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CC :
Weeks 2-6 :Content
Week 7 : 1st test 14 mars (25%)
Weeks 8- 11: oral presentations (25%)
Week 12 : final test 18 avril (50%)

News :
-War in Ukraine
-strikes pensions and retirement reforms
-COP27 and climate
-The Taliban and Afghanistan
-animal rights
-demography at decline of birth rate
-nuclear war
-Chinese government + repression
-human rights
-Protests in Iran

Write 2 paragraphs :
What was the most important event in 2022 ?
The most important event in 2022, in my opinion, is a personal achievement that I have
made during summer.
First and foremost, I wanted to be financially independent so I choose to make a project
that turns around something that I grow up with.
To explain, my grandfather was a jeweler so I grow up seeing my family designing jewelry
and creating beautiful pieces. My mom was always wearing jewelry at events and I was so
impressed by the quality of metals used and how was the result.
What would be the most important challenge in 2023 ?

The world ahead 2023 – From the editor

Three shocks that shook the world
Turmoil: a crisis

Week 4 :

Climate change :
2 goals of Paris climate change accord:
-in 2050 we are supposed to limit the temperature world which will increase for 1,5 degrees
and 2100 It will be about 2 degrees
-the goal is a net zero emissions: no more fossil fuels (release carbon dioxide and methane
which contribute to climate change)

Scientist were able to measure certain parts of history to tell how much CO2 in the
atmosphere , levels are stable except for the industrial revolution begins in an extreme
short time , scientist know its because we start using fossil fuels in factories
400 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere
The climate change is getting harder and harder with extreme heat
The co2 in atmosphere makes the worlds hotter
From global warming to climate change
The climate = whole global system of the northern and southern atmosphere and its
different from the weather ( day to day)

CO2 exists naturally but historically it begins with the U-S and now China is the most
responsible about climate change
200 years developing economy by using fossil fuels  200 years and after 1950 its US
Debate about who’s responsible for climate change

In the 1980’s , scientists discover tipping points  if certain things happen it’s impossible to
go back ,certain point when ice melts it’ll will not be able to go back

In 2023 we are at 1,1 degrees , they say we’re going to reach that in 2030 at 1,5 degrees ,
the ice in Greenland ant Antarctic will reach the tipping point , adds 10 meters of water in
the ocean

Methane is 60x more powerful than CO2  increase the temperature of the planet if ice
melts in northern Russia and Canada

Who is responsible for climate change ?

Focused a long time on individuals and consumption, individually
125 billionaires invest 2,4 trillion stake in 183 companies which are responsible for the
emissions , their investment are responsible of gas emission
The richest 10% are responsible for 50% of CO2 emissions

Since 1988, 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions
Debate :
- Oil and gas companies product a big amount of oil and gas because there is a big

The world’s militaries are responsible for 6% of global greenhouse gas (planes, tanks,
boats) , Us military emits as 140 countries , France emits the most gas in Europe

Agriculture accounts for over a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions

Agriculture is the 2nd largest industry responsible of climate change
Animals living in farms so we can eat them produce the same amount of gas emission as
planes, boats, cars etc
Cows and sheep are the worst in gas emission in the way they digest food, its coming from
were they’re just alive
It’s a systematic problem and not about individuals

Week 5 :

How much will it cost to fix climate change?

The lowest estimate is 2 t to 4 trillion $ per year

Th Us government spend 800 billion every single year for military : and total global military
expenditure is about 2 trillion $
By 2050, it will have to be 50 trillion$
Investing in renewable energy : changing carbon vehicles to electric vehicles  reduce
greenhouse gas emission
Biofuels (corn, ethanol) and hydrogen
Gas companies are the cause of climate change , for the last 50 years , they made 3billion$
profit per year
In 2010 ,profit was about 2,7 trillion $ per year : the oil and gas industry has delivered

IMF (fmi)  gas sector receive 5,2 billion$ subsidies per year , subsidies :a tax that are
giveaway to companies ,uni, , they use this money to reinvest in fossil fuels

How to decarbonize fast ?

Saul Griffith studied this question : best way to transition is to electrify everything ,
electricity come from panneaux solaires , nuclear, and water types of energy
Creation of 1 billion new machines in order to make everything electric in US
 lots of new job created

The doomsday clock created by the bulletin of atomic scientists: they realize the weapon
they have created was the worst thing ever created of humans
The experts ,say that right now is the most dangerous we ever had since the cold
war :Ukraine war is a proxy war

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