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Suci Wulandari 2122068

Supporting lecturer :





We thank God Almighty for His mercy and grace that we were able to complete this

marketing plan well. The marketing plan entitled “ Croffle “ aims to complement the

culinary business plan literature in the marketing business world. In writing this business

plan, we got a lot of help from various parties.

Therefore, we would like to thank all those who have help us in writing this business

plan. We really hope that this business plan can useful in carrying uot marketing

strategies in the culinary world. Hopefully this business plan can usefull for all of us. We

are aware that this business plan is still far from perfect, that’s all due to our limited

ability and knowledge.

We apologize if there are misspelled words. Therefore, we sincerely hope for readers

to provide constructive criticism and suggestions. Finally, we apologize when writing this

business plan there are many mistakes.

Balikpapan, 18 April 2022


TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 3

A. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................... 4

B. COMPANY DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 5

C. MISSION STATEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 5

D. SWOT ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................... 5

E. GOODS/SERVICES PRODUCED....................................................................................................... 6

F. MARKET ASPECT ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................... 7

G. ENGINEERING ASPECT ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 8

H. Financial Aspect Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 9

I. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 10

Croffle is a culinary that produces and sells croffles but not as usual. With the

modification of the taste of cheese, chocolate, white chocolate, fruit, and so on that makes

this cake different and unique because of the color variants of the cake. This business is a

homemade business that is then promoted through social media (instagram, WhatsApp,

Line, etc.). This cake is a simple modern cake that is suitable to accompany a person in

the morning with a cup of coffee or warm tea. In addition, used to eat in the morning,

croffle can be used as a dessert or can be used as a hunger-delaying food with the

nutritional content of the cake filling.

A light cake called croffle is one of the contemporary snacks that are being talked

about among the young people. Who doesn't know a simple cake made from a dough that

smells typical of butter and milk that is very suitable to be eaten with a warm cup of

coffee. At this time the croffle cake has mushroomed in various parts of the city with

various prices and variants of flavors. With many croffle cake sellers in various corners of

the city, it certainly provides its own challenges for the younger generation to continue to

cultivate ideas as creatively as possible in order to continue to develop foods that have

offered opportunities for success in the business sector.

Croffle outlets are located in strategic locations that can certainly be reached by public

transportation and private vehicles. In addition to Croffle with a unique and attractive

look, the price of Croffle is affordable and can be eaten from the age of children to adults.

Croffles can make it easier for customers to order food, there is no need to come or queue

at the outlet, customers can order this Croffle by ordering to an online food taxi service

provider. In addition, Croffle palso provides cash on delivery services and free delivery

when customers are in the area around the outlet.

Croffle outlets are located in strategic locations that can certainly be reached by

public transportation and private vehicles. The atmosphere created by Croffle outlets is

clean and comfortable, so that consumers can eat directly Croffle products at the outlet

and can also be taken home directly. In addition to Croffle with a unique and attractive

look, the price of Croffle is affordable and can be eaten from the age of children to

adults. croffles can make it easier for customers to order food, there is no need to come

or queue at the outlet, customers can order this Croffle by ordering to an online food taxi

service provider.


 Realizing a simple restaurant that is close to the community


 Prioritizes the quality of food and service

 Maintaining authentic taste


 Croffle has a unique and attractive look because it has a variety of color variants that make

consumers want to feel this product.

 In addition to the skin color variant of this croffle, a variety of flavor variants we present

in this cake.

 Croffle has a delicious taste due to the selection of quality raw materials.

 The price of croffle is very affordable for all circles.

 The location of the outlet is strategically located so that it is easily accessible to consumers

either by private vehicle or public transportation.

 There is an online ordering system service so that consumers from various regions can

order this product for additional shipping costs.


 Products are only one type

The products offered are only one type of modern cake that exists, if consumer tastes

continue to change, it is not impossible that this product will be abandoned and switched

to another more innovative product.

 Short expiration period

This croffle has a short expiration period, it can be stored in the refrigerator but the taste

of this cake can be reduced if stored in the refrigerator because this cake can be hard.


 Taste

Croffle products make this cake delicious and have a variety of colors and flavors of this

croffle. This color innovation is also intended to target / attract all market segments so that

croffle products become a public taste as an opportunity to get more profit.

 Competition

Seeing from the competition this business opportunity will be very promising, this is

because the rivals for this business can be said not much.


 There will be many other parties who will imitate this croffle business, especially the

uniqueness and product this will certainly make a new rival for us.

 There are new traders in the community and around selling their croffle merchandise at

cheaper prices and different grade materials.


Croffle is a Croffle-shaped food product that has a more unique concept than most

other Croffle products, because it has a unique and attractive look and different flavor
variants from other Croffles. Namely pink with strawberry flavor variants, green with

cheese and chocolate flavors, purple with blueberry flavor, and other content color


This croffle color comes from natural colors such as pandan leaf green, pink with

strawberry fruit extract, yellow with orange fruit extract, but if the flavor variant that

produces pastel color will be mixed with food coloring. With the color and flavor variant

of this Croffle will attract consumers to taste the taste of this Croffle.

The type of product in the "croffle" consists of one pcs crofle or one package

consisting of colors such as red, yellow, green, blue. Or consumers can order pastel

color packages.


 Market and Target Overview

This Croffle sales business is a small business that is run from scratch by opening an

outlet located in the owner's house. If this business is successful or successful and can

achieve the expected goals, then the owner will enlarge this business by opening


 Types of Products Marketed

The product I market is Croffle with various flavors and contents that have a unique

look that is colorful and also has a nutritious content.

 Target Market

Croffle products can be enjoyed by various groups ranging from schoolchildren,

students, office employees, housewives, to the elderly even though they can enjoy this

product because it uses natural and quality ingredients.

 Competitors

For now we have some competitors. Like croffle traders who first have a well-known

market and brand. Because Croffle has sold a lot. However, the influence of competitors
on the sale of Croffle is a little influential because the competitors have already sold

Croffle and also have a place to sell strategically enough so that many people do activities

around the place and often buy Croffle there.

 Target Buyer

The target of this Croffle is light cake connoisseurs in the morning, during the day,

or additional cakes for the celebration, from all walks of life ranging from schoolchildren,

office employees, students, housewives, and others. Especially those who are very

interested in the unique look of croffles.

 Product Development
Future product development for croffle products is only developed by

presenting or distributing to customers. Unique and interesting pelango croffle will

certainly be one of the attractions for consumers.


 Product

This Croffle product is a delivery food or Dessert that is suitable to be eaten for fans

of simple and modern cakes. In addition, these foods do not use preservatives that are

harmful and safe to consume. To attract customers, Croffle food products are packaged

and served attractive, practical, and ready to eat anywhere.

 Price

The selling price of Croffle products is adjusted to the price of competitors, which is

Rp. 8,500.00 for one Croffle. For one portion of shape with red, yellow, green, and

blue colors are charged a portion of Rp. 35,000.00. With an attractive look and delicious

and nutritious taste. This croffle can attract consumers and is also rich in protein and as a

hunger-delaying food.
 Promotion

Croffle promotion is done by providing discounts for purchases within the first

month. Promotions that we will do by distributing brochures of crowded places and

spreading them on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Line, Whatsapp and others. In

the first months we will also provide discounts and discounts to consumers, so that

consumers are interested in our products and can visit again.

 Place

The place we use in this business is the owner's residence which is strategically

located on the side of the highway and can be accessed by private and public vehicles.

Where the sale of Croffle products is in a strategic place, With the densely populated

area around the place of sale. This is enough to support these trading activities. Because,

strategically will more or less cause effects to buy this cake, people who previously did

not know the existence of our products and the uniqueness we have more quickly known,

thus the Human Factor who usually likes to try new things will arise.

H. Financial Aspect Analysis

The initial capital requirement to start a business is Rp. 2,950,000,-. The

funds are allocated for the initial expenditure needs of production. The following

is a breakdown of the initial needs needed to run a business at the beginning of

Price per Total Age Depreciation/Year
No. Component Sum Unit
Unit (Rp) Cost (Rp.) (years) (Rp)

Cart / Storefront 1 Unit 1.500.000 1.500.000 3 500.000

Gas Stove 1 Unit 150.000 150.000 3 50.000

3kg Gas Cylinder 1 Unit 120.000 120.000 3 40.000

Blender 1 Unit 200.000 200.000 2 100.000

Basin/bowl 2 Unit 12.000 24.000 3 8.000

Pot 1 Unit 60.000 60.000 3 20.000

Knife 2 Unit 50.000 100.000 2 50.000

Spoon 1 Unit 25.000 25.000 2 12.500

Chopping board 2 Unit 5.000 10.000 1 10.000

Total Cost
2.134.000 790.500


This croffle is a type of contemporary snack that is loved in various circles. This food

comes from the West, with a unique and new taste and shape. With a strategic marketing

process and place, this business is quite promising. The price of croffle can also be said to be

affordable, it can also be eaten by early childhood and adults at the outlet and can be taken

home. To make it easier for our customers to provide cash on delivery services.

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