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UNIT TEST(2022-23)
General Instructions.
 All questions are compulsory.
 The question paper has four sections and 21 questions. All questions
are complusary.
 Section A has multiple choice question and source based question of
1 mark each; section B has very short type question of 1 mark each
and short answer type question of 2 marks each; section C has 2
question of 4 marks each; section D has 1 case- based question of 4
marks each.
 There is no overall choice. However internal choices have been
provided in some question. A student has to attempt only one of the
alternatives in such questions.
Multiple choice questions-
1) The change in length to that of original length is called-
a. Longitudinal strain
b. Volume strain
c. Shear strain
d. Strain
2) Young’s modulus of wire depends on-
a. Its length
b. Its area of cross section
c. Its material
d. Both (a) and (b)
3) The Reynold’s number for fluid flow in a pipe depends on-
a. Viscosity of the fluid
b. Velocity of the fluid
c. Diameter of pipe
d. All of these
4) Kepler’s second law is the consequence of the law of conservation
a. Linear momentum
b. Energy
c. Angular momentum
d. Mass

Source based question-

Answer the following questions-

5) Which portion of the curve determine the elastic behaviour?
6) which point is called a yield point from the curve?
7) What is called as facture point? Also define it?
8) What is critical velocity?
9) What is the relation between orbital and escape velocity?
10) The distance of Neptune and Saturn from the sun is nearly 1013m and
1012m respectively. Assuming that they move in circular orbit, then what
will be the ratio of their period?
11)What is stoke’s law?
12) By which phenomenon the water rises from root to leaves of plants?
13) Define Hooke’s law?
Short type questions-
14) Determine the force required to double the length of a steel wire of
area of cross section 5*10-5 m2.Young’s modulus of steel 2*1011 Nm-2?
15) Is it possible for a body to have inertia but no weight?
What is gravitational potential energy and derive its expression?
16) What is hydraulic brake? Explain its working?
17) What is poisson’s ratio?
Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform density, how much could
a body weigh half way down the centre of the earth if it weighted 250 N
on the surface?
18) Explain about the universal law of gravitation?
Long answer type questions-
19) Define escape velocity. Obtain an expression for the escape velocity
of a body from the surface of the earth?
Define Bernoulli’s theorem and derive the expression for it?
20) State and proof Kepler’s law?
To what depth must a rubber ball be taken in deep sea so that its volume
is decreased by 0.1%. The bulk modulus of rubber is 9.8*108 Nm-2 and
density of sea water is 103 kg/m3?
Case study question-

The pressure of the atmosphere at any point is equal to the weight of a

column of air of unit cross-sectional area extending from that point to the
top of the atmosphere. At sea level, it is 1.013 × 105 Pa (1 atm). Italian
scientist Evangelista Torricelli (1608–1647) devised for the first time a
method for measuring atmospheric pressure. Where r is the
density of mercury and h is the of the mercury column in the tube In the
experiment it is found that the mercury column in the barometer has a
height of about 76 cm at sea level equivalent to one atmosphere (1 atm).
This can also be obtained using the value of r. A common way of stating
pressure is in terms of cm or mm of mercury (Hg). A pressure equivalent
of 1 mm is called a torr (after Torricelli). 1 torr = 133 Pa. The mm of Hg
and torr are used in medicine and physiology. In meteorology, a common
unit is the bar and millibar.1 bar = 105 Pa. An open tube manometer is a
useful instrument for measuring pressure differences.

Answer the following questions-

1) Who gave for the first time a method for measuring atmospheric
a) Newton
b) Pascal
c) Torricelli
d) None of the above
2) 1 torr is equal to
a) 1000 pa
b) 133 pa
c) 50 pa
d) None of these
3) Which device is used for measurement of pressure difference?
4) What is atmospheric pressure?

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