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Wired Chemist

New Chemistry Mineralogy Environmental Nmr

Metallic, Covalent and Ionic Radii(r)*
Atom/Ion r(pm) Atom/Ion r(pm) Atom/Ion r(pm) Atom/Ion r(pm)

Ag 144 Ce3+ 102 Hg 155 Se (117)

Ag+ 115 Cl (99) Hg2+ 102 Se2- 198

Constant & conversion factors Al 143(140) Cl- 184 I (133) Si (118)

Atomic parameters (IE, EA, D,

Al3+ 53 Co 125 I- 220 Sn 158(140)

Thermodynamic data Ar (95) Co2+ 70 In 167 Sn2+ 118

Atomic and ionic radii

As (122) Co3+ 60 In3+ 80 Sr 215
Lattice thermodynamics

Acid-base As3+ 58 Cr 129 Ir 136 Sr2+ 118

Redox & Coordination Kf Ir3+ 82

Au 144 Cr3+ 62 Te (135)
Au+ 137 Cs 272 K 235 Te2- 221
Solvent data (including Kf,Kb)

Solubility data B (90) Cs+ 167 K+ 138 Th 180

Substituent constants
Ba 224 Cu 128 Kr (110) Ti 147
vapor pressure H2O
Ba2+ 135 Cu+ 77 La 188 Ti3+ 67
Molecular parameters

Character Tables Be 112(125) Cu2+ 73 La3+ 103 Tl 171

Be2+ 45 F (71) Li 157 Tl+ 150

Bi 182 F- 133 Li+ 76 Tl3+ 88

Bi3+ 103 Fe 126 Lu 172 U 156

Br 114 Fe2+ 70 Lu3+ 86 V 135

Br- 196 Fe3+ 60 Mg 160 V2+ 79

C (77) Mg2+ 72 W 141

Ga 153

Ca 197 Ga3+ 62 Mn 137 Xe (130)

Ca2+ 100 Mn2+ 70 Y 182

Ge 139(122)

Cd 152 H (37) N (75) Y3+ 90

Cd2+ 95 He (32) Na 191 Zn 137

Ce 182 Hf 159 Na+ 102 Zn2+ 74

Ne (69) Zr 160

Atom/Ion r(pm)

Ni 125

Ni2+ 70

O (73)

O2- 140

Os 135

P (110)

Pb 175

Pb2+ 119

Pd 137

Pd2+ 86

Po 153

Pt 139

Pt2+ 80

Pt4+ 77

Rb 250

Rb+ 152

Rh 134

Rn (145)

Ru 134

S (102)

S2- 184

Sb 161(143)

Sb3+ 76

Sc 164

Sc3+ 75

*1 Å = 100pm

*Metallic radii for 12-coordination are given for all metals. Covalent radii are in parentheses. Ionic radii are for six-coordination.

Reference: A.F. Wells, "Structural Inorganic Chemistry," 5th ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1984, p. 1288 (metallic radii for 12-
coordination); Huheey, pp. 292 (covalent radii for nonmetals); R.D. Shannon, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A: Found. Crystallogr., 32, 751
(1976) (ionic radii for 6-coordination).
Copyright © 2020 Claude Yoder. All rights reserved.

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