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Kanya Geraldine


MKTG446 Global Marketing Management

Case 3-2

3-9 Which critical-thinking issues are raised by this case?

- Agriculture, specifically the EU’s decision to ban importing US modified crops

- Europe wants to identify new source of economic expansion. Europe believes that trade
restrictions against Russia by the Western trade sanction have hurt them. However, US has little
- Regulation and cross-border investments
- The product’s label

3-10 Are you in favor of dropping U.S. tariffs on footwear, even if it means some New Balance
employees might lose their jobs?

Speaking from the perspective of non-US residents, of course I would love to get a discount from
New Balance, or buying the product in a much cheaper price. However, looking at the results it
may rise, now I am rethinking my answer. Even though footwear market is not the most
influential to the US economy, it might contribute some attributes. The production labor force in
the United States may decrease with the elimination of tariffs, while the work force in other
nations may increase. As a result, many American workers have been laid off. The US economy
will suffer as a result of this.

3-11 Do you agree with President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from TTIP and

I find it difficult to fully support President Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from
the TTIP and TTP because first, this agreement will result in the elimination of thousands of US
employment and slow US economic growth. Second, TPP won't significantly affect how the US
conducts business now. Most goods into the US from TTP nations are duty-free. With some U.S.
concessions, the TPP will compel member governments to restructure their markets. Third, TPP
is a crucial step in the fight against China's exploitation of economic instruments for geopolitical
3-12 Assess the prospects for regional integration in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Asia-Pacific region's economic integration has primarily been market-driven. East Asian
regional economic grouping struggles in the late 1980s disappointed in their ability to develop
for a number of reasons. The regional nations' awareness that they need to have some self-help
skills to get through this crisis and prevent future crises has grown as a result of the financial
disaster of 1997–1998. These factors contributed to the development of some actual integration
initiatives, such as the Chiang Mai initiative. Though progress is still slow. How much the
systemic integration will assist these initiatives has become a concern.

When East Asian nations started participating in regional dialogue procedures to create and
manage economic collaborations both within their own economies and with those of the rest of
the world, the door to East Asia's growth opened up. They have made huge economic progress,
expanding their economic ties to the rest of the world quickly. They came to the realization that
they now had a greater interest in the world economy and participate in it similarly.

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