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• Whole fruit or large pieces fruit

• In thick sugar syrup (often slightly jellied)

• Eg. peaches, pears, plums, aoola, strawberries, grapes,

muscadines, quinces and tomatoes

Technology for making preserve

Cooling and

I ____,I ,____
Cooking in syrup
• Selection of fruit

- Uniform in size and unifonn piec~

- Fim1-ripe preferred over soft-ripe

• By using up to 25.0% of fim1-ripe fruit

-+tartness is increased and less pectin is required

in the fonnula
• Seltttion of fruit

- Uniform in size and unifonn pieces

- Fim1-ripe preferred over soft-ripe

• By using up to 25.0% of firm-ripe fruit

-ttanness is increased and less pectin is required

in the formula

• Preliminary processing
- .\Vashing (same as jams and jellies)
- Treatments for various fruits
• Stra\vberries and Raspberries
» used as such. without any preliminary treatment
• t\1angoes :
>> Peeling ➔ slicing ➔ pricking
• .'-\pples and pears :
» peeling ➔ pricking (if are to be kept whole)
» Peeling ➔ halving or quartering ➔ coring ➔ puncturing
(if are to be preserved as large pieces)
• Peaches
» destoning ➔ lye peeling
• Apricots, cherries
» destoning
• Oranges. lemons. grape fruits and citrus fruits
>> ha,lving ➔ removal of pulpy portions from the cut
• Pumpkins (petha)
» Slicing ➔ peeling, ➔ pricking ➔ placing in dilute
lime water for few hours to harden the texture
• Peaches
» destoning ➔ lye peeling
• Apricots, cherries
» destoning
• Oranges. lemons, grape fruits and citrus fruits
»· ha,lving ➔ removal of pulpy portions from the cut
• Pun1pkins (petha)
» Slicing ➔ peeling, ➔ pricking ➔ placing in dilute
lime water for few hours to harden the texture
• Cooking in water/ 4ilute sugar syrup
- Cooking of fruit in water
• For softening the fruit tissues so that later they can
absorb sugar

- Cooki,ng with dilute sugar syrup

• Highly Juicy fruits
• Cooking directly in thick syrup at very outset

• Cooking in syrup
Open kettle one period process
Open kettle slow process
Vacuum cooking process

Open kettle one period process

Concentration of startin syrup for cooking is low

Boiling ,vith gentle heating until syrup becomes thick

Final concentration of su! syrup: Not less than 68°Brix

(Soft fn1its (strawberries and raspbcmes):

require little boiling for softening)
(hnrd fn.1its like apple, pear, peach, etc.:
require prolonged heating)
Precaution :
- Rapid boiling ,viii make the fruit tough, especially when heating
is done in large shallow pans with a small quantity of syrup
en kettle slow rocess
Cooking in water
- Addition of sugar (to boiled fruit) = ½ the weight of fruit (in alternate layers
£ Allo,v nrass
stand for 24 h

Resultant s~is of ~ 38°Brix

Addition of more sugar for raising the strength of the syrup to about 60°Brix
Addition of citric or tartatic acid
(@) 0.62-1 .25 g per kg of sugar initially taken)
Boiling of ,vhole rnass for 4-5 min

Keep~ for 24 h
On the 3rd day,
. ~
Raising the strength of syru to ~ 68°Brix by adding sugar

Boling mass for 4-5 min.

:G ~
. the tru·1t 1n syrup ,or 3-4 days

Finally~raising the strength of syrup to 70°Brix

Packing the preserve in finished condition, is then packed in

Vacuum cookin2 _

Retain more colour and flavour than open kettle

Placing previously softened fruits (by boiling) in syrup of

approx 30-35°Brix
Transferring the fruit•syrup blend to vacuum pan
Concentrating under reduced pressure to - 70°Brix

•Hard fruits like apples and pears require slow boiling to
facilitate penetration of sugar, soft fruits can be boiled briskly.

• • Cooling and packaging
- Bulk storage of preserve: Cooling quickly

Draining th~it from syrup

Filling into dry container

Pouring of freshly prepared boiled syrup of 68°Brix in containers
Exhausting for 8-10 min at about I00°C in steam
Hermetically closing

- Sterilization
• Not required: preserve is packed scalding hot in dry cans
• Required: A 2.5 size can➔ sterilized for 25 minutes at
• A p p le p r e s e r v e.
uit- S o u r a n d S w e e t variety
S e le c ti o n o f fr

Peeling ! apples thinly

Pricking o f peeled fruit

P la c in g : s w e e t v a r ie ty o f• a p p le in 2 -3 % c o m
m o n salt solution

v a ri e ty in p la in wa te

T r a n s f e r r in g to d il u te li m e•w a te r (2 pans o f li m e w a te r and I part

o f water)

Leave for 24 h •
Preparing 2-3% alum solutiorf
bringing it to boil in a pan
Transferring apple
+ sodium
small quantity of

Continuing boiling until fruit softens

Taking out fruit and lacing in cold water
iscarding blanching solution

Cooled apples are now ready for syrup treatment

Note: Fresh alum solution to be prepared separately for each batch

Taking sugar equal to half the
weight of prepared apples •

Placing sugar and apples 1n alternate layers in a vessel

Leaving mass ' disturbed for 24 h

Strength of resulting s p: approx. 36-38°Brix

Boiling the m-:ac:C'. for a few minutes

Raising strength of syrup to' 60°Brix by adding more sugar

sm aJ J q u an ti ty o f citric or
• A d d in g a
. la lt a ri c acid.
su g a r o r c o m sy ru p lo th e
o r in v e rt
c x lc n l o f 2 5 % hy w ei
B o il in g for a fe w m m u

K . a p p le s •in sy ru p fo r unoth~-r 24 h

d a . · • st re n g th o f sy ru p 10 700 8ris
th •
O n \: .l rd
y. ra 1s1n

uc 1 st a n d fo r a ft't
A ll o "' th e pfi

Preserve : ready I p a c k in i in ja B o r cans

ti o n o f c a n d y o f th is p ro d u c t k. b ef o re ii is
F o r p re p a ra n d fo r anolht-r wee
0 ri:x ➔ a ll o w to st a
s y ru p ra is e d to 7 ~ B
B ri x o f th e
re a d y fo r c a n d y in g ••
• .\ on la Presen·e: HighI,, ,·aluedJlroduct
Selection of Large variety of fruit
(Benarasi variety preferred)

• Washing of fruit

Pri! ng
Placing pricked fruit in 2l o/o common salt solution
Raising concentration of salt sol! on progressively by 2% till 8%
on daily basis

Washing mil with water l1

• Placing in freshly prepared 8.0% brine for a week
r.• '

Wash!gof fruit
Blanching in 2.0% alum solution

Passing through several stages o'5yrup treatment just as for apples

Packing in 1! quered cans

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