Reflection Essay With Generalization.

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Name: Mercado, Lishell D.

Sectuon: 12-STEM 5

6 Facets (conformity and deviance)

E- people violate norms without different reasons. One, they tend to let their emotions and desire
control them. Although it did sound like it's not their control but if they knew how to handle those,
it's still them. They still violate rules and that makes them violate norms.
I- we are humans and we should treat everyone like it. We are not born to live like any lower
organisms on this planet. We are born to think, innovate and make our generation better for the
future. And if we are not treated like one, then we are not called a human at all.
A- i can promote regulations by following them obediently knowing that it'll do good for me and
the society. I can also address discipline to people especially with the people who always violate
the norms in their own liking. We have to adjust to make things in order anyway.
P- I'm not in the role in deciding if the commission on human rights should receive proper budgets
since they don't even do their jobs properly. It's always in the upper part of the government who
can decide and if I even have the voice to tell my opinions, what has to be done, is needed to be
done. That's just my opinion. But if i were to give a choice then…. No. They'll just make lame
excuses to corrupt the country all over again.
Em- Deciding who's guilty and not guilty is something beyond my experience at this point. I'm still
a student and I don't know how the world works completely at this age. But what I know is that,
that'll decide it in terms of morality, if it is intentional, etc etc.
Sk- i can prevent violating regulations by following obediently because I know that this will make
things in order and that people can live their lives at ease without any deviance.


Ex: Why do people form into groups?
- As social beings, we tend to look into things that resemble us. We seek a place where we are
comfortable in and how we can astonish that. And for some reason, groups makes and builds us
for who we are as a person
Interpretation: interpret the phrase "coming together is a beginning: keeping together is a
progress;working together is success" by Henry Ford
- We already know how people come and go. Meeting new people is the start and making it intact
is the process in simple terms. We form a group which is the beginning and forming it is the
progress. Although it can be compared to us meeting new people year by year, it is applicable to
some form of groups that we have. But, it wouldn't be called a group if the main goal is not
attained. So working together is termed success.
Application: how will you be able to stay in a group longer?
- Some people tend to force themselves just to stay in a group. But I don't do that. I choose people
who are suitable to be in a group and are straightforward to each other rather than backstabbing
while you're in that group. This is what I could notice with some people. They make friends with
them, form a group, and ruin each other. That's just toxic. So for me, being understandable
enough and talking it out would make a group stay longer.
Em- do you believe in the quotation "tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are".
Give a situation.
- Like I mentioned earlier, we look for a place that suits us or vice versa. Here, it can be seen how
we tolerate this group and that's how we are. And yes, I do believe in these quotations. People
interact with the same interests, hobbies, or other things that they seemed to have similarities
Pers- do you think that being in a group molds the personality of an individual?
- Ofcourse. Because being in a group is living in a certain environment with norms or what. If the
groups had a rule to hug each other every meeting, then they'll grow that hobby and might as well
apply it to everyone. That is if they dared to. But some people surely do this. Norms can mold
them or the environment itself. Whether that environment is toxic then they'll be toxic as well. If
it's a sweet environment, then they'll grow to be sweet too.
Sk- as a productive fcpcian, how will you be able to contribute to your social group and social
organization? Give examples
- I can contribute by giving suggestions on how they face day to day challenges. Of course a
members will always ask for help and us other members are there to help the guy out. Not only
that it makes the bond stronger, but it also increases self development in terms of mentality.
People can also be wiser if they help each other out especially if they are in the environment they
chose to live in.

6 facets (CULTURE)
Ex- why is culture important to society?
- Culture builds and molds us. Growing up with a certain culture is what makes every individual
unique in their own ways. Culture also helps us build the mentality of being united despite the
differences we have between each other. Also, this makes us find ourselves along the way by
meeting people with the same norms or people who are entirely different from us.
A- how do humans learn and transmit culture?
- Most people transfer culture if they are proud of it or have an intention of sharing it to
others and be complimented. They also transmit culture to build the values and morals
that they think people may follow. Although it sounded a bit normal, this is how they spread
their thoughts and how they can interact with people through the culture they are born in.
I- what is meant by the statement that 'culture is fluid rather than static'
- Culture is very dynamic and flexible. They do not stay in one place. They can improve or
developed over time. This is because people have different mindsets and as for transmitting or
living with it, it can be mixed up by other cultures. This is why we are unique. We can observe this
in a person who has the same culture as you but has the same culture of the other person. This
makes culture fluid.
P- why do anthropologists believe that culture is a unique quality of man that separates him from
form of animals?
- Because culture makes us for who we are right now. If it wasn't for any culture then we wouldn't
think and act like we are right now. Having a certain culture makes us stable and think like no
other species on earth. We go by language rather than instincts and that makes us above in
every lower form of animals
P- how do you respect other's culture?
- By letting that person live in the culture he/she wants to live in rather than forcing them with my
own culture. This is what makes me irritated with some people. We should always respect what
they have to offer , understand that they do too have something that they want to live with, and
sure to be kind rather than judging them from their beliefs and culture.
Sk- as a nationalistic fcpcian, how should filipinos preserve their cultural heritage?
- By being someone who is proud to be who they are. And that is being a Filipino. We should
always treasure what is given to us and teach the younger person how they are born in a certain
race and language. We should also give importance to those historic times with unique ways. I
know people would be just bored by it since most people hates long stories. But, if we can
address it in a unique and creative manner, not only that we made it possible for the younger
generations to know but also given the fact that they will always remember the traits that run
through their veins and serve the country they are born in.


I have learned a lot of things throughout this whole grading. Not only the information that needed
to be known but also the morals and values that came along it. Culture, family, group, society, the
government.. I never knew the importance of each of them not until I interpreted it. What I've
learned in lesson one is that socialization plays a huge role in each of us. As social beings, this
can be the root of how we look at things in our own perspective. Whether it is about people sharing
their opinions or how they tolerate each other through language and such. This just means that
socialization is something crucial to one's personality because this is the building blocks of our
feelings and thoughts. We learn in different styles and mostly it's because of uniformity in the
society. What I learned in lesson 2 is about how people violate norms based on their own
emotions, intentions, less self control, self defense and more. We really have different meanings
in every action we take. Lesson 3 is about social groups wherein people will always look in an
environment they are either comfortable or not comfortable with. This is also one of the buildin g
blocks of identity because groups can influence some people and make them for who they are as
a person. Kinship is something different. These are different bonds formed by blood, marriage
and so much stuff. Actually this is one of the interesting lessons I've encountered so far. Kinship
in marriage is a form of bond that comes along in marriage. Although this have types like polygamy
and polygyny. Kinship can also be formed in rituals or within the culture they have. Political
Leadership is about how people manage their own country. It is tackled that it is based mostly on
territory, state or nation that it is labeled in different terms like democracy, monarchy, and so much
more. It is where there is a head(someone who runs the politics) or a group of people. Of course
this differs in different countries. Social institutions include family, education, government etc
wherein it gives sets of norms and regulations that need to be followed. As such, people also
create themselves, their identity because people who are designated in these roles will always
provide the needs of a person as a social institution. And lastly, social stratifications wherein it is
also tackled in the 1st grading. It is where how people exceeds their class based on what they
are born in, achievements, or even their designated roles like slavery and such. This is where
social classes are formed and how they make a person live in either estate, class, slavery, or
General Ear
Each person is very interesting in their ways and it builds them from who they are now. What
amused me is the information about Marriage. Although I already know that a guy can marry a lot
of wives.. I never knew it can be applicable to women too. Not only that, I never knew that there
would be more about family lineage, especially groups. I thought you can only see society as it is
by observing but wow, the lesson in this grading is very eye opening for me. I will apply every
lesson that I learned so far in my everyday life. Learning these concepts makes everything good
and how people can be adhered and labeled by society.. It's just society itself is very dramatic
and dynamic to the point that it can be confusing sometimes. But after I learned about this lesson,
I will continue to apply this information in coping and tolerating my everyday life and challenges
with the people I encounter everyday. As an intelligent, productive and nationalistic FCPCian, I
will continue my journey carrying the morals and knowledge that I learned throughout the whole
semester. Because I know for a fact that it gave me the will to discover myself more. Before, I
only looked at myself as a mere student who should just study until I graduate because that's my
role for now. I never knew I could be so much more after learning this lesson. I learned how to be
aware with my surroundings and how I can interpret them in my own understanding. I can also
look at different angles that took me years to know and handle. This lesson told me that you are
born and raised for a reason, that everything has a cause, and everything is dynamic. From
deviance, kinship, social groups, governments, culture, social stratification…. Everything about
this grading makes a mark on me. And I know that it did too among my classmates.

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