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● Is, in essence, a collaboration between the police and the community that identifies and
solves community problems. Community policing

● PO2 Marbhen Rabilhas, a PNP member who disregarded the memorandum issued by the
Mayor of Cagayan de la Valencia City to provide services in securing the area during Mayor's
public speech due to the fact that PO2 is not affiliated with said administration for he was
loyal to the previous governance. What police professional conduct is violated by PO2
Marbhen Rabilhas? Non-partisanship

● This theory encompasses the notion of social pathology, which sees society as a kind of
organism and crime and deviance as a kind of disease or social pathology. Social
disorganization theory

● Theory that points to a lack of fit between socially approved success goals and the
availability of socially approved means to achieve those goals. strain Theory

● Suggests that the root cause of criminality can be found in a clash of values between
differently socialized groups over what is acceptable or proper behavior. What theory is
referring here? Culture conflict theory

● Theory states that visible signs of disorder and misbehavior in an environment encourage
further disorder and misbehavior, leading to serious crimes. broken windows theory

● Enemy Wafri woke up on the first day of a new month and realized that his vehicle
registration expired last month. Driving to the department of motor vehicle to purchase a
new registration, he was stopped by police. He explained to the police officer that he is in
the process of obtaining his new registration, and the police issued him a citation saying that
he doesn't have any discretion because Enemy is in violation of the law. What was the best
theory that explains Enemy`s encounter? Zero tolerance theory

● It is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between

organizations and the public. Public relations

● This model of public relations uses communication to negotiate with the public, resolve
conflict and promote mutual understanding and respect between the organization and its
stakeholders. two-way symmetrical

● This uses press releases and other one-way communication techniques to distribute
organizational information. Public Information

● This theory suggests a primarily non-political approach towards the rejuvenation of a

democratic political culture. This approach regards the rebuilding of community as a social
and moral project - strengthening relationships and enhancing processes of participation.
Communitarian Theory

● This term was coined in the 1840s by the British Utopian Socialist Goodwyn Barmby to refer
to advocates of a communalist society. Communitarian

● Emphasizes that culture is a set of values that an organization or group of people have in

common. organizational culture theory

● This culture is based on energy and creativity. Employees are encouraged to take risks, and
leaders are seen as innovators or entrepreneurs. The Adhocracy Culture

● This culture is rooted in collaboration. Members share commonalities and see themselves as
part of one big family who are active and involved. The Clan Culture

● Is a planned approach to solve all kinds of problems in almost every individual or group
activity, both public and private. administration

● Is the amalgamation of history, organizational theory, social theory, political theory and
related studies focused on the meanings, structures and functions of public service in all its
forms. Public Administration theory

● This theory of public administration emphasizes more on behavioral and quantitative schools
of thought. Modern public administration theory

● This theory is a broad and somewhat ambiguous belief system tied to the philosophical and
cultural reaction to the convictions of Modernism. Postmodern public administration theory

● The organizational process concerned with the implementation or objectives and plans and
internal operating efficiency of the police department. police administration

● This police function carries out the major purposes of the organization, delivering the
services and dealing directly with the public. Line function

● Is a branch of science that aids in the investigation, solution and prevention of crime and it
is a broad field that refers to a variety of sciences and technologies used to enforce the law.
Forensic Science

● Police station 8 of Cagayan de Oro City conducted an investigation about rape. Where a
woman was found naked on a vacant lot by a Patrolwoman who cried due to what happened
to her. With the investigation conducted, the woman cannot remember any faces of the
three men who raped her but there was this BITE MARKS found on her left neck and on her
right shoulder which the two bite marks concluded with different marks. With this evidence
found in the body of the victim, which of the following branches of Forensic Science has a
jurisdiction to examine? forensic Odontology

● It is simply a process of systematic inquiry, generally aimed at either increasing knowledge

(basic research) or solving problems and improving practices (applied research). research

● A police agency might enter into a contract with an individual or firm to provide a specific
research service or product. What model of agency-based police research is shown here?
Contract research

● A police agency might have a unit staffed with sworn officers or civilian personnel, or both,
that is assigned the task of conducting research. Research unit

● This PNP Directorate was activated on 1 November 1993 and became operational on 16
January 1994 imbibing a conspicuous role in PNP organizational which is to conduct research
studies pertaining to criminalistics equipment and investigative equipment / materials,
communication-electronics and transportation, weapons and clothing for effective and
efficient maintenance of law and order. Directorate for Research and Development

● Uniformed PNP members shall commit themselves to the democratic way of life and values
and maintain the principle of public accountability. It refers to what police professionals
conduct? Commitment to democracy

● PNP members shall always uphold public interest over and above personal interest. This
statement refers to what police professionals conduct? Commitment to public interest

● Is the agency that administers and controls the Philippine National Police. It was mandated
by the Constitution and the major police reform laws, Republic Act No. 6975 and 8551.
National Police Commission

● According to Keith Davis, the ability to persuade others to seek defined objectives
enthusiastically and It is the human factor which binds a group together and motivates it
towards goals. leadership

● The following are the roles of leader, except; He solicits unfriendly competition

● Leader is a person who starts the work by communicating the policies and plans. This
passage refers to the importance of leadership. Initiates action, since he is the one that
must be mimic with his subordinate

● A leader can be a morale booster by achieving full cooperation so that they perform with
the best of their abilities as they work to achieve goals. Building morale, so that his/her
subordinates could function in accordance with their specialized job and ability

● This was exercised as a kind of legitimate power and people follow figures exercising it,
because their positions demand so irrespective of the person holding the position. authority

● This leadership deals with both human psychology as well as expert tactics in which it
emphasizes on developing leadership skills and abilities that are relevant across the
organizations. Organizational leadership

● This notion refers to the desirable and appropriate values and morals according to an
individual or the society at large. ethics

● Which do you think does not best describes an ethical leader? Should use his followers as a
medium to achieve his personal goals. He should respect their feelings, decision and

● Uses a simple chain of command structure, where authority flows from the top to the
bottom in a distinct line. This organizational type is the oldest structure. This refers to what
organizational type? Line organization

● “A managerial role is the set of specific tasks that a manager is expected to perform
because of the position he or she holds in an organization.” This is according to who? Jones
and George

● In this style of leadership, a leader has complete command and hold over their
employees/team. Autocratic leadership style

● The leaders invite and encourage the team members to play an important role in the
decision-making process, though the ultimate decision-making power rests with the leader.
What leadership style does it refer to? participative leadership style

● Here, the leader totally trusts their employees/team to perform the job themselves. Laissez
faire leadership style

● Mr. Brown Burdox is an HR head, who makes sure that the employees/team also strictly
follows the rules and procedures. What leadership style Mr. Braun manifested? bureaucratic
leadership style

● According to Freda Adler, it refers to a statement that explains the relationship between
abstract concepts in a meaningful way. theory

● This theory was developed by Robert House and has its roots in the expectancy theory of
motivation. House` Path Goal Theory

● According to the Path-Goal Leadership Theory, in this leadership style the leader provides
guidelines, lets subordinates know what is expected of them and sets performance standards
for them. Directive

● Jabz Culanag is a leader who believes in group decision-making and he even shares
information with his subordinates. What type of leadership did Jabz manifest? participative

● The leader sets challenging goals and encourages employees to reach their peak
performance. achievement-oriented

● In this theory, Leaders distinguish between the in-group and out-group members on the basis
of the perceived similarity with respect to personal characteristics, such as age, gender, or
personality. LMX Theory

● According to him, decision-making is the actual selection from among alternatives of a

course of action. Who was the person quoted this? Koontz and O’Donnel

● It is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and

assessing alternative resolutions. decision-making

● What technique of decision-making is trying to illustrate here is characterized by the inner

feeling of the person where he takes a decision as per the dictates of his conscience.

● The traditional methods of taking decisions on the basis of intuition, experience, etc. are
replaced by this systematic technique based on analysis of data. operation research

● under the roles of manager, his model points out that there are three main types of roles all
managers play; they are decisional, interpersonal, and informational. Henry Minztberg

● roles are important because information is the lifeblood of organizations and the manager is
the nerve center of his unit. Informational roles

● Manager interacts with many people outside the immediate chain of command, those who
are neither subordinates nor superiors. This refers to whose role? Liaison role

● In this form of manager, the manager gives direction to people working under him in which
the direction includes instructions. director

● This involves allocating employee resources and delegating responsibilities, as well as setting
realistic timelines and standards for completion. planning

● In management it entails making sure the ultimate goals of the business are being
adequately met, as well as making any necessary changes when they aren't. controlling

● The leader is friendly towards subordinates and displays personal concern for their needs,
welfare, and well-being. This style is the same as people-oriented leadership. supportive

● Along with planning, a manager's organizational skills can help to ensure a company or
departmental unit runs smoothly. Organizing

● Managers should be comfortable and confident commanding their team members’ daily tasks
as well as during periods of significant change or challenge. leading

● The rational comprehensive approach and tradition in planning. This is the most appropriate
for police agencies because it is based on a problem-oriented approach to planning. What
planning approach does it refers to? Synoptic planning

● What planning approach if it involves collective actions to achieve concrete results in the
immediate future. racial planning

● The beneficial aspect of this approach includes greater sensitivity to the unintended and
negative side effects of the plan. advocacy planning

● In this planning approach, the problems are seen as too difficult when they are grouped
together and easier to solve when they are taken one at a time and broken down into
gradual adjustment over time. Incremental planning

● The approach involves the interaction with the people who are to be affected by the plan
hence; surveys and interpersonal dialogues are conducted Transactive planning

● Refers to the process by which information is exchanged between two or more people.

● Communication is the lubricant for the wheels of progress; people must talk to each other if
there is to be coordination and a minimum of duplication is scattered over numerous
disciplines and fields and is often contradictory. Richard Holdin

● Determine the basic policies organizations and are taken at top level management. The
policies decided at the top become the basis for operative decisions that can go beyond the
policy framework of the organization. Policy decisions

● Middle and lower management take these decisions since these involve actual execution and
supervision. Operative decisions

● Are those decisions which managers undertake under certain conditions relating to
organization. Sometimes taken independently and sometimes delegated to other colleagues.
organizational decisions

● are those decisions to be taken by the managers on their own. Others need not be consulted.
personal decisions
● It is regarded as the cognitive process resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of
action among several possible alternative options Decision-making

● These are the activities that “plan, organize, and control the operations of the basic
elements of people, materials, machines, methods, money and markets, providing direction
and coordination, and giving leadership to human efforts, so as to achieve the sought
objectives of the enterprise. Principles of management

● the course of tasks assigned to, and completed by, a group of workers in order to increase
efficiency. division of work

● It is the supreme source of government for any particular organization. The right to
exercise, to decide, and to command by virtue of rank and position.authority

● It comprises behavioral regulations and imposed by command or self-restraint to ensure

supportive behavior. Discipline

● Provides that an employee is responsible to only one supervisor, who in turn is responsible to
only one supervisor, and so on up the organizational hierarchy. Unity of command

● “Organizational behavior is a subset of management activities concerned with

understanding, predicting and influencing individual behavior in an organizational setting.”
Who said this? Callahan, Fleenor and

● According to him “Organizational behavior is a branch of the Social Sciences that seeks to
build theories that can be applied” to predicting, understanding and controlling behavior in
work organizations.” Raman J. Aldag

● is defined as individuals in an organization having a common perception and sharing core

values. organizational culture

● Human needs fall into five groups: physiological, safety, social and love, esteem and ego,
and self-actualization. It refers to what theory of motivation? Maslow's needs of hierarchy

● This theory of motivation divides job factors into satisfiers and dissatisfiers. The satisfiers
are the motivators, and the dissatisfiers are the maintenance or hygiene factors. Herzberg's
motivation— hygiene theory

● A motivation theory which Looks at motivation from the manager's perspective that manager
perspective`s believes people are inherently lazy and will try to avoid work and on the other
side manager`s perspective believes people enjoy work as much as play and will seek
responsibility. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y

● This group behavior is defined by the organizational structure and can be either command
groups based on the organizational chart or task groups formed to complete a project.
formal groups

● Is the process of influencing people by providing them with purpose, direction, and
motivation while you are operating to accomplish a mission and improve the organization.

● Possession and exercise of the authority to command, a specific and legal position unique to
the military— the legal and moral responsibilities of commanders exceed those of any other
leader of similar position or authority. Command

● includes the administrative activities of coordinating, controlling and directing police

resources, activities and personnel. Simply put, it's the everyday act of running the police
department. Police management

● Which of the following best describe the leadership principle of Know yourself and seek
self-improvement? Honest self-evaluation to determine his own strengths and
weaknesses is a paramount importance to a leader.

● The leader must be able to make a rapid estimate of the situation and arrive at a sound
decision. He should be able to reason under the most trying conditions and decide
quickly what action is necessary to take advantage of opportunity as it occurs. company,
battery, squadron, and battalion levels. It refers to what military leadership? Direct

● In this military leadership, leaders include military and Department of the Army (DA) civilian
leaders from the major command level through the Department of Defense leadership.
strategic leadership

● PNP members shall adhere to high standards of morality and decency and shall set good
examples for others to follow. This refers to what ethical standards of a police officer?

● PNP members shall exercise proper and legitimate use of authority in the performance of
duty integrity

● PNP members shall recognize the fact that they are public servants and not the masters of
the people and towards this end, they shall perform their duties without arrogance.humility

● This power states that individuals will acquire this through their ability to, or perceived
ability to, distribute intrinsic and extrinsic rewards to others in the organization. reward

● It is based on one party’s identification with the other, “the desire of followers to identify
with their leaders and to be accepted by them.” referent power

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