to chemotherapy
Clean the skin over daily with a mild soap. 19) People infected with HIV are more likely to develop
10) The nurse understands that Hodgkin’s disease is lymphatic disease.
suspected when a client presents with a painless, swollen
lymph node. Hodgkin’s disease typically affects people in True
which age group? False

Children (ages 6-12 years) Answers and Rationales

Teenagers (ages 13-20 years) 1. C. “Tell me a little bit more about your fear of
Young adults (ages 21-40 years) dying.”Most assessment about what the client means
Older adults (ages 41-50 years) is needed before any interventions can be planned or
11) The two main groups of lymphoma in humans are implemented. All of the other statements indicate a
Hodgkin lymphoma and the non-Hodgkin Lymphomas (NHL). conclusion that the client is afraid of dying of
Hodgkin’s disease. Focus: Prioritization
True 2. A. A 20-year-old with possible acute myelogenous
False leukemia who has just arrived on the medical unit .
12) One of the symptoms for lymphatic disease is swelling of The newly admitted client should be assessed first,
the lymph nodes; however, this symptom may be easily because the baseline assessment and plan of care need
overlooked because the enlargement does not cause any to be completed. The other clients also need
pain. assessments or interventions, but do not need
immediate nursing care. Focus: Prioritization
True 3. A. Reed-Sternberg cells. A definitive diagnosis of
False Hodgkin’s disease is made if Reed-Sternberg cells are
13) A client admitted with newly diagnosed with Hodgkin’s found on pathologic examination of the excised lymph
disease. Which of the following would the nurse expect the node. Lymphoblasts are immature cells found in the
client to report? bone marrow of patients with acute lymphoblastic
leukemia. Gaucher’s cells are large storage cells found
Lymph node pain in patients with Gaucher’s disease. Rieder’s cells are
Weight gain myeloblasts found in patients with acute myelogenous
Night sweats leukemia.
4. D. Enlarged lymph nodes. Hodgkin’s disease is a Enhance the production of uric acid to ensure adequate
chronic progressive neoplastic disorder of lymphoid excretion of urine
tissue characterized by the painless enlargement of Ensure that the chemotherapy doesn’t adversely affect the
lymph nodes with progression to extralymphatic sites, bone marrow
such as the spleen and liver. Weight loss is most likely 2) A nurse is caring for a patient with acute lymphoblastic
to be noted. Fatigue and weakness may occur but are leukemia (ALL). Which of the following is the most likely age
not related significantly to the disease. range of the patient?
5. C. Airway . Assessing for an open airway is the priority.
The procedure involves the neck, the anesthesia may 3-10 years.
have affected the swallowing reflex or the 25-35 years.
inflammation may have closed in on the airway leading 45-55 years.
to ineffective air exchange. over 60 years.
6. B. False 3) The client with leukemia is receiving busulfan (Myleran)
7. B. False and allopurinol (Zyloprim). The nurse tells the client that the
8. B. Night sweat . In stage 1, symptoms include a single purpose if the allopurinol is to prevent:
enlarged lymph node (usually), unexplained fever,
night sweats, malaise, and generalized pruritis. Nausea
Although splenomegaly may be present in some Alopecia
clients, night sweats are generally more prevalent. Vomiting
Pericarditis isn’t associated with Hodgkin’s disease, nor Hyperuricemia
is hypothermia. Moreover, splenomegaly and 4) An African American client is admitted with acute
pericarditis aren’t symptoms. Persistent hypothermia leukemia. The nurse is assessing for signs and symptoms of
is associated with Hodgkin’s but isn’t an early sign of bleeding. Where is the best site for examining for the
the disease. presence of petechiae?
9. D. Clean the skin over daily with a mild soap. Skin care
is included in nursing assistant education and job The abdomen
description. Assessment and client teaching are more The thorax
complex tasks that should be delegated to registered The earlobes
nurses. Use of lotions to the irradiated area is usually The soles of the feet
avoided during radiation therapy. Focus: Delegation 5) A 33-year-old male is being evaluated for possible acute
10. C. Young adults (ages 21-40 years) leukemia. Which of the following would the nurse inquire
11. A. True about as a part of the assessment?
12. A. True
13. C. Night sweats. Assessment of a client with Hodgkin’s The client collects stamps as a hobby.
disease most often reveals enlarged, painless lymph The client recently lost his job as a postal worker.
node, fever, malaise and night sweats. The client had radiation for treatment of Hodgkin’s disease as
14. A. True a teenager.
15. B. False The client’s brother had leukemia as a child.
16. B. Night sweats and fatigue. Symptoms of Hodgkin’s 6) A client with acute leukemia is admitted to the oncology
disease include night sweats, fatigue, weakness, and unit. Which of the following would be most important for the
tachycardia. The disease is characterized by painless, nurse to inquire?
enlarged cervical lymph nodes. Weight loss occurs
early in the disease. Nausea and vomiting are not “Have you noticed a change in sleeping habits recently?”
typically symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease. “Have you had a respiratory infection in the last 6 months?”
17. B. False “Have you lost weight recently?”
18. A. Sexual dysfunction related to radiation therapy. “Have you noticed changes in your alertness?”
Radiation therapy often causes sterility in male clients 7) Francis with leukemia has neutropenia. Which of the
and would be of primary importance to this client. The following functions must frequently assessed?
psychosocial needs of the client are important to
address in light of the age and life choices. Hodgkin’s Blood pressure
disease, however, has a good prognosis when Bowel sounds
diagnosed early. Heart sounds
19. A. True Breath sounds
8) The treatment protocol for a client with acute lymphatic
Acute Leukemia leukemia includes prednisone, methotrexate, and
1) A child is undergoing remission induction therapy to treat cimetadine. The purpose of the cimetadine is to:
leukemia. Allopurinol is included in the regimen. The main
reason for administering allopurinol as part of the client’s Decrease the secretion of pancreatic enzymes
chemotherapy regimen is to: Enhance the effectiveness of methotrexate
Promote peristalsis
Prevent metabolic breakdown of xanthine to uric acid Prevent a common side effect of prednisone
Prevent uric acid from precipitating in the ureters 9) A 4-year-old is admitted with acute leukemia. It will be
most important to monitor the child for:
Abdominal pain and anorexia leukopenia and cardiac toxicity.
Fatigue and bruising mood changes and fluid and electrolyte alterations.
Bleeding and pallor renal insufficiency.
Petechiae and mucosal ulcers hypoxia.
10) The nurse is reviewing the laboratory report of a client 17) Marie with acute lymphocytic leukemia suffers from
who underwent a bone marrow biopsy. The finding that nausea and headache. These clinical manifestations may
would most strongly support a diagnosis of acute leukemia is indicate all of the following except
the existence of a large number of immature:
effects of radiation
lymphocytes chemotherapy side effects
thrombocytes meningeal irritation
reticulocytes gastric distension
leukocytes 18) Situation: Stacy is diagnosed with acute lymphoid
11) A leukemia patient has a relative who wants to donate leukemia (ALL) and beginning chemotherapy. Stacy is
blood for transfusion. Which of the following donor medical discharged from the hospital following her chemotherapy
conditions would prevent this? treatments. Which statement of Stacy’s mother indicated
that she understands when she will contact the physician?
A history of hepatitis C five years previously.
Cholecystitis requiring cholecystectomy one year previously. “I should contact the physician if Stacy has difficulty in
Asymptomatic diverticulosis. sleeping”.
Crohn’s disease in remission. “I will call my doctor if Stacy has persistent vomiting and
12) A patient with leukemia is receiving chemotherapy that is diarrhea”.
known to depress bone marrow. A CBC (complete blood “My physician should be called if Stacy is irritable and
count) reveals a platelet count of 25,000/microliter. Which of unhappy”.
the following actions related specifically to the platelet count “Should Stacy have continued hair loss, I need to call the
should be included on the nursing care plan? doctor”.
19) A patient is undergoing the induction stage of treatment
Monitor for fever every 4 hours. for leukemia. The nurse teaches family members about
Require visitors to wear respiratory masks and protective infectious precautions. Which of the following statements by
clothing. family members indicates that the family needs more
Consider transfusion of packed red blood cells. education?
Check for signs of bleeding, including examination of urine
and stool for blood. We will bring in books and magazines for entertainment.
13) Which of the following would the nurse identify as the We will bring in personal care items for comfort.
initial priority for a child with acute lymphocytic leukemia? We will bring in fresh flowers to brighten the room.
We will bring in family pictures and get well cards.
Instituting infection control precautions 20) A child with leukemia is being discharged after beginning
Encouraging adequate intake of iron-rich foods chemotherapy. What instructions will the nurse include in
Assisting with coping with chronic illness the teaching plan for the parents of this child?
Administering medications via IM injections
14) A 22-year-old man is admitted to the hospital with Provide a diet low in protein and high in carbohydrates
complaints of fatigue and weight loss. Physical examination Avoid fresh vegetables that are not cooked or peeled
reveals pallor and multiple bruises on his arms and legs. The Notify the M.D. if the child’s temperature exceeds 101F (39C)
results of the patients tests reveal acute lymphocytic Increase the use of humidifiers throughout the house
leukemia and thrombocytopenia. Which of the following 21) The treatment for patients with leukemia is bone marrow
nursing diagnoses MOST accurately reflects his condition? transplantation. Which statement about bone marrow
transplantation is not correct?
Potential for injury.
Self-care deficit The patient is under local anesthesia during the procedure
Potential for self-harm. The aspirated bone marrow is mixed with heparin.
Alteration in comfort. The aspiration site is the posterior or anterior iliac crest.
15) Which of the following would be the priority nursing The recipient receives cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) for 4
diagnosis for the adult client with acute leukemia? consecutive days before the procedure.
22) What is the peak age range in acquiring acute
Oral mucous membrane, altered related to chemotherapy lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)?
Risk for injury related to thrombocytopenia
Fatigue related to the disease process 4 to 12 years.
Interrupted family processes related to life-threatening 20 to 30 years
illness of a family member 40 to 50 years
16) The patient receiving mitoxantrone (Novantrone) for 60 to 70 years
treatment of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) is
closely monitored for
23) A client jokes about his leukemia even though he is 4. D. The soles of the feet . Petechiae are not usually
becoming sicker and weaker. The nurse’s most therapeutic visualized on dark skin. The soles of the feet and palms
response would be: of the hand provide a lighter surface for assessing the
client for petichiae.
“Your laugher is a cover for your fear.” 5. C. The client had radiation for treatment of Hodgkin’s
“He who laughs on the outside, cries on the inside.” disease as a teenager. Radiation treatment for other
“Why are you always laughing?” types of cancer can result in leukemia. Some hobbies
“Does it help you to joke about your illness?” and occupations involving chemicals are linked to
24) The laboratory results of the client with leukemia indicate leukemia, but not the ones in these answers;
bone marrow depression. The nurse should encourage the therefore, answers A and B are incorrect. Answer D is
client to: incorrect because the incidence of leukemia is higher
in twins than in siblings.
Increase his activity level and ambulate frequently 6. B. “Have you had a respiratory infection in the last 6
Sleep with the head of his bed slightly elevated months?” The client with leukemia is at risk for
Drink citrus juices frequently for nourishment infection and has often had recurrent respiratory
Use a soft toothbrush and electric razor infections during the previous 6 months.
25) During chemotherapy for lymphocytic leukemia, Mathew Insomnolence, weight loss, and a decrease in alertness
develops abdominal pain, fever, and “horse barn” smelling also occur in leukemia, but bleeding tendencies and
diarrhea. It would be most important for the nurse to advise infections are the primary clinical manifestations
the physician to order: 7. D. Breath sounds . Pneumonia, both viral and fungal, is
a common cause of death in clients with neutropenia,
enzyme-linked immunosuppressant assay (ELISA) test. so frequent assessment of respiratory rate and breath
electrolyte panel and hemogram. sounds is required. Although assessing blood pressure,
stool for Clostridium difficile test. bowel sounds, and heart sounds is important, it won’t
flat plate X-ray of the abdomen. help detect pneumonia.
26) A 68-year-old woman is diagnosed with 8. D. Prevent a common side effect of prednisone . A
thrombocytopenia due to acute lymphocytic leukemia. She is common side effect of prednisone is gastric ulcers.
admitted to the hospital for treatment. The nurse should Cimetadine is given to help prevent the development
assign the patient of ulcers.
9. C. Bleeding and pallor . The child with leukemia has
to a private room so she will not infect other patients and low platelet counts, which contribute to spontaneous
health care workers. bleeding.
to a private room so she will not be infected by other 10. D. leukocytes . Leukemia is manifested by an abnormal
patients and health care workers. overpopulation of immature leukocytes in the bone
to a semiprivate room so she will have stimulation during her marrow.
hospitalization. 11. A. A history of hepatitis C five years previously.
to a semiprivate room so she will have the opportunity to Hepatitis C is a viral infection transmitted through
express her feelings about her illness. bodily fluids, such as blood, causing inflammation of
the liver. Patients with hepatitis C may not donate
Answers and Rationales blood for transfusion due to the high risk of infection
1. A. Prevent metabolic breakdown of xanthine to uric in the recipient. Cholecystitis (gall bladder disease),
acid . The massive cell destruction resulting from diverticulosis, and history of Crohn’s disease do not
chemotherapy may place the client at risk for preclude blood donation.
developing renal calculi; adding allopurinol decreases 12. D. Check for signs of bleeding, including examination of
this risk by preventing the breakdown of xanthine to urine and stool for blood. A platelet count of
uric acid. Allopurinol doesn’t act in the manner 25,000/microliter is severely thrombocytopenic and
described in the other options. should prompt the initiation of bleeding precautions,
2. A. 3-10 years. The peak incidence of ALL is at 4 years including monitoring urine and stool for evidence of
(range 3-10). It is uncommon after the mid-teen years. bleeding. Monitoring for fever and requiring protective
The peak incidence of chronic myelogenous leukemia clothing are indicated to prevent infection if white
(CML) is 45-55 years. The peak incidence of acute blood cells are decreased. Transfusion of red cells is
myelogenous leukemia (AML) occurs at 60 years. Two- indicated for severe anemia.
thirds of cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) 13. A. Instituting infection control precautions . Acute
occur after 60 years. lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) causes leukopenia,
3. D. Hyperuricemia . Allopurinol decreases uric acid resulting in immunosuppression and increasing the risk
production and reduces uric acid concentrations in of infection, a leading cause of death in children with
serum and urine. In the client receiving chemotherapy, ALL. Therefore, the initial priority nursing intervention
uric acid levels increase as a result of the massive cell would be to institute infection control precautions to
destruction that occurs from the chemotherapy. This decrease the risk of infection. Iron-rich foods help with
medication prevents or treats hyperuricemia caused by anemia, but dietary iron is not an initial intervention.
chemotherapy. Allopurinol is not used to prevent The prognosis of ALL usually is good. However, later
alopecia, nausea, or vomiting. on, the nurse may need to assist the child and family
with coping since death and dying may still be an issue
in need of discussion. Injections should be 21. A. The patient is under local anesthesia during the
discouraged, owing to increased risk from bleeding due procedure . Before the procedure, the patient is
to thrombocytopenia. administered with drugs that would help to prevent
14. A. Potential for injury. Question: What nursing infection and rejection of the transplanted cells such as
diagnosis is seen with acute lymphocytic leukemia and antibiotics, cytotoxic, and corticosteroids. During the
thromocytopenia? Needed Info: Thromocytopenia: transplant, the patient is placed under general
decreased platelet count increases the patient’s risk anesthesia.
for injury, normal count: 200,000-400,000 per mm3. 22. A. 4 to 12 years. The peak incidence of Acute
Leukemia: group of malignant disorders involving Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) is 4 years of age. It is
overproduction of immature leukocytes in bone uncommon after 15 years of age.
marrow. This shuts down normal bone marrow 23. D. “Does it help you to joke about your illness?” This
production of erythrocytes, platelets, normal non-judgmentally on the part of the nurse points out
leukocytes. Causes anemia, leukopenia, and the client’s behavior.
thrombocytopenia leading to infection and 24. D. Use a soft toothbrush and electric razor .
hemorrhage. Symptoms: pallor of nail beds and Suppression of red bone marrow increases bleeding
conjunctiva, petechiae (small hemorrhagic spot on susceptibility associated with thrombocytopenia,
skin), tachycardia, dyspnea, weight loss, fatigue. decreased platelets. Anemia and leucopenia are the
Treatment: chemotherapy, antibiotics, blood two other problems noted with bone marrow
transfusions, bone marrow transplantation. Nursing depression.
responsibilities: private room, no raw fruits or vegs, 25. C. stool for Clostridium difficile test.
small frequent meals, O2, good skin care. Immunosuppressed clients — for example, clients
Potential for injury — CORRECT: low platelet increases risk receiving chemotherapy, — are at risk for infection
of bleeding from even minor injuries. Safety measures: with C. difficile, which causes “horse barn” smelling
shave with an electric razor, use soft tooth brush, avoid SQ diarrhea. Successful treatment begins with an accurate
or IM meds and invasive procedures (urinary drainage diagnosis, which includes a stool test. The ELISA test is
catheter or a nasogastric tube), side-rails up, remove sharp diagnostic for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
objects, frequently assess for signs of bleeding, bruising, and isn’t indicated in this case. An electrolyte panel
hemorrhage. and hemogram may be useful in the overall evaluation
Self-care deficit — may feel weak, doesn’t address condition of a client but aren’t diagnostic for specific causes of
Potential for self-harm — implies risk for purposeful self- diarrhea. A flat plate of the abdomen may provide
injury, not given any info, assumption useful information about bowel function but isn’t
Alteration in comfort — patient is not comfortable, and indicated in the case of “horse barn” smelling diarrhea.
comfort measures would address problem 26. B. to a private room so she will not be infected by
15. B. Risk for injury related to thrombocytopenia . The other patients and health care workers.
client with acute leukemia has bleeding tendencies Question: What are the needs of the patient with acute
due to decreased platelet counts, and any injury would lymphocytic leukemia and thrombocytopenia?
exacerbate the problem. Needed Info: Lymphocytic leukemia, disease characterized
16. A. leukopenia and cardiac toxicity. Mitoxantrone is an by proliferation of immature WBCs. Immature cells unable
antineoplastic agent used primarily to treat leukemia to fight infection as competently as mature white cells.
and lyphoma but is also used to treat secondary Treatment: chemotherapy, antibiotics, blood transfusions,
progressive MS. Patients need to have laboratory tests bone marrow transplantation.
ordered and the results closely monitored due to the Nursing responsibilities: private room, no raw fruits or vegs,
potential for leukopenia and cardiac toxicity. small frequent meals, O2, good skin care.
17. D. gastric distension . Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia to a private room so she will not infect other patients and
(ALL) does not cause gastric distention. It does invade health care workers — poses little or no threat
the central nervous system, and clients experience to a private room so she will not be infected by other
headaches and vomiting from meningeal irritation. patients and health care workers — CORRECT: protects
18. B. “I will call my doctor if Stacy has persistent vomiting patient from exogenous bacteria, risk for developing
and diarrhea”. Persistent (more than 24 hours) infection from others due to depressed WBC count, alters
vomiting, anorexia, and diarrhea are signs of toxicity ability to fight infection
and the patient should stop the medication and notify to a semiprivate room so she will have stimulation during
the health care provider. The other manifestations are her hospitalization — should be placed in a room alone
expected side effects of chemotherapy. to a semiprivate room so she will have the opportunity to
19. C. We will bring in fresh flowers to brighten the room. express her feelings about her illness — ensure that patient
During induction chemotherapy, the leukemia patient is provided with opportunities to express feelings about
is severely immunocompromised and at risk of serious illness
infection. Fresh flowers, fruit, and plants can carry
microbes and should be avoided. Books, pictures, and
other personal items can be cleaned with
antimicrobials before being brought into the room to
minimize the risk of contamination.
20. B. Avoid fresh vegetables that are not cooked or

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