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Sto. Cristo, San Antonio, Nueva Ecija

Fourth Mid Quarter in English 9

Name:__________________________________ Score:__________
Grade & Section: __________ Date:_____________

DIRECTIONS: Read each sentence carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Who is the author of the story?
a. Gerald Andersen b. Edgar Allan Poe c. Rick Warren d. Anton Chekov
2. Who wants to take revenge?
a. Montresor b. Fortunato c. Luchresi d. Jester
3. Who is the person that Montresor hated?
a. Montresor b. Fortunato c. Luchresi d. Jester
4. Where is the setting of the story?
a. Beach b. Drug store c. Carnival d. Forest
5. What is Fortunato's favorite drink?
a. Coffee b. Milk tea c. Juice d. Wine
6. Where does Montresor live?
a. Apartment b. Warehouse c. Palace d. Condominium
7. What is the thing that Montresor wanted to show to Fortunato?
a. Cask of Amontillado b. Catacombs c. Bones d. Small room
8. What did Montresor use to tie the wrists of Fortunato.
a. Packaging tape b. Handcuff c. Rope d. Chains

9. What did Montresor use to build walls to cover Fortunato?

a. Cement b. Rocks c. Bricks d. Tiles
10. What did Fortunato said to Montresor as he is begging to Montresor?
a. "For the love of God!" b. "Don't do this" c. "For the love of Jesus!" d. "I don't want to
DIRECTIONS: Read the following statements carefully. Choose TRUE if the statement is
correct and FALSE if it is not. Write your answer before the number.
__________1. Fortunato took revenge on Montresor by killing him.
__________2. Montresor and Fortunato saw each other at the carnival where they had a casual
__________3. Montresor would use Fortunato's fondness of wine to do his revenge.
__________4. They went to Fortunato's house to see the Amontillado.
__________5. Fortunato dressed like a superhero at the carnival.
__________6. Montresor told Fortunato that the Amontillado was located at the underground
cemetery in his house.
__________7. Montresor eventually killed Fortunato.
__________8. Montresor stabbed Fortunato to death.
__________9. Fortunato successfully escaped from Montresor.
__________10. Fortunato was drunk when they went to the catacombs.

III. Identification
Directions: Determine whether the sentences are in Active or Passive forms. Write only Active
Voice if the sentence is in active form and write Passive Voice if it is in Passive. Write your
answer on the space provided.
__________________1. I reviewed the lessons.
__________________2. The program was organized by my aunt.
__________________3. My grandparents visited me.
__________________4. Those delicious cookies are baked by Annie.
__________________5. He will destroy our plans.
__________________6. He will be given a bonus by our boss.
__________________7. They will cook the pasta.
__________________8. The veterinarian will groom her cat.
__________________9. Jack will sue the robbers.
__________________10. She will be hired by the company.


DIRECTIONS: Revise each of the following sentences by changing the verb from the ACTIVE
voice to the PASSIVE voice. Write your answer on the space provided.
1. I will eat the pasta.
2. The haciendero will sell the farm
3. The boys rode the jeepney.
4. The athlete ran the field.
5. The clerk discounted my mom.
6. The company employs 5 people.
7. They give her a nice present.
8. Lia performs the song all by herself.
9. The ladies in red collect the paper.
10. My sister brings her polaroid camera.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher



Academic Coordinator

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