Chapter-9-Soil VII

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Class - 7 Sub – Science

Chapter 9 Soil
Q.1 M.C.Q.

1. Which one of the following is a step in the formation of soil?

(a) Earthquakes or volcanic eruptions

(b) Weathering of rocks

(c) Addition of humus

(d) All are involved in the formation of soil

Answer: (d) All are involved in the formation of soil

2. In which horizon of soil minerals are found?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) None of these

Answer: (b) B

3. Which physical property of soil is important to us?

(a) Texture

(b) Water holding capacity

(c) Both of these

(d) None of these

Answer: (c) Both of these

4.Which of the following type of soil will form a colloidal solution when suspended in water?

(a) Clay

(b) Silt

(c) Sand

(d) Gravel
Answer: (a) Clay

5. Which factor influences soil formation?

(a) Climate

(b) Vegetation

(c) Parent rock

(d) All of these

Answer: (d) All of these

6. The proportion of sand, silt and clay in a soil sample determines

(a) Structure

(b) Texture

(c) Nutrient potential

(d) Fertility level

Answer: (b) texture

7. The microorganisms present in the soil require moisture (water) and nutrients for growth and survival. Choose from
the options below the habitat (place) where the soil has plenty of water and nutrients.

(a) Desert

(b) Forest

(c) Open field

(d) Cricket ground

Answer: (b) Forest

8. Availability of water and minerals in the soil for maximum absorption by roots is in the:

(a) B-horizon

(b) C-horizon

(c) A-horizon

(d) Surface of soil

Answer: (c) A-horizon

9. Soil conservation measures are mainly aimed at protecting which of the following?

(a) Plants

(b) Sub soil

(c) Sub soil

(d) Soil organisms

Answer: (b) Sub soil

10 .Read the following statements with reference to soil:

(i) Weathering is a very fast process of soil formation.

(ii) Percolation of water is faster in sandy soils.

(iii) Loamy soil contains only sand and clay.

(iv) Top soil contains the maximum amount of humus.

Choose the correct statements from the above.

(a) (ii) and (iv)

(b) (i) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iii)

(d) (i) and (ii)

Answer: (a) (ii) and (iv)

Q.2 Fill in the blanks.

i. In addition to the rock particles, the soil contains minerals, organic matter, air and water.

ii. The water holding capacity is the highest in clayey soil.

iii. In desert soil erosion occurs through wind.

iv. Sandy soil can hold very little water.

v. Soil is of different types: clayey, loamy and sandy.

vi. The uppermost horizon is generally dark in colour as it is rich in humus

Q.3 Answer in very short.

Q1. What is bedrock?

Ans. Just below the C-horizon is the bedrock, which is hard and difficult to dig with a spade.

Q2. Which type of soil is best for growing wheat and gram?

Ans. Clayey and loamy soils are both suitable for growing cereals like wheat and gram.

Q3. Which type of soil is well aerated?

Ans. Sandy soil is well aerated.

Q4. Which soil has the highest percolation rate?

Ans. Sandy soil has the highest percolation rate.

Q5. Which soil has the least percolation rate?

Ans. Clayey soil has the least percolation rate.

Q6. What is humus?

Ans. The rotting dead matter in the soil is called humus.

Q7. What is soil?

Ans. The mixture of rock particles and humus is called the soil.

Q8. Name some soil pollutants.

Ans. Polythene bags, plastics, waste products, chemicals and pesticides.

Q9. Which soil horizon contains humus?

Ans. Topsoil or the A-horizon

Q10. Which soil horizon has a lesser amount of humus but more of minerals?

Ans. B-horizon or the middle layer

Q11. Which type of soil is the best for making pots, toys and statues?

Ans. Clayey soil is used to make pots, toys and statues.

Q12. What kind of soil should be used for making matkas and surahis?

Ans. Clayey soil should be used for making matkas and surahis.

Q13. Why the uppermost horizon is generally dark in colour?

Ans. The uppermost horizon is generally dark in colour as it is rich in humus and minerals.

Q14. What is the role of humus in the soil?

Ans. The humus makes the soil fertile and provides nutrients to growing plants.

Q15. What is soil profile?

Ans. A vertical section through different layers of the soil is called the soil profile.

Q16. What is loamy soil?

Ans. Loamy soil is a mixture of sand, clay and another type of soil particle known as silt.

Q17. What is bedrock?

Ans. Just below the C-horizon is the bedrock, which is hard and difficult to dig with a spade.
Q18. Which type of soil is best for growing wheat and gram?

Ans. Clayey and loamy soils are both suitable for growing cereals like wheat and gram.

Q19. Which areas experience more severe soil erosion?

Ans. Erosion of soil is more severe in areas of little or no surface vegetation, such as desert or bare lands.

Q20. Which type of soil is best for growing lentils?

Ans. For lentils (masoor) and other pulses, loamy soils, which drain water easily, are required.

Q.4 Answer in short.

Q1. Which type of soil is best for growing cotton?

Ans. For cotton, sandy loam or loam, which drain water easily and can hold plenty of air, are more suitable.

Q2. Wheat are grown in the fine clayey soils. Give reason.

Ans. Crops such as wheat are grown in the fine clayey soils, because they are rich in humus and are very fertile.

Q3. Classify the soil on the basis of the proportion of particles of various sizes.

Ans. On the basis of the proportion of particles of various sizes, the soil can be classified as sandy, clayey and loamy.

Q4. What is called soil moisture?

Ans. Soil holds water in it, which is called soil moisture. The capacity of a soil to hold water is important for various

Q5. State the factors on which nature of the soil depends?

Ans. The nature of any soil depends upon the rocks from which it has been formed and the type of vegetation that
grows in it.

Q6. What is silt?

Ans. Silt occurs as a deposit in river beds. The size of the silt particles is between those of sand and clay.

Q7. Explain how soil is formed.

Ans. The soil is formed by the breaking down of rocks by the action of wind, water and climate. It is a very slow process.

Q8. Why do air above the soil shimmer on a hot summer day?

Ans. On a hot summer day, the vapour coming out of the soil reflects the sunlight and thus, the air above the soil seems
to shimmer.

Q9. Which type of soil is best for growing paddy?

Ans. For paddy, soils rich in clay and organic matter and having a good capacity to retain water are ideal.

Q10. What is weathering?

Ans. Soil is formed by the breaking down of rocks by the action of wind, water and climate. This process is called

Q11. Which type of soil retains the highest amount of water and which retains the least?

Ans. Clayey soil retains the highest amount of water and sandy soil retains the least.

Q12. Which natural resource supports the growth of plants by holding the roots firmly and supplying water and

Ans. Soil supports the growth of plants by holding the roots firmly and supplying water and nutrients.

Q13. How is clayey soil useful for crops?

Ans. Clayey soil is useful for crops because:

i. It is good at retaining water.

ii. It is rich in organic matter.

Q14. What affect the soil profile and bring changes in the soil structure?

Ans. Soil is affected by wind, rainfall, temperature, light and humidity. These are some important climatic factors which
affect the soil profile and bring changes in the soil structure.

Q15. Why is top soil known as the habitat of many living organisms?

Ans. Top soil is known as the habitat of many living organisms because this provides shelter for many living organisms
such as worms, rodents, moles and beetles.

Q16. Why is the topsoil important for plant growth?

Ans. Top soil is important for plant growth because it is rich in humus and minerals which makes the soil fertile and
provides nutrients to growing plants.

Q17. Why there is a demand to ban the polythene bags and plastics?

Ans. Polythene bags and plastics pollute the soil. They also kill the organisms living in the soil. That is why there is a
demand to ban the polythene bags and plastics.

Q.5 Answer in detail.

Q1. What are the properties of loamy soil?

Ans. Properties of loamy soil

i. The best topsoil for growing plants is loam. Loamy soil is a mixture of sand, clay and another type of soil
particle known as silt.

ii. The loamy soil also has humus in it.

iii. It has the right water holding capacity for the growth of plants.

Q2. What are the properties of clayey soil?

Ans. Properties of clayey soil

i Clay particles, being much smaller, pack tightly together, leaving little space for air.

ii. Water can be held in the tiny gaps between the particles of clay. So clay soils have little air.

iii. They are heavy as they hold more water than the sandy soils.

Q3. Why is soil regarded as one of the most important natural resources? Or

Why is soil an inseparable part of our life?

Ans. Soil is one of the most important natural resources. It supports the growth of plants by holding the roots firmly and
supplying water and nutrients. It is the home for many organisms. Soil is essential for agriculture. Agriculture provides
food, clothing and shelter for all. Soil is thus an inseparable part of our life.

Q4. What are the properties of sandy soil?

Ans. Properties of sandy soil are:

i. Sand particles are quite large.

ii. Sand particle cannot fit closely together, so there are large spaces between them. These spaces are filled with
air. So, the sand is well aerated.

iii. Water can drain quickly through the spaces between the sand particles. So, sandy soils tend to be light and

Q5. Explain how soil pollution and soil erosion could be prevented.

Ans. Steps to prevent soil pollution

i. The polythene bags and plastics should be banned.

ii. Waste products and chemicals should be treated before they are released into the soil.

iii. The use of pesticides should be minimized.

iv. Use of organic manure, fertilizers, and milder pesticides for agricultural activities should be encouraged.

Steps to prevent soil erosion

i. Planting more and more trees.

ii. Terrace farming.

iii. Retaining walls can be built around the area of erosion to prevent water run-off.

iv. Making people aware of pros and cons of deforestation.

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