ERP Module List

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S No.

Modules Menus
1 Accounts
Accounts Module
Accounts Settings
Accounts Types
2 Admission
Generate Admission Form
Admission Comparision Report
Admission Report
3 Fee Manager
Fee Subscription
Fee Configuration
View Subscription
Fee Type
Invoice Template
Fee Setup
Penalty Log
Fee Concession
Student Configuration
Term and Transport Fees
Fee Report
Transaction Status
Generate Invoice
Invoice Report
Invoice Deletion
Enable Disable Online Payment
Uniform and Book Fee
Set Report
4 Timetable
Teacher Subject Mapping
Class Teacher
Combine Class Mapping
Elective Subscription
5 Examination
Exam Hall Ticket Template
Exam Type
Exam Evaluation Type
Exam Master
Exam Attribute
Exam Session
Exam Subject
Exam Hall
Manual Exam Seating
Hall Report
Dynamic Exam Seating
Exam Supervisor
Exam Result
Weighted Average Formula
Rank Generation
Progress Card Settings
Student Result
Student Promotion
Bulk PDF
View progress Card
Result Analysis Pie Chart
Result Analysis Bar Chart
Result Analysis Toppers
Consolidate Overall Mark
6 Attendance
Attendance Bio Import Time
Dashboard Attendance
7 User Management
Student Management
Parent Management
Staff Management
Blocked User
Student Login Info Generate
Staff Login Info Generate
Parent Login Info Generate
Log Details
Non Logged User
Student Promotion
Alumni Student
Discontinued Student
Discontinued Staff
8 Leave
Apply Multiple Leave
Leave Management
Leave Status
Late and Permission Report
Late Calculation Report For Payroll
Casual Leave Consolidate Report for HR
Shift Timing
9 Transport
Vehicle Type
Vehicle List
Route Master
Route Amount Setup
Manage Driver
Vehicle Route
Vehicle Driver
Amount Type
Assign Vehicle
Vehicle Issue
Vehicle Issue Tracking
Vehicle FC
Transport Report
Vehicle Maintanence
Vehicle assign Report
Transport Willingness Form Stage
Transport Willingness Form Index
Transport Willingness Form
10 Library
Book Entry
Library Report
11 Payroll
Field Setup
Field Formula
Payroll Template
Payroll Creation
Assign Chart of Accounts
12 Lesson Plan
View Lesson Plan
13 Notice List
Notice Category
View Notice list
Notice Content
14 Event
Event Management
15 Assignment
View Assignment
SMS Log list
16 Student Information Management
17 Online Exam
Online Exam Question
Question Paper
Show Result List
18 Application
View Application
Apply Now
View Applied Forms
19 Alert
Manage Alert
Quick SMS
Alert Subscription
SMS Management
Scheduled SMS
20 Teacher Substitution
View Substitution
Forward Class
21 News Blog
News Blog List
22 Polls
Poll Question
Common Poll
23 Security Management
Security Staff
Visitors Request
Incident Management
View Cctv
24 Career Management
Applied Candidates List
25 My Profile
Change Password
Change Username
26 Awards
Award Category
View Awards
27 News Media
News Media Category
News Media
28 Settings
Group Settings
Module Selection
Template Settings
User Authentication
Batch Settings
Subject Settings
Batch Subject Settings
Section Settings
Section Subject Assign
Field Manager
Document Settings
Integration Settings
Auto Generate User
User Roll Number
Common Settings
Institute Information
29 HR Policy
Day Setting
Term Type
Work Shift
Leave Configuration
Time Scheduling
Holiday Setting
Make Working Day
Job Category
Job Title
Employment Status
Leave Grade
Leave Type
Leave Category
Pay Frequency
Payroll Settings
Termination Reason
Attendance Icon
30 Bonafide
Student Bonafide
Staff Bonafide
31 ID Card
Bearer ID Card
Student Card

32 Health Care
Health Care Management
33 Special Permission
Spl Permission

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