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Analysis of Us Poster

With this first horror film poster for the 2019 film Us we can see how this poster conveys the
horror genre well and also engages the audience as well as scares the audience which can
lead to them wanting to watch the film for the thrill. Straight away we can see clearly how the
woman in the horror poster is taking up the majority of the image which is conventional to a
horror film poster as this is used to be eye catching to the audience and attract their attention
straight away. It is also seen on this poster how the audience can see the use of a medium
close up being used as the shot type as this is also conventional to a horror film poster
especially as it is used to capture expression and emotion which is key when conveying the
horror film genre as this helps catch the audience’s attention. As we take a closer look at the
image we can see the woman giving direct address to the audience in the photograph
because by doing this it looks like she is directly addressing the audience which grabs their
attention instantly and we can also see how the use of the direct address connotes the
horror genre well as it looks like she is dead behind the eyes and her stare gives off a bone
chilling feeling to the audience which is conventional for the horror genre. The colour
scheme used throughout this horror film poster is black, red and white which connotes horror
well as we see these colours used often as dark colours have connotations of fear and
darkness which is suitable for the horror genre and we can also see red which connotes
blood and death which is also very conventional for the horror film genre. The use of low-key
lighting used in this horror poster to convey the genre well as the use of low-key lighting is
used frequently in horror and is very conventional to the genre. We can see how the use of
the mise en scene conveys the horror genre well as we see the use of the lighting as well as
the makeup of the women crying as it is seen as she takes off her mask which is
conventional to the horror genre. The image on a horror film poster is always a striking
image to grab the audience’s attention and we can see the image on this film poster as
striking as we see her taking a fake face off to reveal her true emotion. In the poster we can
see that the title of the film is the largest font used and it also has a unique font compared to
the rest of the text used in the poster as this is used to make the title stand out to the
audience and catch their attention. In this poster we can see the credits are positioned in the
centre of the page and are also the smallest text on the page as the image takes up a large
amount of the poster but this is conventional to a horror film poster.

Analysis of The Conjuring 2

In this film poster for The Conjuring 2 made in 2016 we can also see as an audience how
this poster conveys the horror genre well. In this poster we can instantly see the main image
as it takes up a large amount of the page as this is conventional to a film poster as it is used
to grab the reader’s attention instantly. With this poster from The Conjuring 2 we can see the
use of mise en scene used well as there is a lot going on in the poster such as the close up
of the pale hand with a prop of a religious chain round it which has connotations to the film
but also conveys the horror genre well as religious imagery is used in horror quite frequently,
we can also see the costume of the Nun on the right hand side as this lets the audience
know that she will play a role in the film but also the use of low key lighting to try and hide
her from the audience has connotations of the horror genre. The low-key lighting used in this
film poster conveys the genre of the film well as this is conventional to the horror genre and
we see low key lighting used a lot in horror as it has connotations of fear and danger which
leaves the audience in suspense. The use of a dark colour scheme in this horror poster is
used to connote the genre of the film well and is also conventional for a horror film as we see
all horror’s use dark colour schemes. We can see that the font of the title is the largest text
on the page and has its own unique font which is not only conventional for a horror film
poster but the font used on this also conveys the film well. In this poster we can see how key
information such as the date of release for the film has a different font as this is conventional
to let the audience see key information about the film. With the image we can see the use of
a close up of the hand with the religious chain across her hand which is conventional a
horror film poster as it is used to engage the audience straight away. We can see that the
credits of the poster are also centred in the middle of the page and it is also the smallest font
on the poster which is conventional for a horror film poster.
Analysis of Annabelle

With the third and final horror film poster that I am analysing I have looked at the film poster
for the 2014 horror Annabelle. Straight away, we instantly see the main image of the doll
stand out as it is the largest image on the page which is conventional for a horror film poster
as the main image is used to engage the audience and catch their eye straight away. The
use of the colour scheme (black, red and white) is used to convey the horror genre well as
we can see that it is conventional for a horror film poster to contain these colours as the use
of the colours red and black have strong connotations to the horror film genre. We can see
that there is a use of direct address used in this horror film poster as we see Annabelle
giving direct address to the audience which is conventional for a horror film poster as direct
address is used to engage with the audience and make it look like the doll is addressing you
directly. We can see that the title of the film “Annabelle” is the largest text on the screen and
it also has a unique font which is conventional to a film poster as this makes it stand out to
the audience and it also ensure the audience knows the title of the film clearly. We see the
use of low-key lighting used in this horror film poster as we see low key lighting used a lot in
horror film posters as it has strong connotations to the horror film genre and the use of
low-key lighting in horror posters is also conventional as it makes the poster look more
sinister. We can see that the credits for the film poster are positioned at the bottom of the
page and are centred in the middle which is conventional to a film poster and it is also the
smallest text on the page. We see the use of a tagline used in this horror film poster which is
conventional to the horror film genre as it is the second largest text on the page but is used
to be effective to the audience and keep them engaged to watch the film when it releases.
They have used colour to highlight key information such as the release date of the film which
is conventional to the horror film poster as this will make it stand out to the audience so they
know important information. The image is taken as a medium long shot which is not
conventional to a horror film poster however, it tills strikes the audiences and makes it eye
catching as it takes up a large amount of the page.

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