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As a future teacher, I believe that every should have its own goal in every term and that is to

ensure quality education to every students. I will try to make my classroom to have a positive
environment for students to have a better education. I aim to bring an open mind,
a positive attitude, and high expectations to the classroom each day.

It is important to have classroom rules and procedure to ensure discipline to every students:
 Respecting everybody is a must.
 Follow the seating arrangement.
 Be prepared in every class discussion.
 Raise your hands if you want to speak.
 Maintain the cleanliness inside & outside the classroom.
 Show positive behavior to everyone.

In order to maintain positive relationships with my students, I will treat them

fairly and with respect. I'll teach them to be morally upright and to respect
others. I find that using positive words when interacting is more effective. I'll
teach them both how to speak and how to listen. I'll remind them that I'm their
teacher and they're my students, so they must keep me informed of any

Give time allowance or room to change so the students could have time to settle down,
ready for the next task at hand. Setting a regular daily schedule will help you and
your kids to prepare classroom work. Be firm but fair on deadlines that you will give
to your students.

Keep active areas distinctly separate from quiet spaces like for reading area. I will also provide
some visual aids posted on the wall for student’s constant reminders. Using media and technology
are things that I will also incorporate in my teaching to catch their attention and interest. I will
make sure the classroom is a stress-free environment.

Simple rewards and appreciation can help a sense of achievement among students, which creates
a positive learning environment, increasing student’s motivation and well-being.
For the consequences, students should be aware at the first place of the
rules inside the classroom so that they will understand if there will be any consequences
given to them. As a teacher, I should also use appropriate consequences.

What salient component have you noted?

Upon my observation and some readings, I believe that teacher should understand each student’s needs.
In order to be an effective teacher I should keep an open mind and also have a positive goal towards my students.

It is very important to have a classroom management plan this is to have a smooth and positive environment
for both teacher and the learners.This will also help control students possible misbehavior that can distract
other students.

The important things that I noticed while doing the classroom management plan is making sure that every plan should
be well plan in order to have an organized and positive environment. If a teacher can have a well design classroom
management plan it can help provide a better learning for the students.

Based on the observation I made, I believe that all the things in the classroom plans are well needed to the learners
if there’s anything that need to be improve it would be only minor things. And I am also open to any improvement or
suggestion as long it can benefit my students.

Respecting one another is very evident during my observation, how the students treat their teachers as well as
their classmates. They were also trying their best to follow every instructions given to them.

Cleanliness inside the classroom was a challenge that I observed maybe because of the space provided to the students
and maintaining the seating arrangement was not always been perfect.

I realized that making a classroom management plan was not that easy to design since you need to consider that there
will be a different individuals with different needs inside the classroom. However I also realized how important it is to
have a classroom management plan and on how a teacher should implement it to their students.With this strategy a
teacher can have a good environment that can help learners to have a stress-free classroom that will avoid
them in any possible distractions.

Page 71

Some of the common classroom challenges faced by teachers include lack of teamwork, minimal
personal time, working towards long term goals, arguments and student excuses, etc.

In order for me to address these challenges I will make sure to have enough time to understand my students
first in order for me To have a well designed classroom management plan. I will do some reading and be open
to any possible suggestions by co-workers.

As mentioned above having enough time can help me avoid these possible challenges. There’s always room for improvement.
I should also maintain an open mind for any suggestions. Good communications between the learners and the teacher is also
very important.
Based on my answer in number 1-3, my possible title of my classroom management plan is:
How to have an Effective Classroom Management Plan?

Classroom Management that Works: Research-based Strategies for Every Teacher by Robert J. Manzano 2003
The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher by Harry Wong 1991
Conscious Discipline by Becky A Bailey
Tools for Teaching by Fred Joness


As a future teacher, I believe that every should have its own goal in every term and that is to
ensure quality education to every students. I will try to make my classroom to have a positive
environment for students to have a better education. I aim to bring an open mind,
a positive attitude, and high expectations to the classroom each day.


It is important to have classroom rules and procedure to ensure discipline to every students:
P73  Respecting everybody is a must.
 Follow the seating arrangement.
 Be prepared in every class discussion.
 Raise your hands if you want to speak.
 Maintain the cleanliness inside & outside the classroom.
 Show positive behavior to everyone.


In order to maintain positive relationships with my students, I will treat them

fairly and with respect. I'll teach them to be morally upright and to respect
others. I find that using positive words when interacting is more effective. I'll
teach them both how to speak and how to listen. I'll remind them that I'm their
teacher and they're my students, so they must keep me informed of any


Give time allowance or room to change so the students could have time to settle down,
ready for the next task at hand. Setting a regular daily schedule will help you and
your kids to prepare classroom work. Be firm but fair on deadlines that you will give
to your students.


Keep active areas distinctly separate from quiet spaces like for reading area. I will also provide
some visual aids posted on the wall for student’s constant reminders. Using media and technology
are things that I will also incorporate in my teaching to catch their attention and interest. I will
make sure the classroom is a stress-free environment.


To ensure the safety and security of my students, I will provide a medicine cabinet in case something goes wrong.
Aside from that, I should get rid of anything that could be dangerous, such as knives, chemicals, or anything else.
For security reasons, the classroom should have two doors and a fire extinguisher. I will impose rules such as
requiring students to notify me or a security guard if they have any concerns, posting a cellphone number in case
of an emergency, and prohibiting students from leaving campus during class
hours to ensure their safety.


Simple rewards and appreciation can help a sense of achievement among students, which creates
a positive learning environment, increasing student’s motivation and well-being.
For the consequences, students should be aware at the first place of the
rules inside the classroom so that they will understand if there will be any consequences
given to them. As a teacher, I should also use appropriate consequences.

To ensure the safety and security of my students. I will provide a medicine cabinet in case something goes wrong.
Aside from that I should get rid of anything that could be dangerous, such as knives.chemicals or anything else. P69
For security reasons the classroom should have two doors and a fire extinguisher. I will impose rules such as requiring
students to notify me or a security guard if they are any concerns.

Students will be able to ask and answer questions about living and nonliving
things to clarify their thinking and classifications.

Materials and preparation

2 Hula hoops
Book: What's Alive by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
Video: Living and Nonliving Things by Lindsay Schemm
Assortment of living and nonliving objects (e.g. school supplies, small plants, books)


Cambridge Primary Science 4 Lesson 2: Environement
Related books and/or media:
Do You Know Which Ones Will Grow? by Susan A. Shea
Mary Had A Little Lamp by Jack Lechner

 Ask the class if they are living or nonliving.

 Ask students if their pets at home are living or nonliving.
 Ask students to identify what they need to survive.
 Write "food," "water," "shelter," and "air" on the board.
 Explain to students that today they will be learning about living and nonliving things.
 Play students the Living and Nonliving Things video.
 Check whether the class is able to answer any of their questions following the video.

Guided Questions:
 What are some examples from the video of living things?
 What are some examples from the video of nonliving things?
 How does Cookie Monster know that rock is not alive?

What factors did you consider in writing your lesson / learning plans? P79

When developing my lesson/learning plan, I kept my learners' ages in mind to ensure that the language and activities
I used are appropriate for them. I'm also thinking about incorporating different activities into performance tasks.

I believe that starting is the hardest part. If you're struggling in the initial steps of lesson planning, try taking a step back.
Connect with other grade level teachers at your school to see how your year can fit into the bigger
picture—like a curriculum calendar.

My resource teacher was unable to review my draft lesson plan due to a lack of
time and a hectic schedule. I'm also confident that my learning strategy can be improved.

In my opinion, the best part of my lesson is when I allow students to give their own idea and able to share it in class. I also included
media in my lesson to capture their attention. Meanwhile, one aspect of my lesson that I can improve is the
manner in which I will present the lessons. I need to have more visuals to present aside from the video. Create more activities
related to the topic.

By incorporating media in the class discussion. It captures

the interest of the students once you can give more examples
and some visuals and not just explaining it alone. Aside from
This I let students to give more examples that they can think of.
With this activity it allows students to use their imaginations.

I encouraged my students to give more examples based on

Their own experiences. If given more time with the lesson
I will let students do a group project on which they can draw
Some examples of living and non living things.

I will different types of visual aids that can help learners better
Understand the lesson until such time they can be able to classify
The difference between living and non living things.

Yes, it is appropriate to their level because I will use words

And examples that they are already familiar with.

I have given them some guided questions in order for them to

Give out some examples of the topic.
 What are some examples from the video of living things?
 What are some examples from the video of nonliving things?

I will use different types of videos available in YOUTUBE which

can help learners see the difference between living things and
non living things.

Yes I believe that my mode of assessment was align with the learning
outcomes because student will be able to classify the difference
Between living things and non living things.
Yes, because by giving them some project-based activity will help
them better understand the lesson. They can also get some ideas
from their group since I will plan to divide them into groups.

I can rate it 6 since I am still starting and learning. I still believe that
There are still a lot rooms for improvement.

If this lesson will be done remotely, I will prepare a slideshow that

will show the flow of the lesson. Inside the slideshow I will include
the video that is included in the plan. For the activity instead of doing
It by group I will assign it individually as their homework.

Objectives are critical to effective instruction because they help instructors

plan the instructional strategies and activities they will use, including the materials
and resources to support learning. It is essential that the objective be clear and
describe the intended learning outcome. Aside from this Lesson planning provides teachers with
the opportunity to plan ahead for what they want to teach. This allows teachers to focus on what
they need for their lesson, and it also provides a time frame for what needs to be done.


When a teacher does not have enough time to do his/her lesson plan. If the teacher will not
have enough time to do his/her lesson plan tendency is the lesson plan will not be well-prepared
and will not suit the level of the students.

In order to for to avoid this challenges, I will make sure to have enough time to write my lesson plan.
Doing it in advance can help me design the lesson plan that is appropriate to the level of my students.

I will include more activities in my lesson to avoid boredom with the students and also to catch their
attention. Because if teacher will always talk in front of the students sometimes students tend not to
listen to the teacher.

Based on my answers above, my possible title of this activity will be:


Here are some useful links that I think that can enhance my writing and making an
effective lesson plan:

 Brainpop Educators -

 Common Sense Education -
 Core Knowledge -
 Education place -
 Education .com

For books:
 The Writing Strategies Book - Jennifer Serravillo
 Reading in the wild - Donalyn Miller
 Inquiry-based Lesson - Jana Kircher

Page 89 ep 11

Greetings , warn - up Music played (warm-up)

Learning Outlines Visual Aids/ blackboard
Recap/Review Notebook/ book
Explanation ,giving Visual aids/books
Guided questions Oral recitation/book
More examples Pictures/ flashcards
Skills practices Group activity
Oral Random names
Homework Notebook/ worksheet

Pg 90

I didn’t see anything unusual reaction as if they are already using it for a long time..But the class was very organized.

At first, the class was very noisy but when the teacher came in the class students started to go back to there sits and
started to greet the teacher altogether. Everybody was energized when the teacher started to play the music and students
are doing the action song.

The previous lesson was just a continuation with the new topic they learned on that day. So the students did not struggles
that much since they already have an idea about their lesson..

Yes, despite that the teacher already did the recap and explained the topic well, still there were some students
. was assisting those students.
need assistance in understanding the lesson. The resource teacher

As far as I noticed they were able to relate the lesson based on their own experience. But still there were
some that were having difficulties. .
They were very quiet maybe because they were still shy towards me and I was only given a few minutes because
. teacher.
of the time, the students need to finished the activity with their

Upon observing the class from the beginning until the end, students were able to gave more explanation during
. which is after the greetings and warm up activity.
the end part of the lesson compared to review part of the lesson

Upon getting this lesson plan as sample, I noticed that it is really important to have an organized
lesson plan so that it will be easy for the teacher to follow it. Although this is
just a semi-detailed lesson plan it already given much information and details for the
topic which on HOW PLANTS GROW? With this lesson plan it also includes the
Estimated time on how much time the teacher need to give on a specific flow of the lesson.
The teacher shows that she’s It would be better if the teacher
really prepared for the class. gave some visuals for some of
She was able to explained it the examples given to the
well and able to gave more students.
She had well-organized There were some students at
printouts on hand to conduct the back that were not paying
the lesson. The teacher was attention in the class
able to discussion. And I doubt if they
conduct her lesson very were able to really understand
smoothly since she was very the topic
Since the teacher was well Since there were group
prepared in the lesson, she was activities given to the students,
able to prepared different students were starting to make
activities related to the topic some noises that makes
which makes the class distraction to others.
interesting and fun.

Teacher showed different There were 2 students who did

strategies in explaining the not received the worksheets
topic. She was able to gave 2 with this they just shared with
worksheets to the students for their classmates.
them to answer individually
before proceeding the group
Yes, the teacher prepared The handwriting was a little bit
visual aids that she posted in small which caused some
the blackboard. She also uses students to stand up to check
the blackboard in writing the spelling in front.
important notes that the
students wrote in their
The teacher did well in The voice of the teacher was
implementing classroom not okay that day since she was
management. Students were not feeling well and have a
already aware of the rules little cold that cause her voice
inside the classroom. Teacher to be so soft and some students
also have good time were not able to understand
management because she was some of the words she uttered.
able to finished the lesson in
The teacher demonstrated I cannot think any areas of
sensitivity for each of her improvement in this part of this
students by respecting their activity.
cultures, gender difference,
and their disabilities.

The teacher gave an individual Because of the number of

activity as well as group students present in class, some
activity during her class of the students were not able to
discussion. The teacher was have enough assistance from
roaming around the classroom their teacher.
and was trying to assist her
The teacher was dressed The teacher should always
professionally according to well-presented, simple but
her job. The teacher appeared appropriate.
to be very confident on what
she was teaching with the
different approaches she used
for her students to understand
the material.

There are 2 big blackboard in I am not sure if the TV is

front. There is also a TV at the working because it was not
back of the class. The seating used that day during my
arrangement is alternate girl- observation.
boy-girl pattern. The teacher
table is in front of the class and
there are 2 ceiling fan inside
the classroom.
I was blessed to observed this kind of teacher which is very evident to her that she already
had plenty of years of experience in teaching. She shows a quality of a good teacher. I was
really thankful to her since I was able to get ideas that can help me in this journey in becoming
a teacher in the future. With her skills in teaching I can see that her way of teachings were very
effective to her students and I witnessed it on how the students responded to her class discussion.


The area of the lesson that need improvement is the last part which is enhancing
the retention of the students. I find it challenging because some students they easily
tend to forget the lesson.

There were lots of problem that I encountered while delivering my lesson, one
was the time. I was only given a short period of time. I only introduced myself
And some class management. ( checking attendance)

I am only basing my answer on the teacher that I observed. The problem I noticed was
due to the number of students she was not able to attend all the student’s need. In order
for her to address her issue, she can try to manage her time so that she can have enough
time to address all the student’s need.

Like I mentioned above, having time management can help her avoid such situation.
But I really cannot blame her it was really because of the number of students.

Based on my answer above I can name my action research plan as:

How to have an Effective Flow of the Lesson?

Here are some useful books and links on how to deliver an effective lesson:

 The Lesson Planning Handbook by Peter Brunn

 The Complete Guide to Lesson Planning and Preparation by Anthony Haynes
 Lesson Planning by Melinda Schoenfeldt; Denise E. Salsbury

Ep12 p102-103

It is a very effective
With these materials
materials since it can
used the teacher was
Flashcards/ Visual saved time of the
able to capture the
Aids teacher instead
attention of the
writing it on the

The teacher was able

to provide handouts This type of
to the students for materials can give
them to have students time to have
something to review a self-study at home.
at home.
The teacher used It catches the
music video from attention of the
this site so that students and allows
student can follow to have more
the steps for their engagement with the
warm-up and activity. It makes the
icebreaker part of the activity more lively
lesson. and fun.

Much as I wanted as well as the resource teacher would permit but the time was restricted.
They were following the schedule that day since they are having an outdoor activity in the
afternoon and they still need to finish some important lesson that day.

Before the said observation I asked permission of the head of the school if I can have
an observation for my FS activity. I talked directly to the teacher that was assigned to me.
She told me to be at school at 8:00 in the morning so that I can observed their
morning routine.

During the first period the teacher introduced me to her students, after that
she asked me to checked the attendance of her students.After checking the
attendance, they started their morning warm-up dance accompanied
by a music.

I was not able to really assist the teacher using the materials. But by just observing
her using the some visual aids with her lesson it was really effective because
students were starting to participate in the class discussion.

As I mentioned above, the moment the teacher used the materials, it catches the
students attention and it started the engagement of the student.

It was really effective because the engagement of the students towards the lesson was
already there. They were really starting to participate in the class discussion. Some
students even added more examples that were related to the topic.

Maybe the minor thing that need to be improved is the letters in the visual aid
presented. It was a little bit small that some of the students at the weren’t able to see the
writings very clearly.

If given a chance in the future, I would be mindful with my handwriting. I would

make sure that it is very visible to all the students inside the class, in order to
avoid some noise because students were starting to stand up because they cannot see
it clearly.

It should be connected to the learning outcomes in selecting instructional

materials to be used in the class. It should be clear and accessible to the
every students in class.

As of today I cannot really say that I am 100% ready in making and selecting
Materials needed in the lesson. But with this experienced and activity I
Have gained a lot of knowledge that I can use in the future.


I should do more readings, research and more observation so that I can

know what are the suitable materials that I should use in a certain topic or lesson.

In order for me to know what are the best materials that I will use is to
ask someone who already knowledgeable to watch more video online so that
I can get more ideas and knowledge.

During my observation I saw some minor challenges and areas that needed
to be improve. One of those is the handwriting in the visual used. Also the
speaker that was used during the warm-up activity it was not that loud and
the quality of the music is not that clear.

Instructional materials provide the core

information that students will
instructional materials : design + teach
experience,learn and apply during a
+ engage

Instructional materials are essential and use of
since they help the teacher an students
instructional materials
avoid overemphasis on recitation.

Visual presentation. Instructional that is an online design tool that anyone can use to create
presentations, info graphics, concept maps,
schedules, reports and more


Learning theories help instructional designers understand how people retain and recall information
and stay motivated and engaged in learning.  
I hope to achieve to address the challenge in selecting appropriate and proper
instructional materials through variety of strategies and skill I want to improve.
There are plenty of distractions, the hinders to students to study their lessons. So
that we as teacher must provide interactive and eye - catching lessons.

I believe that the best way to improve the situation is to assess the learners'
ability to learn from the instructional materials provided by the teacher and
identify why they aren't effective. In that way, we can identify what we need to do
to improve it.
“Suitable Instructional Material for an Effective Learning”

This app can be used in giving out worksheets

specially if you are doing a remote class.

Aside from Microsoft this app is very useful in

WPS typing files and also making power point for

This allow you make some questions that the

teacher can share to his/her students.

In this app you can get worksheets,lesson plan
and even online games.

This is an app that have ready made slides that

can be used in teaching.

This app can help the

engagement of the students
WPS PowerPoint presentation
since it can help capture the
interest of the students

This app can help to give the

nearpod Additional slide show teacher some ideas on how
to make the lesson.

This app allows students to

have more engagement every
Youtube Warm-up/icebreaker
time they can hear music as
their icebreaker part.

As far as I recall it is preferable to use an app that students are already familiar with when selecting
applications. There will be no time wasted in order to ensure that the lecture flows well. And I chose
the applications based on how useful they are to kids and how popular they are.
P 116
It is simply that they are already familiar with several applications particularly in YouTube, which is
why they are so intent on listening to and watching this type of stage performance. With the help of the
WPS applications, the elements and type of stage play for the lesson were revealed. Apart from
witnessing the type of stage play, students get their own copy of the lesson. Following a viewing of the
type of stage play on YouTube which is the essential events will be highlighted.

I must mention that everything went smoothly throughout the exercise while using the tools I used,
particularly when using YouTube to pique the students' attention. We all know that kids are very
enthusiastic about viewing videos.

The usage of YouTube is something that requires summarizing major events or the kind of videos
that have been played. They must make a stop motion animate on based on the game they are playing.
However, it has been a long time since the remainder of the activities were turned into homework.

Instead of utilizing any applications, I should have had the kids capture two to three minutes of video
and then highlight the relevant parts of the video. I should permit a type of motion that is tend to the kids
to have brought home activity from the video present sort of stage performance.

When choosing apps, it is preferable to choose apps that the student is already familiar with. It is for
the sake of maintaining the lesson's flow, and no time will be wasted. I chose applications that are both
useful and popular among students while selecting them.

Page 117
I believe I am capable of organizing and implementing an app in the teaching and learning process.
I can claim that I have a good understanding of the popular applications that are important in teaching
and learning, but I am still working on mastering them.

I may state that I need to know when I'm going to use specific programs. Because not all
applications are appropriate for various sorts of topics in class, I need to know which one is appropriate
for which topic.

I believe that I should read and practice utilizing educational applications by downloading and using
them on a regular basis.

The popularity of an application does not mean that students are already familiar with it. The issue
that has arisen with the use of apps is the pupils' lack of preparation and understanding

Mobile learning was praised by the students as a method that might
considerably boost their motivation. Researchers and
practitioners should examine the fact that mobile learning can
improve academic attainment and performance while also increasing
student motivation. The use of proper study and learning strategies in the classroom had
/331824362_Investigating_the_Effect_of a favorable effect on students' academic progress, as it raised their
_Using_the_Mobile_Educational_App_a final scores. Learning proper study and learning techniques for
s_Appropriate_Method_of_Study_and_ students in the form of a curriculum holding workshop, and of
L course, given the popularity of smartphones among students, one
earning_on_Students'_Educational_Achi benefit of mobile education applications might be improved
evement academic accomplishment.

Rationalization on the app in library and book

search applications in order to achieve optimal performance of
educational applications and suitable apps for particular
categories with alerts before the deadline and a range of
teaching techniques. Students may study more easily with these
unique features since educational applications have become more
engaging and dependable.

The concept that a child's environment influences his or her learning and behavior is known as
environmentalists learning theory. It was connected to this notion because if the environment
was organized and all learning tools were available to pupils, they would be able to reach
their maximum.potential and talents. Student learning acquisition is aided by a conducive setting with
learning resources.


As a future I will make sure to monitor the student’s progress and check on the things
that they are watching Online since the environment can really affect the
student’s behavior or progress.

Better guidance and be mindful in every time you are showing and teaching to the students
to avoid this kind of problem.


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