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Name : Msy Rahma Lutfiah

Class : XI IPS 2

Title : Bens First Halloween

Writer : Arleen
Editor : Msy Rahma Lutfiah
Publisher : Kanisius
Print : 5. Yogyakarta 2012
Book Thick : 40 Page
ISBN : 978-979-21-1843-8


The Halloween was coming, “i think I love Halloween,” sain Ben. Ben and john went
to the costume store to buy some costumes, john finally got himself a pirate costume,
complete with a stuffed parrot to be put on his shoulder. They went to a few more stores but
most of the costumes were too small for him. At home john and ben made paper bags “ I need
a large bag so I get more goodies,” said ben.
One Halloween day morning, johns mom baked many cookies and ben volunteered
himself as taste tester. “ what costume are you wearing toningt, Ben?” asked john mom.
“yikes!” said Ben. He had forgotten about the costume. He didn’t have anything to wear.
John heard his moms question. “He doesn’t need costume, Mom,” Jon said “He just come as
he is.” Ben spent the rest of the day making a name tag. It said, “Real Bear ( no mask, no
Ben was so excited. He got his big paper bag and followed john outside the house.
They met some other kids along the way, one of the fathers was standing outside the house.
“He is a real bear, Sir,” said john proudly. “Good gracious!” he said. “I heard about a bear
living in the neighbourhood and I thougt it was just a rumor!”.As they went from house to
house, their candy bags were getting fuller and heaiver. “ Why don’t we go trick or treating to
miss nellys house?” Ben asked the children. The children looked at each other. “ I think we
should because we have ben to protect us,” said john. The other children were undecide for a
while but at the end they all agreed.
They tip toed along the bushes. Neither wanted to be in front nor at the very back, so
they huddled together and it was quite hard to move that way. But finally, after what it
seemsed like a long walk, they were in front of miss nelly door. The door itself, of course,
was also very creepy. There was no bell so ben gave a knock, the door was not looked it
opened with a long creaky sound. The children jumped onton ben.
They slowly went inside. ‘who that?” a voice called from further inside the house,
Then they saw miss nelly. She certainly didn’t have the extra eye on the forehead. “My
goodness! Trick or treaters!” she said, then she opened her cupboard and took out a big bag
of candybars. The children stood in line quietly as miss nelly distributed the candybars. “ My
goodness! Aren’t you bit too big to go trick or treating?” she asked Ben. “He… he is bear,
Miss nelly,” explained john. “ A bear?” asked miss nelly. Then miss nelly laughed. The
children and ben laughed, too.
And they ended up staying quite a long time at miss miss nelly house, they listened to
some stories. Miss nelly was a good storyteller. Ben enjoyed his frist Halloween. And on the
way home, all of the children agreed that it was the best Halloween ever.

Advantages of this book : This Book is perfect for children who like pictures and colors
Lack of this book : There are several typos in this book, for example, like “ Capai”
Should be “ Lelah”.

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