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5/10/23, 8:48 PM Wood-Armer calculation (for plate elements)

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Wood-Armer calculation (for plate elements)

It is reasonably common in bridge design that RC slabs must be designed to resist a combination of moments (Mx, My) and a twisting moment (Mxy) using orthogonal
reinforcement.  In Concrete magazine (February 1968), R H Wood proposed a procedure for "The Reinforcement of Slabs in Accordance with a Pre-determined Field of
Moments".  The following correspondence included additional equations derived for skew slabs (principle moment directions inclined to the reinforcement directions).  Together
the equations are known as the Wood Armer equations.

For a full explanation and derivation of the formulae, the reader is referred to either:

1. "Concrete slabs: analysis and design" L.A Clark and R.J Cope (Elsevier Applied Science)
2. "Concrete Bridge Design to BS5400" L.A Clark (Construction Press) Chapter 5 (section entitled "Reinforced Concrete Plates") and Appendix A
By reference to "Concrete Bridge Design to BS5400" Chapter 5 (section entitled "Reinforced Concrete Plates") and Appendix A, the Wood-Armer calculation may be carried
out by following the procedure below.  All calculations proceed after the determination of the moment field Mx, My, Mxy.  The equations have been amended to suit the sign
convention for stress results from LUSAS, and are described in a form that can be translated directly to a spreadsheet format:

Top (hogging) reinforcement

Determine the generalized Wood-Armer moments:


Suppose MxT1<0; section is in X-direction sagging


Suppose MøT1<0; section is in Y-direction sagging


Select the appropriate values from the above for output.  Note that if MxT1<0 and MøT1<0, then no top reinforcement is required

Bottom (sagging) reinforcement

Determine the generalized Wood-Armer moments:

Suppose MxB1>0; section is in X-direction hogging
MøB2 =(1/(sinø)^2)*(My-ABS((Mxy+My*cotø)^2/(Mx+2*Mxy*cotø+My*(cotø)^2)))
Suppose MøB1>0; section is in Y-direction hogging
Select the appropriate values from the above for output.  Note that if MxB1<0 and MøB1<0, then no bottom reinforcement is required

A simple example may be used to demonstrate the Wood Armer calculation for orthogonally placed (minimised area) reinforcement.  A simply supported rectangular slab in
subjected to a uniform pressure: no in-plane forces (Nx, Ny, Nxy) will be generated and a cursory check of the primary results ahead of the Wood Armer calculations is
possible.  The example will generate a generally sagging field of moments, however by reversal of the load, all the Wood Armer calculations for orthogonally placed (minimised
area) reinforcement carried out by LUSAS may be checked if necessary.

Rectangular surface, plan dimensions length 16 units, width 10 units

Mesh attributes: Any quadrilateral plate or shell element (QSI4 elements used in subsequent calcs) regular mesh of element size 1 unit
Geometric attributes: thickness 0.2 units
Material attributes: E=1E6, poisson's ratio=0.3
Supports: pinned on all 4 sides viz.
Left & right = fixed in translation (X,Y,Z) fixed in rotation (X only)
Top & bottom = fixed in translation (X,Y,Z) fixed in rotation (Y only)
Loading attributes: Structural load, global distributed Z direction 1.0unit/unit area

Download Wood Armer example model (LUSAS mdl file)

Cursory Check on primary results

Theoretical LUSAS Results

Deflection at centre node -0.1134 -0.1122

Mx (max) at centre node -8.62 -8.62 1/2
5/10/23, 8:48 PM Wood-Armer calculation (for plate elements)

My (max) at centre node -4.92 -4.93

Moment field from LUSAS Modeller, extracted at 4 nodes for calculations to be checked explicitly:

Node 61 111 124 162

Mx -0.996 -8.504 -3.300 -3.771

My -0.833 -4.913 -1.715 -2.614

Mxy -3.847 -2.26E-14 1.26E-14 -2.378

Calculation of Wood Armer moments by hand, determined from the moment field (Mx, My, Mxy) using the procedure explained above.  Download spreadsheet calculations
(MSExcel format)

Node 61 111 124 162

Mx(T) 2.852 0.000 0.000 0.000

My(T) 3.014 0.000 0.000 0.000

Mx(B) -4.843 -8.504 -3.300 -6.149

My(B) -4.680 -4.913 -1.715 -4.992

Wood Armer Moments from LUSAS Modeller, extracted at the same 4 nodes for comparison to the hand calculations undertaken:

Node 61 111 124 162

Mx(T) 2.852 0.000 0.000 0.000

My(T) 3.014 0.000 0.000 0.000

Mx(B) -4.842 -8.504 -3.300 -6.149

My(B) -4.680 -4.913 -1.715 -4.992

By inspection the results tabulated above agree closely with those derived by hand calculation and demonstrate that the Wood Armer calculations for this example are

Other Wood Armer related topics

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