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1) Components requirements

2) DNS Installation

3) NTP server Installation

1) Components requirements

Component CPU RAM ( GB DISK 1 ( DISK 2 ( DISK 3 (

) GB ) GB ) GB )
DPC 4 8 500 60 -

DPS 8 32 40 100 40

NetWorker 4 32 - - -
NMC 8 16 - - -

DPA 4 16 20 - -
DPA 4 16 18 - -
DD 2 6 500 - -

2) DNS Installation

DNS Standalone (without AD) Installation

1) Assign static IP address to dns server

2) Add the dns feature to the windows server

3) Select the right server and select DNS
4) Open the dns tool
5) Create a new zone (forward lookup)

6) Select primary zone

7) choose zone name
8) Click finish

9) Add DNS records

3) NTP server Installation

Configure NTP Server

1) Open up Registry Editor
2) Go to the NtpServer Path

Path =
3) Enable NtpServer

4) Make the AnnounceFlags 5

Use PowerShell

Set-ItemProperty -Path
"HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\W32Time\Config" -Name
"AnnounceFlags" -Value 5
5) Restart NtpServer

6) Open UDP port 123 in Firewall

6-1) Add new rule to inbound rules

6-2) Select port

6-3) Select TCP and add port number
6-4) Select Allow Connection
6-5 ) Depending on what you desire, you can either choose “Domain, Private or
Public“. Hit Next after that.
6-6) Choose a name for the rule then click finish

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