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Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment


Impact of intact rock properties on proneness to rockbursting

Bre-Anne Sainsbury 1 & Nurses Kurucuk 1

Received: 30 May 2019 / Accepted: 11 November 2019

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

The ability to assess the proneness of rocks to bursting prior to the development of an underground excavation is critical in order
to optimise the design in regards to safety and economics. Six key factors have previously been identified that are known to
contribute to rockbursting. They include stress, excavation geometry, excavation rate, mineralogical properties, contrasting
geomechanical properties and geological intensifiers. The first three factors relate to in situ and induced stresses, and the last
three to intrinsic rock properties. This paper focuses on evaluating the impact of those intrinsic properties on bursting behaviour
by using geomechanical test data from previously published 35 case studies and their observed failure modes. The results provide
quantitative criteria and a valuable guide to identify rock masses that may be prone to bursting, and thus would benefit from a
stress analysis.

Keywords Rockburst . Violent fracture . High stress slabbing . Elastic rock properties . UCS

Introduction associated with stresses that result from in situ conditions,

excavation geometry, rate, and direction of the excavation.
Rockbursts are commonly described as damage to under- Property associated factors can be related to intrinsic rock
ground excavations that occurs in a violent and sudden man- mass properties (e.g., mineralogical and geological condi-
ner, typically associated with seismic events (Hedley 1992; tions). It can be stated that, in general, rockbursts occur in rock
Ortlepp 1992; Kaiser et al. 1996). From observations, masses that are intrinsically prone to sudden strength loss
rockbursts are more likely to occur in massive rock types than when unfavourable stress conditions are created during the
in significantly jointed and fractured rock masses (Broch and excavation process. The focus of the current paper is those
Sorheim 1984; Ortlepp and Stacey 1994), and although they property associated intrinsic factors that can be evaluated via
are not exclusively associated with brittle rock types, they are geomechanical laboratory testing.
likely to be more severe (Ortlepp and Stacey 1994; Cai and The geomechanical properties of rock have long been used
Kaiser 2018). to investigate and identify the behaviour of rock masses that
The sudden and violent nature of rockbursts represent a are prone to bursting (Cook and Hodgson 1965; Jaeger 1967;
significant risk to safety of workers, damage to equipment, Wawersik and Fairhurst 1970; Hucka and Das 1974; Hoek
and productivity of excavations (Diederichs et al. 2004). Yet, and Brown 1980; Broch and Sorheim 1984; Salamon 1984;
to date, the conditions leading to rockbursts are not fully un- Martin et al. 1995, 1999; Hoek et al. 1995; Linkov 1996;
derstood. Keneti and Sainsbury (2018), in their review of pub- Diederichs 2003, 2007; Cai 2010; Tarasov and Potvin 2013).
lished literature, summarised the underlying causes of docu- These studies have incorporated intact rock properties includ-
mented rockburst cases under two categories, (1) loading- and ing unconfined compressive strength (UCS), tensile strength
(2) property-associated factors. Loading factors are those (σt) and elastic behaviour in their evaluation of rockbursting
Diederichs (2007) proposed a practical method to predict
* Bre-Anne Sainsbury rockbursting potential and its severity based on UCS and σt. Cai (2010) described how under tensile stress conditions crack
propagation is unstable and under predominantly compressive
School of Engineering, Faculty of Science Engineering & Built
stress conditions crack growth is stable. These studies suggest
Environment, Deakin University, Locked Bag 20000, that the UCS and tensile strength of the rock has a significant
Geelong, VIC 3220, Australia effect on its potential to burst.
B.-A. Sainsbury, N. Kurucuk

Cook (1963) showed that the initial response of a rock to break of unsupported material was common, but ejection
excavation disturbance is elastic in nature and results in the ac- of the failed rock was not observed;
cumulation of elastic strain energy. Sometimes this stored energy & Squeezing mode of failure was assigned when slow defor-
cannot be completely dissipated by crack initiation, rupture, and/ mation of the rock mass often with significant closure was
or shear sliding and may be released as kinetic energy (He et al. observed. This failure mode is usually aseismic (at least to
2016). For this reason, rocks that are prone to bursting clearly human ears and to standard seismic monitoring systems)
have the capacity to store large amounts of elastic energy prior to and non-violent in nature.
release. Thus, the elastic deformation parameters of rocks could
be indicative in assessing their proneness to bursting. The intact rock properties for each study site and their ob-
Lee et al. (2018) provides a large dataset on the failure served failure mode are presented in Table 1. A detailed discus-
modes of competent and overstressed rocks that have been sion on the derivation of each of these parameters is provided in
compiled over the course of 30 years. The dataset is based Lee et al. (2018). A summary is provided here. The tested rock
on commonly available geomechanical test results obtained properties include density (ρ), unconfined compressive strength
from site investigations. This dataset has been used herein to (UCS), tensile strength, P and S wave velocities (Vp, Vs), static
assess the proneness of rocks to bursting using UCS, tensile Poisson’s ratio (νs) and elastic modulus (Es). νs and Es values
strength, and elastic properties of intact rock. The properties were standardised to mid-third values, and tangent modulus
used and the methods by which they were obtained/derived values were calculated (Malkowski and Ostrowski 2017). A
have been presented along with their failure mode correla- minimum of five reliable tests were utilized for each study sites,
tions. The results are compared with the existing methods and the dataset is based on a minimum of 185 validated test
used to predict rockbursting potential, and conclusions are results. Sample strengths for UCS were normalised for size-
derived based on those observations. scale effects based on Hoek and Brown (1980). Tensile strength
was measured using the Brazilian test (BT) method and only on
50 mm (+/−5 mm) diameter samples.
Dynamic Poisson’s ratio (νd) and the dynamic elastic mod-
Dataset of intact rock properties ulus (Ed) have been calculated based on Winkler et al. (1979),
Eqs. 1 and 2 respectively.
Intact rock properties of competent over stressed rock masses
and their performance in underground excavations has been V 2p −2V 2s
vd ¼   ð1Þ
presented previously in Lee et al. (2018). Competent rock in 2 V 2p −V 2s
that study is described by Q’> 60 (Barton et al. 1974). Thirty
five (35) study sites from this publication were used in the 3V 2p −4V 2s
E d ¼ ρV 2s ð2Þ
current research to investigate the relationship between intact V 2p −V 2s
rock properties and their modes of failure when overstressed.
The database contains study sites with varying geological The compressive strength and tensile strength ratio has also
characteristics and includes sites with 30 igneous, 4 sedimen- been calculated and listed in Table 1 as UCS/BT. This ratio has
tary and 1 metamorphic rock types. For each of the study sites, been shown to be rock-type dependent (Brook 1993; Brown
the observed in situ failure mode was categorised as either 2008; Cai 2010; Sari 2010), and also previously used in
violent fracturing, high-stress slabbing or squeezing. The fail- assessing the potential of rocks to strain-bursting (Diederichs
ure modes were assigned based on observations associated 2007). Sari (2010) showed that this ratio is a good estimate of
with the rate of cracking, noise and the violence of the in situ the Hoek-Brown mi constant (Hoek and Brown 1980, 1988,
fracturing. The dataset used in the current study includes 17 2018; Hoek 1994; Hoek et al. 1995, 2002). Others including
sites that experienced violent fracturing, 15 high-stress slab- Brown (2008) and Cai (2010) have also used the UCS/σt ratio
bing and 3 squeezing modes of failure. A summary of the to approximate mi. However, Cai (2010) has shown that the
description of the each failure mode, assigned for the purpose approximation is generally lower bound, and only valid when
of this paper, is provided below (after Lee et al. 2018): UCS/σt is greater than 8 and when σ3 is less than 5 MPa.

& Violent fracturing or strain-bursting was assigned as the fail-

ure mode when the rock failed in suddenly in a violent man- Assessment of intact rock properties
ner based on the definition of Ortlepp and Stacey (1994). The for proneness to rockbursts
failure mode was often associated with notable seismicity,
and the formation and ejection of thin slabs of rock; This section presents an evaluation of intact rock properties
& High stress slabbing was assigned when minor rock noise and the relationship with their observed failure modes of the
was commonly observed immediately after firings. Over- study sites.
Impact of intact rock properties on proneness to rockbursting

Table 1 Intact rock properties of rocks and their observed in-situ failure modes (after Lee et al. 2018)

Rock type Density(t/m3) UCS (MPa) BT (MPa) UCS/ Vp (m/s) Vs (m/s) νs Es (GPa) νd Ed (GPa) Failure mode

Massive sulphide 4.02 263 16.1 16.3 6987 4140 0.22 117.6 0.23 169.4 Violent fracturing
Massive sulphide 4.43 181 12.0 15.1 5011 2965 0.30 83.3 0.23 95.9 Violent fracturing
Massive sulphide 4.52 198 16.6 11.9 6408 3851 0.28 153.3 0.22 163.2 Violent fracturing
Massive sulphide 4.76 150 6.0 25.0 5140 2388 0.32 74.7 0.36 74.0 Violent fracturing
Gabbro 2.88 152 12.6 12.1 4366 2442 0.29 75.7 0.27 43.7 Violent fracturing
Dolerite 3.08 335 18.4 18.2 6926 3244 0.25 91.7 0.36 88.1 Violent fracturing
Dolerite 2.84 217 12.1 17.9 5234 3276 0.30 71.7 0.18 71.8 Violent fracturing
Buck quartz 2.65 135 8.5 15.79 6992 3154 0.13 74.0 0.37 72.4 Violent fracturing
Dolerite 3.01 214 13.7 15.6 6907 3380 0.24 82.0 0.34 92.3 Violent fracturing
Dolerite 2.90 179 11.4 15.7 4997 3074 0.20 78.4 0.20 65.5 Violent fracturing
Porphyry 2.69 216 15.2 14.2 5693 2899 0.19 56.8 0.32 59.9 Violent fracturing
Porphyry 2.66 284 27.6 10.3 5279 2839 0.19 63.7 0.30 55.6 Violent fracturing
Porphyry 2.72 258 12.2 21.1 6104 2913 0.27 65.7 0.35 62.4 Violent fracturing
Monzodiorite 2.77 137 8.2 16.7 5846 2826 0.27 55.7 0.35 59.6 Violent fracturing
Pegmatite 2.72 205 7.5 27.3 5855 2540 0.24 63.6 0.38 48.6 Violent fracturing
Volcanoclastics 2.73 136 17.2 7.9 6320 3116 0.28 60.1 0.34 70.9 Violent fracturing
Grit 2.72 181 16.2 11.2 6987 4291 0.27 68.4 0.20 120.0 Violent fracturing
Basalt 2.90 113 9.8 11.5 5447 3097 0.32 70.1 0.26 70.2 High stress slabbing
Basalt 2.85 169 20.5 8.2 5746 3426 0.40 62.4 0.22 81.9 High stress slabbing
Gabbro 2.91 139 15.5 9.0 6865 3748 0.31 77.4 0.29 105.3 High stress slabbing
Dolerite 2.93 176 14.2 12.4 6214 3583 0.25 65.9 0.25 94.1 High stress slabbing
Basalt 3.02 180 16.4 11.0 6884 3890 0.21 70.2 0.27 115.7 High stress slabbing
Basalt 2.92 169 15.6 10.8 7175 3983 0.24 82.2 0.28 118.3 High stress slabbing
Basalt 3.04 196 19.7 9.9 6155 3523 0.21 75.7 0.26 94.8 High stress slabbing
Basalt 2.89 218 19.0 11.5 6514 3161 0.25 89.2 0.35 77.7 High stress slabbing
Dolerite 2.93 245 13.2 18.6 6155 3407 0.29 75.4 0.28 87.0 High stress slabbing
Gabbro 2.93 216 11.7 18.5 6451 3321 0.26 72.5 0.32 85.3 High stress slabbing
Volcanoclastics 2.68 118 12.5 9.4 5340 2994 0.19 64.5 0.27 61.1 High stress slabbing
Andesite 2.74 129 11.3 11.4 6217 3432 0.32 70.8 0.28 82.7 High stress slabbing
Meta-sediments 2.78 234 18.0 13.0 6301 3670 0.25 53.0 0.24 93.1 High stress slabbing
Conglomerate 2.74 134 14.5 9.2 6351 3483 0.25 72.8 0.28 85.4 High stress slabbing
Granite breccia 3.05 140 13.3 10.5 5628 3269 0.28 59.1 0.25 81.2 High stress slabbing
Ultramafics 2.83 80 6.8 11.8 3534 2241 0.40 26.8 0.16 33.1 Squeezing
Ultramafics 2.86 53 6.7 7.9 4555 1623 0.26 34.9 0.43 21.5 Squeezing
Ultramafics 2.85 41 4.7 8.7 5785 3581 0.44 44.5 0.19 86.9 Squeezing

UCS and tensile strength (BT) Based on Fig. 1 the following conclusions are made:

Statistical plots (box and whiskers plots) of the measured & There is a notable decrease in UCS values associated with
UCS, BT, and their ratio (UCS/BT) for each of the observed the squeezing mode of failure compared with the violent
failure modes are presented in Fig. 1. fracturing and the high stress slabbing. Samples with

Fig. 1 Statistical plots of intact rock properties a UCS, b BT, and c UCS/BT for each of the observed failure modes. Minimum, 25th percentile, median,
75th percentile and maximum values are presented in each of the plots
B.-A. Sainsbury, N. Kurucuk

through the ratio of UCS and tensile strength, σt). The study
site data considered herein is compared with the strain-burst
potential chart presented by Diederichs (2007) in Fig. 2.
The results of Diederichs (2007) and the study sites pre-
sented herein are in reasonable agreement. The majority of
violent fracturing failure modes (14 of the 17 sites = 82%) fall
above or within the low strain-burst potential zone. Only four
of the study sites, all of which have UCS/BT ratios less than
12, fall below the ‘low’ strain-burst potential zone. Each of
these four data points still plot within the ‘medium’ to ‘high’
energy release area of the graph which suggests that the vio-
lent fracturing failure mode may be been interpreted incorrect-
ly, or, some overlap exists for low UCS/BT ratios and/or high
UCS (140 MPa+) values. The majority of the high stress slab-
bing data points (11 of 15 sites = 73%) fall below the low
strain-burst potential zone—however, they still plot within
Fig. 2 Observed in situ failure modes compared to strain-burst potential
as defined in Diederichs (2007). Study site failure modes are presented as the low to high energy release region of the graph. All three
the coloured dots—red circle=violent fracturing (strain-bursting), blue squeezing data points plot below the low strain-burst potential
square=high stress slabbing, green triangle=squeezing zone within the low spall potential and low energy release
area/s. This is consistent with the features of the failure mode.
measured UCS values less than 80 MPa did not experi-
ence violent fracturing or high stress slabbing. All the Elastic moduli (Es, Ed)
samples that experinced violent fracturing and high stress
slabbing had UCS values greater than 112 MPa; Statistical plots for measured Es, calculated Ed and their ratio
& There is a decrease in measured BT values for the squeez- Ed/Es for each of the study sites are presented in Fig. 3. The
ing failure mode. Only samples within the dataset with BT data is again grouped for each of the observed failure modes.
values larger than 7 MPa experinced violent fracturing and Based on the results presented in Fig. 3, the following
high stress slabbing; conclusions are made:
& There is a notable change in average UCS/BT ratios be-
tween different failure modes; however, overlaps exist. In & There is a significant decrease in Es values for the squeez-
general, study sites with UCS/BT values greater than 12 ing mode of failure. Samples within the data set with mea-
are more prone to high stress slabbing. Study sites with sured Es values less than 45 GPa did not exhibit violent
UCS/BT values greater than 18 are certainly prone to vi- fracturing and/or high stress slabbing;
olent fracturing modes of failure. & Samples that exhibited squeezing mode of failure show, in
average, noticeably lower Ed values: however, overlaps
The potential for strain-bursting of intact rocks has previ- exist;
ously been considered by Diederichs (2007). Through this & The average Ed/Es ratio decreases as the rock becomes
study, Diederichs-related strain-bursting potential to energy more prone to violent fracturing, with the majority of the
(measured through UCS) and spall potential (measured samples that exhibit violent fracturing mode having values

Fig. 3 Statistical plots of intact rock properties a Es, b Ed and c their ratio for each of the observed failure modes. Minimum, 25th percentile, median, 75th
percentile and maximum values are presented in each of the plots
Impact of intact rock properties on proneness to rockbursting

study sites. This figure shows that the Ed/Es ratio increases as
the rock becomes more prone to slabbing. As previously stat-
ed, violent fracturing and high stress slabbing is not observed
in the sample set that have Es values less than 45 GPa within
this dataset.
Walsh (1965) attributed the difference between static and
dynamic elastic moduli of rocks to energy dissipation due to
non-elastic processes and the corresponding non-elastic strain
components. It is seen in Fig. 4 that the majority of rocks
prone to slabbing (and not violent fracturing) exhibit larger
differences between Ed and Es. This increase in difference
may suggest that during loading some of the accumulated
strain energy dissipates due to crack formation resulting in
less accumulated strain energy that can be converted to kinetic
energy during failure. It is also known that this difference
between Ed and Es is stress and strain history dependent
(Fjaer 2018) and thus must relate to the orogeny of the rock.

Fig. 4 Observed failure modes for the relationship between Es and Ed

(study sites with Es values smaller than 45 GPa are presented reference Poisson’s ratio (νs, νd)

Statistical plots for νs, νd and their ratio for each of the study
close to unity. The majority of the study sites that experi- sites and failure modes are presented in Fig. 5.
enced violent fracturing have Ed/Es ratio ranging between The following conclusions are made from Fig. 5:
0.89 (25th percentile) and 1.11 (75th percentile) with an
average value of 1.07. & There is an increase in νs values for rock that experinced
squeezing failure within this data set. This indicates that
Rocks exhibit variations between static and dynamic mod- stiff materials are more prone to violent failure. The ma-
uli with the later usually being larger (Olsen et al. 2008). The jority of sites that experienced violent failure have νs
differences in the dynamic and static moduli of rocks can be values ranging between 0.23 (25th percentile) and 0.28
attributed to the measured strain rate, heterogeneities, anisot- (75th percentile) with an average value of 0.25. This value
ropy, strain amplitude and drainage conditions (Fjaer 2018). coincides with perfectly isotropic elastic materials and
Based on the current data, the majority of the study sites that verifies the ratio of Ed/Es being close to unity for rocks
exhibit violent fracturing have a dynamic—static moduli ratio prone to violent failure mode. Additionally, the majority
close to unity. This result validates that rock masses that are of the sites that experienced high-stress slabbing within
prone to violent fracturing are more homogeneous and this data set exhibit νs values between 0.25 (25th percen-
isotropic. tile) and 0.30 (75th percentile) with an average value of
Figure 4 presents the relationship between static and dy- 0.27. This value is higher that than the rocks that
namic moduli for each of the observed failure modes at the underwent violent fracturing, although overlaps exist;

Fig. 5 Statistical plots of intact rock properties a νs, b νd and c their ratio for each of the observed failure modes. Minimum, 25th percentile, median, 75th
percentile and maximum values are presented in each of the plots
B.-A. Sainsbury, N. Kurucuk

tight gas filled rock masses. There is no identified publsihed

literature that examines the reasons between the differences of
static and dynamic Poisson’s ratio.

Discussion and results

It is shown that UCS, Es, νs and UCS/BT have the most notable
impact on the proneness of rocks to bursting within this data set.
UCS, Es and UCS/BT values decrease for rock that experience
squeezing, whereas νs values increase. Based on the results of
the current study and the initial approach developed by
Diederichs (2007), two charts are proposed and are provided
in Fig. 7. The first one is between UCS/BT ratio and UCS(1-
νs), and the second one between UCS/BT ratio and Es(1- νs).
It should be noted that these empirical charts are limited by
the 35 case studies provided in this paper. The case study sites
include 30 igneous, 4 sedimentary and 1 metamorphic rock
Fig. 6 Observed failure modes for the relationship beween νs and νd
types. Based on these limitations, the charts are recommended
to be used as a preliminary assessment of the proneness of a
rock to bursting. They do not predict whether a rock will burst
& There is no observed apparent correlation between νd and
or not, but rather if it is prone to bursting or not, and whether
failure modes;
there is a need for more comprehensive stress analysis.
& There is no apparent correlation between νd/νs ratio and
failure modes, although there is a slight decrease in values
for rocks that are less prone to violent failure within this
data set. Conclusion

For completeness, the relationship between static and dy- Thirty-five (35) previously published case studies have been
namic Poisson’s ratio is provided in Fig. 6 for each of the used in the current paper to assess whether proneness of rock
observed failure modes at the study sites. The results in this to bursting could be evaluated using intact rock properties.
figure are very scattered, and no evident correlation between The study shows that the UCS, Es, νs and UCS/BT may indi-
the νs and νd parameters could be made. Similar conclusions cate the proneness of a rocks to bursting. As a result of this,
were also observed by Fei et al. (2016) in their investigation of two new charts based on those parameters are proposed that

Fig. 7 Proposed charts to evaluate the proneness of intact rock to rockbursting. Study site failure modes are presented as the coloured dots—red
circle=violent fracturing (strain-bursting), blue square=high stress slabbing, green triangle=squeezing
Impact of intact rock properties on proneness to rockbursting

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