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Short Answer Questions

1. State and explain Coulomb’s law.

2. Explain the concept of electric flux.
3. State and explain Gauss law of electrostatics in free space.
4. State and explain Gauss law of electrostatics in a dielectric.
5. What does divergence of electric field imply?
6. Explain the physical significance of curl of electric field.
7. Define electric potential.
8. Write the relation between electric potential and force and explain.
9. State and explain Poisson’s equation.
10. State and explain Laplace’s equation.
11. State and explain Biot-Savart’s Law.
12. What is the physical meaning of .B = 0?
13. What does curl of magnetic field represent?
14. State and explain Faraday’s laws in integral form.
15. State and explain Faraday’s laws in differential form.
16. State and explain Ampere’s laws in integral form.
17. State and explain Ampere’s laws in differential form.
18. Define displacement current.
19. Describe equation of continuity.
20. State Maxwell’s equations.

Essay Questions

1. Describe Gauss law of electrostatics in free space.

2. Derive Coulomb’s law from Gauss law.
3. Obtain Gauss law of electrostatics in a dielectric medium.
4. Using Gauss law derive expression for electric field intensity due to line of charge.
5. Apply Gauss law to find electric field due to a sheet of charge.
6. Using Gauss law derive expression for electric field intensity due to a uniformly charged
sphere at a point (i) outside the sphere (ii) inside the sphere
7. Write down the expressions for divergence and curl of electric field and explain their
physical significance.
8. Obtain Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations and explain their meaning.
9. Write down the expressions for divergence and curl of magnetic field and explain their
physical significance.
10. State and explain Faraday’s laws in integral and differential forms.
11. State and explain Ampere’s laws in integral and differential forms.
12. Explain the concept of displacement current and show that it is equal to real current in
13. Derive equation of continuity.
14. State and explain Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism.

1. Calculate the electrostatic force of attraction between a proton and

an electron separated by a distance of 0.5 angstroms.

2. Calculate the electric flux through the surface shown in the figure.
(Given:  is 600)

3. Two equal and similar charges 3 cm apart, in air repel each other with a force
equivalent to 1.5N. Calculate the magnitude of each charge.

4. Calculate the electrostatic force experienced by a negative point charge of magnitude

2x10-8C placed at a distance of 2 cm from a long line of charge of linear charge
density 4x10-4C/m.

5. A large planar sheet of charge has a charge per unit area of 7.5 µC.m-2. Find the
electric field intensity just above the surface of the sheet measured from its midpoint.

6. Let's say you have a non-conducting (NC) and a conducting (C) sheet of equal
dimensions. You add a charge 'Q' to each of them. Determine the ratio of the electric
field intensity produced by them [E(NC) : E(C)].

7. A hollow metallic sphere of radius 0.1 m has 1 nC of charge uniformly spread over it.
Calculate the electric field intensity at a point 0.5 m away from the center of the

8. Calculate the electrostatic force experienced by a positive point charge of magnitude

0.02 C placed at a distance of 1 cm from the surface of 2 C positively charged non-
conducting sphere of radius 2 cm.

9. Calculate the intensity of the electric field at a point 2 mm from the center of a 2 C
charged conducting sphere of radius 3 mm.

10. Determine the electric field at a point P(2, -1, 4) where the potential is given by
V = 3x2y – yz.

11. If a vector function E = then compute the

divergence of E.

12. Calculate the electrostatic potential at a distance of 1 Å from a proton.

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