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T o we r

S EP T EM B ER 2 0 1 1


Do you think as do many commentators do that the world changed for America on that fateful day we simply call 9/11? Did we lose our innocence, our sense of invulnerability? Did we suddenly become a victim in need of finding a new normal? Ten years later we are negotiating all of that and facing the moral hazards that are incumbent. We are not a powerless, voiceless or marginalized victim says one commentator. . (1) We managed to quickly give into the temptation to mix lethality with a righteous anger and unflinching power. The temptation is a moral challenge to use victimization as a shield to deflect moral questions, a false permissiveness to say never again, or to do whatever it takes. The question after 10 years: Are we harvesting the bitter fruit of that decision? Jesus calls us to the Wilderness test of our own actions and faithfulness to notice the log in our own eye even when we have been wronged. We are called to be a moral people under all circumstances, willing to imagine alternatives to violence that lead us to forgive those who trespass against us as we have been forgiven our trespasses. The church has taught the gospel of patience, love, kindness, compassion and forgiveness; but can we say that we passed the minimum achievement test? I have read that the 9/11 Memorial project at ground zero will be Olympian in size with two pools, covering an acre each, symbolizing the foot print of the twin towers into which four-sided waterfalls will cascade 30 feet. A museum will occupy the space in between the pools with a forest of trees, including the lone survivor tree; and the 2, 983 names etched in stone. Apparently, those rubber wristbands are available that read 9/ll Memorial United by Hope. Memorials help us to remember just like our Memorial Garden at church helps our own people remember, mourn and live. Too often we are united by hate and anger. So, how shall we observe the 10th anniversary of 9/11? The wristband says it best; let us be united by hope on this anniversary. The 9/11 Memorial is meant to recall the spirit of the exceptional unity in the nation and the world in those precious days following the tragedy. There will be a brief moment in our worship that day to bear witness to the all too brief experience of a nations and a worlds collective capacity to come together. I pray for those moments. Faithfully, Craig
(1) Michael Lindvall, Christian Century, August 18, 2011

HOT CAT JAZZ BAND w/ CHOIR and that Ole Gospel Music Sermon: Sign, Signs...Everywhere Signs... Do This Dont Do That... Cant You Read the Signs! Dr. Whitcher


We have the burgers, hotdogs and beverages. All who are able may bring a salad, hot baked beans, or dessert

A Free Will Offering Requested ~ Suggested: $5 per person/ $20 per family


~ WORSHIP IN SEPTEMBER ~ The Season of Pentecost

(Worship time returns to 10:00

September 4 10:00 am

Holy Communion
Sermon: Some Good old Testament Stories: Jacob: Your God is Too Small Isaiah 40: 1-5, 25-31 Dr. Whitcher, preaching

September 11 10:00 am

Church School Begins with Teacher and Parent Covenant

Worship led by the High School Summer Mission Work Camp to North Carolina 2011 plus A Memorial Observance on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11

11:00 am

A Special Coffee Meeting with Parents with their youth downstairs in the Fellowship Hall

September 18 10:00 am 11:30 am

Sermon: Rabbits, Tomatoes and Rainbows Dr. Whitcher Genesis 9:8-13 SPECIAL ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING Vote On Team Ministry Structure & Governance; Election of Officers & Trustees Nomination of candidates for Diaconate Class 2013 Vote a Revised Mission Statement Report of Associate Search Committee

September 25 10:00 am

A HOMECOMING CELEBRATION The Hot Cat Jazz Band & Choir Sermon by Dr Whitcher: Signs, SignEverywhere Signs Do This Dont Do ThatCant You Read the Signs? Jeremiah 18: 1-11 All Church Barbeque under the Tent 11:15 (Help us celebrate by bringing your favorite salad, hot dish or dessert. Hamburgers, Hotdogs and beverages will be providedfree will offering to cover expenses)

Services of Healing
(Following the Order of St. Luke) The Last Wednesday of Each Month at 7:00 pm (The Chancel of the Sanctuary) The pastor is offering Services of Healing. Spiritual Healing is about engaging the Spirit of God and bringing our whole being, mind, body, and soul, into relationship with the Holy which can indeed, result in healing. This is an ancient ministry of the church which began with the Apostles, first recorded in the Gospel of Mark 6:13 when Jesus sent out the twelve who anointed many who were sick and cured them. In the letter of James 5:14 the community is instructed to call upon the elders of the church to pray over the sick, to forgive sins, and to anoint with oil in the name of the Lord. Healing is not restricted to a time, place or form as God provides for our need. The service is quite simple and intimate with candlelight, music, prayer, scripture, and a brief message, preparing one to come before God and receive personal prayer, laying on of hands and anointing with Holy Oil by the pastor. The service ends with Holy Communion. You are invited to attend just to see and listen, come for a friend or family member or let them come with you, come for your own healing or for the simple need to be reconciled with God and others. September 28 October 26 November 30 (None in Dec.) May 30 January 25 February 22 Ash Wednesday March 28 April 25

Annual Church Meeting Sunday, September 18, 11:30

Congregational Meeting, September 18, 11:30 following Worship*To see if the Church will make permanent the new Team Ministry structure inaugurated last Fall 2009; and appoint a committee to change the By-laws to reflect this change in governance. *To Elect Church Officers and Trustees *To hear a report of The Associate Search Committee


2 COURSES BY THE PASTOR: Sundays & Mid-week (dates & times TBA)

1) Theology: The Study of God (5 Sessions) a) The Being of God: Nature & Character b) The Trinity: Definition & The Trinity of the Bible

2) ABBA: A Bible Basics for Adults: Part 1 In The Beginning a) Creation (The Mesopotamian Creation Stories & The Bible) b) Human Sin & Judgment (Noah, the flood & the peopling of the earth) c) Biblical Events: The History of Israel to Building of the Temple

Thula Sizwe
from South Africa

At Worship ~ 10:00 am
Hear their story, listen to their songs and feel the dance in praise of God and freedom (An offering will go directly to support their families in South Africa)

Search Committee Update

The Search Committee continues to meet on a weekly basis and we are well under way. We met with Karen Ziel, Minister of Christian Education with the UCC at our first meeting back in July and have made great progress. Our committee has spent time getting to know one another, praying together and discussing how we will move forward with small focus groups. We have decided to ask a sampling of Congregation members to meet with us in a small group format to answer various questions. We will follow the Appreciative Inquiry process which is a collaborative and participatory method for seeking, identifying and enhancing the life giving forces and potential of a congregation and building a future based on these insights and practices. Our goal after meeting with each group is to present to the Congregation our recommendation for filling the Children & Families Ministry position. Invitations to the small groups will be going out in the mail very soon. If you receive an invitation, we are hoping you will take an hour out of your week to meet with us and share your thoughts. If you didnt receive an invitation, please dont worry. We want to hear from you! Our final group will be open to everyone who would like to talk with us. Our groups will meet at Rick Allens home and childcare will be provided. Thank you for joining in our efforts to determine the future of Children & Families Ministry at First Church.

Kristin DeCapua, Chair

Rick Allen, Laura Colebank, Katie Gesick, Sherrie Monaco, Lynn Pandiani, Kathy Sugland and Susan Townsley



(and why not??) Our Handbell Choir is always on the lookout for new members. The more ringers on board the more latitude we have in our choice of music. We have a lovely mix of individuals, ranging in age from 16 to "whatever". Entry requirements are v stringentone must be able to: 1. Count to four 2. Distinguish one color from another 3. Play well with others We practice most Tuesday evenings, and perform when the Maestro believes we're in good shape. So...if you'd like to try something new, and would enjoy contributing to our worship services, then contact Leigh Gesick at 395 0181. We'll look forward to seeing you.

Chancel Choir "Calling all Singers"

Fall is a time when members often reconsider their role in the church and take a new tack. I'd like to encourage everyone who loves to sing to think about the choir. We always want new members, but we're happy to include those who just want to do something special to mark the holidays. As long as there is sufficient rehearsal participation, someone who wants to sing in any of the Christmas services is welcome.

Lolly Bassett


Church School will begin Sunday, September 11. If you are feeling the call to become part of our Childrens Ministry teaching team, please let us know. There is always room for more! Nursery care is provided by Nancy Winger, our staff care provider and one adult volunteer each week. Please sign up outside the Nursery for a date this year and share some time with the youngest among us. Registration forms follow. One is needed for each child and must be submitted prior to the first day of Church School and will be available in the office.

Lori Tomko Kris Beezer

Co-Directors, Childrens Ministries

First Church of Christ in Saybrook (Congregational)

Church School Registration
Faith Weaver Pre-K to 8th Grade For church school year 2011-2012

Child's Name ________________________________________________


Child's Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Child's Home Phone Number:__________________________________________________________ Age:__________________ Date of Birth: ________________________ Father's Name:____________________________

Mother's Name:__________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________ Mother's Address: (if different from child's) _____________________________________ Cell Phone #:_________________________ Father's Address: (if different from child's) ________________________________________ Cell Phone #:_____________________________

E-Mail:___________________________________ E-Mail:__________________________________ Does your child have allergies? Special needs? ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Is there additional information you can give which will help us to create the best church school experience for your child? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Please see next pagewe need more information and your signature!

Page Two Church School Registration

We are encouraging parents to become more involved in their child's Sunday school experience and, therefore, would like to recommend the following: I agree to assist in each of my child's classrooms at least once during the church school year. My visit will be scheduled in advance by the teacher. I understand that there is no prep work required. Signature:______________________________________________

Would you be willing to commit to being a substitute? Yes:_________________ No:_______________

If yes, which grade(s):___________________

Check off activities that your child enjoys: Crafts___________________________ Games__________________________ Skits/drama _______________________ Other areas where parent help is needed are listed below. Please check all that apply. Advent Wreath Making & Crafts Event Family lighting of Advent candles Christmas Pageant ___________________________ Listening to stories_____________________ Singing/music ________________________


_____________________________________________ _______________________________________

Vacation Bible School

Organizing supplies _____________________________________________

I understand that the Church is not liable for any injury that may occur during church school, nursery, or any church-related activity, outing, rehearsal or event.



Date: ___________________


As you probably know, the ministry teams of the Member Care Group encompass a wide array of goals and activities, and teams also vary in the commitment of time required of its team members. We offer a brief recap here for those who may wish to play an additional role in the life of our church.

We welcome members and visitors alike on Sunday mornings, and also help visitors find their way around; team members are called upon to serve every 4 or 5 weeks, and arrive by 9:30 on those Sundays. After our initial meeting last year, weve been self-organizing with a simple sign-up sheet.

Coffee hour is our most prominent role. Each Sunday a trio of team members set out donated snacks, serve coffee and juice, and tidy up afterwards. Baked goods and other snacks are provided each week by others, who may be team members or simply be anyone who cares to contribute on an occasional basis; the sign-up sheet for baking is in the Connector. This team also takes responsibility for helping families and caterers with receptions. We are always looking for bakers and pourers for coffee hour.

New Member Team

We organize gatherings for visitors who may be interested in joining our church; these take place a few times a year, meeting after church for two consecutive Sundays. We also get together as a team once or twice a year to discuss programs, ideas and news, but otherwise communicate by email or on-the-fly at church.

Parish Care
The name says it allwe represent God and the church by offering care to parishioners who are ill, or grieving, or are otherwise in need of loving support. We meet as needed to exchange ideas, hear from experts in the field, and to update information on those in their care.

Prayer Shawl
Our team dedicates itself to knitting shawls as a symbol of Christian comfort and support, and also to offer prayers for those in need and for each other. Gatherings also offer an opportunity to spend some quiet social time together.

Prayer Team
Our circle gathers to offer prayers for those in need.

If youd like to find out more about any of these ministry teams, let us know.
Rick Allen & Karen Vradenburgh for the Member Care Group

(GOOD NIGHT IRENE!) Loss of power caused cancellation of our photo sessions for August 30 and 31, so we have re-scheduled appointments for Wednesday, September 7 and Thursday, September 8 with the photographer. If you had an appointment for Wednesday, August 31, you can have the same time slot for Wednesday, September 7. If you had an appointment for Tuesday, August 30, you can have the same time slot for Thursday, September 8. We will be in touch to re-arrange those appointments as needed. As of August 31, phone communication is a bit sketchy, but well hope it improves before long. Appointments for September 9 and 10 are still available. You may sign up after church for any of the four photo sessions or visit Monday through Friday. Individual sessions are about 45 minutes.

Rick Allen & Karen Vradenburgh

Member Care Group


Youth Ministry Team

On September 11th, the Mission Trip Youth Group teens will participate in the worship service. A couple of teens will share their impressions of the mission trip to North Carolina and we will also show a DVD of photos. Join us after worship for a special coffee hour to thank the Congregation for their support! An informational packet about the 2012 Mission Trip will be available in the Connector.


Kick-off for youth groups after worship on September 25 in Fellowship Hall! Come and see what that's all about!

Mark your calendars! October 8th Harvest Day is in the works... pumpkins, face painting, chili and more! Details to follow in the weekly bulletins.


Family of the Month Team September

Due to the storm, Susan Consoli of Family and Children Services tells us there is a desperate need for replacement food, shoes, clothing and school supplies for children. If you would like to help by purchasing Wal-Mart and Stop & Shop cards, this would enable them to buy all of these items for the families hard hit by the hurricane. Please bring cards to the church office and we will deliver them to Susan Consoli. Please call Susan Consoli, the Social Services Coordinator, at 860-395-3188 if you have any questions. Donations may be left in the Church Office with any checks made payable to Youth and Family Services. We very much appreciate your continued support. Thank you.

Blood Drive Team

The September 19th Blood Drive has been cancelled. However, the December 19th drive will be held as scheduled in the fellowship hall. More information about the December drive will be in the October and November Towers.

Kathy Price

CROP Walk Team

I wish to again thank all those from First Church who participated in crop walk in so many ways. Especially, team members -- Karen Vradenburgh, Liz Lawlor, Paul Liberty, Stuart Haines, and Lajla Haines. Don't know about anyone else, but I look forward to doing it again. Will be posting a sign up sheet to join the CROP Walk 2012 Team soon. Would like to have an informal gathering with Team 2011 and those interested in joining for 2012 in early October so we can discuss what we did right and wrong and how to improve the next CROP Walk.

Dorothy Nesbitt


The Annual Church Meeting will be held on Sunday, September 18. The agenda for this year will include several important items. The one-year trial period of a new church structure is coming to a close. The congregation must now choose to extend the trial period, adopt the temporary structure as a permanent addition, or elect to move in some other direction. The Board of Trustees encourages everyone to attend this meeting. Your voice and opinion are important. Additionally, The Board of Trustees has approved a new Legacy Fund Policy replacing the outdated 1996 version prepared when the Legacy Fund was begun. The Board intends to bring this policy to the congregation for approval as a church policy regarding how we handle the Legacy Fund. The policy makes clear that the fund is not intended to be used for normal yearly operation of the church those regular expenses are paid for by our annual pledges, and other regular income (and Seward Fund supplements). Each year, the Trustees will propose a use for the annual earnings of the Legacy Fund, subject to review and approval by the congregation. The earnings used will normally be held to a level that can be sustained indefinitely without depleting the principal of the Fund. The earnings can be used for almost anything that the congregation feels supports the ministry and mission of First Church. The only real restriction is that no more than 25% can be allocated to the church annual budget, and then only by approval of a 2/3 majority. The policy also addresses investment guidelines and lists the responsibilities of the Legacy Committee and the Board of Trustees. The policy formalizes the procedures currently being followed to invest and safeguard the Fund. The policy is available in the church office for review. The Trustees and Legacy Committee members would be happy to answer questions or discuss the policy with you. And with this meeting comes the end of my term with the Board of Trustees. I am honored and grateful for the many years of support and confidence in me, but I am most grateful for your friendship. My sincere and heartfelt thanks to you and your families for all you have done. May the love of the Holy Spirit stay with you always.

Scott Masse
Chairman, Board of Trustees

Pastors Note
In Preparation The Church Meeting Sunday, Sept. 18 WHY TEAM MINISTRY AND GOVERNANCE CHANGE * Craig Whitcher, Pastor
Visitors from other religions or planets might be forgiven for misclassifying board and committee meetings among the sacred rites of the Christian religion. Meetings, with their dry liturgy of motions, seconds, minutes, and reports, give comfort and security to some, because thats what they are used to, while driving others crazyparticularly those who expect results and action more than extended conversations about pros and cons of possible approaches to activities that may or may not one day become actions. It is not actually meetings that drive people nutsmost of us enjoy productive meetings and the fellowshipit is the perpetual lack of clarity in many congregations about who makes what decision. Lay leaders burn out like old brake pads from the start-and-stop decision-making tempo. People who have regular jobs and carry assigned projects from start to finish find it hard to understand why relatively small decisions require long discussion, often at not one but several meeting tables. Indeed, sometimes the church is not unlike Congress in its inability to something constructive and responsive to it stated purpose to follow the Way of Christ. Leaders burn out and disappear, but do not necessarily complain. Goodhearted folk excuse or even justify tedious decision-making methods, calling them the congregational way. In many congregations, it is more comfortable to raise doubts about religious doctrine than to question the board and committee system. Questioning the Unquestionable This is changing in churches as you may have learned. For a variety of reasons, leaders in congregations of all kinds have begun to question the unquestionable. Sometimes the departure of too many governing board members triggers this rethinking. Sometimes a strategic planning process launches an imaginative plan that quickly founders in the sandy shoals of governance. Sometimes an exceptionally vital, growing congregation notices that its most innovative programs have emerged only when someone, in despair of working though the formal structure, worked around it. That is what members of First Church said in their focus groups and was included in your Church Profile that brought me to First Church. As you know, I am an advocate of such needed change called Team Ministry. I have been working on this concept since 2002, first created by Church Development Consultants, Easum & Bandy, and then refined by the Alban Institute in Washington D.C. This has not been easy work, having taken us two years to come to this place of finally voting whether we keep Team Ministry after just a years trial or return to Boards and Committees. Churches naturally resist changenot because the people in them are especially conservative, but because conserving is what institutions like the church do. They codify and repeat patterns of behaviorbuilding trust by repetition, growing in proficiency by practice, building a clear brand through consistent and predictable performance. Of course all institutions resist change. But communities of faith resist it for a special reason: almost anything they do regularly quickly becomes part of the religion. The oddest things turn sacredfurniture and flower arrangements, organizational charts and stacks of minutes, even dead or dying groups. People cling to such symbolic objects, not because they love them, but because they love the congregation and the good they have experienced from its influence, and worry that if surface symbols change too much, they might lose the reality beneath.

People do not resist change, per se. People resist loss. Resisting change can be a good thing when it helps people to hang on to what is truly precious. A congregation with no change-resistance might worship on a different day and in a different place each week. That makes it difficult to find it or know whether to support something in constant motion, because stands nowhere. However sometimes only innovationwhich requires letting go of symbolslets us hold on to what we truly value. Congregations have begun to realize that comfortable ways no longer produce comfortable outcomes. Change, no longer a threat, becomes our best hope for avoiding deeper loss. When old modes of governance threaten to strangle what is precious in the congregations life, governance change becomes more thinkable. Means for the Sake of the Ends The most foremost advocate of rethinking how we do church, Lyle Schaller, writing back in the 80s, observed that liberal churches, which are so often ready to tell the world how it should change, especially resist changes to their own internal workings. Liberals, so this thinking goes, are so open-minded they are not always quite sure what they believe or where they are headed, and so they come to treat the way we do things here as if it were the end-all of the church. By contrast, a church with a clear, focused purpose that say we are about bringing people to Christ will try new worship styles, change its committee structure, or rebalance its staffwhatever worksbecause the end is more important than the means. Some congregations may be slower to reform their structures of decision-making, because they care so much about what Luther called the priesthood of all believers, which makes governance a more complex challenge. Building a structure that is serious both about congregational participation in decision-making and enlisting every person in discerning Gods will for the congregation makes governance an important but complicated business. No structure guarantees success or promises life free of problems. T.S. Eliot warned against dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good. Luckily congregations are full of people who are good already. The work of governance change can be simply a matter of enabling the congregation to be as good as they are. * Special acknowledgment goes to Dan Hotchkiss who is a church consultant on this subject and writes for the Alban Institute


Grateful thanks to Suzanne Otto, Terry Shuttleworth, and Barbara Downie for preparing the Tower for mailing. Articles for the October TOWER must be submitted to the Church Office no later than September 23. Thank you.
Sign up for email! Receive the Tower by email and help save on paper and postage costs! It is a Word document, in a PDF format, which is easy to download, it comes through instantly, and you can receive it when you are traveling wherever you are. Contact the Church Office and give it a try!
IF YOU NO LONGER WISH TO RECEIVE THIS NEWSLETTER, please ask to have your name removed by calling the church office or e-mailing us. This will save us postage and save you the inconvenience of receiving unwanted mail

Church Staff
The Rev. Dr. Craig M. Whitcher, Senior Pastor Jay Downes, Director of Youth Ministry Lolly Bassett, Choir Director and Organist Lane Bolton, Church Administrative Assistant Lori Tomko and Kris Beezer, Co-Directors Childrens Ministries Leigh Gesick, Treasurer and Director of Handbell Choirs Ken Hartley, Financial Assistant Bill Gifford, Sexton Nancy Winger, Nursery Care Provider Lori Tomko, Christian Education Music Director

September 2011
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
1 Weight Watchers: 9:30 , 11:00, 6:00 6:00 Breast Cancer 7:00 Choir 7:00 Search 7:30 Narcotics 8:00 Alanon 4 10:00 Worship 5 6 First Day of School - OS 1:00 SSK Mtg 3:00 Food Pantry 5:00 Weight Watchers 7:00 & 8:00 Alanon 7:30 Narcotics 13 3:00 Food Pantry 5:00 Weight Watchers 7:00 & 8:00 Alanon 7:30 Narcotics 20 3:00 Food Pantry 5:00 Weight Watchers 7:00 & 8:00 Alanon 7:30 Narcotics 27 9:30 Crafters 3:00 Food Pantry 5:00 Weight Watchers 7:00 & 8:00 Alanon 7:30 Narcotics 7 10:00 Shawl Ministry 12:15 Alanon Lunch 2:30 Directory Photographs 7:00 Sunday School Teachers 14 12:15 Alanon Lunch 7:00 Womens Ministry team l 21 10:00 Shawl Ministry 12:15 Alanon Lunch 8 Weight Watchers: 9:30 , 11:00, 6:00 2:30 Directory Photographs 7:00 Choir 7:00 Search 7:30 Narcotics 8:00 Alanon 15 Weight Watchers: 9:30 , 11:00, 6:00 6:00 Breast Cancer 7:00 Choir 7:00 Search 7:30 Narcotics 8:00 Alanon 22 Weight Watchers: 9:30 , 11:00, 6:00 7:00 Choir 7:00 Search 7:30 Narcotics 8:00 Alanon 29 Weight Watchers: 9:30 , 11:00, 6:00 7:00 Choir 7:00 Search 7:30 Narcotics 8:00 Alanon 30 2


8:00 Weight Watchers 9:30 Weight Watchers

9 2:30 Directory Photographs

10 8:00 Weight Watchers 9:30 Weight Watchers 10:00 Directory Photographs

11 10:00 Worship Church School begins Choir Returns 11:30 New Members Team



17 8:00 Weight Watchers 9:30 Weight Watchers

7:00 Trustees

18 10:00 Worship 11:30 ANNUAL MEETING

19 9:00 Investment Team 7:00 Diaconate


24 8:00 Weight Watchers 9:30 Weight Watchers

25 HOMECOMING 10:00 Worship 11:30 Jr/Sr High Meeting

26 2:00 Book Group

28 12:15 Alanon Lunch 6:30 Co-op Parents Meeting

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