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1. What is schema, conservation, assimilation and accommodation?

2. Describe some of the perspective of Piaget's on children's cognitive


3. Describe the 4 main factors that work together to influence the development of
children's thinking.

4. What is social interaction?

5. Who was the father of constructivism and what is that?

6. What is the socio-cognitive conflict?

7. What are the 2 processes of adaptation?

8. What is the concept of piaget's stages of cognitive development.

9. What is developmental milestones.

10. Try to describe these 3 stages interms of dev'tal milestones and characteristics.

a. Sensorimotor stage

b. Preoperational stage

c. Concrete operational and

d. Formal operational stage

11. Write at least 4 of criticisms on Piaget's theory and 3 strengths.

12. What was the Vygotsky's argument contrary to that of the Piaget?

13. What are the two mental abilities that described by Vygotsky?

14. What are cognitive apprenticeship and guided participation?

15. What internalization?

16. What is the concept of social interaction that Vygotsky described as the most
influencer factor for the children's cognitive development.

17. Describe the role of languages has on child’s cognitive development?

18. What is the difference between private speech and self talk?

19. Describe the Zone of proximal development and Scaffolding.

20. List at least 4 limitations and strength of Vygotsky's theory?

21. What are the

Trunk and arms grow faster than the hands and fingers, infants can hold their heads
before they can control their legs and feet and they can control their hands as a
whole before they can control individual fingers.

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