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Material & Apparatus

Production of the food products

Execution Cost

Production and Marketing plan

Expected outcome




Our group would like to express our gratitude to our sincere BIology teacher,
Mrs.Lim Yee Kei, and our glorious, prestigious Biology Department for giving us students,
the opportunity to conduct Project-Based Learning during our second academic semester.
Throughout the making of this project, we hope it can galvanize us to have a deeper
understanding of the topic we are researching, as we will be doing a myriad of research high
and low.

We are dearly obliged to our parents for guiding us throughout this project, giving us
a chance as teenagers to explore the scientific world even more, by sacrificing a tiny amount
of money to let us complete our research and experiment.

Moreover, we are overwhelmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge

all the sincere efforts of scientists and postgraduates who have carried out their practical
experiments and research by uploading their reports and journal ubiquitously for everyone to
study, to have a deeper depth of understanding about the relevant topics.


Fermentation is the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other

microorganisms. A simple way to define it is the incomplete breakdown of glucose in limited
or no oxygen conditions. Fermentation dates to 10,00 BCE with the preservation of milk
from animals like camels and sheep. Spontaneous dairy fermentation was discovered in North
Africa, making the first documented yogurt. Our modern understanding of the fermentation
process comes from the work of Pasteur. He was the first to demonstrate experimentally that
fermented beverages result from the action of living yeast transforming glucose into ethanol.
Alcoholic fermentation is a complex biochemical process during which yeasts convert sugars
to ethanol, carbon dioxide, and other metabolic byproducts that contribute to the chemical
composition and sensorial properties of the fermented foodstuffs. The typical examples of
beer and wine are an example resulting from the action of yeasts. Fermentation processes to
produce wines, beers, and ciders are traditionally carried out with Saccharomyces cerevisiae
strains, the most common and commercially available yeast. Many other essential industrial
products are the result of fermentation, such as yogurt, cheese, bread, and coffee. Yeasts also
play a key role in wastewater treatment or biofuel production. From a biochemical point of
view, fermentation is carried out by yeasts (and some bacteria) when pyruvate generated from
glucose metabolism is broken into ethanol and carbon dioxide. The chemical equation for the
production of ethanol from glucose is shown below :

C6H12O6(glucose)⟶2C2H5OH(ethanol)+CO2(carbon dioxide)
Our group’s target food product is making fermented lemon. We believe that lemon is keen
among youngsters like us and enjoyably consumed on a hot day after school.


Fermentation is a natural process that can be used in a number of ways for a wide variety of
food products. It is an ancient technique for preserving food. The process is still used today to
produce foods like wine, cheese, sauerkraut, yogurt, and kombucha. Preserved lemons
originated as a practical solution for storing and using the fruit long after the season ended.
They are made with fresh whole lemons, sometimes halved or quartered, that are packed in a
brine of kosher salt and water or lemon juice—essentially, pickled lemons. In this project, we
will discover more about the fermentation of lemon and the microbiology in this experiment.

In nature, the growth of one bacterial strain usually prevents others from growing,
since they compete for the same nutrients. But, that’s not what happens when fermented
lemon is made. Instead, fermented sweet lemon juice (Citrus limetta) using Lactobacillus
Plantarum LS5: Chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities.

Material & Apparatus

- Lemon
- Sugar
- Jar
- Knife
- Plastic wrap

Production of the food products (procedure)

Execution Cost

No. Item Unit Price (RM) Quantity Total Price (RM)

1. Lemon 6.50/pcs 10 65.00
2. Sugar 3.00/pack 2 6.00
3. Cameron Tea (BOH) 15.20/box 1 15.20
4. Organic Mint Leaf 5.00/pack 3 15.00
5. Ice Cube 2.00/kg 5 10.00
6. Cocktail Umbrella 6.50/pack 3 19.50
7. Black Straws 3.00/pack 5 15.00

Expected outcome

In the past, the beneficial effects of fermented foods on health were unknown, and so people primarily
used fermentation to preserve foods, enhance shelf life, and improve flavor. Fermented foods became
an important part of the diet in many cultures, and over time fermentation has been associated with
many health benefits. As a result, fermented foods provide many health benefits such as anti-oxidant,
anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-atherosclerotic activity.

Complex, bright, and bursting with umami flavor from natural fermentation, preserved lemons have a
more intense, concentrated taste than raw lemons. Brining aw lemons, which typically lasts between a
couple weeks and a month, also softens their peel and pith and mellows their bitter and tart flavors.
The end result? A versatile soft and lemony condiment that complements a variety of dishes. And
unlike a squeeze of regular lemon juice or a dusting of zest, this unique product yields a creamier,
softer character thanks to the lactic acid that results from fermentation.

By putting ourselves into producing and marketing a product, it increased our reach and revenue. It
allows us to know our customers better and lets the customer come to us. The money we earned, it
will be put to good use such as sustaining ourselves. With that, we managed to become financially


Fermented lemon has a long history and its benefits have been valued by many
people, particularly those with gastrointestinal problems. The production behind it is
well understood, allowing for improvements and advancements in both the quality and
efficient manufacturing of the product. Improving its health potential of it has become
a popular field, and for industrial reasons, enhancing the taste and texture, as well as
the storage life of yogurt is an appealing advancement for its consumers. Fermented
lemon in its basic form is a very eco-friendly product, as humans are essentially
consuming the waste products of acidic fermentation. Additionally, the unique taste,
texture, and potential for even better health benefits make yogurt an attractive food for
people of many cultures. Nevertheless, the interesting nutritional properties of its
diversity and the opening and increasing of new markets offer important perspectives
for their development at the world scale.




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