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Stud Farm Management System

Software Requirements Specification


Version <1.0>
Revision History
Date Version Description Author
04/08/2022 1.0 SRS 1.0 M. Usman
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Purpose 1
1.2. Scope 1
1.3. Intended Audience 2
1.4. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 3
1.5. References 3
1.6. Overview 3

2. Functional Requirements 4
2.1. Accessing Web App 4
2.2. Landing Page 4
2.3. Sign up, Sign in, Sign out 5
2.4. Profile Management 5
2.5. Dashboard 6
2.6. Management Module 7
2.7. Breeding & Reproduction Module 8
2.8. Activities Module 9
2.9. Equine Service Module 9
2.10. Riding Clubs & Equestrian Centers Module 10
2.11. Racings Module 11
2.12. Training Module 12
2.13. Sales, Purchases & Return Module 13
2.14. Movement Module 14
2.15. Supplies and Inventory Management Module 15
2.16. Revenue Tracking Module 17
2.17. Reports Module 17

3. Non-Functional Requirements 18
3.1.1. Usability 18 Graphical User Interface 18 Accessibility 18
3.1.2. Availability 18
3.1.3. Performance 18
3.1.4. Security and Privacy 18
3.1.5. Maintainability 18
3.1.6. Portability 19
3.1.7. User Documentation 19

Confidential Page
Software Requirements Specification
1. Introduction
The introduction of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) provides an overview of the
entire SRS with purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references and overview of
the SRS. The aim of this document is to gather, analyze and give an in-depth insight of the Stud
Farm Management System. Nevertheless, it also concentrates on the capabilities required by
stakeholders and their needs while defining high-level product features. The detailed
requirements of the Stud Farm Management System are provided in this document.

1.1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to collect and analyze all assorted ideas that have come up to
define this Stud Farm Management System and its requirements with respect to different users.
Also, we shall predict and sort out how we hope this product will be used in order to gain a better
understanding of the project, outline concepts that may be developed later.

In short, the purpose of this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is to provide
a detailed description of all the functional and non-functional requirements, operating
environment, design and implementation constraints, and other necessary factors to provide a
complete and comprehensive description of the Stud Farm Management System. It defines
how our client, team and audience see the product and its functionality. Nonetheless, it helps any
designer and developer to assist in software delivery lifecycle (SDLC) processes.

1.2. Scope

Stud Farm Management System will a web-based application that will provide a digital
solution for Stud Farm Management. User will be able to register account in the system and can
login by using their login credentials. User will be allowed to manage his/her profile and update
his/her profile information any time he/she wants. Application will consist of the following main

 Dashboard: Where different statistics and important details will be displayed. Upcoming
activities list can be seen on the Dashboard.

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Stud Farm Management System Version: 1.0
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

 Management Module: This module will allow users to add and manage horses, owners
and trainers.

 Breeding & Reproduction Module: This module will allow users to record and manage
horses breeding.

 Activities Module: This module will allow user to record different activities that will be
performed in the future i.e., Farrier, Cover etc.

 Equine Service Module: This module will help users to records and manage equine
services provided to horses on regular basis.

 Riding Clubs & Equestrian Centers Module: This module will help users to manage their
Riding Clubs and Equestrian Centers. Users can add horses to their Riding Clubs and
Equestrian Centers. This module will also include customers reservation module where
user will be able to book Riding and Equestrian reservations.

 Racings Module: This module will allow user to record and manage racing competitions.

 Training Module: This module will allow user to schedule training of horses and record
these training activities.

 Sales, Purchases & Return Module: This is the module where horses’ purchases, sales
and returns to suppliers will be recorded and managed.

 Movement Module: This module will allow user to records horses movements from one
location to another location.

Complete functionality of each module is specified in detail in this SRS.

1.3. Intended Audience

The intended audience of this SRS is the product owner and the development team that includes
designers, developers, programmers and testers who will be working on the development of Stud
Farm Management System.

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Stud Farm Management System Version: 1.0
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

1.4. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

FR Functional Requirement
SFMS Stud Farm Management System
SRS Software Requirements Specification

1.5. References


1.6. Overview

The remaining sections of this document provide functional requirements for the Stud Farm
Management System, non-functional requirements of the system. Section 2 gives the functional
requirements of the system and section 3 discusses the different non-functional requirements.

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Stud Farm Management System Version: 1.0
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

2. Functional Requirements
This section contains all of the functional requirements that specify all the fundamental actions
of the of the Stud Farm Management System. It gives a detailed description of this application
and all its features.

2.1. Accessing Web App

The purpose of this feature is to allow the customers to access the SFMS Web Application.

ID Requirement

FR 1.1 User should be able to access the SFMS Web Application via a web-browser.

FR 1.2 User shall be able to access the SFMS Web Application directly using the URL.

2.2. Landing Page

This section describes the requirements for the “Landing Page” of the SFMS Website.

ID Requirement

System should have a “Landing Page” of the SFMS Website that will present the following
FR 2.1
information to the users: Who we are, SFMS Overview.

FR 2.2 On opening the web application, user should land on the “Landing Page”.

FR 2.3 Landing Page should have “Sign in” and “Sign up” pages links.

Landing Page should have the “About Page” link where the details about this SFMS
FR 2.4
software will be displayed.

 Landing Page should have the “Contact Page” link where the contact details will be
FR 2.5 displayed.
 Contact Page shall allow the user to leave a message for the SFMS team.

 Landing page should have the “Footer”.

 Footer shall have the social media links.
FR 2.6
 Footer shall have the contact details.
 Footer shall display the latest updates about SFMS.

FR 2.7 Landing Page shall have the SFMS introduction YouTube video’s embedded into it.

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Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

2.3. Sign up, Sign in, Sign out

The purpose of these features is to allow the users to Sign up, Sign in, Sign out to SFMS’s Web

ID Requirement

Sign up

User shall be able to sign up to SFMS. The data attributes required to sign up are explained
FR 3.1
in Table 1.

System shall include Captcha verification system while signing up to SFMS. User will
FR 3.2
have to verify the captcha before submitting sign up request.

Sign up shall require “Email” validation via Email Verification Link. User will validate the
FR 3.3
email by clicking on the verification link received on provided email address.

Sign in

User shall be able to sign in to SFMS. User will login to the application using the
FR 3.6
“Username” and “Password”.

System shall include Captcha verification while signing in to the marketplace. User will
FR 3.7
have to verify the captcha before submitting sign in request.

 Sign in page shall have “Reset Password” option that will allow user to reset his/her
account password.
FR 3.10
 User will provide his/her account email and an email with password reset link will be
sent on the email address. User will use that password rest link to setup new password.

Sign out

FR 3.11 Customer shall be able to sign out from SFMS Web App.

2.4. Profile Management

The purpose of this feature is to allow the users to manage their profiles.

ID Requirement

After signup, user should be able to setup his/her profile. He/She can add his/her Farm
FR 4.1
Logo, Location, etc.

FR 4.2 System shall assign a unique User ID to each user.

User shall be able to view his/her profile. Following details will be displayed: Name,
FR 4.3
Email, Logo, Location, Contact Information etc.

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Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

Customer shall be able to edit his/her profile. He/She can edit and change Logo, Name,
FR 4.5
Contact Information, Location etc.

FR 4.6 Customer shall be able to edit and change his/her account email.

Customer shall be able to change his/her account password any time he/she wants. To
FR 4.7
change password user will have to confirm the previous password and add new password

User shall be able to delete his/her account. System shall ask for deletion confirmation via
FR 4.8
password while requesting to delete account.

2.5. Dashboard

This section describes the requirements for the “Dashboard” of SFMS.

ID Requirement

System shall have the “Dashboard” where different information will be displayed and from
FR 5.1
where user will be able to quickly access the main features of the system.

FR 5.2 “Dashboard” shall be the main page (home page) of the Web App.

FR 5.3 Dashboard shall have a “Calendar” for daily diaries.

FR 5.4 Calendar shall have the Forward and Backward arrows to switch between months.

FR 5.5 User shall be able to add an item (i.e., a note, activity plan, a reminder etc.) on Calendar.

FR 5.6 User shall be able to edit an existing item on the Calendar.

FR 5.7 User shall be able to delete an item from the Calendar.

FR 5.8 User shall be able to view an item on the Calendar.

FR 5.9 User shall be able to view the complete list of the activities plans and notes for a month.

 Dashboard shall display the recent activities list.

FR 5.10  Recent 10 activities shall be displayed.
 “View All” button shall be given to view the complete list of activities.

 Dashboard shall display the list of upcoming tasks.

FR 5.11
 Each task shall be clickable and shall display the details of that task on clicking it.

Dashboard shall display the following statistics:

 Financial Statistics i.e., Resources Expenses, Purchasing, Disbursement,
FR 5.12
Riding Clubs Revenue.
 Activities Statistics i.e., Breeding, Training, Races.

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Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

2.6. Management Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Management Module”.

ID Requirement

Horses Management

 User shall be able to view the list of horses. Attributes/Columns of the Horses List
table are explained in Table 2.
FR 6.1  50 records/rows shall be displayed per page.
 User shall be able to view the next pages by clicking the page number i.e., 2, 3, 4.
 Table shall have forwards and backward arrows to switch between pages.

 User shall be able to filter the Horses List by “Horse Sex Type (i.e., Colt, Filly,
Gelding, Horse, Mare, Stallion)”, “Age Range”, “Category”, “Farm”.
 User shall be able to filter the Horses List by Horse Status i.e., Active, Dead, Not
Active, Retired, Sold.
FR 6.2
 User shall be able to filter the Horses List by the “Age Range”.
 User shall be able to filter the Horses List by the “Owner Name”.
 User shall be able to Filter the Horses List by the “Farm”.
 User shall be able to Filter the Horses List by the “Club”.

FR 6.3 User shall be able to search a horse.

FR 6.4 User shall be able to view the details of a specific horse by clicking on it.

User shall be able to add a new horse. Details required to add a horse are explained in
FR 6.5
Table 3.

FR 6.6 User shall be able to edit a horse’s details.

FR 6.7 User shall be able delete a horse.

Owner Management

 User shall be able to view the list of owners. Attributes/Columns of the Owners List
table are explained in Table 2.
FR 6.8  50 records/rows shall be displayed per page.
 User shall be able to view the next pages by clicking the page number i.e., 2, 3, 4.
 Table shall have forwards and backward arrows to switch between pages.

 User shall be able to filter the Owners List by Account Status i.e., “Active” or
FR 6.9

FR 6.10  User shall be able to search an owner.

User shall be able to view the details of a specific owner by clicking on it. Details that will
FR 6.11
be displayed to the user are explained in Table.

User shall be able to add a new owner. Details required to add a new owner are explained
FR 6.12
in Table 3.

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Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

FR 6.13  User shall be able to edit an owner’s details.

FR 6.14  User shall be able delete an owner.

Trainer Management

 User shall be able to view the list of trainers. Attributes/Columns of the Trainers List
table are explained in Table 2.
FR 6.15  50 records/rows shall be displayed per page.
 User shall be able to view the next pages by clicking the page number i.e., 2, 3, 4.
 Table shall have forwards and backward arrows to switch between pages.

FR 6.16 User shall be able to filter the Trainers List by Account Status i.e., “Active” or “Inactive”.

FR 6.17 User shall be able to search a trainer.

FR 6.18 User shall be able to view the details of a specific trainer by clicking on it.

User shall be able to add a new trainer. Details required to add a new trainer are explained
FR 6.19
in Table 3.

FR 6.20 User shall be able to edit a trainer’s details.

FR 6.21 User shall be able delete a trainer.

2.7. Breeding & Reproduction Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Breeding & Reproduction Module” of SFMS.

ID Requirement

User shall be able to view the “Breeding List”. Attributes/Columns of the Breeding List
FR 7.1
table are explained in Table 2.

FR 7.2 User shall be able to view the details of a specific Breeding Record by clicking on it.

FR 7.3 User shall be able to filter the “Breeding List” by Pregnancy Status i.e., “Yes” or “No”.

FR 7.4 User shall be able to search a Breeding Record.

User shall be able to add a new Breeding Record. Details required to add a new record are
FR 7.5
explained in Table 3.

FR 7.6 User shall be able to edit a Breeding Record.

FR 7.7 User shall be able to delete a Breeding Record.

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Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

2.8. Activities Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Activities Module” of SFMS.

ID Requirement

User shall be able to view the “Activities List”. Attributes/Columns of the Activities List
FR 8.1
table are explained in Table 2.

User shall be able to view the list of daily activities for a specific horse. User will choose a
FR 8.2
horse from the list and then the system will display the Activities List of only that horse.

 User shall be able to filter the “Activities List” by a specific date range.
FR 8.3  User shall be able to filter the “Activities List” by a specific activity type i.e., Farrier,
Cover, Miscellaneous.

FR 8.4 User shall be able to view the details of a specific Activity Record by clicking on it.

FR 8.5 User shall be able to search an Activity Record.

User shall be able to add a new Activity Record. User will choose an “Activity Type” and
FR 8.6 then will add the required information (based on the selected Type). Details required to add
such records are explained in Table 3.

FR 8.7 User shall be able to edit an Activity Record.

FR 8.8 User shall be able to delete an Activity Record.

FR 8.9 User shall be able to view the list of “Activities Types”.

User shall be able to add a new Activity Type. Details required to add a new type are
FR 8.10
explained in Table 3.

FR 8.11 User shall be able to edit an Activity Type.

FR 8.12 User shall be able to delete an Activity Type.

2.9. Equine Service Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Equine Service Module” of SFMS.

ID Requirement

User shall be able to view the “Equine Services List”. Attributes/Columns of the Equine
FR 9.1
Services List table are explained in Table 2.

User shall be able to view the list of equine services for a specific horse. User will choose a
FR 9.2 horse from the list and then the system will display the Equine Services List of only that

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Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

User shall be able to filter the “Equine Services List” by a specific date range.
User shall be able to filter the “Equine Services List” by a specific type i.e., Sports
FR 9.3
Medicine, Surgery, Diagnosis, Hair Trimming, General Health Checkup, Internal
Medicine, Vaccination, Dentistry etc.

FR 9.4 User shall be able to view the details of a specific Equine Service Record by clicking on it.

FR 9.5 User shall be able to search an Equine Service Record.

 User shall be able to add a new Equine Service Record. User will choose the Horse (for
which adding the record) & Equine Service Type (i.e., Sports Medicine, Surgery,
Diagnosis, Hair Trimming, General Health Checkup, Internal Medicine, Vaccination,
Dentistry etc.) and then will add the required information (based on the selected Type).
FR 9.6 Details required to add such records are explained in Table 3.
 If the record is for a completed Equine Service (mean the date entered is a past date or
today) the user shall get an option to “Commit” that record otherwise (if the date
entered is future date), he shall get the option to save the records as “Draft” which he
can later access, open and “Commit” (once the service completed).

System should add the Equine Service (scheduled for future) to the “Calendar” (on
FR 9.7
System should remind (sending a reminder notification in system and on email) about a
scheduled Equine Service 12 hours before the scheduled time.

FR 9.8 User shall be able to edit an Equine Service Record.

FR 9.9 User shall be able to delete an Equine Service Record.

FR 9.10 User shall be able to print the Equine Service Records list for a specific horse.

FR 9.11 User shall be able to view the list of “Equine Service Types”.

User shall be able to add a new Equine Service Type. Details required to add a new type
FR 9.12
are explained in Table 3.

FR 9.13 User shall be able to edit an Equine Service Type.

FR 9.14 User shall be able to delete an Equine Service Type.

2.10. Riding Clubs & Equestrian Centers Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Riding Clubs & Equestrian Centers Module” of

ID Requirement

User shall be able to view the list of horses in their “Riding Club &/or Equestrian Center”.
FR 10.1
Attributes/Columns of the “Horses List” table are explained in Table 2.

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FR 10.2 User shall be able to search a horse in the list of horses in Riding Club/Equestrian Center.

FR 10.3 User shall be able to add Club/Equestrian services in the system and set prices for them.

FR 10.4 User shall be able to edit a Club/Equestrian service.

FR 10.5 User shall be able to remove a Club/Equestrian service from the system.

FR 10.6 User shall be able to add horses to “Riding Club &/or Equestrian Center”.

FR 10.7 User shall be able to remove a horse from “Riding Club &/or Equestrian Center”.

FR 10.8 User shall be able to search horses in the Riding Club/Equestrian Center.

User shall be able to book customers reservations for Riding/Equestrian. Details required
FR 10.9
to add a booking is explained in Table.

FR 10.10 User shall be able to edit a Riding/Equestrian booking.

FR 10.11 User shall be able to cancel a Riding/Equestrian booking.

FR 10.12 User shall be able to print the invoice of a booking.

2.11. Racings Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Racing Module” of SFMS.

ID Requirement

User shall be able to view the “Races List”. Attributes/Columns of the Races List table are
FR 11.1
explained in Table 2.

User shall be able to view the list of races for a specific horse. User will choose a horse
FR 11.2 from the list and then the system will display the races (past and upcoming) list of only that

User shall be able to view the list of races for a Racecourse. User will choose a Racecourse
FR 11.3 from the list and then the system will display the races (past and upcoming) list of only that

User shall be able to filter the “Races List” by “Past” or “Upcoming”.

User shall be able to filter the “Races List” on a specific date.
FR 11.4 User shall be able to filter the “Races List” by a specific date range.
User shall be able to filter the “Races List” by a specific activity type i.e., Farrier, Cover,

FR 11.5 User shall be able to view the details of a specific Race Record by clicking on it.

FR 11.6 User shall be able to search a Race Record.

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 User shall be able to add a new Race Record. Details required to add a Race Record
FR 11.7 are explained in Table 3.
 User shall be able to assign a Jockey to Race.

FR 11.8 User shall be able to edit an existing Race Record.

FR 11.9 User shall be able to delete a Race Record.

User shall be able to record the performance of a horse, it’s trainer and jockey in a race.
FR 11.10 User will select a “Race Record” and then specify the performance details for Horse,
Trainer, and Jockey.

 User shall be to view the all the Performance Records. Attributes/Columns of the
FR 11.11 “Performance Records” table are explained in Table.
 User shall be able to click to open a specific record to view its details.

FR 11.12 User shall be able to edit a performance record.

User shall be able to view the “Jockeys List”. Attributes/Columns of the Jockeys List table
FR 11.13
are explained in Table 2.

User shall be able to view the list of jockeys for a specific country. User will choose a
FR 11.14
country from the list and then the system will display the list of jockeys of that country.

User shall be able to filter the “Jockeys List” by status i.e., “Active” or “Inactive”.
FR 11.15
User shall be able to filter the “Jockeys List” by Gender i.e., “Male” or “Female”.

FR 11.16 User shall be able to view the details of a specific Jockey Record by clicking on it.

FR 11.17 User shall be able to search a Jockey.

User shall be able to add a new Jockey. Details required to add a new Jockey Record are
FR 11.18
explained in Table 3.

FR 11.19 User shall be able to edit an existing Jockey.

FR 11.20 User shall be able to delete a Jockey Record.

2.12. Training Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Training Module” of SFMS.

ID Requirement

User shall be able to view the “Training Schedule”. Attributes/Columns of the Training
FR 12.1
Schedule List table are explained in Table 2.

User shall be able to view the training schedules of a specific horse. User will choose a
FR 12.2
horse from the list and then the system will display the training schedule of only that horse.

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FR 12.3 User shall be able to filter the “Training Schedule” of a specific date.

User shall be able to view the details of a specific Training Schedule Record by clicking on
FR 12.4

 User shall be able to add a new Training Schedule Record. User will choose a Horse
and Trainer and will add the other required information. Details required to add a
FR 12.5
record are explained in Table 3.
 User shall be able to add/edit/delete a training work when adding the training schedule.

FR 12.6 User shall be able to edit a Training Schedule Record.

FR 12.7 User shall be able to delete a Training Schedule Record.

FR 12.8 User shall be able to print the Training Schedule of a specific horse.

FR 12.9 User shall be able to view the list of “Training Works”.

User shall be able to add a new Training Work. Details required to add a new training work
FR 12.10
are explained in Table 3.

FR 12.11 User shall be able to edit a Training Work.

FR 12.12 User shall be able to delete a Training Work.

2.13. Sales, Purchases & Return Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Sales, Purchases, Returns Module” of SFMS.

ID Requirement


User shall be able to view the “Purchases List”. Attributes/Columns of the Purchases List
FR 13.1
table are explained in Table 2.

 User shall be able to filter the “Purchases List” by a specific date.

FR 13.2
 User shall be able to filter the “Purchases List” by a specific date range.

FR 13.3 User shall be able to search a purchase.

FR 13.4 User shall be able to view the details of a specific Purchase Record by clicking on it.

User shall be able to add a new Purchase Record. Details required to add a Purchase
FR 13.5
Record are explained in Table 3.

FR 13.6 User shall be able to edit a Purchase Record.

FR 13.7 User shall be able to delete a Purchase Record.

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User shall be able to view the “Sales List”. Attributes/Columns of the Sales List table are
FR 13.8
explained in Table 2.

 User shall be able to filter the “Sales List” by a specific date.

FR 13.9
 User shall be able to filter the “Sales List” by a specific date range.

FR 13.10 User shall be able to search a sale.

FR 13.11 User shall be able to view the details of a specific Sales Record by clicking on it.

User shall be able to add a new Sale Record. Details required to add a Sale Record are
FR 13.12
explained in Table 3.

FR 13.13 User shall be able to edit a Sale Record.

FR 13.14 User shall be able to delete a Sale Record.


User shall be able to view the “Return to Supplier List”. Attributes/Columns of the Return
FR 13.15
to Supplier List table are explained in Table 2.

 User shall be able to filter the “Return to Supplier List” by a specific date.
FR 13.16
 User shall be able to filter the “Return to Supplier List” by a specific date range.

FR 13.17 User shall be able to search a return.

FR 13.18 User shall be able to view the details of a specific Return Record by clicking on it.

User shall be able to add a new Return Record. Details required to add a Sale Record are
FR 13.19
explained in Table 3.

FR 13.20 User shall be able to edit a Return Record.

FR 13.21 User shall be able to delete a Return Record.

2.14. Movement Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Movement Module” of SFMS.

ID Requirement

User shall be able to view the “Movements List”. Attributes/Columns of the Movements
FR 14.1
(movement of horse from one location to another) List table are explained in Table 2.

FR 14.2  User shall be able to filter the “Movements List” by a specific “Date”.
 User shall be able to filter the “Movements List” by a specific “Date Range”.
 User shall be able to filter the “Movements List” by a specific “Farm”.

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 User shall be able to filter the “Movements List” by a specific “Club”.

FR 14.3 User shall be able to search a Movement Record.

FR 14.4 User shall be able to view the details of a specific Movement Record by clicking on it.

User shall be able to add a new Movement Record. Details required to add a Movement
FR 14.5
Record are explained in Table 3.

FR 14.6 User shall be able to edit a Movement Record.

FR 14.7 User shall be able to delete a Movement Record.

2.15. Supplies and Inventory Management Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Supplies and Inventory Module” of SFMS.

ID Requirement

Supplies Management

User shall be able to view the “Supplies Categories List”. Attributes/Columns of the
FR 15.1
“Supplies Categories List” table are explained in Table 2.

User shall be able to add a new Supply Category e.g., “Medicines”, “Foods” etc. User will
FR 15.2
provide the “Category Name”.

FR 15.3 User shall be able to edit a Supply Category. User can change the “Category Name”.

 User shall be able to delete a Supply Category. Deleting a Supply Category shall also
delete all the Supplies under that “Supply Category” both from the “Supplies List” and
“Inventory List”.
FR 15.4
 System should warn the user about this deletion process. A confirmation pop-up shall
appear that will have to options/buttons “Yes” to confirm deletion and “Cancel” to
cancel the deletion process.

User shall be able to view the “Supplies List”. Attributes/Columns of the “Supplies List”
FR 15.5
table are explained in Table 2.

FR 15.6 User shall be able to filter the “Supplies List” by a specific “Supply Category”.

User shall be able to add a new Supply. User will first choose a “Supply Category” and
FR 15.7
then will add the required details i.e., “Supply Code”, “Supply Name”.

FR 15.8 User shall be able to edit a Supply Details.

User shall be able to delete a Supply. Deleting a Supply from “Supplies List” shall also
FR 15.9
delete it from “Inventory List”.

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Stud Farm Management System Version: 1.0
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

Inventory Management

User shall be able to view the “Inventory List”. Attributes/Columns of the “Inventory List”
FR 15.10
table are explained in Table 2.

User shall be able to filter the “Inventory List” by a specific “Supply Category” i.e.,
FR 15.11
“Medicines”, “Foods”, “Equipment” etc.

FR 15.12 User shall be able to search an Inventory Record by: “Supply Code” or “Supply Name”.

FR 15.13 User shall be able to view the details of a specific Inventory Record by clicking on it.

User shall be able to add a new Inventory Record. User will select the “Supply Category”
and then will choose the “Item” for which he/she want to record the inventory. Details
FR 15.14
required to add an Inventory Record will be: Record Date (current date - auto-selected),
Units (Inventory Level), Per Unit Price, “Mfg. Date”, “Expiry Date”, Supplier Name.

FR 15.15 User shall be able to edit an Inventory Record.

FR 15.16 User shall be able to delete an Inventory Record.

FR 15.17 System shall maintain the activity log for each operation performed on inventory.

Consumption Recording

User shall be able to view the “Consumption Records List”. Attributes/Columns of the
FR 15.18
“Consumption Records List” table are explained in Table 2.

User shall be able to filter the “Consumption Records List” by a specific “Supply
FR 15.19
Category” i.e., “Medicines”, “Foods”, “Equipment” etc.

FR 15.20 User shall be able to search a Consumption Record by: “Invoice Number”.

User shall be able to view the details of a specific Consumption Record by clicking on it.
FR 15.21 Details will include: Record Number, Date, List of Supplies (for each Supply “Supply
Code”, “Supply Name”, “Units Consumed”, “Cost per Unit”, “Total Cost”), Total Cost.

 User shall be able to add a new Consumption Record. User will click to record a
Consumption and then select the Supplies to add to Consumption Record and Units
FR 15.22 Consumed of each Supply.
 System should update the Inventory Level for each Supply added to Consumption
Record (mean minus the Consumed Units from Inventory).

 User shall be able to record a “Supply Return”. User will select the Item and specify
the “Units Returned”.
FR 15.23
 System should update the Inventory Level of the return Supply (mean add the
Returned Units to Inventory).

FR 15.24  Inventory System should report the user about a Supply which is going to expire soon.
System should generate a reminder notification 1 week before the expiry and then 3
days before the expiry.
 Inventory System should report the user about an expired Supply. System should

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Stud Farm Management System Version: 1.0
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

generate a notification on the expiry date.

 User shall be able to view the invoice of a Consumption Record. Invoice will include:
Invoice Number, Record Number, Date, List of Supplies (for each Supply “Supply
FR 15.25 Code”, “Supply Name”, “Units Consumed”, “Cost per Unit”, “Total Cost”), Total
 System shall allow the user to print and invoice.

2.16. Revenue Tracking Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Revenue Tracking Module” of SFMS.

ID Requirement

User shall be able to view the “Revenues”. Attributes/Columns of the Revenues table are
FR 16.1
explained in Table 2.

 User shall be able to filter the “Revenues” by a specific “Date Range

FR 16.2  User shall be able to filter the “Revenues” by a specific by “Sales Revenues”, “Clubs

FR 16.3 User shall be able to search a Revenue Record.

FR 16.4 User shall be able to view the details of a specific Revenue Record by clicking on it.

User shall be able to print Revenue Reports. User will select the Date Range to print the
FR 16.5

2.17. Reports Module

This section describes the requirements for the “Reports Module” of SFMS.

ID Requirement

User shall be able to view the different reports i.e., Horse Reports, Breeding Reports, Sales
FR 17.1 Reports, Purchases Reports, Consumptions & Cost Reports, Revenue Reports. User will
select a “Report Type” and specify the “Date Range” to generate a report.

FR 17.2 User shall be able to print a report.

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Stud Farm Management System Version: 1.0
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

3. Non-Functional Requirements
This section contains all of the quality requirements of the of the Stud Farm Management
3.1.1. Usability Graphical User Interface

 Web App shall provide a uniform look and feel between all web pages.
 System shall provide easy to use and easy to learn user interface.
 Web App shall be able to provide colorful dashboards and graphs. Accessibility

Stud Farm Management System shall provide language support for English and Arabic.

3.1.2. Availability

The system shall be available 99% of the time. The functionality of the application will depend
on external facilities such as internet access that is compulsory.

3.1.3. Performance

The database will be deployed on the cloud to allow real time and fast retrieval and storage of
data. Real-time databases use real time processing to handle workloads causing the data needed
to be accessed quickly and response time to be less. Response time for data loading into List
Tables (Horse List, Owners List etc.) shall not take more than 5 seconds.

3.1.4. Security and Privacy

The payments related data shall be encrypted and must not be accessible to unauthorized person
and the application should take proper care of privacy of the user’s information. The system
should use a good and flexible authentication system for system users.

3.1.5. Maintainability

The software must be written concisely and clearly. The code must be well documented. Full
care should be taken to design the software modularly to ensure that maintenance is easy.

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Stud Farm Management System Version: 1.0
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Date: 04/08//2022

3.1.6. Portability

 The Stud Farm Management System shall be portable with all popular web browsers such
as: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari.

3.1.7. User Documentation

Application also includes the help page. It shall provide specific guidelines to a user for using the
application. The tutorials for helping the users to understand how to use the system will be
uploaded on YouTube and the link will be provided to users along with the product. The tutorial
will include all the steps in detail on how to use the product with the perspective of all users i.e.,
Customer, Artists, Brands, and Admin.

All source code and related documentation will be owned by BeSmart Solutions. The developer
cannot use this documentation and code in any way, (resell) etc. It will remain 100% in the
ownership of BeSmart Solutions.

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