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Fever—An Update
John H. Becker, PhD*
Stephanie C. Wu, DPM†

Fever is an active yet nonspecific response of the body to infections and other insults
that cause immune cells to release cytokines, resulting in a brain prostanoid–mediated
rise in body temperature. The causes, types, clinical management, and postoperative
consequences of fever are reviewed in this article. Physicians use fever as a clinical sign
for diagnoses and prognoses, but ‘‘fevers of unknown origin’’ continue to be problematic.
Fevers that arise 1 or 2 days after surgery are usually due to stress and trauma, but later
postoperative fevers often have more serious causes and consequences, such as wound
infection. Fever is commonly encountered by podiatric physicians and surgeons, and
certain procedures with the lower extremity are more likely to eventuate in fever. (J Am
Podiatr Med Assoc 100(4): 281-290, 2010)

Fever, characterized as a temporary elevation in ment. Conversely, vasodilation and sweating are
internal body temperature to levels approximately 18 initiated in response to heat.3
to 28 C (28–48F) higher than the body’s thermoreg- Body temperatures can rise above the reference
ulatory set point, is one of the body’s innate immune range because of either hyperthermia or fever.
responses to neutralize a perceived threat inside the Hyperthermia is passive, occurring when a person
body, be it bacterial or viral. Fever has been either gains heat from a hot environment or is
recognized as a sign of infection since ancient times, unable to lose heat from exercise. Hyperthermic
and the courses of fever as observed by Hippocrates patients will attempt to vasodilate and will move to
around 400 BC are generally valid to this day.1 The a cooler environment. Fever on the other hand,
purpose of this review is to present a modern view of occurs when a febrile person’s body actively warms
the causes and types of fever, its clinical management, itself in response to microbial or other threats. At
and the role of antipyretic drugs in combating fever. the onset of a fever, biochemical signals ‘‘reset the
Human temperature is regulated in the hypothal- thermostat’’ in the hypothalamic centers to stimu-
amus, specifically, the anterior hypothalamus/pre- late vasoconstriction, shivering, and warmth-seek-
optic region, and it remains fairly constant at ing behaviors (eg, adding blankets). Once the body
approximately 378C (98.68F). It is theorized that the reaches an above-normal temperature, thermoregu-
anterior hypothalamus/preoptic region integrates lation will continue until the fever breaks, when
thermoregulatory centers actively return body
sensory information from thermosensitive neurons,
temperature to the normal set point level via
analogous to a household thermostat with a ‘‘set
sweating, vasodilation, and behavioral means. Un-
point’’; however, more recent models incorporate
like hyperthermia, which is an uncontrolled rise in
multiple decentralized feedback loops without a
body temperature,4 fever is a deliberate, active
unitary set point.2 The anterior hypothalamus/
thermoregulatory strategy.
preoptic region initiates shivering, vasoconstriction,
piloerection, and secretion of thyroid-releasing
hormone in response to us sensing a cold environ- Biochemical and Neurologic Features of
*Basic Biomedical Sciences, Dr. William M. Scholl College of
Podiatric Medicine at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine
and Science, North Chicago, IL. When the body encounters infectious microbes and
†Surgery, Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric other insults, the immune system first counteracts
Medicine at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and with innate immune defenses such as the nonspecific
Science, North Chicago, IL. ‘‘acute-phase response’’ to infection that includes
Corresponding author: John H. Becker, PhD, Basic Bio-
medical Sciences, Rosalind Franklin University, 3333 Green fever. Infective invaders attract macrophages and
Bay Rd, North Chicago, IL 60064. (E-mail: john.becker other defense cells, which, in turn, release small proteins called cytokines that amplify the immune

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association  Vol 100  No 4  July/August 2010 281
response. Cytokines that can cause fever are referred hypothalamus.7 Although there may be several routes
to as endogenous pyrogens to distinguish them from to the hypothalamus, the common pathway to fever
microbial exogenous pyrogens. Cytokines activate involves release of prostaglandin E2 in the brain,7, 12
the early nonspecific immune responses, such as where it binds a specific prostaglandin E2 receptor on
fever, lethargy, anorexia, adipsia, behavioral alter- preoptic hypothalamic neurons.13 Finally, those
ations, and the manufacture of hepatic acute-phase hypothalamic neurons have an efferent path to the
proteins. Later, the adaptive immune system, using B raphe nucleus of the medulla,14, 15 which triggers the
and T lymphocytes, challenges the specific infecting sympathetic nervous system to vasoconstrict skin
entities. blood vessels.
Research in the past three decades has uncovered a In theory, higher concentrations of pyrogenic
large number of cytokines, many of which have cytokines should cause higher fevers, but that dos-
redundant actions, that have different actions in age effect could not be confirmed by experiments.16
different parts of the body and that stimulate or Unlike hyperthermias, true fevers rarely exceed 418C
inhibit one another. Cytokines are small protein (105.88F),17 which is crucial because damage to
signals that bind to receptors on many cell types. mammals occurs at temperatures higher than 428C
Although many humoral regulators have pyrogenic (107.68F).18 The magnitude of fever may be limited
activity,5 most research has focused on four inflam- by natural substances referred to as endogenous
matory cytokines: tumor necrosis factor and lym- antipyretics or endogenous cryogens. Arginine
photoxin alpha, interleukin 1 (a and b), interleukin 6, vasopressin,19 a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone,20
and interferon (a and c).6 All of these cytokines can atrial natriuretic peptide,21 and corticotropin-releas-
independently cause fevers when injected into ing hormone are all peptides that suppress fevers
experimental animals or patients with cancer in caused by lipopolysaccharide in rodents. The im-
clinical trials. However, during the course of infec- mune system has many regulatory mechanisms to
tion, microbial exogenous pyrogens may induce the prevent overaggressive responses, such as autoim-
cytokines in a cascade fashion. Gram-negative munity; endogenous antipyretics may provide nega-
bacterial lipopolysaccharide, for example, induces tive feedback limitations on the fever response.
tumor necrosis factor from macrophages, which, in Physicians who prescribe anti-inflammatory corti-
turn, induces interleukin 1b, which then induces costeroids should note that glucocorticoids also are
interleukin 6.7 The exact pathway may vary depend- endogenous antipyretics.22
ing on whether the initiator is a local inflammation, a
systemic infection, or an infection in the blood-brain Types of Fever
barrier.8, 9 Many investigators use rodents injected
with lipopolysaccharide as a model, wherein a The most common cause of fever is infection,
biphasic fever results. Some researchers10 suggest especially bacterial. Gram-negative bacteria have a
that the early phase of fever in rats bypasses complex lipopolysaccharide in their cell walls that
cytokines and that the immune cells directly synthe- is a potent exogenous pyrogen, acting at levels of 2
size prostaglandin E2, which then carries the signal to to 3 ng/kg to induce endogenous pyrogens and
the brain. Others11 hypothesize that lipopolysaccha- fever.6 Lipopolysaccharide produces septic shock,
ride activates a complement component, C5a, which with signs of fever (or hypothermia at high doses),
causes liver and lung macrophages to elaborate chills, hypotension, coagulopathy, and death. Unlike
prostaglandin E2, which, in turn, binds to prostaglan- the adaptive immune system, the innate immune
din receptors on sensory vagal nerves, and that the system cannot mount a response highly specific to a
vagus is the afferent path to the brain for early-phase foreign antigen but instead can use ‘‘pattern
fever. Most investigators concede that the later phase recognition receptors’’ that bind to molecules with
of rodent fever is cytokine mediated and that having a common pattern in a given class of microorgan-
several paths to the brain thermoregulatory centers isms. The toll-like receptors include one (toll-like
provides the animal with better defense.7 Controver- receptor 4) that seems to be the receptor for
sy also exists about whether cytokines, which cannot bacterial lipopolysaccharide.23 When toll-like recep-
diffuse across the blood-brain barrier, send their tor 4 on peripheral immune cells binds lipo-
signals by being actively transported across, by polysaccharide, it recruits intracellular kinases and
entering those regions of the brain near the third transcription factors for many inflammatory and
ventricle that do not have the barrier, or by binding immune-responsive genes, including those for cyto-
brain endothelial or perivascular cells, which then kines.24 Furthermore, toll-like receptors are also
use a chemical second messenger to signal the found on endothelial cells in the brain, so bacterial

282 July/August 2010  Vol 100  No 4  Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
infections or lipopolysaccharide itself can also and prolonged diagnostic tests. Most fevers resolve
directly stimulate fever by an alternate, cytokine- after 4 to 5 weeks without further consequences.41
independent path.25 In addition to lipopolysaccha- A common cause of fever of unknown origin is drug
ride, gram-positive bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, fever, affecting as many as 3% to 5% of hospitalized
and viruses can also provoke fevers. Many other patients.42 Drug fever is likely if a patient has no
substances can act as pyrogens, including artificial infection or disease and if a 72-hour suspension of all
polynucleotides, urate crystals, colchicine, inflam- medication administration causes the fever to abate.
matory bile acids, plant lectins, and antigen-anti- Drugs cause fevers by hypersensitivity reactions,
body complexes.26 injection-related effects, cytokine release, alteration
Fevers can also develop in patients who do not of thermoregulation, or idiosyncratic causes.42 The
have microbial infections. Collagen vascular diseas- most likely candidates are sympathomimetics and
es, autoimmune diseases, and granulomatous diseas- monoamine oxidase inhibitors, dopamine and ace-
es are often associated with cytokine-mediated tylcholine blockers, serotonergic agonists, uncou-
fevers. For example, nearly all patients with adult plers of oxidative phosphorylation, inhalation anes-
Still’s disease are febrile.27 Rheumatoid arthritis thetics,43 and antibiotics, especially sulfonamides.
causes tissue injury and the release of cytokines re- Clinical signs and symptoms of drug-induced fever
sponsible for inflammation and joint destruction.28 include a temperature of 398 to 418 C (102.28–105.88
Recently, patients have been receiving monoclonal F), no myalgia, relative bradycardia (pulse-tempera-
antibodies that inactivate cytokines as therapy for ture dissociation), and the ‘‘patient appears inappro-
Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis. priately well for the degree of fever present.’’44 (p125)
Infliximab and etanercept are anti–tumor necrosis The treatment for drug fever is immediate discontin-
factor antibodies approved by the Food and Drug uation of any suspect medications or, if necessary,
Administration for treating rheumatoid arthritis.29 switching to a nonsensitizing alternative. Several
Dinarello and Porat6 caution that these patients are at drug fevers are actually hyperthermias because body
risk for opportunistic infections and that it is temperatures are not diminished by antipyretics and
uncertain whether fever as a clinical sign of infection can rise to fatal levels. Two clinically similar but not
is partially masked by this therapy. identical examples are neuroleptic malignant syn-
Less commonly, central fevers or neurogenic drome, a rare adverse effect of antipsychotic drugs
hyperthermias can arise from traumatic, surgical, or that lowers dopamine levels, and serotonin syn-
hemorrhagic harm to the thermoregulatory regions drome, a rare consequence of taking antidepressants
of the brain.30 Fevers also result from psychogenic,31, 32 that elevates serotonin levels.45 Cases of serotonin
toxic,33 neoplastic,34-36 and factitious causes. syndrome with fatal outcomes have been reported for
recreational use of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymeth-
amphetamine, or ‘‘Ecstasy’’) and similar compounds,
Fever of Unknown Origin
with hyperthermias of 428C (107.68F) on admission.46
Fever always has a cause, but if that cause cannot The high temperatures and muscle rigidity of
be easily diagnosed, it is said to be of unknown neuroleptic malignant syndrome are similar to those
origin until a definitive diagnosis can be made. One of malignant hyperthermia, but malignant hyperther-
standard definition of fever of unknown origin is mia is acute, whereas neuroleptic malignant syn-
illness longer than 3 weeks, fever higher than 38.38C drome occurs after drug exposure of days to weeks,
(100.98F) on several occasions, and unsuccessful and neuroleptic malignant syndrome has no genetic
attempts at diagnosis after 3 days of testing in the predisposition.47 Physicians who treat patients in
hospital.37, 38 When physicians eventually determine locations where antipsychotic or antidepressant
fever of unknown origin causes, the most common drugs are often used, such as nursing homes,
are infection, neoplasia, noninfectious inflammatory hospitals, and psychiatric facilities, should have a
diseases, and miscellaneous causes.39 Fever of high index of suspicion for neuroleptic malignant
unknown origin is usually caused by common syndrome or serotonin syndrome when body tem-
diseases with unusual presentations, although more perature is elevated.48
than 200 individual causes of fever of unknown
origin have been tabulated.40 Nonspecific early Diagnosis and Clinical Management of
treatment of patients with fever of unknown origin Fever
is rarely curative and may obscure the final
diagnosis, yet many physicians use empiric antibi- Local signs and symptoms can often help diagnose
otic drug therapy preemptively to avoid more costly infectious and inflammatory causes of fever (eg,

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association  Vol 100  No 4  July/August 2010 283
appendicitis or gout). In cases in which clinical recommend antipyretic treatment of fevers in chil-
signs and symptoms are absent, such as mononu- dren younger than 3 years as prophylaxis against
cleosis and typhoid, fever itself may be the only febrile seizures despite the lack of definitive evidence
clue. It is, therefore, imperative to chart fever that temperature reduction per se will stop a seizure
patterns and fluctuations throughout the day.38 or prevent a rapid recurrence.61 Although it is
Some diseases have characteristic patterns such generally believed that fever itself causes convul-
as intermittent (hectic), sustained, remittent, or sions, there is no conclusive evidence of this in the
double quotidian fevers. Fever associated with literature.62, 63 It may be that convulsions are
leishmania, for example, has two peaks per day. triggered by other concomitants of infection besides
Although Musher et al49 and others have questioned temperature elevation. Prophylactic use of antipy-
the diagnostic value of reading fever patterns, retics is of questionable value for routine febrile
Woodward50 noted that diseases with unusual fever illnesses.64, 65
patterns, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, can Elderly people develop fevers upon infection, but
be preliminarily diagnosed while awaiting slower as many as 30% of them are afebrile, especially if
and more costly laboratory tests. they are frail, and in others, the fever magnitude is
Regarding thermometry, clinicians should ideally blunted.66 However, experimental and clinical evi-
know the calibrations and limitations of the dence is equivocal about whether fever diminishes
instrument and its sources of error.51 There is with age.30 If fever is one of the defenses against
considerable debate about modern tools that are infection, then its absence may lead to greater
convenient but that may be inaccurate in the clinical morbidity and mortality in afebrile infected patients.
setting.52 Clinicians should also be aware that body Furthermore, its absence as a sign may mean that
temperature varies by site, time of day, and method the doctor or patient may not recognize the
of measurement. Furthermore, the commonly ac- infection early enough. Certain disorders with
cepted benchmark of normalcy, 378C (98.68F), was fevers are more common in elderly patients such
based on Wunderlich’s 19th century study; Mack- as tuberculosis, colon cancer, polymyalgia rheuma-
owiak et al,53 using modern thermometry, recom- tica, and others.67
mended a slight alteration to 36.88C (98.28F) and Antipyretic agents may reduce the rise in tem-
fever thresholds of 37.28C (99.08F) in the early perature during a fever, but they do not affect those
morning and 37.88C (100.08F) in the evening. who are afebrile or hyperthermic. Three common
Differential diagnosis of patients with fevers can drugs prescribed for antipyresis are aspirin (acetyl-
be aided with algorithms. Diagnostic clues should salicylic acid), acetaminophen, and nonsteroidal
include the characteristics and patterns of fever, anti-inflammatory drugs. Acetylsalicylic acid and
medical and social history, laboratory and imaging its congeners act by inhibiting the cyclooxygenase
information, underlying diseases (such as human enzyme in the arachidonic acid pathway to prosta-
immunodeficiency virus or pneumonia), and patient glandin formation.68 Schwartz et al69 used the
characteristics/risk factors (elderly, critically ill, or cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitor rofecoxib to demon-
immunosuppressed).54 Cunha55 categorized fevers strate that the inducible isoform of cyclooxygenase
seen in hospitals into two categories: diseases (cyclooxygenase 2) is responsible for fever. The
causing fever peaks lesser than or greater than cyclooxygenase 2 isoform is normally quiescent but
398C (1028F). Body temperatures higher than 418C can be induced by inflammatory signals, such as
(1068F) rule out infectious causes. lipopolysaccharide, interleukin 1, or interleukin 6,
Childhood fever is the most common reason for a whereas the cyclooxygenase 1 isoform is constitu-
nonroutine visit to the pediatrician’s office.56 One tively active to perform housekeeping functions
survey found that many parents have ‘‘fever phobia,’’ such as gastric protection and renal function.
which is exacerbated by inconsistent educational Acetylsalicylic acid and many of the nonsteroidal
messages from pediatricians.57, 58 Two issues are anti-inflammatory drugs nonspecifically inhibit the
important: the risk of febrile convulsions and cyclooxygenase 1 and cyclooxygenase 2 isoforms,
antipyresis for patient comfort during routine infec- resulting in gastric, renal, and clotting adverse
tions. Children aged 9 months to 5 years have a 3% to effects, which are avoided by the specific cyclo-
4% incidence of febrile convulsions, causing acute oxygenase 2 inhibitors, such as rofecoxib, valde-
parental anxiety.59 Modern clinical management coxib, and celecoxib. However, their cardiac and
recognizes that most febrile seizures are benign and renal adverse effects have led to the scrutiny of all
do not require immediate or prophylactic use of three drugs, and rofecoxib has been withdrawn
anticonvulsants.60 However, many physicians still from the market by the Food and Drug Administra-

284 July/August 2010  Vol 100  No 4  Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
tion.70 The exact mechanism of action of acetamin- Several studies88, 89 question acetaminophen’s efficacy
ophen is still unclear; the acetaminophen-sensitive on the outcome of common childhood infections. An
isoform of cyclooxygenase (cyclooxygenase 3) editorial in The Lancet argued that because there was
found in some animals apparently has no role in no strong evidence that antipyresis affects childhood
humans.71 Recent research into antipyretics has illness, non–acetylsalicylic acid antipyretics should be
been targeting the prostaglandin E2-synthesizing given to sick children ‘‘to relieve the child’s discom-
enzyme downstream of cyclooxygenase.72 Nonethe- fort and thereby anxiety in the parents.’’90 In 2007,
less, the analgesic and antipyretic properties have Powell91(p1086) recommended no antipyretic therapy
not been separated for any of these drugs. Thus, it is for fevers under 398C (102.28F), although it may
sometimes difficult to ascertain which property a provide ‘‘symptomatic’’ relief for higher fevers and
physician is prescribing for. may reduce the metabolic demands of fever in high-
According to surveys, many health-care profes- risk children with cardiovascular, diabetic, or neuro-
sionals consider fever itself to be harmful.73 In a logic diseases.
retrospective study, Isaacs et al74 found that In frail elderly patients, antipyretic therapy is
antipyretic orders in a hospital were often written occasionally recommended to relieve mental delir-
without a documented rationale. A national survey ium and to obtund the high metabolic demands put
of nurses revealed that 77% initiated treatment on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems by
specifically to reduce fevers, which was consistent higher temperatures.67 However, physicians must
with nursing texts but not necessarily the research be careful about pharmacokinetics and the gastro-
literature.75 Styrt and Sugarman76 suggested that intestinal and other adverse effects of antipyretic
antipyresis should be ordered much less frequently drugs in aged patients.73
and with greater justification. Although antipyresis Plaisance and Mackowiak73 concluded that anti-
by pharmacologic agents or physical cooling is pyretics carry a low risk of toxic effects, so they can
common for intensive care unit patients with be used for symptomatic relief and analgesia in
fevers, there is little effect on outcomes,77 and the febrile patients, for reduction of the metabolic
common practice of physically cooling critically ill demands of fever in chronically debilitated patients,
febrile patients with underlying cardiovascular and for alleviation of mental confusion in febrile
disease might trigger a harmful cold pressor elderly patients. They recommended that prescrib-
vasospasm.78 However, antipyresis does seem to ing physicians should be aware of the toxic effects
benefit severely ill septic patients79 or those with of each antipyretic, and they noted that antipyresis
brain injury.80 could prolong some infections.
The risks versus benefits of antipyretic treatment
are a topic of debate. Zoologists argue that fever has Surgery and Fever
a long evolutionary history as an infection-fighting
mechanism, so fever should not be abrogated by Perioperative fevers are not uncommon in patients
antipyretics.81 This argument is bolstered by abun- who undergo the stress and trauma of surgery and
dant in vitro evidence that the immune system is who may be exposed to various infectious and
enhanced at the temperatures of moderate fevers,82, 83 inflammatory insults. Preoperative fever is a reason
although fevers higher than 418C (105.88F) can hinder to cancel elective surgery. During the operation
immune responses.84 On the other hand, practicing itself, general anesthesia and, to a lesser extent,
clinicians argue that antipyretic drugs alleviate the neuraxial anesthesia hinder thermoregulatory cen-
pain and discomfort that accompany fever and that ters in the brain, and the concomitant use of
more than 100 years of antipyretic drug use has paralyzing drugs inhibits shivering thermogenesis.51
proved relatively benign.85 Fever brought on by an In fact, most patients become hypothermic during
infection is associated with other symptoms of the surgery, and Kurz et al92 found that patients who
acute-phase response such as irritability, poor appe- were artificially warmed to near 378C (98.68F)
tite, malaise, and pain. Because the common antipy- during surgery developed fewer infections and had
retics are also analgesics, physicians often recom- shorter wound-healing times than the hypothermic
mend them to relieve these symptoms. This rationale (358C [95.08F]) control group. Postoperative fevers
is especially compelling for sick children. Because of are a particular problem with the recent frequency
the risk of Reye’s syndrome with acetylsalicylic acid, of outpatient surgeries because the fever may
children are usually treated with ibuprofen or develop outside the view of medical professionals.
acetaminophen,86 despite surveys revealing that many Postoperative fever that develops within 24 hours of
parents are unaware of the latter’s hepatotoxicity.87 surgery most likely is caused by interleukin 6

Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association  Vol 100  No 4  July/August 2010 285
released by stress and tissue damage.93 With a few especially halothane and succinylcholine.104 Fulmi-
rare exceptions, most early postoperative fevers are nant incidents of malignant hyperthermia were
not due to infections, and Frank et al93 recommend- often fatal in the 1960s, but deaths are now rare
ed that fever alone not be used as the basis for in developed countries because of better aware-
ordering costly diagnostic tests to locate infections. ness, earlier diagnoses, and better therapy.105, 106
Table 1 lists some of the common causes of fever Nonetheless, the incidence of malignant hyperther-
that occur in the days following surgical proce- mia in the United States has increased in recent
dures. In general, fever developing within 2 to 3 years.107 Human genetic analyses and biochemical
days postoperatively is likely caused by urinary research with a porcine animal model have found
tract infections or respiratory difficulties. Contrary that susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia is
to earlier beliefs, surgeons do not find a relationship most often due to autosomal dominant mutations in
between early postoperative fever and atelectasis.94 a sarcoplasmic reticular muscle protein that releas-
Fevers that develop after 72 hours are likely due to es calcium ions into the cytoplasm.108 High
wound infections, bladder catheter infections, or intracellular calcium levels and adenosine triphos-
leaky surgical anastomoses.97 Fever caused by deep phate depletion account for the clinical signs of
venous thrombosis can occur as late as 5 to 7 days malignant hyperthermia: hypermetabolism, hyper-
postoperatively, but fever is a poor predictor of
carbia and acidosis, rigidity, tachycardia, high
deep venous thrombosis.98 The trauma of surgery
fever, desaturation of blood in the operating field,
can trigger acute gout attacks, always with fever,
and elevated serum creatine phosphokinase lev-
within 8 days after surgery.99 In the intensive care
els.109 In fulminant cases, temperature can rise at a
unit, fevers often have multiple causes, including
rate of 18 to 28 C (28– 48F) every 5 min and can reach
sinusitis caused by irritation from nasogastric tubes,
468C (1158F).47
infection of vascular and urinary catheters, and
ventilator-associated pneumonia.100 The latest con- Malignant hyperthermia can be prevented by
sensus from the Critical Care Medicine and Infec- avoiding trigger agents such as halogenated inhala-
tious Disease groups recommends careful assess- tion anesthetics, including halothane, enflurane,
ment of new fevers in patients in the intensive care sevoflurane, desflurane, isoflurane, chloroform,
unit rather than automatic orders for radiologic and and trichloroethylene, and the depolarizing muscle
laboratory tests.101 Because 40% of postoperative relaxant succinylcholine. Medications considered
fevers resolve spontaneously,102 there is little need safe are barbiturates, intravenous anesthetics, nar-
for antipyretics and physical cooling, and the latter cotics (opioids), tranquilizers, nondepolarizing mus-
increases the metabolic rate, activates the auto- cle relaxants, and local anesthetics. In 1989, Rosen-
nomic nervous system, and provokes thermal berg and Seitman47 noted that there had been no
discomfort.103 However, surgeons may treat some recorded deaths from malignant hyperthermia when
patients with high fever who cannot tolerate the the anesthesia team was aware of the problem, and,
hypermetabolic demands. thus, they recommended that preoperative manage-
Although not a true fever, malignant hyperther- ment of susceptible patients include a careful
mia is a rare condition that may arise when some patient and family history and reassurances to the
surgical patients are anesthetized with inhalation patient. Acute malignant hyperthermia can be
anesthetics and depolarizing muscle relaxants, treated by protocols that require discontinuing all
triggering agents and then counteracting the hyper-
Table 1. Time Courses for Postoperative Feversa
thermia, hypercarbia, hyperkalemia, etc.110 A la-
beled malignant hyperthermia cart in the surgical
Time After Surgery Causes of Fever
area should facilitate further treatment, including
Day 1 Systemic inflammatory response hyperventilation with 100% oxygen, administration
syndrome (SIRS) of dantrolene, bicarbonate for acidosis, external and
Days 2–3 Respiratory problems internal cooling, and monitoring and treating blood
Days 3–5 Urinary tract infection (bladder pressure, blood gases, urine output, hyperkalemia,
catheter infection) dysrythmias, and blood enzyme levels.111 Dantro-
Days 4–7 Wound infection, deep venous lene is a muscle relaxant that acts to reduce calcium
thrombosis, acute gout release from sarcoplasmic reticulum,112, 113 and it
Days 5–8 Drug fever has been approved by the Food and Drug Admin-
This table is based on Fischer,97 Dayton,95 and Bal- istration since 1979 for the treatment of malignant
lestas.96 hyperthermia.

286 July/August 2010  Vol 100  No 4  Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
Fever and Podiatric Medicine a myriad of other causes. The podiatric physician
should, therefore, be cautious and meticulous in the
Fever in podiatric medical practice is most likely to recognition of the types of fever, especially fevers of
be encountered in patients with postoperative or unknown origin that occur without other clinical
ulcerative infections of the lower extremities.114 signs.
Infectious fevers may also result from osteomyeli-
tis, cellulitis, infected wounds, trauma, and other Acknowledgment: Drs. Adam Landsman and Ste-
diseases. Several of the collagen vascular diseases ven Woeste for reading earlier drafts of the manu-
or autoimmune diseases with lower-extremity mani- script.
festations, such as rheumatoid arthritis and erythe- Financial Disclosure: None reported.
ma nodosum, can cause fevers. Inflammatory Conflict of Interest: None reported.
conditions of peripheral joints result in fevers; Duff
et al115 attributed the fever of gout to the release of References
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