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Aldeon A.



A red ant A butterfly

A white flower A chicken

A vibrant color of plant

The natural surrounds and conditions in which we live are referred to as our environment.
Regrettably, the environment is under severe attack. Human activity is almost completely to
blame for this problem. These human actions have undoubtedly caused significant
environmental damage. Most noteworthy, this devastation concerns the survival of living
creatures on Earth. As a result, there is a pressing need to safeguard the environment. We
can protect the environment by reducing the usage of plastics. Saving natural resources is a
way to save the environment. Banning deforestation is a way to save our environment. By
campaigning and generating awareness among people, you can save the environment. You
can save the environment by opting 3Rs that are Recycle, Reduce, and Recycle.

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