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Andi Nur Shabaa Zhahiirah


Sarah was feeling down as she walked to the park. She was a little nervous about meeting up
with her friends today. She felt like she was always the odd one out in the group, and it was
starting to get to her. As she sat on the bench in the park, she noticed an older woman sitting next
to her. The woman was wearing a beautiful necklace, and Sarah couldn't help but comment on it.

"That's a beautiful necklace," she said.

The woman smiled and replied, "Thank you, dear. It's a family heirloom. My grandmother
passed it down to me."

Sarah couldn't help but feel a little envious of the woman's connection to her family. She didn't
have any family heirlooms or traditions like that. She felt like she was always searching for
something to give her life meaning.

As she sat there lost in thought, the woman started to speak to her. "You know, dear, it's
important to find your passion in life. That's what gives us purpose and meaning."

Sarah nodded, but she wasn't sure what her passion was. She felt like she was just going through
the motions, without any real direction.

The woman continued, "And when you find your passion, you need to pursue it with all your
heart. You can't let anything stand in your way."

Sarah felt like the woman was speaking directly to her. She realized that she needed to find her
passion and pursue it with all her heart. She couldn't let her insecurities and doubts hold her back

As she stood up to leave the park, the woman gave her a reassuring smile. "You'll find your way,
dear. Just keep searching until you find what makes you truly happy."

Sarah left the park feeling inspired. She realized that she needed to find her passion and pursue it
with all her heart. She couldn't let her doubts and insecurities hold her back any longer.

From that day forward, Sarah started to explore different hobbies and interests. She tried
painting, photography, and even cooking. Eventually, she found her passion in writing. She loved
expressing herself through words, and it gave her a sense of purpose and direction.

Sarah started writing every day, and she even started a blog. She shared her thoughts and ideas
with the world, and people started to take notice. Her blog grew in popularity, and soon she had a
loyal following.
Sarah realized that when she found her passion, everything else fell into place. She felt like she
was finally living a life with meaning and purpose. She couldn't have done it without the wise
words of the woman in the park that day.

In the end, Sarah learned that finding your passion is one of the most important things you can
do in life. It gives you direction and purpose, and it makes everything else fall into place. It's not
always easy, but with determination and hard work, anything is possible.

Beberapa contoh collocation yang terdapat dalam teks tersebut antara lain:

1. Odd one out - artinya seseorang yang berbeda dari yang lain dalam suatu kelompok atau
situasi tertentu. Contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat: "She felt like she was always the odd one
out in the group."

2. Family heirloom - artinya warisan keluarga berupa benda yang diwariskan dari generasi ke
generasi. Contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat: "It's a family heirloom. My grandmother passed
it down to me."

3. Give meaning - artinya memberikan makna atau tujuan pada hidup seseorang. Contoh
penggunaannya dalam kalimat: "She felt like she was always searching for something to give her
life meaning."

4. Pursue with all your heart - artinya mengejar atau mengejar sesuatu dengan tekun dan penuh
semangat. Contoh penggunaannya dalam kalimat: "And when you find your passion, you need to
pursue it with all your heart."

5. Fell into place - artinya segala sesuatunya menjadi beres atau teratur. Contoh penggunaannya
dalam kalimat: "Sarah realized that when she found her passion, everything else fell into place."

6. Sense of purpose - artinya rasa tujuan atau arah dalam hidup. Contoh penggunaannya dalam
kalimat: "She loved expressing herself through words, and it gave her a sense of purpose and

7. Take notice - artinya memperhatikan atau mengambil perhatian pada sesuatu. Contoh
penggunaannya dalam kalimat: "She shared her thoughts and ideas with the world, and people
started to take notice."

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