Degrees of Adjective

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short shorter the shortest

clever Cleverer the cleverest

Degrees of Adjective thin thinner thinnest
The three degrees of adjectives are positive, comparative and confused more confused the most confused
superlative. The comparative and superlative degrees are used to late later the latest
compare between two or more subjects or objects. … The superlative proud prouder the proudest
adjective is also used to qualify a person or an object as the best big bigger the biggest
among all its counterparts. black blacker the blackest
fierce fiercer the fiercest
Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree
strong stronger the strongest
Able Abler Ablest
ugly uglier the ugliest
Big Bigger Biggest
clean Cleaner the cleanest
Brave Bolder Boldest
sharp sharper the sharpest
Bright Brighter Brightest
quiet quieter the quietest
Cheap Cheaper Cheapest
tall taller the tallest
Clean Cleaner Cleanest
fast faster the fastest
Cold Colder Coldest
strange stranger the strangest
Cool Cooler Coolest
dirty dirtier the dirtiest
Dark Darker Darkest
slow slower the slowest
Dry Darier Driest
fascinating more fascinating the most fascinating
Dirty Dirtier Dirtiest
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
Deep Deeper Deepest
weak weaker the weakest
Easy Easier Easiest
far farther / further the farthest/ furthest
Early Earlier Earliest
small smaller the smallest
Far Farther Farthest
poor poorer the poorest
Fit Fitter Fittest
famous more famous the most famous
Fine Finer Finest
bright brighter the brightest
Great Greater Greatest
old older the oldest
Happy Happier Happiest
difficult more difficult the most difficult
Hard Harder Hardest
fat fatter the fattest
Heavy Heavier Heaviest
short shorter the shortest
High Higher Highest
clever Cleverer the cleverest
Hot Hotter Hottest
thin thinner thinnest
Kind Kinder Kindest
confused more confused the most confused
Large larger Largest
late later the latest
Late Later Latest
proud prouder the proudest
Light Lighter Lightest
New Newer Newest
Low Lower Lowest
Long Longer Longest

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